Oookay. I thought I was gone shorter, but has I have mentioned before my concept of time is sort of warped. So looks like I was absent for two weeks? (Unless the clocks of Voltra are broken again) You can thank a lot of things for that like the pile of 82 pages of paperwork I had to do, drove my anxiety through the roof especially when I got a call saying that a few were missing. (they found it, but not until after I had already had a panic attack) Um... Megacon came around too so that was fun, but also mildly panic inducing because there were more people there unlike last year. I couldn't move my legs and arms for about a week after that. People liked my costume though and took pictures of me so, yeah, I guess that was a good choice in costume. But also I've been to Dragoncon before and was more dressed up there than I was here so I don't know, I think it was just because who I was dressed as was pretty popular. *shrugs* I had a bit of food poisoning that lasted a few days. I also had to do more paper work recently. Yay, me. That was sarcasm if you didn't catch it. But at least this time around I could do it online and didn't have to fax in 82 pages. Oh and people. If I disappear for awhile you can always blame people. I don't like most people and social interaction is not my strong suit. Online interaction gives me a small buffer because I'm not face-to-face, but even still after awhile, especially if I am already stressed, I just kind of poof because I really need a break from people. I'm a friggn' hermit. Anyways, it's pride month and I see Voltra has added some items in this months crate that would be perfect to kick it off with, but I has no money to spend on frivolous online items right now.
And another anyways, I can't get to sleep right now so allow to ramble about some nonsense or more sense for awhile.
Why are plushies so soft and squishy? My cats are weird. My eldest one is actually walking around the apartment right now howling. I have no idea what my youngest cat is doing. I found my old flip phone and noticed I had pictures of some previous cats I have had on it. I think I need to wear my retainer more often. This show reminds me of Twilight, but with aliens and not as awful. I still shaking a little from dealing with sh*t. This is bacon.===>
If I go offline after posting this then it means I finally calmed down enough to go to sleep.