Character Name: Jasmine Youngblood
House: Slytherin
~ Year: 5th
~ Pet: Yuki
Nicknames: Jas
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: October 31
Nationality: Unknown
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Hornbeam, Slightly springy, 11 1/2 inches
Core: Phoenix feather
Wand Hand: left/right
Skin: medium brown
Eyes: purple/red
Hair: purple
Height: 5'2 3/4"
Weight: 121 pounds
Outfits: Besides school uniform, when she is in her normal clothes, Jasmine likes to wear corsets, dresses, pants and loose fitting shirts, Layers and boots.
Sexual Orintation: Straight
Habits: plays with the pendent on her necklace
Nervous -> fidgets nervously
Hobbies: care of magical creatures
Status: lower upper class
Favorite Things:
Animals -> fox
Colors -> teal, green, black
Drinks -> Hot Chocolate
Foods -> chinese
Hated Things: aracnids, food with eyes still attached
Treasures: Blue Opal Necklace
Found in these Locations: Slytherin Common Room, outside on the grounds, near herbology greenhouses, forbidden Forest
Favorite Quote:
Dream Job: Auror
Happiest Moment: when she saved her kitten from dying
Worst Memory: father Using the crucio curse on her and her mother.
Relationship with Family: It is on rocky terms.
Family: Mom and Dad, no siblings
Boggart: unknown (hasn't faced one yet)
Mirror of Erised: Being true to herself
Amortentia: smell of burning cedar wood
Patronus: Fox
Animagus: jaguar
Legilimency: Fairly dencent
Mirror of Erised: Being true to herself
Amortentia: smell of burning cedar wood
Patronus: Fox
Animagus: jaguar
Legilimency: Fairly dencent
Best Classes: Transfiguration, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions
Mediocre Classes: Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Charms, Divination, Herbology
Worst Classes: History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy