It's like writing essays. B))))
No, you're right. Gaia is just... it's rough. You can't even become well known unless you start off really cheap or have a thread going for year or w/e. I don't have the patience to keep a shop going that long. xD
I think that's the same problem with dA though. There's just... so many people.
I don't get much of a response on dA either. It's mainly the commissioner or my friends commenting. It's very rarely anyone else. But, that doesn't bother me. xD I draw just to draw.
AHHH Noooo. > /////// A/////< !!! You flatter me! My stuff can be really simple. rip.
YES! I was going to name my future daughter Roxy, but one of my old dogs name was Roxy... so that would be weird.
"Who am I named after, Mommy?
Me: "Uhhh a dog." > > ;;;;;;
Wouldn't work too well. So she shall forever be an OC.

so edgy
I generally keep my OCs the same age. Some have alternative universes, I guess? maybe????
@kjemi: Ohh. I don't.. do that. I don't even think we have a recycling bin tbh. Q vQa
I'm not even sure when the recycling days are. Though, to be fair we only rent so we wouldn't really know.
Yeah. Sometimes I think we shouldn't have as much trash, but if we're going through all this stuff, it makes sense. Even like the hummus box that the hummus comes in, or the wine bottle or whatever.
Yeah, need to make sure it doesn't smell in the house. u vu
SAME HERE. My fiance is a diver, so it's kind of funny. |||OTL I'm just terrified of a lot of things. rip me.
I'd love to snorkel and see all the pretty aquatic animals, but I'm 99% sure I'd still panic because my face is under water. Lmao.
YES. They're just so perfect idk. They're the best things. I don't know what I would have done without either of my babies. I'd take them with me wherever I go. Ahhhhh.
I think my two cats and a dog is reasonable. We had fish at some point, but I have no idea how to clean the filters and transferring to clean the tanks are so stressful because you can kill them. sdfghj;
Exactly! We rushed it on Dexter pretty quickly, but he's also more curious than Magnus. We were really worried when he would sniff by the door to look at the cats outside. So, if anything ever happens and he runs out, people can check his collar. TT ___ TT
I WILL! Might take awhile. We tried to put a calming collar on him, but he just wasn't having it. Lmao