[ Untitled ]
Setting :: [ The year is 2030. It is now possible to live on Mars. Being that this is a very new project, most people still reside on Earth. To leave Earth and live Mars is quite costly, more than the average person can afford. A lottery was held that offered an all expense paid one way trip to Mars to live. Housing would be paid for, along with bills and essentials until work was provided. If you were selected, you could bring up to four people with you. The numbers were listed on the official website and it wasn't long after that the space shuttle had taken off towards it's destination. After five months of cryogenic preservation, the passengers are allowed one month of "hangout" time on the ship. It is currently the start of the second week in. ]
Main Characters :: [ Nala @Miss Kitty: | Leon @Jazz: ]
Side Characters :: [ TBA ]
Forums Role Playing Kitty x Jazz x Dipper

Nala groaned as she was awoken to, yet again, the sound of two of her friends arguing of the blow dryer. She was getting fed up with this. How was she going to handle living with them on Mars? She could only hope that they provided jobs quickly, as much as she hated working. Brown hair a mess, Nala trudged out of bed and headed for the door. The fear of wearing pajamas out in the dining hall had all but died during the first week. She had one destination in mind and she was going to get there if it killed her.
"Hey, Nala." One of her friends, specifically the one who had won the lottery, greeted her.
"Hi." She put on the best smile she could muster. Mostly because being unfriendly to nearly anyone was damn near impossible for her. "I'll be back in a little."
"Want me to go with you?" He questioned, but she wuickly shook her head, smile still in place.
"Nah, I'm good."
Eventually, Nala had made it to goal; the coffee machine. After getting a large cup, she sat down at a table by herself and as far away from the windows as she possible could. She was sure it was beautiful out there but her fear heights and black holes was a force to be reckoned with.
Leon groaned as he woken up and began to look for his glasses, He could never be certain where they'd turn up... He eventually found em in the fridge, He wondered if he got up to grab a midnight snack... But he was glad being a scientest led him to have a few perks over the other people, Such as few small amenities like a small fridge to store snacks.
As soon as he finished dressing and getting ready he headed to the communal lounging area/Mess hall, With all the people they needed to save on some space and this was one of em.
When he finally arrived after walking down all the cramped corridors he made his way to the coffee machine before grabbing his cup and looking for a place to sit and enjoy the coffee, Sadly the place tended to be fairly crowded at times which he didn't like at all, After looking around for a bit before he found a table with only one person at so he decided to sit there across from the random girl where he introduced himself to before saying.
"Hi there, Are you sick as well?"
As soon as he finished dressing and getting ready he headed to the communal lounging area/Mess hall, With all the people they needed to save on some space and this was one of em.
When he finally arrived after walking down all the cramped corridors he made his way to the coffee machine before grabbing his cup and looking for a place to sit and enjoy the coffee, Sadly the place tended to be fairly crowded at times which he didn't like at all, After looking around for a bit before he found a table with only one person at so he decided to sit there across from the random girl where he introduced himself to before saying.
"Hi there, Are you sick as well?"

For the most part, besides her friends, people typically left Nala alone. So one can imagine it was quite a shock when someone actually sat down at the table she was at. Her heart began to race. She was not good with people in the slightest bit. She never knew what to say and always had to over think her responses. As if one could say 'hi' wrong somehow.
"Hi..." There was no hiding the confused look on her face as her greeting came out very soft and timid. "Sick...?" Was he serious? The one person who decided to sit with her was sick? Lucky day. Her hands gripped her cup tighter as she tried to keep her anxiety down.
*He tries to keep a completely straight face as he tries to look dead serious before saying* "Didn't you know? There's a super serious cold going around,It might of died down by now but... It tends to freeze people solid" He said before laughing at his own stupid joke. Before looking at her with a faint smile and introducing himself "Hi I'm Leon, What's your name?"

Nala kept her eyes on him. Though with little knowledge to him or anyone else, she never made direct eye contact. That was a big no-no for her. It was a skill she had mastered and was quite proud of. The second the words had left his mouth, her heart sunk in her chest.
"W-what?" She stuttered, trying not to be too loud. What if no one else knew of this? She didn't want to cause a panic. "How??" Was that sort of thing even possible? "You...shouldn't be laughing, should you?" Certainly this was a serious matter. She scooted her chair back to get up but was too afraid to actually stand at this point. Was he sick? Was he going to just suddenly freeze up? Was she showing symptoms and she didn't even know it? "I don't think this is the time for introductions..." She continued meekly, fearful of the situation but still unable to handle the social awkwardness.
*he starts to giggle harder before starting to realize she thought he was serious* oh my god, I'm sorry it was just a bad pun to try and break the COLD stares, Get it, Just another pun. Please don't get COLD feet. Get it? Just silly puns so no COLD shoulder please?" *He started kicking himself for making the random girl upset so he starts to get up* "I'm sorry, I'll be going now, Please enjoy your coffee" He said with a fake smile.

