I recently opened up an RP board, and we have a few enthusiastic members so as far as I'm concerned it's a success, but there's this one person who's just been rubbing me the wrong way since the get go.
For one, they have two (pending, unfinished) characters who are pretty much identical. One of those characters is supposed to have the mind of a 17-year-old despite being centuries old chronologically.[/*]
Pretty early on, they posted a freaking political video in our site chat. Like, pls, keep that crap out of here. But I don't want to delete it because I'd feel like it's censorship. But at the same time...it just has no place there, and I don't want to scare potential members away. >.<[/*]
They post edgy song lyrics in chat, then say, "I think this captures the atmosphere of [Character Name] perfectly". I didn't respond, so the next day, the re-post the edgy song lyrics and say "I think this captures the atmosphere of the site perfectly". Hah, no. No. We're about space. It's supposed to be profound dark, not edgy dark.[/*]
They want to create a virtual reality where "good guys and bad guys are placed in a virtual reality school". School. On a site that's supposed to be mature. On a site that's supposed to be about colonising planets and meeting aliens.[/*]
I want to let people do their thing. That was largely the point of this board. But on the other hand we're supposed to be a mature sci-fi oriented space sandbox. And yet I keep getting the distinct feeling this person is like 15 and doesn't grasp the targeted setting of the site, and wants to do slice-of-life, manga-inspired plots. Honestly sometimes I feel like they're just there to troll me but idk. I'd confront them about their age but it's not like I can prove it one way or another. RIPerooni. Just kinda wanted to complain somewhere and didn't want to do it on RPG-D cause I don't know if they're on that site >.>

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
I want to let people do their thing. That was largely the point of this board. But on the other hand we're supposed to be a mature sci-fi oriented space sandbox. And yet I keep getting the distinct feeling this person is like 15 and doesn't grasp the targeted setting of the site, and wants to do slice-of-life, manga-inspired plots. Honestly sometimes I feel like they're just there to troll me but idk. I'd confront them about their age but it's not like I can prove it one way or another. RIPerooni. Just kinda wanted to complain somewhere and didn't want to do it on RPG-D cause I don't know if they're on that site >.>

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