"Hey," Vyctor calls up to the lifeguard in charge of the beach. "Can I borrow your megaphone?" The buff young man blinks in surprise at the strange request, but throws down the item in question. "Thanks man," Vyc nods and turns to walk away, but then looks up again. "Oh, and can I borrow your tower too?"
"Uhh... I don't know, buddy. I think I'd get in trouble if..." His voice trails off as he squints down at the recognizable figure. "Hey, wait a sec. Aren't you Vyctor?"
Vyc gave a shrug, "Yeah, don't worry. I'll clear it up with your boss or whatever-"
The man's eyes lit up and he practically fell down the tower to get eye level with the body modification guru. "Man, I am a BIG fan of your work! It's freakin' awesome, you know? Look, I got a tat just the other day but it's nowhere near as cool as what you coulda done, and..."
This continues for a few minutes with Vyc paying only half attention until the tower temporarily belongs to him, and the megaphone is safely in his possession.
"Eyes forward, boys and girls," he shouts over the beach. "I'd like to announce a volleyball battle! Prizes are... well, good and all. So if you like hitting people with balls, this contest is for you. And I'm not just hosting this because I'm bored and want to hit people with balls. Okay? Good. Glad we understand each other."