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Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 15:55:56 )

@Lady Luna: I'm up for reading some of your works.

@sunny: Yeah, I was actually a bit surprised to learn they are more like harpies than mermaids in terms of physical appearance. Also, apparently "Sirens were fated to die if someone heard their singing and escaped them, and that after Odysseus passed by they therefore flung themselves into the water and perished." That last part further drives home the point that they are not aquatic. I'm unsure of how I want to incorporate their weakness, but I'm glad to see they have one, as I'd never heard of them having one before.

A poem on gorgons would be interesting, by the way.

@Saeyra: Ah, I have that same problem too, heh. Like with sunny's poem, I want to tell her why I like it, but it's hard to explain, so I just have to settle with saying that I do like it. As for that book, I must admit I haven't read it. I swear I find my collection of Poe and then immediately lose it. Thankfully I seem to have found the story online, so I'll be adding that to my list of things to read. Personally, one of my favorite stories of his would be The Masque of the Red Death.


Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 16:54:46 )
@Lady Luna: hey how are you?

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 18:59:01 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@Quoth the Raven: here's just under 4600 words then =P

The sun hung low in the sky, almost completely hidden behind the tops of the trees that were behind him. The shadows that were cast stretched far and long, giving everything an elongated look that almost seemed to be unreal. The sun also cast an almost orange-hued glow around everything. It was borderline breathtaking, well would be if not viewed from the ground level. If viewed from above, a few stories up, with all the trees in the area it’d likely be absolutely gorgeous.

He was walking down the street, looking around with more intensity as would be expected from an average person. He was looking for something, or maybe it was a someone. Whatever it was, he was searching, and intently. He almost gave off the air of it being a matter of life and death, which was causing most people to avoid him. Anyone that walked past him either crossed to the other side of the street before coming close, or they gave him a wide berth because of the air he gave off. He didn’t seem to be aware of it, at all, though.

The figure looked to be a young man, if not a teenager. The beanie he had atop his head was large enough that it hid all his hair barring a small amount of what appeared to be green to the left side of his face, and some of his features from the shadows it cast. His deep emerald eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight though, which was almost rather eerie. His ears were hidden beneath the hat as well, but that wasn’t anything too unusual. It was getting to be colder out, so at this hour it was rather chilly. He seemed to be chillier than most though, as along with his hat, he had a deep almost natural coloured leather full length trench coat. It was a work of beauty though, appearing as if it had been made specifically to fit his frame.

“…where are you…?” He asked the air, knowing he wouldn’t get an answer.

“I know you’re here somewhere…” He said further as he closed his eyes to concentrate on something. What that something was, was unknown to those that were around him. After a few seconds though, he just sighed before making his way over to where there was a bench. It was below a shop window, with a mild air of annoyance, he sat down before looking toward the window. Sitting just outside the glass on the ledge was a plant. It looked to have been forgotten for it was dehydrated, the leaves looking to be brittle. To say it saddened him would be an understatement. He hated seeing things like this, evidence of abandonment in any form to the worlds flora. It wasn’t natural, he was sure.

“Savages…” He growled as he lightly cupped the decaying plants leaves.

“Don’t eve—” He started to continue before pausing mid-word, his eyes widening for a fraction of a second before his head whipped upwards, toward the apartment building that was ahead of him. He looked up, his gaze locking on the pale light that was barely visible from one of the windows.

“…there.” He said quietly before getting to his feet. He’d found what he was searching for. Now was the time to act.


She hit the wall, and she hit it hard. The few pictures and the mirror that had been on the wall fell, crashing to the hardwood floor from the impact. She was held up against the wall, the hand around her throat and getting tighter. There was no way that she’d be able to speak at the moment, she could barely breathe. At least her attacker hadn’t removed that possibility yet.

“Now then. I finally found you.” Her attacker stated, his voice seeming to have a hint of pride to it as his grasp around her throat tightened. She coughed from the pressure as she started to violently fight to get his hand off. She did everything she could think of, scratch, claw, kick… nothing seemed to work. Even with his attention split between her, and his other hand that he was extending out to the side.

“Now that I have finally found you, I can extract what I want from you.” He added as what seemed to be ink started to form past his hand that wasn’t wrapped around her throat. As she saw that happening, her attention faltered. She stopped fighting and just stared at what was forming before her very eyes. She knew what it was, but couldn’t believe it was there. How could she? As far as she knew, what he was doing was very difficult, very time consuming, and almost impossible.

Her attention faltering resulted in her head beginning to feel light, almost numb. She knew she had to regain the ability to breathe, but she didn’t know how well that would go. Very soon she’d likely be unconscious, and who knew what would happen to her after that happened.

She continued to fight, trying to get free of his grasp. She couldn’t though. He had a surprising amount of strength in that one hand, was holding her far better than she’d ever thought a single man could hold her. It was getting to be far too difficult though. He was cutting off her ability to breath, and it was interfering with everything for the moment.

“Not here, though.” He stated as the inky magic formed behind him.

“It would draw far too much attention.” He reasoned, a light smirk on his face.

“And time is quite a precious commodity when something quite so delicate is being done.” He finished with, before chuckling darkly. What little of her breath that remained, froze as he said that. She didn’t know what to make of it, and certainly didn’t want to know. She wanted to get free, so she resumed her attempt to get his grasp off of her. The harder she tried though, the tighter his grasp got, and it didn’t take long at all before she noticed the coldness spreading through her, and the darkness at the edges of her vision. She couldn’t let this be the end though.

With the last bit of strength she had, she reached into her back pocket and withdrew a pocket knife. Her movements weren’t he steadiest, were rather jerky and frantic, but she managed to get the knife open. She was able to do it with practiced ease, before stabbing her attacker through the arm with it.

It was almost instantaneous. As soon as the blade was through his flesh, and she was pretty sure she scraped the bone, he dropped her. She hit the ground relatively hard, and had to fight to remain conscious for the moment, but at least she was alive. At least he’d let go, and she was alive. She could continue to breathe, at least for the moment. She didn’t know if he would be able to go for her throat again while continuing what he was doing, not with that damage to his arm.

“Why you little…” he snarled before starting to rant and rave in a language that she barely had the wherewithal to realize the origins of, before returning back to English as he removed the knife from his arm.

“You…” he growled

“Just like your parents…” he continued as the magic that was just past him continued to shift and form into what he was trying to create. The pain, however, did interfere with that for the moment.

“You never know when you’re beaten, and always want to have things end in the worst possible way for you.” He finished. He was about to continue, before she interrupted.

“I’ve heard that. A lot. Dad always told me that it was a family trait, and not one to give up.” She stated, her voice sure, confident, but weakened from the suffocation before.

“As long as I draw breath, I will not, I refuse to, lay down and die.” She then said as she forced herself to her feet, and took as good a defensive stance as she could. Considering the previous lack of air, it was very much a difficult task.

“Do your worst.” She then stated, proving to him that she wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t give in. If she had anything to say about it, she wouldn’t let him do anything. She’d fight tooth and nail. No matter what it was that he would do, she would fight to survive.

He was silent for a moment before just laughing. It was dark, it was foreboding, it was ominous.

“My worst?” He asked her, almost rhetorically.

“Child, my worst would shatter this world.” He then stated before pausing, considering the possibilities of that. It only lasted a few seconds before he shrugged, though. Before she could ask what he was thinking, even if he was too scared to know (not that she would admit it), he continued speaking.

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” He stated. “I have no use for this world, after all.” As he spoke, he was able to bring up his injured arm so that the hand was useable. She was surprised about that, but wouldn’t dwell on it for now. Instead, she was too preoccupied with the black and red magic that was forming between the pair of them.

“Or perhaps I’ll just decimate this city instead.” He continued, his silver eyes locking on her almost crystalline blue ones.

“We’ll see what happens.” He finished with a laugh as she just stared, watching what he was doing. She wasn’t even listening to him, barely hearing anything he was saying for the moment. She was too busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and what she could do to save her own damned life.

Stories, travels, from her past rushed through her head. She knew that there was truth to what he said, to an extent, but she also knew that there was no way that he could be there. She’d been told that she was protected, that she couldn’t be found. Well, not unless her location was revealed by a knowing party. If that was the case, it left her to wonder who… before everything about her froze.

Her father had gone missing about a year prior.

Did he reveal where she was…? Was he even still alive?

‘There’s no way he gave me up. Dad and I … he wouldn’t.’ She thought, before shaking her head and meeting those eerie and haunting silver eyes. There was a new determination in her gaze, one that hadn’t been there before. Before either of them could think anything, she dove for him, tackling him to the ground.

He was surprised, but didn’t seem to have an issue as his back hit the hardwood floor.

“Well now.” He started, “Aren’t you the brave one?” He asked.

“Just like your parents.” He finished, darkness to his voice that she was beginning to feel engulfing her. There was no way to describe it, her brain could barely process it, but she knew what it was. It wasn’t suffocating, at least, but she could certainly feel it creeping into her pores, her bones, restricting her movements, making it harder and harder to do anything.

No matter what it was that she tried, she couldn’t get free of this darkness, this form of restraint. It was something that she hadn’t truly believed was real, for she’d never encountered it before. It almost felt as if there were shadows holding every bone of hers in place.

“Dammit!” She exclaimed, irritation in her voice as she found the shadow ‘binds’ that held her in place.

“I refuse to go easy.” She stated, the determination from before, which was something he’d never seen in a victim of his before, seeming to just get stronger. As he met her gaze with his proud one, he saw something he wasn’t entirely surprised to see, but certainly not prepared for. There was an odd sheen that her eyes took on. The light hadn’t changed, but they almost looked to have acquired a crystalline look … or maybe it was ice.

