Forums Role Playing Closed: Making New Thread
Ginta rubbed her back soothingly. "But you wouldn't be looking for him if you know where he's at." He counteracted, smiling sheepishly. "Technically, you're not breaking your promise if you go with me." Ginta offered in hopes of winning her over. She was worried and he could see it.

Sayuri thought quietly and sighed,"If he's not there though, it's going to really break me." She said,"But I guess there's nothing to really lose by checking at least."
but living takes true courage.
Ginta nodded lightly and slowly released her him his hold. "We'll meet here after school?" He asked curiously, glancing at her with hope in his eyes. That hideout of his would be the second place for him to go, when he didn't usually come home. The first place was well..somewhere he wouldn't take Sayuri.

Sayuri nodded,"Alright." She said, grabbing her backpack. She had a class coming up and she knew she should get going soon.
but living takes true courage.
Inuyasha and Miroku had met up with the girls and they went to class together until they separated. They weren't lucky enough to all share one class together. After the last class let out, they met up again and walked home together. "Sango." Inuyasha murmured quietly, in hopes of gaining her attention. Miroku didn't seem to be feeling any better, what ever his deal was. If he was stressed, maybe he'd talk to his girlfriend?
Ginta smiled and made his own way to class. After school was over, he gathered his things and left the classroom to meet up with Sayuri.
Ginta smiled and made his own way to class. After school was over, he gathered his things and left the classroom to meet up with Sayuri.

Sango nodded at Inuyasha before going over to Miroku,"Hey..." She murmured to him softly, looking worried,"Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it...It worries me."
Kagome looked over, obviously worried about her friend too.
Sayuri met up with Ginta after school that afternoon, trying to feel a bit better. She worried about Koga a lot but she knew he was a tough guy and could take care of himself. She just hoped he was okay..."
Kagome looked over, obviously worried about her friend too.
Sayuri met up with Ginta after school that afternoon, trying to feel a bit better. She worried about Koga a lot but she knew he was a tough guy and could take care of himself. She just hoped he was okay..."
but living takes true courage.
Inuyasha hung back by Kagome, he couldn't wait for the dance next week! He thought about that, instead of worrying about his friend. Miroku blinked and glanced at Sango with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry Sango.." He murmured quietly, placing a kiss to her forehead. "We'll talk later alright? I'll come to your place, it's sort of a..personal..matter.." He said to her, hoping she understood. He just didn't want to talk about it with everyone present.
Ginta met up with Sayuri like he had promised. He met her at the docks, and tried wearing a smile, at least to make her feel better- but he couldn't. What if they didn't find him..or if he was hurt? Being the younger brother, he always looked up to Koga and often looked to him for protection. "C'mon, this way." Ginta said to her, beginning to lead her away from the school grounds.
[[@KimmiChan1989: i'm so sorry hun ;~;
i sorta forgot.. and i haven't been feeling to great x.x]]
Ginta met up with Sayuri like he had promised. He met her at the docks, and tried wearing a smile, at least to make her feel better- but he couldn't. What if they didn't find him..or if he was hurt? Being the younger brother, he always looked up to Koga and often looked to him for protection. "C'mon, this way." Ginta said to her, beginning to lead her away from the school grounds.
[[@KimmiChan1989: i'm so sorry hun ;~;
i sorta forgot.. and i haven't been feeling to great x.x]]

Sango blinked. She gently pulled Miroku to the side, nodding to the others that they would see them later. Once the two were alone, she looked over at Miroku,"Alright... It's just us now..." She said softly,"What is it that has been bothering you...?" She couldn't shake off her worry over him.
Kagome smiled and hugged Inuyasha gently as they walked before looking over at him,"I can't wait for the dance. I'm really excited about it. I can't believe it's almost here~" She thought about the dress she had gotten for it as well and hoped it would still look amazing when she wore it that evening.
Sayuri nodded, letting Ginta lead the way,"Thanks..." She said softly,"For trying to make me feel a little better. I appreciate that you tried. I hope you know that..."
Kagome smiled and hugged Inuyasha gently as they walked before looking over at him,"I can't wait for the dance. I'm really excited about it. I can't believe it's almost here~" She thought about the dress she had gotten for it as well and hoped it would still look amazing when she wore it that evening.
Sayuri nodded, letting Ginta lead the way,"Thanks..." She said softly,"For trying to make me feel a little better. I appreciate that you tried. I hope you know that..."
but living takes true courage.

@xnovax: bump
but living takes true courage.
Miroku gave Sango a slightly surprised expression when she seemed so adamant to get him to talk to her. "Sango.." He murmured quietly. Was she really that worried? Had he been acting that off around everyone? He rubbed the back of his head and sighed quietly, averting his gaze. "I've been worried about Koga.. and Sayuri.. I haven't seen him in a while and Sayuri is obviously worried as well. He might be in some sort of trouble.." He explained calmly, raising his eyes to see her once again.
Inuyasha smirked and lightly placed a hand over here when she hugged him. "It's not her yet, we've still got some time before the dance." He reminded her casually, smirking lightly. Inuyasha was quite happy as well, he just wasn't very good at showing it.
Ginta offered her a small smile and nodded lightly as they began to walk. "Yeah, I know." He reassured her, stalling an arm loosely around her shoulder as to not slow her down or impair her walking.
Inuyasha smirked and lightly placed a hand over here when she hugged him. "It's not her yet, we've still got some time before the dance." He reminded her casually, smirking lightly. Inuyasha was quite happy as well, he just wasn't very good at showing it.
Ginta offered her a small smile and nodded lightly as they began to walk. "Yeah, I know." He reassured her, stalling an arm loosely around her shoulder as to not slow her down or impair her walking.

