@Rallaa: oh wow i hope that teacher got fired for his outburst o .o
another teacher who i kinda remember was my 9th grade social studies teacher,
i forget her name now, but a couple years ago i ran into her, she remembered me,
and i remembered her name at the time but
i didnt recognize her at first cause she looked younger than i remembered XD
@Roshan: yeah i'd imagine big families can be close knit and stuff.
my brother is an annoying sibling but he does help out at times,
he's why my monster high collection is so large, since he goes to thrift all the time,
and if he sees something i like he buys it XD
@Sulley: i do remember liking her class. but then i like music lol
but i think i vaguely remember finding the nametag on the playground ages after she had left the school.
otherwise i think i would've tried returning it to her.