He shoved her off of him and got to his feet when he noticed it. The step that he took back seemed to say more than he was likely willing to convey in words, as well. He was afraid. Even if it wasn’t a high degree of fear, there was some within him.

She took pride in that. It was possibly the one thing that would let her live. Especially once she felt what was binding her starting to weaken. She could almost break out of it, but before she could his gaze turned from fearful, to angry.

“No…” He said quietly before growling lightly.

“NO!” He yelled, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her up. It caught her off guard, and she hadn’t been able to prepare. As his hands grasped her. She felt the binds tighten, return to where they had been previously.

“I refuse to lose to your bloodline!” He declared.

“Damn you! I will make sure you suffer before you die!” He promised, his words angry and his eyes seeming to betray more than that. He honestly looked to be insane, as if something had snapped within his mind.

As his hand grasped her collar, she just brought her hands up and wrapped her hands around his wrists, making sure that it was skin on skin contact, she couldn’t have material in the way with what she was about to do.

“Fuck. You.” She snarled, her voice determined, and filled with self-preservation born adrenaline.

“My Dad warned me. He’d said that someone would come looking for me eventually. He may not have told me why, but he did tell me someone would… once he went missing, I knew that whoever it was, was getting close.” She continued. As she spoke, he could feel a chill creeping up his arm, and down his hand. That chill was getting stronger though, sharper too.

“I had to make sure I was ready to defend myself to the death. So I’ve been practicing.” Was the last thing she said as he felt an intense cold seep into him, almost seep into his very bones. It caused him to freeze for a fraction of a second. That fraction though, was long enough for the cold to creep up past his elbow, up closer to his shoulder. He recoiled, dropping her and causing the connection that was there to be broken, before almost staggering back a couple paces.

“You bitch.” He snarled as she landed on the hardwood, and someone managed to stay on her feet.

“Icesska, you fucking bitch!” He then screamed before his half frozen hand had an orb forming above it. It was dark, almost as deep and unendingly dark as a black hole was. There were tendrils of the sheer blackness almost looking to escape from it. She, Icesska, was silent for a moment before scrambling to her feet to get away from him and that magic. She didn’t know what it would do, she didn’t know what it was that would happen, and she wasn’t even sure she’d live to tell the tale of that hit her. She just knew that she had to avoid it, had to hide, and had to stop him from trying to steal her from there.

It didn’t take long before she realized she couldn’t. No matter what she tried to do, nothing would work. While she wasn’t the smartest or more strategic person out there, she knew enough to be able to realize that she wasn’t the speed of light, and couldn’t avoid something once it was thrown at her. Along with that, she knew that once she moved, he’d throw it if he was smart. She was willing to bet that he was smart enough to do that, too. Meaning she couldn’t take the chance.

So she stayed where she was. She stayed there and watched the magic grow, watched it change shape, colour, and continue to get larger. She was taken by the sight of it, if only because she’d never seen magic like that before. All she knew was what she could do, and some of the other stuff she’d see… but there was never anything of this variety in her past experiences.

Her attacker just smirked, the expression dark, foreboding, and very creepy on his thin shadowed face. His silver eyes seemed to scream that this would be painful. She was ready though. As she’d been there, not moving, not doing much of anything other than watching the magic, she’d been using her own. She’d her her own magic covering her, coating every part of her. It was giving almost everything about her a frozen look, but she was far from cold. He just clicked his tongue a few times as he shook his head, before throwing the magic at her.

She attempted to dodge it, she may have had something akin to an icy shield over her, but she didn’t really want to test if it would work.

She didn’t have a choice in the matter though. As she attempted to dodge it, she largely did. She dodged it enough that it didn’t hit her torso as had most likely been the intention. In the flip that she’d done to try and avoid it, it had hit her foot. Almost instantly she felt the magic seem to meld, merge, with the layer of ice that was acting as a form of protection. She felt it seep into her skin. She felt it seep through the tissue, the muscles, right to the bone.

Instantly she felt an insane heat. It felt as if there very core of the bones in her foot had fire in them, and it felt like it was spreading. With a scream of pain, she tried to use her magic, her ice, to block it off. She had to stop the spread, and she knew that. She didn’t know what it would do, was confident it wouldn’t kill her, but she still didn’t know what sort of damage would result from that attack.

She didn’t dare wait around to find out though.

The ice helped halt it enough that it didn’t feel like it was spreading up her leg anymore. That halting allowed her to breath normally, or at least more normally, as she sank to a seated position on the floor. She couldn’t put any weight on that foot, and it wasn’t hard to believe. Her attacker just grinned for a moment before laughing out loud. He was taking pleasure in what he was witnessing, what he’d wrought upon her. He could see the agony that she was feeling in her face, and he loved it.

“And now,” he started as he roughly grabbed her arm with his half frozen hand, which he’d managed to thaw out by this point, ”you have a date with destiny, my dear.” His voice was cold as he said what he did, and while she wasn’t paying full attention due to the pain, he was able to force her to her feet again.

“My destiny, that is!” He added, he sounded almost gleeful as he said that before roughly shoving her toward the magic that he’d formed what seemed like forever ago. She tried to stop it, tried to avoid being thrown through, but she couldn’t. He was able to get her into the hole with little difficulty, but that was in part because of the pain that she was feeling from the magic that he’d thrown at her foot.

‘Dammit! NO!’ She screamed internally as she felt the magic around her start to pull. It was taking her elsewhere, it was taking her somewhere she hadn’t been for years, and she knew that. She just didn’t know where, exactly, it would be.

She didn’t want to find out, either. As she felt the hole that she’d come through closing up, she felt herself pale. She could barely breathe for the moment, and she knew that she was in a lot of trouble. He was standing in the way though, wouldn’t let her past even if she were to honestly try. He noticed that she was about to panic, before laying a hand on her shoulder, more calmly, and almost kindly, than he’d shown at any point before. Gone was the anger, gone was the insanity she saw earlier. It was replaced with confidence, a victorious cockiness even. He was sure he won, that there was nothing more the teen could do, and even she was sure he won. She couldn’t get out of here, could barely even stand on her own power for the moment.

“Just let this happen.” He said abruptly, almost kindly.

“You cannot fight me off,” he continued, “you have no hope.” She felt her ire starting to rise as she heard what he was saying, but it was never able to come to a head. He continued speaking before she could consider reacting.

“So just play your part in fate and allow me to take my proper place in Adaminia.” He finished. The teen, Icesska, was silent. Proper place? She wasn’t sure what he was thinking would come of this, what he was aiming toward, but she knew that a psychotic man like him should not be in position of power, as he was obviously aiming to be. It wasn’t hard to guess, either. Otherwise he wouldn’t be saying such things, ro trying so fervently to get her. Most people would have likely given up when she attacked their wrist with the pocket knife.

“Yeah… no.” Was all she said for a moment. Her voice was sharp and determined. Even if she was certain that she was on her way to death, she refused to let him take her easily.

“I refuse to let you do this without a fight. While I still dra—” she continued, before she felt his hand over her mouth.

“While you still draw breath you’ll fight me to the death. I know. I’ve heard it all before.” He told her with a bit of a roll of his eyes.

“But you have no choice.” He then stated. She knew that he was right there. She couldn’t get out of the passageway they were in. She couldn’t do anything until they got to the other side, until they were out of the magic. Only then could she even consider attempting something.

“As soon as we exit this tunnel, my minions will be ready for you.” He continued, causing Icesska’s breath to catch in her throat for a split second. That certainly put a crimp in the burgeoning plans within her head.

“I can tell that you still want to escape, but there is no escape for you.” He stated as he started to get closer.

“Now tell me,” he started, his breath practically in her ear, “are you going to continue making this harder for yourself?” He asked. Icesska was silent for a moment before growling.

‘Not like I have a choice, it seems.’ She thought. She didn’t dare speak her thoughts though, and she would ensure to keep her mouth shut on that front.

“Yeah… no.” She stated, her tone defiant. “I am not going to make anything easy for you.”

“I am going to get free, and then I’m going to stop you.” She promised, not sure why she said it, and certainly not sure she could do as she promised, but she knew that if given the chance, she had to take it. She was barely finished the statement, the promise, though when her abductor just laughed out loud.

“Hah!! Free?” He asked, her voice incredulous. He couldn’t believe she was entertaining that as a possible future. He knew she wouldn’t be able to get free, strictly because what he had in store was far too well planned.

“Right now, the only thing that will give you any sort of freedom is a miracle!” He boasted, not noticing the slight change in the magic around them. Icesska did notice it though. She saw what looked to be a divide starting to form ahead of them. She had no idea what it was, exactly, but she did have an idea. Someone was coming from the same location, but down a different path. She’d seen this once before… and it gave her a sense of hope. Maybe she would get out of here, with the newcomers help.

The man that was taking her wherever it was that he was taking her noticed it too.

“What!?” He exclaimed, anger and shock in his voice as he looked around.

“What’s going on!?” He added as someone else stepped up from behind. It was the same teen from before, his beanie and coat seeming to be eaten by the darkness of the magic they were surrounded by.

“One miracle coming up!” He state with a grin before extending his hand out toward Icesska. No words between the pair of teens were exchanged. She didn’t hesitate either before just grasping his hand.

