@tuijp: Speaking of kitchen knives... Anyone hear about what's happening in the UK? Not sure how much of it is true 'cause I haven't fact checked any of it, but my friend keeps coming into discord telling me how the UK is banning knives and giving people jail time over knives :O.
Donator — Winchester
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/24 12:35:25 )
List up to date
@Kvothaniel: that has been for a while now. You can have a kitchen knife, no problem, but there is no need to walk around town with them. Those are banned. If you need it for work, you can also just keep it.
It's not like you get to go to jail when they first catch you, but they can do it if they catch you several times and after several warnings
@Faust Sheep: doing all right. You?
Both events were 2 weeks and you get currency for 3 weeks.
@tuijp: Ooh, I see. I try not to keep up with the politics of my country too much, let alone the politics of other countries lol x3. He made it seem a lot worse than it was, I guess.
Donator — Winchester
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/24 12:39:35 )
Still 13.5 days of the event left
@Kvothaniel: a lot of people freak out when they hear knives are banned, but it isn't all that terrible.
/throws shells around
Donator — Winchester
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/24 12:42:56 )
Not that slippery. Have a knife with you and the police catches you? Proof you need it for work or hand it in. Easy as that. Same goes for things as screw drivers, that can be used as a weapon.
Donator — Winchester
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/24 12:45:37 )
I have several sharp knives at home, but I'd never take them with me when I go somewhere. If I need to use one at someone else's place, they can provide me with one or I won't do the job.
I was meaning that it's a slippery slope because that kind of legislation could open up doors to some ridiculous things. For example: So a lot of people were committing violent crimes with knives and your leaderships reaction to that was to ban knives. What if people then used another mundane object to commit violent crimes like, say... rolling pins. Or their vehicles . Do they ban those next?
Donator — Winchester
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/24 12:52:06 )
No they wouldn't. For knives, it was easy choice. When someone has a knife, it's easier to grab it and use it, what happened a lot and also what most are designed for.
You could use a pen, for example, as a murder weapon, but not a lot of people would do that.