Hi all!
| Last update: 18-07-2018 (scroll down! ;v; ) |
(that frog is my favorite emote and no one can stop me )
As you may have guessed I'm going to use this thread to dump pics and possibly other 'art' in the future as well!
Some of them i had to send from phone to phone to actually get them on my pc and ended up kinda tiny.
But, either way, seems like his would be just to place to share it.
Feel free to walk on in and chat
Any title suggestions for this thread are appreciated as well
Some of them might be big though?
And also a few years old, lol.
Either way here goes:

These may be a little bigger??

| Last update: 18-07-2018 (scroll down! ;v; ) |

(that frog is my favorite emote and no one can stop me )
As you may have guessed I'm going to use this thread to dump pics and possibly other 'art' in the future as well!
Some of them i had to send from phone to phone to actually get them on my pc and ended up kinda tiny.
But, either way, seems like his would be just to place to share it.

Any title suggestions for this thread are appreciated as well
Some of them might be big though?
And also a few years old, lol.
Either way here goes:

These may be a little bigger??

If you spot any doubles feel free to notify me me!
If I ever find the motivation, and the patience, to do so i will sort them on size, sorry for any inconvenience!