“Sorry Vyran, but this is her stop.” He finished with a smirk, before using her non-pained foot to kick Vyran has hard as she could, trying to put some distance between the pair of them. Thankfully, her kick had been unexpected enough, as this entire situation was, that she was able to cause him to stagger a few paces away from her, allowing the newcomer to tak e her.

“You!” the one called ‘Vyran’ snarled at the newcomer, who just met his gaze.

“You will not take this away from me!” he declared. The newcomer just shrugged.

“Yeah, I think I will.” Was the teens response before throwing something, an orb of magic Icesska though, at Vyran. When it connected, it exploded into what looked to be a type of pollen. It wasn’t identifiable, but that was all right. It was enough to cloud Vyran’s sight of them, and that was all that she could hope for at the moment. As Vyran cried out in pain, the newcomer pulled her down the new path, and had it close up behind him so that they couldn’t be followed.

There was silence between them for the short path. It lasted around three seconds before they were standing in a grassy field. Or more specifically, a grassy field-like clearing in a forest.

She dropped to her hands and knees before shifting, bringing her pained foot out from under her. She didn’t let out a cry, somehow, from the extreme pain she felt. The teen that saved her looked toward her with a bit of a concerned expression. Before he could say or do anything though, she spoke.

“Uhh… where are we? I … I don’t recognize anything around here…” She said. She knew where they were, in the sense of what world, but nothing more specific than that.

“Hmmm, well… the immediate answer is the Verdant Glade.” He answered honestly. There was a bit of hesitation to his voice as he spoke though, almost as if he didn’t know how she would take the information. She didn’t get a chance to say anything though before he continued.

“A slightly larger answer would be that we’re on the land of Tevash. And even more broad that that, would be that we’re in Adaminia.” He told her.

I never said it was good, and even I see tons of flaws with this for an opening.
I'm thinking I need to rework it, again. XD
Doing openings to stories.... suck. Plain and simple.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 19:02:23 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@nyreen: I'm good, yourself?

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 22:17:01 )
@Lady Luna: pretty good just working ^^
call me grem

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 22:28:30 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@nyreen: well, that's not bad =)
At least you'll be paid for it, right? XD

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 22:52:38 )

@Lady Luna: It's an interesting story, for sure. If you ever do revise it, I'd love to read that as well.
And I agree with your assessment. I'm never sure how to go about introducing my characters and their world. The only advice I seem to remember is to ensure to grab your reader's attention from the get go.


Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 23:47:44 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@Quoth the Raven: Yeah, I know. Hence the encounter that's pretty quickly happening.
I'm just... not happy with it, sadly.

The story has potential. I think it'd be a blast to write, and probably read later. It's just.... nto easy to start it. LOL.
I do better with short stories. XD

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 23:53:43 )

@Quoth the Raven: Just finished reading The Masque of the Red Death! Very classic Poe. He really loves satire. I love how he makes his stories really satisfying because you feel like justice has been done. It is all tied up with a morbid little bow at the end.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/7 13:29:58 )
@Quoth the Raven: That sounds like it would be an interesting weakness to include, especially since it would subvert many people's expectations about what sirens actually are available and kind of act as a hook to pull them in. It kind of adds a sadness to them, because there songs inevitably pull in sailors, but then they die. They're helpless really, but villanised by so many stories :/

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 01:02:46 )

@Lady Luna: Do you have any examples of those? Short stories, I mean.

@Saeyra: Yes, exactly!
I'm going to out myself and let you know I kept editing my response for the past 10 minutes because I absolutely love this man and would most likely gush about his work forever.
But I feel like I should spare you from that, so let's just reiterate that you're absolutely right and leave it at that?

@sunny: Unfortunately, they are. There are a couple of stories I'll have to sift through to see why they attempted to lure two heroes, but that aside, I've yet to see a convincing reason for why they sing. At first I thought it was to eat the sailors, but this made me think otherwise: "That the sailors' flesh is rotting away, suggests it has not been eaten. It has been suggested that, with their feathers stolen, their divine nature kept them alive, but unable to provide food for their visitors, who starved to death by refusing to leave."

The word "visitors" makes me think that in the end, they were just lonely and using their song to lure men to their island for company.


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 01:06:58 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@Quoth the Raven: A... few...
They aren't very good though < <

