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Forums Role Playing Tapping into The Abyss

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 23:48:37 )
Levi just sighed quietly.

"It's okay." he said.

"The headache is an improvement." he told her.

"But... I have a question." he then said.

"Why help me?" he asked her.

"I mean, you don't know me, and you're not a student or teacher here... why go out of your way?" he asked further.

"Most people don't even give me a second thought. Or if they do, it's not... a pleasant one."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 02:34:39 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

When Levi asked his question, Kiah just laughed.

"Because I'm... quite certain that you don't have the right kind of anything to help manage it." She stated before pausing a moment.

"I was told by a couple of bystanders, who as you said, had thoughts that I corrected them on, that you're not, as they put it, a paranoid schizophrenic." She continued.

"Trust me on this one. I can help you out more than any psych ever could."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 02:54:10 )
Levi was silent, and looked a bit confused.

"Uh... all right." he said.

"Normally I would be extremely sceptical about this." he told her.

"I mean, Chemists are extremely intelligent and talented, but psychs tend to know what they're talking about when it comes to the mind." he reasoned.

"But nothing they've done has helped. And you just helped in a matter of minutes." he went on.

"Trusting you seems like my best option."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 03:02:03 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah just snickered lightly.

"Smart boy." She said before pausing.

"Also, if what I do doesn't help in the future, my Uncle is one of the best psychs this side of the Meridian." She stated with a smirk as they reached the nurses office. They stepped in, Kiah explained the situation and the nurse agreed to let her use a location to draw the blood.

After they were situated somewhere private, Kiah sighed.

". . . you know of Mana?" She asked as she got a syringe ready. She had a bit beyond basic first aid for her skillset, but it was enough to be able to withdraw some blood.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 03:36:09 )
"...mana." Levi mumbled.

"You mean, like, magic and stuff?" he asked her.

"Like, I see magicians like Desiree McCormick and Jaden Sherwood on stage, and their magic is amazing." he told her.

"But I hear some people call it 'mana'." he went on.

"Is that, like, another name for it, or something?" he asked her.

"Because I DO know there's more to this life than what we see." he finished.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 03:39:53 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah sighed lightly before stepping in front of Levi. She looked him from head to toe, seeming to be sizing him up, before sighing lightly.

"Mana, is what makes the world go round." She told him. 'Quite literally at that." She paused a moment.

"There's no way I can give you a full run down for it now, if only just because I don't have the time, but here. This is an example of what mana can do." She brought a hand in front o fher, let him check there was nothing on her hand to cause anything. As he was getting a closer look, he could feel the heat from her hand increase, and see sparks on her palm.

Mere seconds later, a small flame ignited, causing him to jump back, shocked.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 03:55:17 )
"W-woah!" Levi exclaimed upon seeing the flame.

"Is... is that... real?" he asked.

He reached out for it slowly, but stopped just short of the fire.

" is IS..." he realized.

"W... wow..." he muttered, before looking at Kiah.

"This... this is stuff that's actually real."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 04:00:45 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah nodded.

"Completely real. You will burn if you touch it." She said before extinguishing it.

"I don't end up burned because... well... I have a really good resistance to heat, let's leave it at that. As I said, I can gie more information if we can sit and chat somewhere more private and for a more extensive a time." She paused.

"There is a library here in the city with some books on mana if you wish to learn more though." She then paused again.

"Oh, and don't think you can create a flame. You have mana, obviously, the mana blockers I gave you would not have worked otherwise. But you do, and it works in a very specific way. Again, I can givbe more information if we were to meet at a later date and time." She sighed as she started to do what she needed to. After the deed was done, she just met his gaze again.

'Any chance you can make it out to San Diego?" She asked.

"At any point. It's where I live, and I can easily give you more information for ya. It'd be better to do it face to face than over the phone."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 04:10:15 )
Levi was silent, and just sighed.

"Not easily." he told her.

"My finances are... a bit tight, and I can't have a driver's license, for... well... obvious medical reasons." he said.

"But my friend has her license, and her own vehicle." he informed her further.

"Is that something you can work with?" he asked.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 04:12:11 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah just smiled.

"It is." She said with a nod.

"I assume you have an email address?" She asked. "Because I can send you an email with the address of ht elibrary I mentioned. I can give them a call and a heads up so that you can get in there." She paused a moment.

"If you're interested."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 04:33:53 )
Levi nodded.

