"Hi Volties! My name's Frizz and you might know me as one of Voltra's Guardians, but no worries if you don't. I kinda couldn't talk last we met since I was stuck in my sheepig form, but here I am in all my... uh, well, sorta human skin!" She giggles somewhat mischievously.
"That's not important, though! What IS, is this right here," she takes a flyer out from behind her back and presents it to you with a broad smile. "Beaker Beach is offering a discount for a limited time, and wow it's nice! I've always wanted to go with my brothers, but would we be good Guardians without extending an invite to you, our lovable saviors?! The answer is no, no we wouldn't." She shakes her head enthusiastically.
"This flyer or... is it a pamphlet? I dunno. It explains the beach better than I ever could, so I really recommend you read over it. It has all kinds of good info that I couldn't even BEGIN to articulate. We Guardians? Good fighters. Not so much on breaking down rules and such, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on any helpful bits." She gently hands you the paper and you feel a slight shock travel from her fingertips up your arm, but it's unexpectedly painless.