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Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 13:27:01 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: It's perfect *.*

When I just hold the broom, my cat is gone.
There was a nurse over for my mother last year. She sat down and, flat over the floor, the cat ran by up to the window to escape.

Woezel just goes up to you and begs for attention, cuddles and pets.

Yeah she's almost over it. She's still a bit sneezy, but nothing major.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 13:44:45 )
@tuijp: Too bad... I ruined it already. weep. Needed to go deep sea diving again... and I got the same item. /flops.

That's hilarious! I don't remember any of my cats being afraid of a broom when I lived with my mother, but then again the cats were never really in sight of the broom because the dogs were always in the kitchen for the most part.

That's one of the puppies name? Woezel? That's such a cool and unique name. gakdsjhgksg.
YES. PERFECT PUPPERS. I cannot resist a begging puppy- especially when it's for petting. Food is a little different, but for pets, I'm always 10/10 ready for it!

I didn't even know chickens could sneeze, omg. Learn something new every day.
I'm hoping for a full recovery for the chicken! >: U


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 13:57:06 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: yeah that can happen

I have a small kitchen that is attached to the living room. The cat is allowed to go everywhere he wants to, but, when I'm in the kitchen, they're all there.

Yeah her name is Woezel. She's name after a Dutch cartoon dog, from the books of Woezel and Pip.

When it has a nose, it can sneeze.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:08:33 )
@tuijp: Ughhh. I really need to up my game if I want to get these items. /huffs

Yeah, that's how mine was too! The cats would roam pretty much everywhere, unless the dogs were in that spot. The dogs were mostly in the kitchen, and then occasionally were hanging out with us in the living room. q vq
That's so freaking cute. agkdsadshg. I named my cat Dexter after the serial killer Dexter in the tv series. xDD When he was a kitten he would pop out of nowhere and attack you. I'm sure it was just playing around, but his nails were super sharp and would always make cuts on us. He's definitely mellowed out since then, but when he's playful, sometimes you need to be careful. Hehe.

Hmmm. Well, good point. Just because it doesn't look like a human nose... doesn't mean it can't do the same things as a normal human.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:13:54 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: that was how my old cat was. She was laready like that when I got her when she was 6 weeks old. So I named her Tessie, after Tasmanian Devil.
My cat is named Ozzy, after Ozzy Osbourne, and my other dog is Jorus, after an old Dutch tale of a brave boy.

Every nose does the same thing.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:19:47 )
Hey all

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:20:38 )
@tuijp: I think all kittens are somewhat like that. I mean, they're really playful all the time and whatnot. Then once they hit like 2 years old, they calm down a bit. My cat had a cat named Trouble, and he was really mean up until his death. q vq He would lash out at anyone that walked by or would bite their ankles. He was a mean cat. Would attack if you got too close to him too. /shudders.

Oooh. Those are all cool names! O:
Hrm. My other cat is named Magnus after a Maplestory boss. xD My first cat was named after Sabrina the teenage witch show.
My brothers cat was named Dr. Pepper because that was his favorite drink and the cat was brown/black main coon cat. q vq He was a good boy too.

Never thought about it like that.
I mean, I know dogs are pretty similar to humans like they can get bad allergies and whatnot too.
And guinea pigs can get colds from humans as well. o:

@nyreen: Hey there! I'm diggin your avatar. o:

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:22:44 )
@Yandere: thaaaaank tou

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:23:49 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

Hello Ny!

@Yandere: my old cat was mean to most, except me, my mother and a neighbour, who was somewhere in his 80's. They used to go on walks together.

I always give my pets names with meanings.

And dogs and cat can get colds from humans and the other way around.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:30:15 )
@nyreen: Hehe, of course! Pink/yellow is such a good color combination. * A* !!

@tuijp: I've never had an animal that favored certain people over others. It was either they liked everyone or no one. Boy, that cat Trouble lived up to his name.
/shakes head.
I wish I could take my cats for walks- but I'm also wary of him being outside because they're strictly indoor cats. I mean, that's good for the life expectancy, so I suppose it's for the best. :c

I try to do that too! At least names that I like and I feel fit them. q vq

I know they can get certain kinds of colds, but I honestly can't remember which ones. @ w @;;; Maybe like the common cold??
Thankfully my cats haven't gotten any sort of cold from me, so I'm thankful for that.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:31:15 )
@Tuijp: hey hey how are you?

@Yandere: yeah i love ittt
call me grem

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:32:36 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: all my pets have people they like and don't like. My dog Woezel likes most people, but she still has people she doesn't like.

My kitten will be named Odin or Loki, because he's part Norwegian forest cat

I have gotten colds from my pets before
@nyreen: I'm doing all right. You?

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:41:24 )
@tuijp: I mean, that's pretty awesome! One of my cats just needs to meet someone a few times and get them to pet him before he's social. uvu Other than that, both of them stay away from anyone new. u vu ///
I've heard that animals can sense what type of person they are. I mean, they can be cautious too if they've never met someone, but that's just something I've heard!

Oh nooo, that's adorable. * A* !! Those are the giant fluffy cats, right? I feel like either of those names could fit. Hmmm.
I've always want to name a small fish Poseidon. Hehe.

Ack, really? I've never even heard of that before. @ ___ @

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 14:45:05 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: dogs can feel what kind of energy someone has. When I'm nervous, the dogs know, but also any other emotion. When I'm sad, they're extra careful and cuddly.

Yes that's the kind. He's 6 weeks now nut so cute. Just 2 weeks and he'll be living here.

Yeah really. Also the stomach flu.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 16:05:16 )
@tuijp: YEAH! That's what I was trying to say. fkadsjhakjdg.
When I'm crying/upset my cat somehow knows?? He won't leave my side until I'm feeling better too. He is best cat. * A*

Oh my goshhhhhh. I always wanted one of those! They're just giant fluffy cuddlebuddies!
2 weeks! SO SOON!

Well frick. That's definitely good to know. q vq

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 16:15:39 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

@Yandere: my cat is by my side in the evening and night

My neighbour's cat got 3 kittens: 2 girls and a boy. One of the other neighbours wanted one and the neighbour herself wanted one, leaving the boy. He's really talkative and she said I could have him for flowers.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 16:23:02 )
@tuijp: Awwwh. My cats have their moments. Dexter is definitely more cuddly than Magnus, but Magnus is also only a year old so he has some time to sorta calm down a bit and be more social. uvu //

You traded a kitten for flowers? o:
That's pretty unique. I've never heard of trading for flowers.

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