It was so steady, that beeping. I didn’t know what it was that I could hear beeping, and even if I’d wanted to find out what it was, I couldn’t. I couldn’t move, could barely even think … never mind doing anything else.
Where was I? How did I get there? The last thing I could remember was that I had been in bed at home. I’d just crawled into bed for the night after one hellish day dealing with irritating children. I guess I fell asleep… or perhaps I was drugged? And was brought here.
Wherever here was.
It was painfully slow, but eventually, everything started to clear. I could hear voices in the distance. I could barely hear them, making it sound as if there were walls between us, and not just one. I could barely make out what they were saying, but at least I could make out something. I didn’t know what it was that I was supposed to be listening for, though, of course. How could I? I was just waking up after… whatever had happened to me. I had no clue, and something told me that I wouldn’t find out anytime soon, either.
“… -she’s — now?” A woman’s voice. It was broken up as if there was a rather shocking amount of static, almost as if I was listening to an old radio that was desperately in need of being kicked to the curb. I didn’t know what it was that she was saying, exactly, but I could almost glean an idea.
“—ow is——? Do— hav— upda—?” It was getting clearer, allowing my mind to piece together more and more of what I was hearing. I could hear things clearer as if they were closer and not through so many walls, but it was still as if my ears were filled with water, or cotton… I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I hated it. My hearing had always been something I had taken pride in, and to lose it so suddenly like this… it wasn’t something that I wanted to go through.
Just no.
After that, though, everything faded. What little I heard was gone, moments before I lost all sense of anything…
When I woke, I had no idea if that had all truly happened. At first, I’d honestly thought that it had just been a bad dream and that I was back home… at least until I looked around. It didn’t take me long to realize that the white and red walls weren’t the ones I had in my bedroom. No, my walls had been a pale spearmint green. Instantly alarm bells were ringing in my head, and they were loud enough that I swore I could hear them in the most literal and physical sense.
I shot up in bed when the pain in my head became apparent. I could barely think as I brought my hands up to my temples and grasped tightly. The alarm bells were too loud, far too loud. I didn’t even notice someone coming into my room, or rather whatever room I was in until I found myself laying down again, the pain gone.
I wanted to question it, but when I opened my mouth to try, I found that my voice was gone. I couldn’t speak, my melodic and harmonious voice was gone. Whoever it was that was there, someone that I now noticed was a man, just patted me on the head slightly before getting to his feet and walking off. It only took a couple of seconds before he was out the door again and I was alone. He left me alone as he returned to wherever he had been before, whatever he had been pulled from before.
I couldn’t help but wonder, did he hear the bells too? The alarms? Whatever it was that they had been? I had no idea; I couldn’t help but wonder if it was in my head, if I was going crazy or something. I did have to wonder, though, how did he know I was awake? There had to have been something, some sort of indicator.
It didn’t take long before I decided not to worry about all of that, though. I had to figure out where I was, right? Right. So, the first thing I needed to do, regarding that, was to get to my feet and look around.
I found that it was shockingly easy. I couldn’t believe it. For some reason, I think I had it in my head that I’d be bound to the bed, or drugged to the point that I couldn’t get up. I don’t know why I was thinking that, but perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I had read too many books and watched too many movies in my life. I knew how kidnapped women were treated… for some reason, though, it didn’t seem like I was on the receiving end of anything other than the fact that I was a victim of a kidnapping.
‘What the hell is going on…?’ I wondered as I looked around. The walls were white and red, with the red looking like fresh blood running down the walls. I tried not to focus on them for long, or the odd black music notes that seemed to be scattered throughout the room. Following the notes, though, since it seemed my eyes were naturally drawn to them, I did notice something odd about them. They almost seemed to glow, and it was easy to tell, although I don’t know why or how I could tell, that they did play something out. That was something I would have to look into, I knew that, and I vowed mentally, silently, that I would be back to do that.
I had to find out where I was, first.
There was no way that I could let myself get caught up trying to figure something like that out, some sort of puzzle until I found out if I was somewhere safe - which I seriously doubted - or not. I wouldn’t allow myself to get caught up. No.
I would soon find out, though, that I didn’t have a choice. The notes seemed to call to me, almost as if they were beckoning me, calling my name quite literally. I had no idea why, and looking back on it I only picked up on it on a subconscious level, but they were. I couldn’t explain it at the time, but I was quickly finding that I didn’t much care to try to explain it. Why should I? It made sense to me, for some reason, wasn’t that enough?
I made my way to the notes and quickly set to work rearranging them. As I was doing so, there was some small part of my brain that was telling me to stop, trying to get me to quit playing with the notes and start trying to figure out where I was. I ignored it, though, and the louder it got within my head, the more I found myself focused on the notes on the wall, the notes I was rearranging.
I was so engrossed, entranced, by the seemingly glowing notes on the walls that I didn’t notice the door opening or the footsteps of someone walking up to me until they tapped me on the shoulder. Immediately I was pulled back to this world, instead of whatever world I was in, and jumped rather violently as I whirled around.
“Hey, relax.” The man who was standing at the door said calmly.
“I know, you’re mute. You’re also really lost at the moment, aren’t you?” He asked. His voice was something that I could sit and listen to for hours, if not longer. Of course, that was all dependent on whether or not I was allowed to.
It didn’t take long before he was talking more, I guess I must have nodded or something in response to his question, and I found myself getting lost in the sounds that were coming from his mouth, his throat, his voice box. I didn’t know what to think, and I couldn’t think anything above and beyond how much I loved what I was hearing.
Suddenly, the next thing I knew, his hands were on my shoulders, shaking me.
“Hey! Come on, snap out of it!” He exclaimed, obviously rather irritated. When I was able to think again finally, although I did still feel as if I was atop a mountain of clouds. I could barely think at the moment, but my head was clearing, thankfully.
“You okay?” He asked, concern in his voice. I just looked up at him, and apparently whatever he saw in my face he didn’t like. He just cursed before shaking his head.
“I’ll be back.” He said before walking off, leaving me to wonder what was going on… and pray that he would return sooner, rather than later. I didn’t know him, but … there was something about him, about his voice, that drew me in.
‘Where the hell am I? And who the hell was that?’ I wondered after a few minutes. I shook my head and got to my feet, wondering what the hell it was that I was to do around here. The white and red walls were unnerving to me, since the red splotches looked too much like blood that had hit the wall and dried. Not taking into consideration that red was a colour to insight anger, of course. Those two factors were enough to make me want to get the hell out of there.
I made my way over to the door and hesitated a moment before trying to open it. I was shocked to find that it wasn’t locked, that it opened without a hitch, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the hall looked normal. It was definitely welcome. Without any delay, I stepped into the hall, the door to the room I woke in closing softly behind me, and started walking. I was in the last room of the hall, there was the hall, and a wall. So, logically, I took the hall.
I walked past several rooms, not knowing what it was that I was to think, do, or even make of the area. There were a lot of doors in the hall, and I could hear some noises from within the rooms I walked past. I had no idea what to make of them, and the more I heard, the more my skin felt like it was crawling. I just wanted out of there, and it became rather apparent when I broke into a dead run down the hall. I followed it, turning randomly down other halls, and hoping to make my way out. I hadn’t even seen a single window yet, so I was seriously starting to wonder if I was trapped.
It didn’t take me much longer, surprisingly enough, before I reached a rather large open room that had windows all around. It was then that I remembered a small detail, my room had a window, I just paid no heed to it. The curtains matched the walls paint, and it just seemed to blend in a bit.
Once I reached that room though, I relaxed, and very noticeably. I wasn’t as trapped as I had originally thought, it seemed. I may not have been free yet, but at least there was a way out. At least there was that, and that was all I had to take solace in at the moment.
“Oh, Rebecca, you’re awake.” A calm voice said behind me. I jumped and whirled around, backing up as I moved.
“Please, no need to be afraid.” She continued. I was too panicked at the moment to notice her appearance at the time, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts of how I was trapped, even if it had lessened.
She walked forward, her blonde hair tied back in a bun that made it impossible to tell how long it was, and her sea blue eyes seemingly nothing more than just pools of the deepest and most gorgeous part of the ocean. Even now, as I’m telling you all this, I find myself sighing dreamily at her eyes. I’d always loved the ocean. I’d never known why, for so long, but after learning more about myself, I knew. It was a natural thing for me, and there was definitely no way that I couldn’t love the sea. It was almost as if I was mermaid, really, my appreciation of it was that deep.
Sorry, I derailed there. Where was I? Oh, right, the woman.
She reached a hand out to me, calmly, almost as if asking my permission to touch me. It was then that I noticed that she seemed to be wearing a nurses uniform, which I definitely found … odd. Where was I that warranted a nurses uniform?
Immediately my mind was racing. Was I in some sort of sex movie, unwillingly? Was I being trained to become a sex slave? Was I—
There was so much, I couldn’t make sense of it all for almost five minutes. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in one of the chairs beneath a window that was there, and the blonde was sitting next to me, rubbing my back.
“Hey, relax. You’re all right.” She said, her voice calm, and rather soothing. I just looked to her, a bit of a puzzled, and scared, expression on my face, which just net a chuckle from the blonde.
“You’re too cute, you know that?” She asked. “I’ll arrange for your voice to be returned to you.” She added, which just made me look even more confused. They stole my voice? What? How does someone…
Immediately my hands went to my throat, alarm in my eyes as I felt for a scar, for stitches, a fresh wound… anything. They had to have stolen my voice box, that was the only thing that I could think of that could do to ‘steal my voice’. The woman just chuckled slightly, again.
“Don’t worry, it’s just been… blocked I guess you could say. You’ll be fine, no harm done physically, perhaps mentally though.” She told me, muttering the last part under her breath slightly.
“Anyway, stay put, I’ll go get that set up then.” She said before getting to her feet.
“Are you going to be okay?”
I couldn’t help but silently growl at her when she asked that. Her tone, even though I know she was meaning it to sound kind, just sounded condescending to me. She seemed to pick up on that and sighed slightly.
“I’m sorry, but it’s an honest question. Will you be okay sitting there? Or do you think your nerves are going to get in the way?” She asked. I just sighed and shook my head, not knowing if she would know what I meant by that. I meant that I would be fine, that no, my nerves wouldn’t get in the way. This seemed to be the only way that I could get answers, after all. Of course I would be there, waiting. I would do what I needed to, to get the answers I felt I deserved.
She seemed to get the idea and made her way over to a computer. She typed something in, at a shockingly fast rate too. There was no way that I could guess how many keys she hit, the speed at which her fingers moved, seemed to not be humanly possible. I could barely keep up, and even then, I still tried.
As I was there, trying to count the keystrokes, I didn’t notice someone walking up to me, nor did I notice that I’d been trying to count them for nearly twenty minutes.
“You must be Rebecca.” A male’s voice said serenely. I was torn away from the sound of the keys by his voice. It wasn’t something shocking, but it was something that would pull you away from whatever you were focusing on. I looked up to him, and just nodded.
“Come with me, we’ll get you speaking again.” He said with a smile. I nodded, again, and got to my feet. He took my hand gently, and I nearly melted where I stood when he did that, before leading me off. We walked through the halls and to an office, which he ushered me into kindly.
“Sit, Rebecca.” He said with a smile as he pulled a chair out from the small table that was there. I looked at him for a moment before sitting down on it, wishing he would touch me again. I had no idea why, but his touch was… It was nothing short of amazing, and I could feel myself being lifted off and floated away as he held my hand.
“Now, this may be a bit painful for you, but hold still. I’ll give you your voice back.” He said as he cupped my chin lightly. I just nodded, wanting to do whatever he wanted at the moment, and not caring what it was, not really. Moments later, I felt his hand, the one not grasping my chin, against my throat, holding it as if he was about to choke me. Instead, I felt a prickling sensation, that quickly escalated to stabbing… moments before it stopped. I let out a small shriek though, the pain was remaining, and it hurt far more than my pain tolerance would allow me to stay silent about.
“Feel better, Rebecca?” He asked as he removed his hand and stepped back. I looked to him and nodded before shaking my head.
