"Oh um, I would but I still need to get to my class." Iris trailed off, "But! I'm just quickly going to-" She spoke while digging into her bag, getting out a pen and sticky note. She scribbled something on it and scurried back to Jake, "Here, um, text me once you're out? Let me know how you're doing? Once class is out I can check on you." While handing him the note she smiled nervously, "I'm sure you'll be okay though." She then grabbed her back off the floor, nodded at the nurse and hurried out the door.
At this point, she was most certainly going to be late to her class, but she knew if she explained herself she'd be alright. Goodness, today had been crazier than all of last month! As she sprinted she heard her stomach growl, "Oh great, I forgot breakfast still." She mumbled, knowing she'd have to ignore it.