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Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 19:20:30 )
@Yuracye: There are sooo many amazing outfits designed by others... like my heart just explodes and I want to have that creativity.
Thank you...she is without a Dr...something... A true scientist !
@Baphomet: It's okay! Sleep is important haha~ it's why I just woke up 10 min ago...kinda ;u;

Donator — Demoness Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 20:38:46 )
@Kjemi: Oh lol!!

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 20:41:04 )
@Baphomet: How was your sleep? Any plans for today ?

Donator — Demoness Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 22:53:52 )
@Kjemi: It was good!! I am planning on drawing and animating today lol

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 23:21:46 )
@Baphomet: Ahh that's a good plan! I'll probably draw a bit later too *o*

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:17:24 )
@kjemi: There really are! T ___ T I wish I was that good at designing outfits. I'm really bad with them. More so with male ones, because I feel like you're limited with what you can do. orz.
Oh my gosh! O: !!

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:22:52 )
@Yuracye: Oh don't get me started on dudes and clothes...there is a reason I only have like... 2...dude characters and 1000 girls. ; u ; wait no I have 3 and that was hard enough... ;u;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:41:21 )
@kjemi: Hahahhaha. SAME HERE. Most of the guys I have are designed by others too. xD You can tell which one I designed because his clothes are so boring. rip me. I just feel like there's only so much you can do with them without them being too girly or too... bling'd out? If that makes sense at all. lmao.
I want to know how many males I have now.

Alright so my toy house says I have 212 current characters. (rip me)
Andddd. 46 are males. two of them being crossdressers. xD

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:52:37 )
@Yuracye: I can relate...I've never adopted a character but I want to ;u; I always too poor...sobs... but it'd be hella nice to have someone with different abilities create someone for me... And yeah... guys in real life don't have much variety either
woah... 212?!? That's alot... I have like 40 not all in toyhouse yet tho ;u; only 4 have been put in there...

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:59:08 )
@kjemi: Ay. Adopting characters is really addicting. I can't help it. I've gotten more picky with certain ones? But, there's some that I love to pieces and I'll never ever let go. ahhh.
I usually get my adopts from Gaia, since many of them can be sold for gaia gold. I've gotten some of them for like 10B, it's amazing!
They really don't. I don't know how they get through not being so stylish. Sad life.

Y-yeah. I've been collecting for a few years. xD A lot I've made up myself too!
omg! You have a TH though!? I'd follow ya. /shifty eyes

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 02:12:19 )
@Yuracye: It seems like fun! And I've been trying to find some on dA but they're always too expensive for my poor butt ;u; I don't have Gaia or well don't use it... so I can't try there .
It must suck to have such little choice...buuut most of the time they also have the comfy clothes...and pockets...oh the pockets..
Oh I do! I got it recently... how do you...find people ?

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 02:48:29 )
@kjemi: It is! I thought it was dumb at first.. but here I am 100 characters later. xD I haven't spent any money on adopts, only pixel items so that's good on my part.
Haaa. A lot of the adopts that I see are like $15. I'm too cheap to drop $15 on an adoptable. orz. Especially since I'm so poor. orz.

I mean, I'm sure for most guys it's pretty easy to wear a lot of the same stuff all the time. Like need to dress fancy: dress pants and button down. Done. yo. 10/10 worth for the comfort and pockets alone.
There's cute dressed with pockets tho. THERE WAS A WEDDING DRESS WITH POCKETS. I was tempted solely on that alone. xDDD

Uh.... I think you'd need to enter in someone's url to find them specifically. There would be a +subscribe button or something if you want to see all the update that I do and whatnot.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 02:54:24 )
@Yuracye: Good for your economy! Haha ;u; I haven't spent real money on anything related although I really want to...I just don't have the money yet
I want to buy adoptables with points but...I don't have that many...;u; no one buys my commisions on
Yeah! And guys get the best T-shirts too.. I bought one thinking "finally a cool woman T-shirt.." I was wrong. Someone just placed in in the female section cause the rest of them were by the guy stuff I was like ...w/e I like this T-shirt.
I have subscribed to you mwuahahaha *o* it was easy to just click your TH button in your siggy

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:16:15 )
@kjemi: YES! I suppose. q vq ;; Good for the Gaia economy.
I would probably commission for art pieces over adoptables, since I'm more attached to certain characters. There's some nice artists that I'd love to commission from too.

dA is really rough. TT ___ TT No-one has commissioned me on there except for my friends. I don't get points otherwise. /sighs.

THEY REALLY DO. Omg. I steal my fiance's shirts all the time. = A= It just fits better too? Like I'm a size Large in women's shirts because my boobs tend to stretch the shirt otherwise and idk the men's shirts are just perfect. Length wise and width size.
HEY as long as you like the shirt. THat's all that matters tbh. ;;;
AHHHH. I got you back! Lucy is a cutie omg. ;;;

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:22:30 )
@Yuracye: I like how we have like 3 different conversations going on xD its amazing. And yeah same here ;u; or I'd do like an art trade for an adoptable... that'd be nice too
The dA struggle is real...I'm a good artist...but its hard to be recognized in dA... specially if you're a shy artists
Yes and women get these small weird tight fit sleeves ??? Like dude let them be loose and flowy...why why the weird cut??
And thank you ;u; Lucy is the oc I've drawn the most...cause she's the first and oldest.... But I have tons more I just haven't posted them yet

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:37:45 )
@kjemi: We're just.. all over the place. I feel bad for continually posting in your introduction thread. I feel like we should move it elsewhere since you've been here for awhile now, but then we have other conversations going as well. Like what.

Some people on Gaia accept art for adopts! Q VQ !! You could always try that too! If you set up a Buying/trading thread in the adoptables forum on Gaia, you should be able to get something! I know a friend of mine did that and she got some cute adopts!

It really is. There's just too many people on dA, so I guess a lot of people sort of get lost in the crowd?
I feel like I'm a half decent artist. I'm not the best and I definitely need work in a lot of areas, but eh. Drawing is really just a hobby for me anyway, so I don't care as much as I used to. /shrugs.

YES. I have arms, yo. Arms need to fit in there, and sleeves shouldn't be ripping into my armpit kthx.
People should know these things, they wear the clothes. dang.
Ahhhhh. That's awesome!
I think Roxy was the first OC I really drew and kept with. Her overall design hasn't changed much.. if at all.

TH | dA

Donator — Demoness Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:52:46 )
@Kjemi: Ooh!! What do you usually draw?

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 04:24:41 )
@Yuracye: Yeah..we should move it here! So next reply to that will be here...oh boy we are gonna write such long replies omg
Ahh that's cool! But I don't know...I'd find it so hard to get into so many people there already... I couldn't compete ;u;
Yeah that's true ;u; dA is a good place for completely new artists but once you're a few years in ...there ain't much there actually. It's why I don't post as much ..rarely get any response ...and your art is super cute *o* so you tottes deserve a good deal of watchers
*o* Roxy is such a cool name! I like it alot, sounds punk-ish and hellla nice. I've changed most my ocs as I've grown... can't have them look like edgy 13 year olds their whole lives xD

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 04:26:32 )
@Baphomet: so many things *u* for most part chibies of everything but sometimes I try to draw something more challanging.

Check Out My Art Shop

Donator — Demoness Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/11 04:44:11 )
@Kjemi: Ooh awesome!!

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