Clink! Clank! CLONK!
What is all that racket?
Oh boy! Our developers are hard at work.
Sorry about all that noise Volties, but it seems we have some breaking news!
Tradeable Event Currency
This comes just in time as there is one day remaining to collect those seashells!
With extensive testing - in an undisclosed area - we can now trade event currency.
Much thanks to Vii for the addition to our trades feature.
Go try it out for yourselves! Don't break anything! :bernard_happy:
Site Currency Symbol Updates
They're.. so... SPARKELY!
I was informed of some very minor changes that occurred to our Volts and Ohms symbols.
They had some work done. From drab to fab! - or should I say Pixels to Vectors?
Anyway, they tie in a lot nicer with the rest of our beautiful city now!
See for yourself.
Thank you Vii and Ghost!
Message from your friendly developers:
Some Volties may have to hard refresh before new updates are visible.
Windows: CTRL + F5
Mac: Cmd + Shift and then press R
That's it for tonight! I'm gonna get back to bed now...
As they say,
Early bird gets the worm!
*Pulls cover over head*