Sango nodded,"I worry about them too...Sayuri loves him and i feel bad that she worries so much. I worry for Koga too because i would how he would be really careful. I heard her and Ginta talking about looking for him after school... Maybe they can find him somehow? If so i hope he is okay..."
Kagome smiled,"I got my dress already. I can't wait." She said, leaning against him gently,
kissing his cheek quickly,"Anyway... How have classes been for you?" She asked in case she could help him with some homework one something.
Sayuri let him lead the way, silent as they walked. Her nerves were shot, her worry for Loga overloading her even though she knew he could take care of himself. She hoped they would find him. She hoped he was okay. And she hoped he wouldn't be too mad at her for worrying so much.
Kagome smiled,"I got my dress already. I can't wait." She said, leaning against him gently,
kissing his cheek quickly,"Anyway... How have classes been for you?" She asked in case she could help him with some homework one something.
Sayuri let him lead the way, silent as they walked. Her nerves were shot, her worry for Loga overloading her even though she knew he could take care of himself. She hoped they would find him. She hoped he was okay. And she hoped he wouldn't be too mad at her for worrying so much.
but living takes true courage.
Miroku loosely intertwined his fingers with hers, and sighed quietly. "I hope for the best, but expect the worst.. Either way, I guess it gives Inuyasha less to worry about." He spoke, trying to lighten the mood a little. He kissed her cheek and offered her a small smile, showing that he felt slightly better after voicing his concerns. "Thank you for worrying about me, Sango." He said casually.
Inuyasha smirked and scratched his cheek sheepishly, where she had kissed him. "I can't wait to see you in it." He admitted shyly, averting his gaze to hide his darkened cheeks.
Ginta continued to lead her, until he spotted a small building that appeared to be abandoned. He lowered down some as he cautiously approached the building, opening the door as quietly as he could manage. He glanced at Sayuri and gestured to her with his free hand, to go on inside.
Inuyasha smirked and scratched his cheek sheepishly, where she had kissed him. "I can't wait to see you in it." He admitted shyly, averting his gaze to hide his darkened cheeks.
Ginta continued to lead her, until he spotted a small building that appeared to be abandoned. He lowered down some as he cautiously approached the building, opening the door as quietly as he could manage. He glanced at Sayuri and gestured to her with his free hand, to go on inside.

Sango laughed,"Of course I would worry about you, silly." She said gently, kissing his cheek and giving him a hug,"I was worried you might not have been feeling well, like when Inuyasha had gotten sick and he had been acting weird." She leaned against him gently.
Kagome smiled, kissing his cheek again. Sometimes she couldn't help but like to make him blush a little bit, as it was something she didn't get to see that often,"I hope I don't embarrass you too much." She said softly, knowing having a clingy girl on you a lot could be annoying to some people.
Sayuri nodded, going inside carefully. The room they entered was a bit cluttered like someone had been there recently, but no one was there now. She looked around, hoping to see any clear recent sign Koga was there, at least to know he was okay. If she could find that out, she could be more at peace and be accepting to wait for him... She just had to know he was okay.
Kagome smiled, kissing his cheek again. Sometimes she couldn't help but like to make him blush a little bit, as it was something she didn't get to see that often,"I hope I don't embarrass you too much." She said softly, knowing having a clingy girl on you a lot could be annoying to some people.
Sayuri nodded, going inside carefully. The room they entered was a bit cluttered like someone had been there recently, but no one was there now. She looked around, hoping to see any clear recent sign Koga was there, at least to know he was okay. If she could find that out, she could be more at peace and be accepting to wait for him... She just had to know he was okay.
but living takes true courage.
@KimmiChan1989: a promise is a promise :p
Miroku chuckled lightly and gently kissed her lips after she kissed his cheek. "I love you, Sango, and I'm sorry for worry you." He said to her with a small smile. Making him worry always made him feel bad in the end.
Inuyasha murmured a quiet "don't worry about it.." and glanced at her with a small smirk. He honestly didn't mind, usually. It only bothered him if he was in a sour mood, and even then it really didn't bother him. He loosely wrapped an arm around her waist as he walked her home, since school was over.
Ginta heard himself swallow as he continued through the abandoned building, searching for hope of finding his brother. He found the slightly older male laying on a pallet off in one of the less-clustered rooms and sighed in relief. Koga shifted in his sleep from hearing them, but otherwise didn't stir. He had some bruises and srcatches, but was otherwise alright. Ginta glanced at Sayuri with a small smile, holding a finger up to his mouth.
Miroku chuckled lightly and gently kissed her lips after she kissed his cheek. "I love you, Sango, and I'm sorry for worry you." He said to her with a small smile. Making him worry always made him feel bad in the end.
Inuyasha murmured a quiet "don't worry about it.." and glanced at her with a small smirk. He honestly didn't mind, usually. It only bothered him if he was in a sour mood, and even then it really didn't bother him. He loosely wrapped an arm around her waist as he walked her home, since school was over.
Ginta heard himself swallow as he continued through the abandoned building, searching for hope of finding his brother. He found the slightly older male laying on a pallet off in one of the less-clustered rooms and sighed in relief. Koga shifted in his sleep from hearing them, but otherwise didn't stir. He had some bruises and srcatches, but was otherwise alright. Ginta glanced at Sayuri with a small smile, holding a finger up to his mouth.