Her face remained panic filled until she realized his speaking seemed to grow quicker. It slowly kicked in just as he was getting up that he had made a joke. A pun infact. Nala liked puns and she realized this guy was only trying to be friendly. Her head burst with questions of mistrust. Just because someone acted friendly did not mean they truly were. Why was he being nice to her? Was he hitting on her? As swiftly as the questions came, so did the guilt. Even if it was an act for whatever hidden reason, she didn't want to hurt anyone. It was a bad habbit, she knew, but she couldn't help the next words that came out of her mouth.
"No...it's okay. I just didn't get it. I'm sorry." Another bad habbit. "You can sit here..." She paused a moment. There were plenty of other seats. Why would he want to sit here anyway? "If you want.." she finished, pulling her chair back in. It was a relief to know there was no sickness. Or was that what he wanted her to believe? She didn't even know anymore. She was going to need so much more coffee after this. As if to further reassure him that it was okay, she put on a shaky smile. "I'm Nala."
*he looked at nala and instinctively reached out and ruffled her hair before retracting his hand and apologizing* "Sorry, Don't like seeing people stressed out, How's the coffee?" He asked to try and change the subject from how he messed up. He asked "So what you going to mars to do exactly? You gonna be the queen of mars?!" *He lightly joked*

Conflicting emotions hit her the second Leon's hand touched her head. Typically, she liked this sort of thing, but she had no clue who this person was. They had only just met. Only problem was, her anxiety was keeping her from telling him not to do that. Well, it was done and over with now. Not much to do about it at this point.
"It's pretty good." She answered, turning her head down to stare into her cup, which was now almost empty. It wasn't the best but most certainly wasn't the worst either. Nala couldn't help but crack a tiny smile at the joke.
"Um..my friend was one of the people that won that lottery." She explained. "He invited me and two other friends. We just want to be somewhere other than earth I guess." It was the best explanation she could give. "What about you?"
*looks at and nods at nala while sipping his coffee* Running to or from something? And na just A job is a job type of thing is all there really is to it. But it's been nice talking to you, I should be get going now, Hope I get to talk too you more. *gets up from the table and ruffles nala's head again* Hope get to see you here again, Little nala.

Nala thought about it for a moment. Answering the question wouldn't really reveal too much about her. It was safe enough, she supposed. Finishing off the rest of her coffee for a small social boost she replied with: "Running from." Short, sweet, and to the point. Before she even had a chance to ask him what sort of job he had, he seemed to be getting up from the table already. "Uh...See...ya." She replied, unsure of if he even heard her or not in his process to leave. Wait...did he... What was with that nickname? And why did he mess with her hair again? Who did this guy think he was? If she seen him again, next time she would give him a piece of her mind. She was sure of it.
Not really wishing to head back into the room, encase her friends were still in there, Nala decided to get herself another cup of coffee. Awkwardly, or what she felt was awkward, she headed over to a small book section. Finding one that caught her interest, she brought it back over to the table she originally sat at and began to read.
(( Yay! Dipper will be joining! ))
Lucius gritted his teeth as he searched throughout his whole room for a book he had borrowed from the public area where all the humans gathered. He breathed out in irritation as he combed his room for a six time. Since he had paid to come to Mars by himself, he had his own room, with a couple of things that the normal people didn't. For one, he could pay somebody to clean his room and bring him food from the dining hall, since he didn't want to mingle with the mass of humans that were on the ship. For heavens sake, he only came to Mars to get away from humans, why did he have to be stuck on a ship with them too?
He pinched the bridge of his nose and stopped searching. Evidently, his cleaner must have returned the book. He hadn't even finished reading it yet! He narrowed his eyes and set off to the dining hall to find it before some peasant got their grubby hands on it. What would they do to his precious bookmark, drop it in soup and ruin it forevermore? He would be having words with his cleaner the next time he saw them. They weren't even fluffing his pillow on his bed correctly, he grimaced. How incompetent.
He reached the dining hall and faltered. Was it really even worth retrieving the book if he had to interact with other humans? No, he wouldn't need to, surely....He would just need to check the bookshelves and see if he could find what he was looking for. If not, well, somebody's salary would be getting cut.
He continued into the hall and marched straight to the book area, determined not to let anybody deter him from his path, an expression on his face warning others not to even try to greet him. He reached the book area without interruption, though some people looked at him oddly. Hah, they didn't know greatness when they saw it. He scanned the books, searching for the one he had been reading. After looking three times, he growled angrily. It evidently was not here. He looked up and scanned the dining hall, spotting somebody reading. He made up his mind to confront her. By the heavens, if she was the one who took his book, why, he - he'd...
He stalked towards the person who had the audacity to have a cup of coffee near them while they read. Slamming his hands onto the table, though carefully as to make sure the coffee wouldn't fall over onto the book, he demanded of her, "Oi, you. What is that book you're reading?"
He pinched the bridge of his nose and stopped searching. Evidently, his cleaner must have returned the book. He hadn't even finished reading it yet! He narrowed his eyes and set off to the dining hall to find it before some peasant got their grubby hands on it. What would they do to his precious bookmark, drop it in soup and ruin it forevermore? He would be having words with his cleaner the next time he saw them. They weren't even fluffing his pillow on his bed correctly, he grimaced. How incompetent.
He reached the dining hall and faltered. Was it really even worth retrieving the book if he had to interact with other humans? No, he wouldn't need to, surely....He would just need to check the bookshelves and see if he could find what he was looking for. If not, well, somebody's salary would be getting cut.
He continued into the hall and marched straight to the book area, determined not to let anybody deter him from his path, an expression on his face warning others not to even try to greet him. He reached the book area without interruption, though some people looked at him oddly. Hah, they didn't know greatness when they saw it. He scanned the books, searching for the one he had been reading. After looking three times, he growled angrily. It evidently was not here. He looked up and scanned the dining hall, spotting somebody reading. He made up his mind to confront her. By the heavens, if she was the one who took his book, why, he - he'd...
He stalked towards the person who had the audacity to have a cup of coffee near them while they read. Slamming his hands onto the table, though carefully as to make sure the coffee wouldn't fall over onto the book, he demanded of her, "Oi, you. What is that book you're reading?"

