@Yachiru: Haha, yeah it is adorable in its own way <3 tbh I didn't notice the mistake ^^;
sounds yucky to be sick/on antibiotics. too much exercise or 'just' sickness..? I'm here at 2.30 am in 27C hot apartment.. Planning to go to bed try to see i I can fall asleep after I somehow ended up having two naps today ( yes I still consider it being the 11th xD ) Also considering to take a trip out in the super dry nature to do some stilllife/nature sketches tomorrow And if I should try to cut out my watermelon tomorrow to bring with me, to se if I eventually can share some of the fruit and cut out pieces of grapes with blackbirds, ducks, crows, nd the like.. If my wrist will allow me to.. if it wont, then I'll just bring some cut out salad <3
yes I like animals, ad these animals here have sorta got kinda connected to me somehow. the ducks and blackbirds especially. ( no joke; blackbirds and sometimes doves, have a habit of taking a ride on my bike when I bike trough the green areas ) unfortunately not been able to catch it on camera as they fly off as soon I stop the bike to grab my phone, no matter how slowly I do it, but thats ok. I just take thm as aome ' here and now moments'
Ok I'm done rambling 8'D What do you else do? besides being a living noodle?