“Where the hell am I!?” I asked, demanding an answer as I got to my feet.
“You fucking abducted me, and no one is telling me anything! Where am I, and how the fuck do I get out of here?” My voice was harsh, and at the time, I had no idea why I was feeling as if it was too harsh. There was some part of me that was deep in the recesses of me, that was saying that I shouldn’t be so mean to him, that I knew what was going on, and that I had agreed to it.
That part of me, though, was silenced by another part, the logical part, I reasoned. There was no way that I had agreed to this, and no way that I knew what the hell was going on.
The man just sighed.
“Rebecca, my name is Riley. I’m the second in command here.” He told me, at least I was getting some information, it seemed. I crossed my arms under my breasts to listen.
“You agreed to come in, to protect yourself, and those you care about about a week ago.” He told me. I couldn’t believe the audacity this man had. Lying to me like that.
“Here, watch this. We recorded it due to the fact that most people don’t believe us when we tell them.” He said before making his way to a far wall. He flipped a couple switches, or something. I couldn’t really see him, but when he stepped back, a TV that was built into the wall, that I thought was just a fish tank, lit up and started playing something. I witnessed the recording, that I had no recollection of, play through. In it, I came running up to the man that was in the room with me, begging for him to help me. He agreed, outlined something, although I missed some of it due to the fact that my mind was racing, I signed something, and it ended.
“Where is what I signed?” I asked with a bit of a snarl, far more of one that I actually needed.
“Right here.” He said as he retrieved a folder from the wall, a shelving unit that was built into it and beside the TV. He walked over and handed me the folder, which I promptly flipped through. It had my signature in several locations, and there was no way to mistake it as someone else’s, and no way that someone tried to forge mine. It was my signature, through and through. Appeased, for now, I set the folder down and looked straight at him.
“What did I agree to?” He looked at me with a bit of a shocked expression, almost as if he had expected me to know that, somehow. He managed to compose himself after a minute though.
“You agreed to stay here, so as to avoid causing any harm to anyone that would fall victim to you.” He told me. “And that you would allow us to try various things on you in an attempt to have it that you won’t affect others.”
I couldn’t believe what it was that he had said, what the hell could I be scared of doing to hurt others? What the hell was it that I could do? Since apparently, obviously, there was something. I knew that doctoring videos and recordings was possible, but I didn’t think that he’d go so far as to do it with that. I had no idea why I trusted him suddenly… but I did.
“Which is why we stripped you of your voice, in an attempt to help.” He continued. I barely heard what he was saying, and it didn’t take long before he was ushering me out of the room while I was stunned, shocked, and surprised as all hell. I couldn’t follow what he’d been saying, had barely been able to keep up with it all, and I had no idea what all he had said, even.
I was silent as I was led back to my room, I didn’t even truly realize it. My thoughts were too wrapped up in all I had been told, even thought I didn’t pick up on it at the moment. I couldn’t really pick up on it all, since there was far too much, but I think I may have been making some progress with it.
It was a few hours later, or maybe a few days. I had absolutely no concept of time while there, since it seemed that it was always night, or always day, depending on where I was. It was rather disconcerting, and confusing as well. There was no way that I could figure it out easily, and it seemed that clocks were non-existent there too. The watch I’d had when… I guess… when I’d agreed to be taken in had been removed, along with my cell phone. That one irritated me, or rather pissed me off. That was a six hundred dollar phone dammit.
As I was trying to figure out what it was that was going on, and what day it was, along with whether or not I should believe him and what he told me, I wasn’t paying attention to anyone or anything. Which wasn’t that surprising, whenever I got something going through my head that I needed to focus on, I was always just focusing on that. It was rare for me to notice anything else at those times.
I was broken from my thoughts by someone walking into the room and tapping on my shoulder to get my attention.
“Hey Rebecca” When I turned to look at who it was, I saw that it was the same blonde as before.
“Uhh… Hi…” I said, almost hesitantly as I sat up a bit. I’d been lying on the bed when she came in.
“I just thought I would let you know that the boss man wants to see you.” She told me. “I’m not sure what about though.” She added, which just made me even more puzzled and curious. By this point, I’d figured out that they didn’t mean me any harm. I was treated well, and I found out why I was there, but that was something that I hadn’t really had time to dwell on.
“I… okay… Where?” I asked.
“Come on, I’ll lead you there.” The blonde said with a smile. I nodded and got to my feet before following her out of the room - which I made sure to close the door of - and down the halls.
“So… what’s your name?” I asked as we walked, not wanting to be walking in silence, since I always did hate that.
“Hmm? Oh, it’s Kaylee.” She told me with a smile. “How are you feeling, adapting well?” She asked. I didn’t really know what to say, how to answer that. How was I adapting well? I’d been there for awhile, no idea how long, and it all seemed to be the same thing each day.
“How long have I been here…?” I asked, almost hesitantly.
“Oh, about three weeks now.” Kaylee told me with a smile. Her smile faded though as she saw my shocked expression.
“Are you alright Rebecca?” She asked.
“I… yeah… I.. I’m just shocked that it’s already been so long.” I answered.
“Oh, I know what you mean. When I first came here, I didn’t realize that I’d been here for two months before someone told me.” She told me with a small chuckle. “Don’t worry about it, you’ll get used to the aura of this place, how time seems to be a bit skewered at first.”
“Ok… but why are there no clocks, and why the perpetual night and day in some areas?” I asked.
“Hmm? Oh, well, the clocks are because of the fact that some of those that are here aren’t very good with clocks. They follow them too closely, and the perpetual night, or day, is to accommodate for those that are here. There are some that cannot be in the sunlight, or cannot be in the moonlight.” She answered. “And before you ask, no, I cannot tell you how we do it.” She added before I had a chance to open my mouth. I had been just about to ask that exact question, how is it that they did that, but she beat me to it.
I didn’t get a chance to say anything else before we reached the room that I was supposed to be meeting someone in. As we neared, I listened. I could hear some talking through the wall we were walking by, and I was sure I wasn’t supposed to hear it. What I heard, made me seriously question whether or not it was a good idea for me to be so complacent while there…
“Are you sure?” The first voice was rough, very tough. Sounded as if the one that owned it would be one that you wouldn’t want to run into in an alleyway. His voice made it sound like he would beat someone into submission, without a moments hesitation. I didn’t even have a chance to even consider cringing, or suppressing said cringe, before someone else continued.
“Yes. Perfectly. We checked her ancestry, she is the one that the prophets have stated would be coming.” The second voice was calmer, and sounded a lot like the one man from before… what was his name? Oh, right, Riley.
“As if that’s enough!” The first voice wasn’t happy, and it was painfully easy to hear.
“Sir, we have also tested her genetics.” Riley stated. “We know it’s her. She has the mark in her blood.”
Before anything more was said, or could be said, we reached the door and Kaylee knocked. Instantly, the voices in the room were silenced, and I quickly found myself getting to be more and more anxious regarding this. I had no idea what to make of all this, or what to think regarding the fact that there was a conversation going on in the room I was to go into that almost seemed like it could have been about me. I tried to reason with myself, convince myself that I was just being paranoid as the door was opened and I was ushered in.
The door closed behind me, which made me jump and yell out a bit.
“Relax Rebecca.” Riley said. When I turned to face him, I saw that it was, in fact, Riley, and someone else I didn’t know. I’d never seen him before, but that wasn’t hard to believe, not really. At the same time though, I found myself having a hard time believing that, since I was sure that I should have recognized his face. I don’t know why I thought that, but I did.
“Don’t patronize her, Riley.” The other man snarled. “She’s the one we need.”
Instantly, I backed up, my hands reaching behind me towards the door handle. I didn’t know what to think, and I didn’t know how to react. What was I do to, to think? What the hell could I do even?
“Don’t scare her Devin.” Riley said. “If you do that, then you won’t be able to bloody well use her.” I had no idea what he was getting at, and I did not want to know. I found more and more, that I wanted to get the hell out of there, return to the life I had.
But… could I return to my life? Could I honestly return to the world that I had come from, and continue living it? I think this did far too much for me, my mental state would suffer, I was sure. The chances were that I would end up storing this in the back of my mind, and I wouldn’t be able to continue on as if it had never happened. There was absolutely no way I could, not after being here…
I just wanted to know what had truly happened, since that was still lost on me.
“What… what do you mean ‘use her’?” I asked cautiously. Both Riley and Devin just looked to me after a moment, and grinned. When they did, I felt a chill run down my spine. It was so unnerving, and rather creepy.
“Riley, do your thing.” Was all Devin said, his voice rather commanding. Riley just nodded and started to approach me. I backed up, not wanting to be anywhere near him, of course. Who would want to? Both of them seemed rather ominous, and I didn’t want to find out exactly why.
I didn’t manage to get far though, since Kaylee was behind me. I quickly backed into her, without realizing it, and felt her grab my shoulders. I tried to get out of her grasp, but she seemed to just grasp tighter.
“Are you sure she’s the one?” Devin asked. “You know if she isn’t, you’ll pay the price, Riley.”
“I’m certain.” Riley answered. “As I said, she has the mark in her blood.” As he spoke, I continued to get out of Kaylee’s grasp, I started to feel almost weaker and weaker. I knew it wasn’t that, exactly. I don’t know how I knew, but I did. Instead, I guess you could stay that my legs, my body over all but it was more noticeable with my legs, were starting to feel like water. My nerves were being toyed with, somehow, and I had no idea how the hell it was happening.
As I continued trying to fight out of Kaylee’s grasp, which was getting to be notably more difficult with each passing second, Riley approached. He didn’t say anything, just grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I didn’t know what was going on, exactly, just knew that it wasn’t anything good, it couldn’t be anything good.
I tried to look away, but something compelled me to keep eye contact. I couldn’t… I couldn’t focus on anything by the red of his eyes. I didn’t have the capacity at the time to notice it, not truly. His eyes, and his touch seemed to be drawing me in, and there was no way that I could pull away.
The last thing I can remember from then, was Riley’s eyes seeming to glow, seeming to absorb the entirety of me, my body, mind, and soul. I found that the longer I was there, the more I was willing to give myself over to him.
I have no idea how long it was before I come to my senses again, nor did I know what had happened. All I knew, was that when I woke up again, I was bound to a table, faint, groggy and very disoriented. I couldn’t make sense of anything, and it was similar to when I woke up a few weeks ago to the constant beeping.
It was nearly instant, once I was awake, fully conscious and aware of what was going on, that I heard something off to the side. I didn’t know what it was, or who it was as I was able to tell that it was someone saying something. After a minute though, I was able to pinpoint the voice, recall who it was.
“I see you’re awake.” Riley’s voice said, and I felt almost as if I was being shoved against a wall and violated, or killed. His voice wasn’t as calm, nice, sweet as it had been before. No. This time, it was rough, sharp as shattered glass, and just as deadly.
“I… wh—” I started before being cut off. My throat hurt, felt almost as if something was being torn out of me. I didn’t know what it was, but it hurt… almost more than I could handle.
“Don’t talk, Rebecca.” He said, although it sounded more like an order. I found myself getting silent, listening and doing as he said. I had no idea why I was listening, but… I was.
“Good. Now, I’m amazed you’re awake.” He started.
“Most people never wake. Only those that have been like you, Sirens, have ever awoken again.” I didn’t know what to say, even if I could. I found myself just stunned, did he just call me a siren? Weren’t those just mythological beings? Did they not exist…? Before I could question him on it, or even consider, he continued speaking.
“The sole fact that you woke, is perfect proof that you are a siren, and indicates that you are, most likely, exactly who we are looking for.” He said, a rather dark grin to his voice.
I couldn’t think, I could barely breathe with how tightly I was bound. What he was saying was far too much.
“What do you want with me!?” I asked.
“Huh? Oh, no one told you? Well, it’s rather simple, actually. If we spill your blood, then no one will be able to argue our rule of the world any longer.” He answered. It was a rather cliche plan, and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was actually what the true reason was. Of course, I wasn’t about to ask, since there was no way that he would answer me. All I could do, was wait, and find out.
Well, wait and see if I survived long enough to find out.
Riley didn’t say anything, and it didn’t take long before I heard his footsteps retreating. He was gone before I could say anything more, and I was left alone, silence echoing through the room and seeming like it would drive me insane. Perhaps that was their goal, make me outright loco. Maybe that’s all they wanted… I had no idea, and I knew I wouldn’t find out easily.