Sango smiled and kissed him back gently,"I love you too." She said softly,"And I know you don't mean to worry me. But it would be weird for me to not worry if you think about it." She hugged him gently.
She smiled and hugged him gently as they walked home, letting go a few moments later just to lean against him,"I got our grade back for that project we had." She said with a smile,"We got a 100 percent~" She looked over at him,"Thank you for trying harder on that project." She said softly.
Sayuri quietly looked over and blinked, before creeping over to look into the room. She was glad to see Koga was okay. She kept herself from running in there and hugging him. She looked over to Ginta and mouthed,"Let's get out of here." She quietly moved to leave the building.
She smiled and hugged him gently as they walked home, letting go a few moments later just to lean against him,"I got our grade back for that project we had." She said with a smile,"We got a 100 percent~" She looked over at him,"Thank you for trying harder on that project." She said softly.
Sayuri quietly looked over and blinked, before creeping over to look into the room. She was glad to see Koga was okay. She kept herself from running in there and hugging him. She looked over to Ginta and mouthed,"Let's get out of here." She quietly moved to leave the building.
but living takes true courage.
Miroku smiled and nodded lightly at her comment. It made since. "Hey, Sango, let's go to dinner. Just the two of us." He offered, wearing a small smirk.
Inuyasha's golden eyes widen at the mention of their grade for the science project. "Really? Well.. Sure.." He looked almost as confused as he sounded, but he was also very proud. He averted his eyes some and scratched the side of his cheek sheepishly. Anything to make her happy, and help her graduate.
Koga continued to sleep. Ginta smiled and nodded lightly, turning to follow her out. He probably needed whatever rest he was getting.
Inuyasha's golden eyes widen at the mention of their grade for the science project. "Really? Well.. Sure.." He looked almost as confused as he sounded, but he was also very proud. He averted his eyes some and scratched the side of his cheek sheepishly. Anything to make her happy, and help her graduate.
Koga continued to sleep. Ginta smiled and nodded lightly, turning to follow her out. He probably needed whatever rest he was getting.

Sango smiled,çThat actually sounds really nice." She said,"Wanna meet up again in a little bit? I think I wanna get a shower in and some clean clothes."
Kagome smiled as they got to her house,"Wanna come in for a snack?" She asked him,"We could watch aovie or something."
Once they were outside, Sayuri let out a soft sigh,"Thank god he's play." She said quietly, feeling silly for being so afraid earlier.
Kagome smiled as they got to her house,"Wanna come in for a snack?" She asked him,"We could watch aovie or something."
Once they were outside, Sayuri let out a soft sigh,"Thank god he's play." She said quietly, feeling silly for being so afraid earlier.
but living takes true courage.
Miroku nodded and held up his phone. "Just call me when you're ready, and I'll come pick you up." He said with a smirk.
Inuyasha thought for a moment before nodding some. "Sure, if your mom wouldn't mind." He said casually.
Ginta chuckled once they were outside and pat her head gently. "So I guess he should see him at school tomorrow."
Inuyasha thought for a moment before nodding some. "Sure, if your mom wouldn't mind." He said casually.
Ginta chuckled once they were outside and pat her head gently. "So I guess he should see him at school tomorrow."

Sango nodded,"Alright." She gave him a kiss and started off for home."
Kagome smiled,"She won't. She and my brother are out of town." She said,"I already told her I was going to ask if you'd wanna hang out after school and she said it was fine with her."
Sayuri nodded,"I hope so." She said softly,"Ive really missed him. I'm so glad he's okay."
Kagome smiled,"She won't. She and my brother are out of town." She said,"I already told her I was going to ask if you'd wanna hang out after school and she said it was fine with her."
Sayuri nodded,"I hope so." She said softly,"Ive really missed him. I'm so glad he's okay."
but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:
Miroku smiled as he watched her leave briefly, before going off towards his own home. When he got there, he went inside and the first thing he did was take a shower.
Inuyasha nodded lightly and casually followed her inside, leaving his school bag by the door. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Her home always made him feel peaceful, unlike his own home.
Ginta smiled some and nodded lightly. "Let me walk you home."
Inuyasha nodded lightly and casually followed her inside, leaving his school bag by the door. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Her home always made him feel peaceful, unlike his own home.
Ginta smiled some and nodded lightly. "Let me walk you home."
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