I got the new common rig and spent all of my volts on it. xD I was trying to get the Dual Dolly hair.
Just give me an offer on these items. I really have no idea what to price them for.
RIG Items
Ellie x1
Dual Toned Edgy Pony x1
Dual Toned Knight's bangs x2
Dual Toned Styled hair x0
Snuggle Bunny x1
Squid Ink x1
Daily Chance Drops
Sound Wild Horns x3
Alpaca Plush x11
Seal Pup x4
Monthly collectibles
Nightlight x1
I am probably gonna reuse this in the future, so I just added in the Commons one for right now. I probably won't sell any of those though, but just encase. xD