Before I could even attempt to find out though, I had to get the hell out of the binds, and off the damned table. I, of course, was not having an easy time with it. The leather belts and the nylon ropes, were really tight, and ridiculously secure. Using the little tricks I’d learned over the years though, I did manage to get out. Of course, it took me nearly thirty minutes to do so, not exactly an act that Houdini would be proud of, but at least I got out.
I carefully got off of the table and cracked my back. It needed it, I had no idea how long I had been lying prone there, and honestly? I don’t think I want to know, even now.
I looked around, not knowing where I was, and wishing to get some sort of an idea. From what I could tell, since there wasn’t much light, it looked as if it was an operating room of sorts. At first, it didn’t occur to me as to where that was, why it was an operation room, but about the same time that I felt a rather shocking amount of pain in my arm, I remember that Kaylee was wearing a nurses uniform.
Was I in a hospital? I didn’t even know. The past few weeks were a blur to me, I didn’t remember anything notable, aside from the couple of instances. Even now, I still do. Perhaps it was all locked away by my subconscious, perhaps they somehow managed to erase my memories. I know that’s possible, now, but I still doubt they did. I don’t know though.
I stood there, looking around as the pain scaled up and down my arm, before finally looking to my appendage. What I saw there, was that it was rather poorly stitched up, a rather nasty gash had someone managed to get there. What I wanted to know, was what it was from.
I couldn’t help but wonder that as I looked around again, this time looking for something along the lines of gauze. It didn’t take long before I found some, and even less time for me to get a rather simple, and probably ineffective in the long run, wrapping around the gash. I made a mental note that I would have to go and get that looked at, properly, after I was out of there. I knew I would get out of there, or at the very least, I was trying my hardest to convince myself that I would get out of there. I think some small part of me was convinced, or knew, that I wouldn’t survive. Or at the very least, wouldn’t be myself any longer.
Without dwelling on it, and while trying to shove my fear aside, I made my way to the door, and out. The hall was dark, the few lights in the area seeming to flicker slightly. It was rather ominous, and it made me damn happy that I was looking for a way out.
“Where the hell is the —” I started to ask where the exit was, but stopped. I heard splashing… why would I hear splashing down there. Nevermind that, I could smell the ocean, and it felt like home to me. I’d always loved the ocean, any body of water, really, and I quickly found myself making my way towards the sound.
When I finally reached the room, I was shocked. Inside the gigantic room, for it had to reach about 5o feet across, at least, there was a huge body of water. It was salt water too, I don’t know how I knew that so easily, but I did. I didn’t even register the smell of the salt in the air.
In the water though, there were … creatures. At the time, I couldn’t believe what I’d found. There were at least a dozen of them, most of them were female, but there were a couple of males in there as well, which surprised me. I thought mermaids were only women. What were the men called? Mermen? That didn’t sound right to me, but I didn’t dwell on it as I stepped forward. Instantly, I found myself being pulled to the surface of the water. One of the mer… men?, had reached up and grabbed my hair. I could see that he had the body of a well-toned pretty boy for his torso, and it looked like his lower half was that of a shark - including the twin pistols that were a trademark of sharks.
I found that hard to believe, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them for a moment before looking at his face, as best I could.
“Who are you?” He asked me. I just sighed.
“My name is Rebecca Knight.” I answered. “I’m just looking for a way out.” That seemed to appease him for the moment, at the very least, for he let go of my hair and let me sit up a bit.
“Are you another of those that are trapped here?” One of the mermaids asked as she approached. Her hair was a gorgeous shade of teal that seemed to shift to cyan as it reached the tips, and it matched her eyes perfectly.
“Yes… I am. I woke up here weeks ago.” I answered honestly, and with a nod. There was no reason to lie to them, was there?
“What is this place?” I found myself asking, even before my brain was able to fully understand that I shouldn’t ask them that. I didn’t know if they would have an unbiased answer, or if they would be biased towards the place in either a good or a bad sense.
The merman just sighed slightly as he looked to me, before looking to the mermaid that had approached.
“This place? It’s hell.” He answered bluntly.
“They are looking for someone that will allow them complete control of everything on this planet, whether they be mortal, magical, or a creature.” He continued. I didn’t get a chance to say anything.
“And all of us here, we’re all test subjects. Either here to be tested to find out if we are the one they are looking for, or here to be used as something to test various ‘treatments’ on.” He added.
“What? What would they do to you? Aren’t… aren’t you guys overly durable?” I asked.
“Not really. You’d be surprised. Fish are rather fragile creatures, one could argue.” The mermaid stated.
“What they have done to some of those that are here, and others that have never returned, I don’t think I want to know.” He continued. “It takes all we have to stay alive most days, as well.”
I listened to his tale, his story. He bore a lot to me, I guess I was one that was easily trusted. I wasn’t going to complain, any information I obtained, I figured I could use, would be extremely useful.
At the end, he’d asked for my help, asked that if I managed to find a way out, that I would help them escape. I agreed, of course, for I saw some of the scars and open wounds that some of them had. They had my sympathy, definitely, and I found myself just praying that they weren’t someone that I couldn’t trust.
They did give me one interesting piece of information. The one of them that had been their medic had been taken. Her name?
It seemed that the woman I’d met before, wasn’t there of her own volition; at least not completely. It was possible, if not probably, that she’d been coerced into helping to save the others that were there, or that were back in the ocean she called home. I had no way to know, but I know that when I last saw her, there was something odd in her eyes, something I couldn’t put a finger on then, but couldn’t forget.
As I left, I just sighed slightly, and started heading the direction I thought was East. They had mentioned that they were pretty sure that an exit was to the East, but weren’t sure. I took their suggestion, solely because it seemed as if they needed help just as much as I did, if not more so than I.
I was walking for nearly an hour, I think, before I found a door that seemed to be barricaded more than the others. It had several locks on it, and there was no way that I thought it was the exit. If I were to guess, it was the way into the lair of the beast, so to speak. It was probably where the diabolical plans of all this resided, where the ruler of this place sat dormant, waiting, watching.
I steeled my nerves, since they were jumping a mile a minute, end sighed slightly as I put my ear to the door to listen. It was mostly silent on the other side, which was odd, I’d expected to hear something, anything, but instead it was pretty close to dead silent in there.
“The hell?” I wondered aloud, not picking up on the footsteps that were approaching me as I focused on the door. I didn’t notice the other person until I heard Riley’s voice behind me, and felt his hand in my hair, pulling me away from the door.
“I knew it wasn’t a good idea to leave you alone.” He snarled as he quickly unlocked the door and shoved me in.
Inside the room, I could barely breathe. It felt stuffy, unnatural, and ridiculously unbalanced in there. I don’t know what it was that felt unbalanced exactly, but something did, and it didn’t feel right to me. I didn’t get a chance to comment on it, or really think anything of it, as I was shoved to the floor.
While on my hands and knees, I noticed something on the floor. It seemed that there were far more ants than one would have expected in a room like that. They were traveling almost rhythmically as well. Then again, everything seemed to have a rhythm to me, so it wasn’t surprising. I always found I could concentrate better if I found some sort of beat, some sort of backing ‘music’ in my life. It was something that I’d always thought was odd, but I found myself thinking that less at the moment, since Riley had claimed I was a siren. I may not have had time to dwell on it, but it was enough time for me to figure that maybe, just maybe, he was right.
“The little bitch decided to snoop” Riley’s voice snapped out as I got to my feet and looked around. Almost the entire room was dark, I couldn’t seen more than ten feet in front of me. I could feel though, that the darkness was deep, that there was several feet, if not meters, in the darkness. I knew, as well, that I would end up lost within the depths really easily. I’d never been good with navigation, after all.
“Just as well.” Was the reply. I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from, since it almost sounded as if it was coming from all around me. It was … odd, to say the least. What was it that one was to think here? Where was one to focus? I quickly found that I couldn’t focus, the air in the room was making it hard.
Everything was starting to get hazy, but not like how it was when Riley had grabbed me before I woke up, bound to that table. It almost felt as if my head was being filled with cotton, I guess would be a good way to explain it.
“Perhaps it’s high time we stepped up our game. We’ve had her for nearly two months now-” I panicked a bit. Two months? Seriously? How had I lost so much time? “-it is high time that we set into motion what we have had planned for generations now.”
I didn’t get a chance to say anything, to move, to even breathe, before Riley shoved me towards the darkness, the shadows. I attempted to stop, tried to avoid going in there, and I did succeed… for a moment. It was short lived, that success, for there were suddenly a pair of shadowed arms reached out and grabbed me. They pulled me in far quicker than I could prepare, and I found myself on my knees in the darkness.
I looked around, but I couldn’t see anything. There was nothing there as far as I could see. Even looking behind me, towards where it was that I had come from, and all I could see were the shadows. They were everywhere, and it didn’t take long before I realized that they were what I felt that was suffocating me when I walked in. How Riley wasn’t affected, I don’t know, and I don’t think I want to know.
“You’re the one.” The voice said as I, barely, heard Riley’s footsteps retreating. As the door closed, I felt as if my only means of escape closed with it. I was trapped, and I was quickly finding that I could barely even move, barely breathe.
“I’ll make you one with me, and you’ll help.” The voice continued. “With you, we will be able to make it that we aren’t feared, at least not as we are.”
“Wh… what? What do you mean?” I asked, curious.
“We’re feared because no one understands what we are. All of us non-human, non-’normal’ creatures.” The voice answered, some anger to it as I felt some shadowed hands that I couldn’t see grasp me. I felt their grip around my arms, my legs, arms around my torso, my head… my neck. It was getting harder to breathe, and I was sure that they would kill me.
I wanted to fight them off, I desperately wanted to, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move, and it was getting to the point that I could barely even think. It was as if it was starting to meld into me.
“We will use you, use your abilities, and make it that we’re feared because we deserve it.” The voice snarled. “We’ll own them, control them. We will make them our fucking pets!”
That was it. I couldn’t let that happen.
Every instinct within me was fighting with the hands, the paralysis, the death that seemed to be on the horizon. I wouldn’t give in, I couldn’t give in… no… no. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t!
I felt the grasps loosen a bit, it seemed that my determination was enough for the moment.
“What are you doing!?” The voice snarled before I felt something pull me up to my feet. Moments later, I felt as if I was on a cross or something that I couldn’t see. I was above the ‘ground’, somehow I knew that, and just hanging there, limp, my arms out as it felt as if I was being pulled in half.
“I will have you. And you will help.” The voice threatened as I felt … something… get close to me. I couldn’t breathe, and it didn’t take long, before everything was… gone.
My name is Rebecca Knight.
I was an eighteen year old fresh highschool graduate before this. Before I was pulled into this world, this place.
I’d always been afraid of death, and of how I seemed to always be able to get people to do what I wanted. I’d always chalked it up to just be a very charismatic person, but it seems that wasn’t the case. It would take me a long time before I would naturally die, but as I am now, I’ll never die. Not so long as it wants me kept alive.
I was a siren. My shocking blonde locks and deep sea blue eyes helped verify that when I learned it, even if I didn’t truly believe it at the time.
My voice was my power, and I knew that. I always had, and I always will. Now though, it’s far stronger than it had been before.
Of course, everyone thinks I’m insane. ‘There’s no such thing as sirens’ I’m told.
‘There’s no such thing as mermaids, or mermen’ they say.
I know they are wrong, and I know that what I house inside of me is something that could destroy life as everyone knows it. Of course, I will never let it out. I will never allow it to be free. When I finally go to the grave, it will come with me. It will be buried with me. I have it locked away, locked and there is no key to unlock it.
I could get out of there, I could use my voice and get out of this asylum, but no. I’m not going to. I’m going to stay here where I’m safe, where I know that the thing inside of me will stay hidden. I’ll let them think I’m insane, that I’m completely and utterly off my rocker.
I’ll maintain this illusion.
It’s for the best.
It’s for everyone else.
I don’t know what happened to the merpeople that I had met. Nor do I know what happened to Riley or Kaylee. I don’t think I truly care though.
I’m now twenty-seven, and I’m telling my tale. Perhaps… perhaps someone will find this, and will believe me. If no one does though, it’s just as well.
I can keep this world safe.
Even if it kills me, I will keep that thing inside me.
I swear it.

