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Forums Role Playing A Shadowed Flame

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 02:42:24 )
"Later!" Jack called to her.

"Such a sweet girl." he said with a smile.


Jaden was in the VIP section, off to the side of where Desiree had been giving her performance, and smiled as he witnessed what she was doing, and had done.

"Heh." he chuckled.

"Always a pleasure to see this." he said.

"Lucky me for getting that call in." he then added, as he and a few others continued to watch.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 02:48:43 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Desiree just laughed as the crowd went wild.

"Hey! Hold up. I gotta do this! Give me a chance, will you?" She asked with a small shake of her head.

"If I'm going to have this little girl levitate, I kinda sorta need to concentrate, you know!" She added, playing the part that she was known to. After the crowd had calmed down, she turned to grab something from behind her, a prop of some sort.

As she did so, she didn't notice, or hear, someone charging their way onto the stage. She didn't notice or hear the cries from those around her.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 03:09:34 )
Whomever was charging towards her had a crazed look in their eyes.

He was more than likely some sort of insane fan, as he had a stupid smile on his face, and looked like he was ready to make some dream come true, or meet his destiny, or whatever.

Because he was acting so randomly, or through sheer fluke, he managed to get past Desiree's security, and was getting dangerously close to where she was.

However, Jaden narrowed his eyes, and knew what he had to do. He made it so it was closer to the path the man was taking, and just when he was running past him, he extended his foot out.

The man tripped on Jaden's leg, and started to fall forward, which allowed Jaden to move into further position, and slam his elbow down at the base of the man's neck, causing him to crash down onto his stomach.

"And STAY down." Jaden said.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 03:13:14 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
As Desiree caught Jaden's movements out of the corner of her eye, she whirled around to witness what was going on. Her face showed her shock, her surprise, at how he'd managed to get anywhere near her like this, before looking to the security, who seemed to be just as bewildered. After a few seconds she sighed and looked to Jaden.

"I want to talk to you after." She stated as a couple of the security came up to get the offending person off the stage.

"All right, now that that's out of the way... shall we continue?" She asked the crowd.

"Let us forget something like that happened for now. This is a night that is uspposed to be filled with fun and laughter. Let's get back to it!" She added with a chuckle.

After the show, she walked off stage to the crowd going wild, as always, and motioned for Jaden to follow her. She led him a bit farther backstage where there was a couple of the other security.

"You're pretty good on your toes." She commented.

"Looking for work?"

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 03:30:23 )
Jaden had enjoyed the rest of the show, but he couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to talk to him about.

When he was led farther backstage, and she asked her question, he raised an eyebrow.

"A job?" he asked, before thinking about it.

"Well... yeah." he said.

"I haven't really had steady employment for a while, but... well, that's just because I've been unmotivated, to be honest." he admitted, deciding not to tell her that his job as an assassin had slowed down to the odd job here and there... mostly because she didn't need to know that he was an assassin, technically.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked her, although he had a decent idea as to where it was going.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 03:40:58 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Desiree was silent for a moment.

"Well, simply put, there's a certain degree of something within you, that really? I think would be a brilliant addition to my security detail." She then said honestly.

"Especially considering how it seems no one has the capability to stop one simple person." She added with a lightly sharp tone to her voice before her gaze flicked over toward where she head of her detail was.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 04:01:06 )
The guards had sheepish and guilty expressions as Desiree said what she did.

And Jaden just chuckled.

"Security detail, eh?" he asked.

He then thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Sure thing!" he told her.

"Sounds like something that's right up my alley." he commented.

"And it'd be an honour and a pleasure to work for you." he added with a warm smile.

"May as well FULLY introduce myself now." he then figured.

"Name's Jaden Sherwood."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 04:08:21 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Desiree just smiled.

"A pleasure." She said.

"Now, we will obviously need to deal with paperwork and the like," she started

"but before we tackle that, would you like to possibly grab a cup of coffee together? Get to know each other."

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 04:16:33 )
Jaden nodded.

"Of course." he replied.

"After all, we need to see if we're a good fit, personality-wise." he said.

"Otherwise, my working for you would be a source of stress for the both of us." he reasoned.

"When are you thinking?" he asked.

"I'm free right now... or for the rest of the night, or whatever." he told her. "Otherwise, just tell me when you can meet up." he finished.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 04:23:45 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Desiree just chuckled lightly.

"Of course. I need about fifteen to finish things off here." She told him.

"How about I meet you around the block. There's a small cafe that is out of the way." She then said.

"They have the best teas." She added with a laugh.

"So, meet there in ... hmmm, thirty?" She knew this would go well.; There was no way for her to knoe why she was thinking that, why she was sure of that, but she was sure.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.
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