Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 01:03:29 )
@tuijp: *clings to the sock* I'M A FREE ELF! I mean teacher.. I'm a free teacher...
@glume: I'm not sure. Sometimes I get really sad in the summer because I have nothing to do. I end up planning things for the next school year... So, I guess I'm technically still working. BUT it's from home. and in my pjs. :D
@Vii: Yesssss!! Halloween! We don't celebrate Halloween at the school, but somehow a "Book Character Parade" lands on/around Halloween. You dress up as a character from any book you want and parade around the school. This past year, my team and I went as "The Day the Crayons Quit" and last year I went as a background person at Hogwarts. I'll find a picture later.
@milkii: I had to look up Cedar Point, but that looks like fun!! Like.. A lot of fun!
@keef: We start mid-August though. You sound like you're going to have an amazing adventure! Are you going to blog/keep people updated with your experiences?