It's seen ZERO editting... I'm actually working to rewrite it and the two that go along with it as one novel.
Hoppefully. > >

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 12:30:55 )

@Quoth the Raven: I don't mind you gushing about your favorite writers. I like to hear about them and maybe learn more about them from different perspectives.
I also find your siren story really intriguing. I hope you share the finished piece here. It has alot of potential, I can feel it!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 15:08:40 )
@Quoth the Raven: visitors seems like a angle - it must be lonely to be so far at sea and to have everyone afraid of you. Or I was thinking, perhaps they can't help it. Lots of creatures are cursed in Greek Mythology, for example Medusa. They know what their song will do to the people they lure in, but they are almost powerless to stop it.

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/8 23:16:00 )

@Lady Luna: Do you mind sharing the other two?

@Saeyra: Hm, that actually made me realize that aside from Poe, I don't particularly have any favorite writers. This is, for lack of a better way to put it, legitimately fucking with me. It's just so... odd to realize, I suppose. And mildly upsetting, considering I have quite a few books whose stories I think are noteworthy and have stayed with me.
I think I'm going to contemplate life now.

Oh, but thank you for being intrigued by my story. I will eventually start it once I've pulled myself from research, heh. I just get so caught up in it because there's always something new to learn. But I suppose it's best to just put my ideas to paper; I can always expand on them later.

@sunny: Oh, I quite like that, that they'd be powerless to stop it, or almost. Well, that solves one of my dilemmas, now just to tie up a few others.


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 00:52:04 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@Quoth the Raven: If you really wanna read them.
They... get worse with each one. XD

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 01:01:50 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

I hit 'send prematurely. So here's the other two > >

The story needs work
The first was written to stay just one... the rest were impulsive additions that could have ben worked a LOT more to actually, y'know... fit. > >
So warning, they're bad.
And long.
And directly copied from my word doc, so no editing to even add spaces between paragraphs. XD