At some point, Nala had found herself consumed by the book. Unable to put it down, her eyes glued to the pages, time seemed to no longer exist. Even the people, who had unintentionally given her such axiety, had vanished. It was just her and the book.
What a book it was too. A classic, in fact, that she was pretty sure most people had read. If she recalled correctly, a lot of schools made kids read this book. Her school had never done that. She had never read this book, but was now very much enjoying it.
The sudden loud sound shook Nala out of her trance like state. She squeeked in surprise, heart now racing in shock. She tried to keep her trembling down as she turned her eyes up to the person. It took a few moments to process what he had asked.
"H-how to Kill...a Mocking Bird..." She replied, voice nearly as shaky as her hands. What did this guy want so bad it warrented behavior like this?

*Can't seem to focus or even remember what he was supposed to be doing due to not being able to take his mind off of the new person called "Nala" and decides to grab a random book from the shelf to have as an excuse for returning the the communal area. A few moments pass before he finds his way back there and sees nala talking to another person before plopping down and seeing her troubled and decides to get involved*
"Ho there, Hope I'm not bothering anyone?"
"Ho there, Hope I'm not bothering anyone?"
Lucius sniffed at her words. Not the book he was looking for. Of course, it wasn't his day. Though he did have to credit her for at least picking something sensible. He still had the urge to grab those useless romance books with vampires and werewolves in the garbage disposal chute to be incinerated. He straightened up, waving her off. "Ah, I see, hope you enjoy."
Lucius glanced at the man who approached, and the book in his hands. He had surely taken it from the bookshelf, and Lucius had just searched there, so there was no doubt it wasn't the book he was looking for. "Bother?" Lucius sniffed. "I'm the one who initiated conversation, I can't blame others for bothering me by speaking to me since I'm the one who started." He shrugged and almost turned to leave, then halted. He beckoned at the two people with his hand demandingly. "By the way, what are your names?"
Lucius glanced at the man who approached, and the book in his hands. He had surely taken it from the bookshelf, and Lucius had just searched there, so there was no doubt it wasn't the book he was looking for. "Bother?" Lucius sniffed. "I'm the one who initiated conversation, I can't blame others for bothering me by speaking to me since I'm the one who started." He shrugged and almost turned to leave, then halted. He beckoned at the two people with his hand demandingly. "By the way, what are your names?"
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."
Ping me for a response.
"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."
Ping me for a response.
"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."
*Leon looks at Lucious and glares* I'm leon Mr. Demanding. So what book are you looking for anyway, Don't suppose it's a manners book huh?

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.