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Forums Role Playing Magika Academy [Sulley and JamJam]

Donator — Monster Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 05:09:02 )

"Oh um, I would but I still need to get to my class." Iris trailed off, "But! I'm just quickly going to-" She spoke while digging into her bag, getting out a pen and sticky note. She scribbled something on it and scurried back to Jake, "Here, um, text me once you're out? Let me know how you're doing? Once class is out I can check on you." While handing him the note she smiled nervously, "I'm sure you'll be okay though." She then grabbed her back off the floor, nodded at the nurse and hurried out the door.

At this point, she was most certainly going to be late to her class, but she knew if she explained herself she'd be alright. Goodness, today had been crazier than all of last month! As she sprinted she heard her stomach growl, "Oh great, I forgot breakfast still." She mumbled, knowing she'd have to ignore it.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 05:52:50 )
"Oh right I forgot, but thanks I'll definitely text you." Jake smiled as Iris left, but that smile immediately faded as he continued worrying about the tests and if he'd be medically cleared to play. "Just stay still and try not to move" the nurse said in a gentle voice as she moved her hand over Jake's head and began to examine him. Several minutes passed until she pulled her hand away and grabbed a chair to sit and give him the results.

"Mr. Infernio you've received a grade 2 concussion and due to this being your third diagnosis I have no choice but to temporarily suspend you from participating in any athletic activity; However our policy states that you can return to play once you are asymptomatic and have completed a return-to-play protocol, which is a five-stage gradual increase in activity." Jake stares at the floor and goes completely silent, his entire life has been built around these teams and his entire life feels like its crashing down in front of him. "Is there any way I can just play through this and risk it?" he says desperately. "Unfortunately not, you are at a high risk for what we call Second Impact Syndrome and if unaddressed could be fatal." Jake is given a bottle of prescription medication he must take daily and report back to the nurse every few days, he walks back to his dormitory completely defeated and breaks his lamp over the wall in anger as he falls into the bed. Just before falling asleep he remembers Iris told him to text her, he grabs his phone and explains what happened before passing out in tears.

Donator — Monster Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 05:58:43 )

Class finishes and Iris immediately gets her phone out of her bag, she begins walking back to her dormitory while checking her phone. While reading she frowns, oh dear. She feels awful about the situation, admittedly knowing just how big Jake was in the schools sporting community. She had been watching many of the games with her peers and would always see Jake, the MVP, working hard to win the game for their school. He must have felt horribly.

When Iris got back to her room, she closed the bedroom door behind her and sat on her bed while plunking her bag onto the bed. She began texting him back, telling him how sorry she was to hear that, but promised him things would get better once he felt better. Of course she knew that wasn't going to help much, but it was the best she could think of.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 06:22:42 )
Jake wakes up and sees his phone has blown up, over 30 missed calls and 80 missed texts. Word had gotten out around school what happened and this only made him feel worse. He was happy so many people cared about him enough but felt like he's letting everyone down who cheer him on every game and especially his teammates who will be without their leading scorer and Captain for awhile.

Looking at the phone and not knowing where to begin, the first person he responds to is Iris thanking her for the kind words and said it really meant a lot to him to meet such a kind and generous person. Then he hears the sound of the door opening, it was Riley with a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay man? I heard what happened and tried calling you." Jake wasn't one for getting emotional in front of people especially his teammates and immediately responds "Yeah I'm alright but just promise me you guys will beat Nakamura tomorrow." Riley smiles "You got it Infernio, I'll give him a couple cheap shots just for you." Riley leaves the room as Jake looks at his phone again, he texts the rest of his teammates and coach before sending one last text to Iris before going back to sleep. "Gonna have a lot more free time in the next little while if you'd like to hang out sometime soon?"

Donator — Monster Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 06:36:05 )

As the time passed, Iris was reading on her laptop, looking up some cheesy fanfictions about some of her favourite monster characters, "God Sulley would never date Randall, why do people even write this junk?" As she was about to continue, guiltily enjoying the work she was criticizing, she heard her phone go off, "Gonna have a lot more free time...Oh man, poor guy." She frowned, but then smiled, "I guess that means we're hanging out. Oh god, when though?" She glanced over at her wall calendar, which had numerous amounts of red sharpie on it, "Uh, maybe tuesday? Oh no, I've got a paper due two days later! Uh..Saturday? No, I visit my parents on the weekend."

