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Forums Breaker Beach The Weasley Games ~WINNERS ANNOUNCED!~

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 14:54:42 )

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to the Weasley Games!

In the following 2 weeks, 7 tasks will be posted. Every other day, there will be a new one. It’s up to you to do them! ...or you can make your house elf do them, we don’t really care.
You can do the games all through the event, but, when you submit it after a new one has been posted, you get less points.

Every day, at a random time, a Golden Snitch will be posted. Quote that post to get points!
More about the points in the next post. Stay tuned!

First, of course, the rules:

1.: don’t steal the work of someone else. You're not Gilderoy Lockhart after all.
2.: be nice to everyone in this thread (or you will become dragon food).
3.: Follow the site rules (or, again, you will become dragon food).
4.: Do not beg or Ginny will hit you with her Bat-Bogey Hex. This isn’t a charity.
5.: Clean up after yourself. Mother has enough to worry about.
6.: Random points may be given out to active chatters (so do chat all you can here). When you break the rules, points will be taken.
7.: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus (translation: do not tickle a sleeping dragon).

And the winners are:

1.: Roshan Static Set +5k
2.: Another Movie Adict Frizz Set (the item number 1 didn’t take)
3.: Faust Sheep Autumnal Spruce and Magnificent Inspector
4.: Mdom Magnificent Inspector + 5k
5.: Miss Kitty Autumnal Spruce or Magnificent Inspector (the item number 4 didn’t take)
6.: Hadsvich 5k
7.: Dipper 100 ohms

I will send them all out when Roshan and mdom has picked what they want!

1.: Static Set or Frizz Set +5k
2.: Static Set or Frizz Set (the item number 1 didn’t take)
3.: Autumnal Spruce and Magnificent Inspector
4.: Autumnal Spruce or Magnificent Inspector + 5k
5.: Autumnal Spruce or Magnificent Inspector (the item number 4 didn’t take)
6.: 5k
7.: 100 ohms


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 14:55:40 )

The point break down:

Catch the Golden Snitch:
The first one to quote the Snitch, will get 7 points.
Everyone after will get 5 points.
Quote the Snitch after a new one has been posted, you will get 3 points.

How does the Golden Snitch look like? Well, like this:

For the other games:
The first to post or send it to me (it will say with every task if you have to post or send it to me), will get 7 points.
Everyone after will get 5 points.
Submit when another has already been posted, will result in 3 points.

Show us what you can!

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 14:56:07 )

The current Game:

As you all know, we have a lot of family and we love all of them! ...okay, maybe not all, but most anyway. You all know about our family from the movies and the books, so now we want to know about yours.
Tell us a funny story about that uncle that got drunk at a party, something silly your sibling has done, about that time you replaced the toothpaste with shampoo and everyone got the shock of their lives with April Fools. You know, just tell us a good story!

Can't get more simple, write a post with a story about your family. Any family will do, as long as you consider them family.

The first person to post their story, will get 7 points. Everyone after will get 5 points.
Keep in mind that this is the last task. This will remain the current game until it is over.


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 14:56:28 )

Previous games:

Now it’s summer, it really is time to degnome the garden. They are everywhere, eat the vegtables and scare the chickens. We need your help to get rid of them.
Degnoming the garden is a game of Google. It has instructions in your own language there.

To submit your score, make a screenshot and post it here. You may post up to 3 times, but only your highest score will count.
For this, the first to post their score will get 7 points, but also the highest score at the end of the event will get 7 points.

Highest score so far: Roshan 3054

It's finally summer, but we aren't allowed to enjoy our summer break until we have done all the homework. That means, no fun or games for you until we're done with it.
But you can help! Help us finish this thing for ancient runes and the next game will be super cool! *hint*hint*
We managed to translate 1 word, but it's up to you to finish the rest. Now, excuse us, while we make up a few dreams for Divination.

The homework you have to do

The rules for this are very simple:
Translate the text on the paper and send it to me by pm. You may help each other, but do it by pm. When you're done, upload it it an image hosting site and pm it to me.
(side note: the U and V & I and J are the same runes)

Better get cracking!

