Happy Friday, Volties!!!!
To add to the enjoyment of the weekend's arrival we've finally got the votes tallied up for those wonderful sandcastles y'all built on Breaker Beach. I also heard of a raffle - read on to find out how you can enter and win some rare crate sets!

Frizz was so proud to see all the effort put in to decorating your sandcastles. It was a hard choice deciding on the winner, but at last... *drum roll*
The winners have been contacted and prizes will be granted shortly!
Congratulations and thank you to all that participated.


As mentioned in the previous Surge, Fozzy and the gang will be hosting a Community Discussion at 12pm Voltra Time (Central Time) on Sunday, 7/22.
As an incentive for giving up some time out of your day to discuss all things Voltra, there are 2 raffles you can participate in! Yes, double the chance to win some fabulous prizes!

Raffle 1:
Join the discussion!
How do I enter?
1. Make sure you join our Discord Server
2. Message "(username) is here!" once in our server channel #comm-disc-attendance
3. Join the discussion in our server channel #community-discussion at 12 pm Voltra Time this Sunday 7/22!
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) July Crate!
One crate will be raffled for every 5 volties in attendance. (ie. 10 volties = 2 crates raffled, 25 volties = 5 crates raffled)
Winners and Prizes will be raffled after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Raffle 2:
What do you want to know!?
How do I enter?
1. Submit one or more questions for us to possibly answer during the discussion
2. Although you're free to ask anonymously, you must include a username to be eligible to win a prize
3. Submit your questions before 10 am (Voltra time/Central time), Sunday 7/22.
And that's it! Now you're eligible to win one (1) of the following rare sets: Sweet Cakes, Alice, or Merlantis!
You DO NOT have to be present during the discussion to win a prize.
Winners and Prizes will be announced after the discussion.
No mules. Use of a mule account will disqualify all associated accounts.
Wow, those are some great prizes! We hope to see you all on Sunday!
That's it for now! Enjoy your weekend!