After a solid 20 minutes of pondering, Iris finally came to a conclusion, "if I skip my second class tomorrow at 2, that should give me enough time to get dressed and go to coffee with him. Perfect!" She proceeded to type a response to Jake, "Hey, how does tomorrow sound? Around 2:30? :)" She paused, "Is this a date? Does this count as a date? Goodness..." She took a breath and hit the send button.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/27 04:00:11 )
Jake wakes up to a pounding headache and nausea in the middle of the night, but the first thing he does is look at his phone to see what Iris's response was. "Wow I didn't expect someone like her to skip a class for any reason, let alone to spend some time with me" he thought to himself. While getting up to the bathroom to take some medication for his headache he thought about how nervous he was when asking her out the first time and how he can't let that show in any way to make sure he doesn't scare her off. "Sure, where do you want to meet? :)"

Jake took his medication and prayed he felt better tomorrow than he did right now, after everything that's gone wrong in the past 24 hours he needs something good to happen. Before going back to sleep however he notices a few missed calls and text from his ex grilfriend Stacey. Apparently she wants to meet up tomorrow as well, he remembers the relationship being good but there was always something he didn't like about her personality so he broke up with her a week before the start of the season and never heard a word from her again until now. "there's no way I'm gonna ruin my chances with Iris by even responding to this, god I hope we don't run into each other tomorrow!" he mutters to himself while climbing back into bed and falling back asleep.

Donator — Monster Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/27 04:10:10 )

At this point, Iris was back at it reading up on her fanfictions, glancing through some while muttering to herself, "He hasn't gotten back to me yet, why hasn't he gotten back to me yet? I hope he's okay..." While she thinks out loud, Lizzy opens the door with a slice of pizza in hand. When describing Lizzy with food in her hand, it should be noted that the food is tiny in her giant hands. Lizzy, as you might wonder, is a giantess. 9'11" to be exact. It is because of her large stature that makes being discreet impossible. She tries her best to sneak into her bed but her footsteps alarm Iris.

"Oh, hey Lizzy..." Iris mumbled over to her roommate, "Ah, shoot, didn't want you to notice me. I'm just coming in to get my books." Lizzy explains as she goes to her night stand, "Uh, how are you by the way? Stressed about someone?" Iris sighed and shrugged, "Kinda, it's hard to explain."

Lizzy may not have been good at discretion, but she was amazing at solving romantic problems. "Iris, go to bed. Stop waiting for his - or her, response. Just get some sleep and wait till the morning." Iris reluctantly agreed, closing her laptop. "Right..Yeah, good idea. It is - wow - already 11." She puts her laptop on her nightstand and prepares for bed.

The next morning Iris immediately checked her phone, "Ah, where to meet!" She thought out loud, waking up the grumpy Lizzy. "Meet at a bar or something." Lizzy remarks. "There are no bars on campus. Maybe a coffee shop!" Iris types this while biting her lip. "Gosh, this is cliche. I hope he won't mind."


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/27 04:35:36 )
Jake wakes up to the sound of Riley's alarm, time for him to head to practice. "Hey man, tell the boys I'll be there at the game and to step it up if you wanna win tonight!" he says in an enthusiastic tone. Riley gives him a nod, grabs his equipment bag, and heads out the door leaving Jake to stir about what happens from here. He checks his phone and sees 10 texts, 9 from Stacey and 1 from Iris, "Oh god, what is her problem" he mutters frustratingly that of course she has to start trying to re establish a connection the day after he gets hurt and has plans to see another woman. He ignores Stacey's texts and types to Iris "Sounds good to me, but I'm actually not a huge coffee drinker so do you know if they have much else there?"

Jake turns on his radio and cranks the volume while getting his shower ready and preparing for the meet up with Iris. He spends at least 30 minutes trying to decide on which outfit makes him look the best and even gels his hair which is something he rarely ever did. He then sits in the chair beside his bed and turns on the TV to watch something to get his mind of of all the stress and wait until he gets a response from Iris and has to go meet her. He sees his favorite show is on, "John Locke really did do everything he could to be a good guy, but still ended up getting tricked and killed by Ben in the end."

Donator — Monster Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/27 04:44:50 )

"Another text! Oh, not a coffee drinker...Maybe I should suggest someplace else?" Iris asks out loud, looking up at Lizzy for advice, "Okay, why don't you two go to his team's game tonight or something? Instead? That'll show him you're interested in what he's interested in." "Lizzy," Iris began, "I am gonna fall asleep! How unattractive is that! Maybe I'll suggest a diner by the front of the campus instead..I know there's one that has the best sandwiches." She once again types what she's saying to Jake.

After she's done texting, she proceeds to get herself ready; getting into the shower, choosing a cute simple outfit, and even going so far as to put her hair in a nice braided-bun!


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/27 05:40:21 )
Jake looks down at his phone and smiles, "A diner would be great." he responds. Jake triple checks everything he should bring before stepping out the door. "Mints, check. Wallet, check. Devilish charm? check check." He looks in the mirror one last time before heading out to meet Iris. "You got this Infernio." he says confidently before leaving. While walking to the diner he sees Stacey walking in the opposite direction, he quickly hides in the room beside him as she passes. "That was a close one" he thinks to himself before continuing.

Jake was starting to feel really nervous as he approached the diner and hoped they would be able to hit it off without being awkward. All of the nerves immediately faded once he laid eyes on Iris. She looked absolutely pulchritudinous and he could feel his heart begin to beat louder and louder with every step he took. Iris was standing outside the diner looking around for him and once she saw him gave a beautiful smile of her own. "Hey Iris, thanks for coming." he said as he opened the door for her to enter first. Things were really starting to turn around for Jake as they shared cut glances back and forth waiting to be seated.

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