@tuijp: That's what my closet becomes sometimes! I hate folding laundry.
@vii: I hate the kitchen so much. I'll organize the pantry, but the rest of the kitchen?

I like to clean and organize in the middle of the night, but I have a 2 year old and that makes it difficult now. The closet is a place that I can have the light on and work without disturbing anyone else. Is the Kondo way the one where you touch each thing and if doesn't bring you joy, you get rid of it?
@vengeance: My bedroom was always messy. It's easier now that I can spread all of my junk out through a house. xD
@glume: I used to be like that! My room was messy, but I knew where every bit of it was. That doesn't work anymore with a toddler because if it's in his reach, he's moving it. That means it is most definitely not in the last place I left it. Haha!
@siron: I know! It only lasts a short time. I wish I could be one of those people that always has a clean, organized home, but I just don't think it's in the cards for me.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.