"Yeah, sure." he told her.

He then dug a pen and notebook out of his backpack and wrote his email address on one of the sheets, ripping it out and giving it to her.

"Here." he said.

"My personal email, as opposed to my school email." he told her.

"Should be safer."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 04:52:35 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah accepted it and nodded.

"Awesome." She said with a chuckle. She slid it into her wallet, which was replaced in the spot in her bra that she'd withdrawn it from.

"And Thank you." She added with a soft smile.

"Anyway, I have a presentation to get to and I do believe you have a class to get to." She thne said with a light smirk.

"I'll email you when I get everything set up." She added before snapping her fingers. She withrew her wallet and a card from within. After borrowing Levi's pen, she wrote her personal cell number on it, along with her email so that he knew what email it would be coming from.

"If you need someone to talk to at any point, and your friend won't cut it, please, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not a psych, but I'm pretty sure you don't need one." She then said with a light laugh.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:13:55 )
Levi just nodded, and blushed a little, mostly due to the placement of her wallet.

He was still young, after all. He was technically an adult... but still. A young one.

"All right." he finally said.

"I'll remember that." he told her.

"Is it all right if I give this to my friend?" he then asked her.

"Or, let her know who you are, at least?" he asked further.

"Just so you have another form of contact?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:15:51 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Kiah paused to think about it, but that didn't last long before she nodded.

"Of course." She answered.

"Just let her know that if she's going to contact me, to make sure that it's said who is contacting me, just so I know." She added with a light laugh. That made sense, she was sure.

"But yeah, not a problem."

"Anyway, come on. Let's clear out of here. Keep the mints. What I can make for you once I get back to San Diego will be far more effective than the ones I gave you earlier, but those'll do the trick for a couple weeks til I have yours made up."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:30:30 )
Again, Levi nodded.

"Sure." he replied.

With that, they left the nurse's office, and he looked around.

"Supposed I should get to class." he said, before pausing and smirking.

"See what the people think when I actually look normal." he chuckled.

"Well... ACT normal." he clarified. "Whatever 'normal' is..."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:35:15 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Not having the whispers will likely be quite a relief." Kiah commented, "And you already looked a lot more relaxed than before. I'm willing to bet it'll be noticed." She paused a moment before shrugging.

"Only one way to find out though. Do try not to fuck with too many people, hey? Don't get in trouble, at least."

"Anywho, here is where we part ways." She told him as they reached the entrance area of the school.

"I've got to stop by the front office before continuing on to the class... need to double check which class I'm in, for that matter." She admitted the latter part under her breath though.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:50:27 )
"Bye!" Levi called out to her, before looking at the container again.

"Wow." he muttered.

"So this is all it takes." he said to himself.

"Heh." he chuckled.

"Never thought a headache would feel so good." he finished, before walking off, more of a spring to his step that before. He couldn't wait to tell a certain someone about this.

He was anxious to see her reaction.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 05:57:55 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

His friend had been ecstatic, and he'd kept contact with Kiah for the couple of weeks. After a bit, Kiah emailed him about what she'd been mixing for him being done.

Hey there Levi!

I've got the mints done for you, opted to keep them mints again for ease - because flavour is always good when it's mint. Anyway, They're done, and should last just over a month for you, but that should be all you need.

Long story short, At your leisure, you need to come out to pick them up. Beyond that, email me back and we'll get this all sorted out.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 06:12:56 )
Levi just smiled when he read the email, and thought for a moment.

That's great to hear.

Like I said, I don't have a vehicle or license, and I'm currently in the middle of studying for a big exam... which has been proving a little difficult, seeing as the voices are back, but they're whispers right now.

However, can my friend show up and get them? She said she was planning on making a trip to San Diego in the next day or so. Can't remember why, but she said she was.

And if she can, what does she need to prove that she's my friend, and a representative for me?
was what he sent back.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/12 06:15:09 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

He wasn't waiting long, but he had returned to his studying before he heard a chime to indicate that he had a new email.

Not a problem! As for proof... hmmmm.... know what? The standard is just to have a signed thing, but that's never the best, I find. So how about she gets a short recording of the two of you on her phone? That way can see her, can see you, can verify she is who she claims, etc. I know what you look and sound like and whatnot, so I don't see why that wouldn't work.

Plus, I'm sure you've learned I'm not really one for rules and such. This seems easier to me, as well.

Does that work?

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
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