Now the homework is over, it's time to enjoy that beautiful and warm summer weather. What better way is it to enjoy it with some ice cream? Right?
Well, some idiot was practising spell and managed to remove all the colour from the ice cream! Do us all a favour and bring that colour back! Now we have no idea which flavour they are! :vanora_shock:

This is very simple:
I have a picture of ice cream and you have to colour it! You can do it anyway you want: you can colour and decorate it on the computer, you can print it and colour it that way, you can remake it with play dough, you name it!

(without background)

(with background)

Charlie has a problem! His dragon has eggs, but someone thought it would be fun to remove the eggs from the nest. They laid the eggs in the maze, at several different places. It's up to you to gather them and bring back to the mother dragon!
Hurry, before she notices!

The Maze

This game is very simple:
Go around in the maze, drawing lines where you would be walking. You have to start at the cauldron, going by all the eggs to collect them and get them to the dragon in the end.
When you are done, pm me the picture

Now, you all know we don’t have much money and mum and dad have to save up for all our books and equipment for school. Most of the time, they are used books, but that’s okay with us.
But now some idiot has misplaced all of our new school books!
They did leave a note with a clue where to find the first one and, we think, you can find a new clue there.
Please help us find them, before mum has a complete fit!

This scavenger hunt is very simple. You have to find the first book by following the clue. When you find it, you will also find the clue for the next book. There are 7 in total.
The clues are the page numbers of where you can find the next book and they’re between 0 and 140. When you have the right page, scroll down to find one of my posts. You will find the book and next clue there.
When you find them all, PM me the page numbers where you found the books.
This is how the book look like:
History of Magic book

Monster Book of Monsters
Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles

The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts

A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration

The Standard Book of Spells

Quidditch Through The Ages

The first clue is:
The age of Dumbledore when he died + The Battle of the ... Potters

Remember that time when Harry had to go into a maze, to find the Trizard cup? Yeah we remember it too. All we could do was watch the bushes right in front of us. We didn't see anything of the action, but we like to! So we made a maze in the garden (sorry mum) and asked Harry if he could do it again, just for us. Shame he refused to do it. Something about it being too painful or something.
So it's up to you to do it!
Disclaimer: We didn't turn the cup into a portkey to go to Voldemort.

To play this game, go to this site. It's a site from Belgium and, once it's loaded, it will say "Het spel is geladen. Klik hier om het te spelen.", what means "The game is loaded. Click here to play it."
On the next page, you will get instructions.
Play the game and make a screenshot of your high score. Once again, you can post 3 screenshots of your scores. Good luck everyone!

The first person to post their high csore, will get 7 points. Everyone after will get 5 points and, after a new game has been posted, 3 points.
Also the highest high score will get 7 points!

High score so far: Faust Sheep 166

You can still submit your tasks, but it won't be for the full amount of points. You can will get 3 points when you post it after a new game has been posted.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 14:56:41 )

Participants & points:

Another Movie Addict: 100
Dipper: 22
dragoness129: 13
Faust Sheep: 93
Fielkun: 5
Hadsvich: 30
Mdom: 81
Miss Kitty: 34
Mousy: 5
Roshan: 114
Saeyra: 5
Theory: 8
Vengeance: 5
Zuzu: 17


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 15:02:34 )

Reserved just in case


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 15:02:50 )

Let the Weasley Games begin!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:20:26 )

I don't see where to play the game. o.onvm



Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:23:08 )

@Another Movie Addict: When you click on the blue text, you will get to see a google page with this picture:

Click on that and it will take you to the game


Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:23:51 )

Oh this looks fun. I'll post and join in ^^


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:24:47 )

@Miss Kitty: Yes join! Play my games!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:24:48 )

@Tuijp: Lol yeah I figured it out eventually.


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:25:56 )

@Another Movie Addict: Good! Now go throw those gnomes!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:27:20 )

TwT Imma lose points tomorrow...granted I'll also be getting 75$ tomorrow.


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:28:11 )

@Another Movie Addict: every game is on for 2 days. You have time.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:30:41 )

@Tuijp: Ah good, lol so I won't lose tomorrow.


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:31:35 )

@Another Movie Addict: only daily thing is the Golden Snitch


Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:31:37 )

>> This game is so fun lol...
@Tuijp: Heya! First Score


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:33:17 )

@Miss Kitty: Go Miss Kitty! I'll do the point list tomorrow.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 20:33:49 )

I am absolutely terrible at this game. DX

Is it okay to edit my first post to add in tries two and three?


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