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Forums Role Playing Mythical Meetings and Demonic Dealings

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 21:51:00 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie nodded before getting to her feet.

"All right then." She said before looking to Sharp.

"Hal," she started, probably cautching Azazel off guard. No many people get away with using his first name. Of course, that's what she knew him as. "you said I could stay here for a bit, I'm assuming there are dorms. Are keys in the dorm or something?" She asked.

"I assume locking them is possible...."

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 22:29:35 )
"It was all in the agreement you signed." Sharp told her.

"There ARE dorms, they DO lock, and you'll get your key from R&D." he listed off.

"...Hal?" Azazel asked.

"YOU two know each other?" he inquired.

"Briefly." Sharp responded.

"She'll fill you in."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 22:32:13 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie was silent for a moment before snickering.

"All right. I'll get the key from there." She said.

"And ... yes.... we've met." She added. "I met him as Hal first before anything else."

"I'll give you mor information as we walk. For now, let's go. I get the feeling that we're going to be interrupting people soon... as I can feel a group of... I think four? men coming and they don't seem happy." She added. The only reason why could ID that, was because of what she was. She could tell how many of whomever she could attract, was around.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 22:48:51 )
Sharp just sighed.

"Greaaaaat..." he growled.

"Yeah, then come on..." Azazel said.

"Let's go." he told her.

With that, they stepped out of Sharps' office, the secretary's office, and into the hall.

"And I've been out of Hell for a while." he told Roxie, answering her previous question. "Pretty much hiding out here on the surface, because I refuse to go back down there."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 22:51:40 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
As they walked, and Azazel said what he did, Roxie just sighed.

"Why though?" She asked.

"I mean, I haven't been back there in ages, but it wasn't that horrible when I was last there." She added.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 23:06:47 )
"Because I suck at being a demon." Azazel replied.

"I'm mid-tier. Lower on the scale, but mid-tier." he reminded her. "As such, certain things are expected of me, and I can't do them." he said.

"So I am a fallen demon, and ostracized as such." he continued.

"So it's best for me to just... disappear from that realm."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 23:14:02 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie was silent for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"And waht about me?" She asked after a moment.

"If you're a fallen demon, I'm lower than you." She added.

"So where do I rank on that scale? Seriously. It doesn't matter, Az." She told him.

"You are you. Period. End of story. Why hide?"

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/5 23:51:54 )
"Because I don't want to die." Azazel responded.

"And parading around Hell announcing that doing demon things is bad and that I refuse to do them is a very bad way of staying alive down there." he told her.

"I'm just fortunate that Liz doesn't really care about me, so as long as I stay here in the human realm, I shouldn't be attacked." he explained.

"I don't care about ranks and tiers, Roxie. You know that." he said.

"But THEY do. THAT'S the issue." he explained further.

"Besides, as you said, I am me. And this is a place where people accept me for me."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 03:06:34 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie just laughed.

"All right... fair point." She agreed with a nod.

"You and I are different than the others. We're both demonic in one way or another." She then said after a moment.

"But neither of us conform to the standards down there."

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 03:22:06 )
"Pretty much." Azazel replied.

"I mean, just... yeah, pretty much." he then sighed.

"I am SO grateful to have found this place. Or, rather, grateful that they found me." he clarified.

"They've been so amazing." he said.

"Anyway, I'll show you around, and we'll finish at R&D, and then your dorm."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 03:31:56 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie nodded.

"Sounds good." she said.

They made their way around the unit and then to the department that she was to get her thing at. She didn't know what she'd want to request, but upon arriving... she found there was no need to request anything.

Sharp had called ahead already and she had a rather nice bracelet.

Then they were on the way to the dorms, when she sighed.

"Do you have any warnings for people here?" She asked Azazel as they walked.

"Who to stay ahead of, away from, etc?"

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 03:52:21 )
"Hmmmm..." Azazel mumbled.

"Well, Miki is one to be careful around." he said.

"But just because if she touches you, she'll suddenly know all the pain you've been through in your life." he told her.

"And.... Ty." he went on.

"He's cool, but... well... he's rough and hardened." he said.

"For the most part." he continued.

"Just... he can be stand-offish."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 03:58:19 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
"Duly noted." Roxie said with a nod.

"What other beings are there here?" She asked, her voice curious.

"Like, anything you find interesting?"

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 04:23:03 )
"Oh, plenty." Azazel responded.

"There's us, demons." he told her.

"There's a human with demon blood in them, we got a dullahan, a gorgon, a lizard-folk..." he listed off.

"Hell, even Ty's unique, even though he's pure human." he then added.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 04:33:51 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
"A dullahan? That's a surprise." Roxie commented.

"That's... I thought they were extinct, long since." She added.

"Anyhow, I suppose all that there is, is to show me the dorms, nothing more." She paused.

"Are you involved with anyone?" She asked, her voice curious.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 04:57:33 )
Azazel nodded as she spoke, before freezing at her question.

And his face turned red.

"Ah... I... uh... well..." he mumbled.

"No... yes... maybe... kinda... sorta." he said.

"I mean, there IS someone..." he told her.

"I don't think she knows how I feel, though..." he admitted.

"I need to tell her at some point, though..." he then added sheepishly and shyly.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 05:02:14 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie just shrugged.

"Yep." She said. "Would be a good idea for you to do so." She agreed.

"Who knows how she would react? You need to find out though" She commented.

"But what do I know? I live by fucking with people."

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 05:13:49 )
Azazel just sighed.

"Yeah." he said.

"I know." he told her, as Tyson turned a corner, and started to walk towards them.

As he did, he looked up and saw them.

"Hey." he greeted them.

"Hey." Azazel replied.

"This is Roxie. She's new." he said, introducing the succubus.

"Agent Tyson King." Ty introduced himself to her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 05:15:36 )
Quiet! Lady Luna is speaking!- - - -
Roxie paused a moment before looking to Azazel.

'He the Ty you mentioned?" She asked, her voice curious. When he nodded, she looked to Ty.

"Pleasure." She said with a soft smile.

"I'll be mostly for information gathering." She added, figuring he might appreciate that information..... since she really didn't look like a fighter of any sort.

- - - -All right, she is finished. You may speak again.
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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/6 05:28:52 )
Tyson nodded in response.

"I see." he replied.

"Well, that is always something we can use." he commented.

"What do you bring to the table?" he asked her. "How do you gather your information?" he asked.

As they spoke, Roxie could tell that this was a man that had been through a lot. It seemed he was currently on the road to happiness after being off the path for a while... but she could snag him.

And it wouldn't be hard, either.

Odds were that he would be one of her easiest victims, if she were to attempt it. In fact, she noticed that her abilities seemed to be 'crying out' to snag him.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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