His human form

Name: Inuyasha
Age: unknown but looks to be in early 20s
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 200
Bio: Half dog demon, born to Lady Izayoi and a powerful dog demon. His father died the day he was born leaving his mother to raise him alone till she died when he was still young. He once fell in love with a woman but both were tricked then he was sealed for 50 years. He ventured later on to get the Jewel of Souls back into one piece. Then the day is was complete he decided to give up on his goal of becoming a whole demon. He has an attitude and is not afraid to show it. Though he does not really know where his heart lies anymore due to bouncing back and forth between one woman and a girl, her reincarnation. So for now he is just stepping back and see where things take him.

Name: Sesshomaru
Age: unknown but looks to be in late 20’s early 30’s
Height: 6ft
Weight: 200
Bio: A pure blood demon born of two powerful dog demons, he is also the half older brother of Inuyasha. He once lost and arm to his brother during a fight. Later on the man took in a young girl named Rin whom he treats kindly to and keeps around with him. He brought her back with his sword and even once had his mother bring the girl back when she died again. No one really knows how this man feels about the girl as he never says.
Skip forward to five years after the Jewel of Souls is completed Sesshomaru had found a way to gain his arm back. He fought long and hard, which he had not done in a very long time. But in the end he got his arm back but at the cost of his long silver hair getting cut off. There is a scar on his back from the claws that cut his hair off. He was beyond pissed when he found out his hair was cut off, and the teasing he gets from his younger brother does not help either.

Name: Shippo
Age: 15
Height: 5ft
Weight: 100
Bio: A young kitsune who parents were killed by demons. He traveled with Kagome and the others to get the jewel back whole. But he was always picked on by Inuyasha for being so small, and to the dog demon, annoying as well and for being too much of a child. Now as it is five years after the jewel has been completed he actually had a growth spurt and is a bit taller but still has his boyish looks.

Her skin is not that pale
Name: Mimiko
Age: unknown but is young
Height: 5ft
Weight: 94
Bio: Mimiko is a new Shrine Guardian but likes to sneak away from her duties and go over and play with Shippo. She also has a small crush on him but is too shy to say or do anything. Mimiko loves sweet things and loves to help out but often gets in trouble for skipping out on work. She is a skilled fighter despite how she looks.

Name: Miroku
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 200
Bio: A monk who bares a family curse thanks to the demon Naraku. But when the demon was destroyed once and for all the curse was lifted and his hand went back to normal. Though he still wears the cloth and beads, as it just felt strange not be be wearing it. After the jewel was completed he kept good on his word and married Sango and have a little one on the way. He loves his family more than anything in the world, but on occasion will still get slapped when looking at a pretty woman. He helps out as the village monk and cares for the sick and does all the work a monk does.

Name: Koga
Age: unknown
Height: 5ft 10 in
Weight: 180
Bio: Wolf demon and pack leader and alpha. He is very proud and loves to run at high speeds and is the most powerful wolf demon around. He used to be in love with Kagome but a man can only take getting turned down so many times and he gave up on her. He now just does what is best for his pack and even saved a wolf girl a bit ago. With his two friends Ginta and Hakaku they go about making sure that the pack is safe and have all that it needs. He still has a huge hate and dislike of Inuyasha.