This shop is solely for me to get funds to get more art. I'm sort of... wrapping up things here, so I'll end up closing this shop as soon as I'm finished with everything. n ___ n ;;;
So! For that reason it is 90% bribe 10% character, as long as I can draw the character itself.
Will not draw:
✘some hats
✘without white border/sticker look
✘Written refs/multiple refs (I need 1-2 solid reference pictures)
✘Avatars on other sites
✘RL refs (if you have pictures already drawn I can work from those)
✘Screenshots from games
Will draw:
✔ couples (Hecka bribes only)
✔ blood splatter
✔ monsters
✔ wings/ears/tails
Keep in mind that any males I draw will look sorta feminine! You've been warned.
If you have any questions, please let me know!!