I woke with a start. It was so real, so haunting. It wasn’t anything that I had experienced before, and I knew that. My dreams were never that vivid, so… why was it tonight? Was it an omen of some sort? Even I didn’t know, there was no way for me to know, aside from just going about my day to day and seeing what happened.
I looked around, growling slightly at the echoing voice in the back of my head. I knew that there was no way that I could silence it completely, all I hoped, was that if I ignored it long enough, it would shut up. It had worked in the past, so all I could do now was hope that it would work again.
There was, as wasn’t surprising, nothing in my room other than the bed, a bedside table, and a dresser - all of which being bolted down. I hated it there, but I’d been there for a couple of years now, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to leave. I was used to it, I almost didn’t want to leave, either. It was home, and it would be weird to go back out into society. While here, I was a mute, and no one questioned it. I don’t know if people would question it out there or not.
I sighed slightly as I pulled my feet up and under me. It was cold in the room, and I didn’t have a blanket that was worth mentioning. Plus the fact that I was required to wear a t-shirt… it made it almost unbearable. It was common and I was largely used to it, but in no way did that mean that I liked it. I’d just learned that I couldn’t change it. The heater, or furnace, or whatever it was desperately needed to be fixed. I knew that, I just didn’t like that.
As I was there, trying to distract myself from the rather vivid nightmare I’d just woken from, I found myself having an increasingly difficult time with it, but I didn’t know why. What about it was trying to pull me back into the depths again? Back into that world that I had just escaped from?
Thunder crashed suddenly overhead. I hadn’t expected it and I nearly jumped out of bed from it. Instead, I jumped and just looked up. There hadn’t been a call for a storm, had there? I lost track of most days now, most of the time I didn’t even know what year it was, actually. The days just bled into weeks, and the weeks into months.
Thunder crashed overhead again, and I just sighed. It seemed that there was going to be storm tonight, and I knew that it would eliminate any chances of me getting any sleep. So be it, I could live with that. Wouldn’t be the first time that I’d gone with little, or no, sleep. With how rowdy the others there were, it was easy to believe too.
I looked around. It was then that I realized that aside from the thunder, it was quiet - too quiet. I didn’t know why, what had happened, but my curiosity got the best of me as I got to my feet. The blanket I’d wrapped around myself lay on the floor forgotten as I climbed off of the bed.
As I walked, I could hear the my bare feet padding lightly on the cold tile floor. The room was surprisingly dark as well, but I didn’t pay any heed to it. I knew where the door was, and I was hoping it wouldn’t be locked as it normally was at night. I wasn’t classified as a ‘dangerous’ patient, so there wasn’t much reason for them to lock it, but they still did. Of course, they always stated that it was for my own protection. Did I ever believe them? Not at all.
Without thinking about it, I made my way to the door and tried the handle. Surprisingly enough, it was open. I didn’t know what to make of that, so I shoved any thoughts about it aside and stepped out. As I did so, a flash of lighting lit up the hall for a second, and the first thing I saw against the flash was red splattered on the walls.
“What…?” I asked, not expecting an answer. It was far too reminiscent to the nightmare I’d just woken from. I didn’t dare stay lingering there for long though, who knew what would come for me?
I made my way down the hall, not realizing that I was heading in the direction that the blood seemed to be coming from. Looking around, as my feet stepped in a rather large puddle of half-congealed blood, I froze. The voice in the back of my head laughed almost maniacally. I tried to ignore it, but that was notably easier said than done.
“……” I didn’t have anything to say as another flash lit the room. The flash didn’t vanish quite as expected this time though. Instead it seemed to linger, to grow, and to acquire an orange glow. When I looked out the window, I could see the the tree that was there had been struck, and was now on fire.
The light that came from that flame outside the barred window allowed me to see the figure of someone at the door, and the blood in the room. I couldn’t believe that anyone would cause so much bloodshed, and why they would just stay there, stay where they had done the deed.
The figure stepped forward, I couldn’t see them the clearest, but I could hear the footsteps. The squelching blood beneath their boots, the weight of the steps. As they made their way in, I turned and ran. I had to get out of there, I had to get away from him. I was convinced that he’d been the one to do it, to kill off everyone. I had no way to prove it at the moment, but I would figure something out, I had to.
Well, if I could get out of the damn building, I would.
I don’t even know how long I was running, and when I turned a corner, I ran straight into them. They were a few inches taller than I was, and had piercing gray eyes - eyes that instantly had the warning bells in my head going off. I knew they couldn’t be human, or rather, as human as the general population was. Gray wasn’t a natural eye colour after all, to be completely devoid of colour was a perfect enough proof from me.
I had met someone with gray eyes once before… and that had been a meeting that I’d wished never happened. Before I had been able to say anything, or even move, their hand suddenly grasped my throat.
The last thing I thought, was his name.
I woke with a start, just as I had before, and looked around as I sat up. Where was I? Yet again I was somewhere that I didn’t remember, couldn’t remember, getting to. I growled slightly when I realized that, and got to my feet. Or rather, tried to get to my feet. I found was I was chained to the bed this time. I couldn’t figure out why, and naturally went to call out for help. It didn’t work though, I found I couldn’t make a sound.
Instantly, my mind was flooded with memories, back when I was first in Riley’s care, and muted. The last thing I could remember, was that someone had grabbed me, and that I had recognized them… I couldn’t remember anything past that, or before that, though. Looking into my memories seemed to be something akin to looking through a window that was in severe need of a cleaning. I couldn’t make heads or tails of anything at the moment.
I don’t know how long I was left in there before someone entered the room. I heard the footsteps coming and looked towards the door. A woman entered, she had amazingly long ebony hair that seemed to be far longer than she was tall and seemed to sparkle in the minimal light that was there. I hadn’t even noticed the few candles that were placed in the corners of the room yet.
She wore a witches hat as well, a rather standard styled one, but at the same time it looked as if it was torn out of a cartoon of some sort. It had sharp edges, and was very stylized. The end of it reached down to her knees, which I couldn’t help but be shocked about, and seemed to have a bell on the end.
“Good. You’re awake.” She stated. Her voice was rough, almost more so than I had ever heard before. I managed to avoid cringing when I heard it someone, but internally, I almost felt as if I was bleeding. The voice in the back of my mind just laughed and seemed to be relishing it. I silently begged it to shut up, to stop laughing, but it wouldn’t listen and I was quickly pulled back to the outside world by the witch’s voice.
“Get to your feet.” She ordered. I didn’t say anything, not that I could, and just sighed as I did as I was told. She approached me and seemed to look me over, every inch.
“Strip.” She ordered. My hands balled into fists when I heard that order, I refused to do it, absolutely refused to. She seemed to pick up on that and just looked me in the eye, a rather wicked grin in her red eyes.
“Now.” She snapped as the tip of her hat seemed to move on its own. It came up and around, pointing towards me. I took an unconscious step back from it, and hit the cot I had awoken on. I quickly ended up on it, sitting and not on my back, thankfully.
The tip of the hat started to glow, and I almost felt like I was turning to stone. I couldn’t stop it, and I could barely even breathe. This was new, and it was certainly something that I didn’t want to experience again. After about a minute though, the glow on the hat died away, and the tip returned to it’s previous position. Immediately, I let out a breath of much needed air.
“Tch. I don’t get why Riley is so fascinated by you.” She snarled. I didn’t respond, didn’t move. Just stayed where I was, hunched over, breathing. I wanted to ask what the hell it was that she’d done, but I couldn’t. I was a mute, again, and this time it wasn’t by choice. If I’d had the capabilities at the moment, I’d use my voice and ensnare her without hesitation. I would have demanded answers, freedom… something.
What was I to do? I couldn’t do anything, and when she grabbed my hair in her hand and forced me to look upwards, she could see my almost hopeless expression. It just made her laugh before bending down and locking her lips with mine.
I froze as she did so. I didn’t push her away, didn’t return the kiss, I had no idea what to think, didn’t know what to do. Every part of me was frozen.
When she pulled away, I just looked at her.
“Now I see why he’s so fascinated by you.” She stated as she let go of my hair and stepped back. I didn’t know what to think, regarding that.
“You’re the one that got away.” She continued as she turned to walk out. “The one that is to save us all.”
I barely caught the last bit as she left. I had no idea what to think of all this, and she certainly didn’t help matters, but I couldn’t ask. I was a mute again. They’d silenced me, probably to prevent me from manipulating anyone. By now, I knew how to do it, I’d been practicing in the ward I was in before. I knew I could easily ensnare others, I could control them, even. It didn’t matter if they were male or female even. From what I could gather, I was a rarity among sirens.
I just had to figure out how to use that to get out of the predicament that I was in, since I couldn’t think of any other way out. I wish I knew a way out, but of course, I couldn’t think of anything.
‘I have to get out of here…’ I thought with a bit of a shudder. I didn’t know what to make of this, and I certainly didn’t know what to do. Without thinking about it, I pulled my foot up, so that I could look at the shackle that was around it. It looked to be well made, and was made of some sort of metal that was black. I had no idea what it was that had done it, but didn’t care as I looked around.
I saw the candles around the room, one of them within reach and sighed. The only thing I could think, was whether or not I could possibly manage to melt the chain. If I could even manage to use the candle to melt just one link, weaken it even the slightest, I’d be free… Or at least able to get my ass out of that room. That was the least that I needed to do, and my main concern.
It wasn’t hard for me to grab the candle that was there, and I prayed to some sort of deity that I didn’t actually believe in that it would work. It didn’t take long, actually, since the chain was surprisingly thin, before the link weakened and I could bend it. I was shocked, I really was. What the hell were they thinking? Candles and weak chain links? That just wasn’t right. If they were to try and keep someone captive, why would they have it that the links were so weak?
As soon as I was free, I quickly made my way to the door and opened it. I looked out into the hall, up and down it. I didn’t see much, it was far too dark. I couldn’t see even just a foot in front of my face. It was really unnerving, and quite disconcerting. I had no idea what was ahead, and just sighed before retreating into the room to grab a candle. As I approached one of the corners, the door slammed shut. I jumped and straightened up, whirling around to see what was there, what had caused the slam. I didn’t see anything, and it didn’t take long before the flames of all four candle’s was extinguished.
‘… What!? What’s going on!?’ I wondered almost frantically as I looked around. I couldn’t see anything. There were no windows in the room to let in any light, and certainly no light in the room to allow me to see any figures. It was complete darkness, and of course, I carefully tried to make my way to the door. On the way there though, I heard the voice in the back of my head laughing at me. I couldn’t pay attention to it, but when it started whispering again, I found myself straining to hear it.
“You’ll never get out of here Rebecca.” I heard. I assumed it was the voice, but a matter of a second later, I realized it wasn’t as I felt hands at my temples. They weren’t putting any shocking amount of pressure, I know that, but I found myself losing my grasp on reality.
The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness, was a pair of steely gray eyes that seemed to glow.
When I woke however long later, I was still in the room. It was still pitch black, but this time it had some sort of scent. I couldn’t pin point it, and didn’t want to try. After a moment, I realized that I was stripped completely nude, and when I tried to cover myself, I found that I couldn’t. My limbs were bound to the posts of the bed, and I couldn’t move them any more than about an inch.
"Awww, Becky can’t move, can you?” The voice I’d heard far more than I cared to admit asked. It was taunting me, I could tell, and it wanted me to react, to use the power that it gave me to get free. I knew I couldn’t know, I couldn’t succumb to that, for I knew that as soon as I did, I would be it’s pet.
I tried to silence it as I had continuously tried over the past few years. I didn’t expect success, but was hoping. Sadly, my hopes were dashed as I heard it’s laughter seem to increase in volume, and aura.
“Please, Rebecca. You seriously believe you could keep me quiet?” It asked.
“You can get out of the binds you know. If you truly want it.” It taunted, not giving me a chance to answer it’s previous question. That was just as well though, I didn’t have an answer for it, I didn’t want to answer to it.
“Oh, I know, you’re not going to give in… we’ll see how long that determination holds though.” It said. “We shall see. I’ll sit here patiently and wait.” It was silent after that, and it was leaving me to question what it was planning. I didn’t even know if the voice was a male or female, or even if it had been human originally. All I knew was that it was something that had planned to cause problems, and I took it into myself, in an attempt to keep it under control. What I hadn’t expected, or at least hadn’t taken into consideration, was the fact that it would never shut up.
I don’t even know how long I was there before I heard the door open again. I resisted the urge to look over, and as I heard the footsteps coming towards me, it was harder than I had expected. It took all I had, every part of me, to resist looking over, to resist checking to see who was there.
“Ahhh, Rebecca, how wonderful to see you again.” As soon as I heard his voice, I froze. My breath hitched in my throat, and I literally couldn’t breathe for a moment. It was Riley, a man I had come to seriously distrust rather quickly.
He seemed to sense my distrust, my hatred, as he just clicked his tongue a few times. It was almost as if he was unimpressed with me, or something. I had no idea what to think of it, of him, but I knew I didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
“Rebecca… you’re too innocent, too pure.” He said after a moment. “Let’s change that, shall we?” I tensed when he said that. I didn’t know what to expect, and I was almost scared to find out.
I felt his hands on me, one on one of my breasts, and one over my nether regions. I didn’t know what to think, and before I could even consider trying anything to get his hands off, I felt a warmth start spreading through me. The point of origin was his hands, easily, and it spread, shockingly fast. As the warmth moved, I could almost feel my free will slipping away, being shoved aside to make room. Instinctively, I tried to fight it, tried to keep myself within the confines of my own head, but the voice within, the darkness I’d pulled into myself, just pushed me.
“Rebecca, just succumb. You know you want to.” It said before it pushed me off of the mental cliff, sending me into the dark abyss of nothingness that my mind was becoming.
The next thing I knew, I was on my knees in front of the witch girl again. I didn’t know what to think about it, though. As I was looking around, trying to figure out where I was and what was going on, she seemed to realize what had happened.
“Oh, you’ve come back to yourself now, have you?” She asked, her voice seemed… softer than before. I had no idea as to why, and no inclination to find out either, but it did, and it was rather noticeable.
“Riley has had you for nearly a month now.” She told him, I just looked up to her, since she was standing above me, a bit of a shocked expression on my face. What was I to say to that? She seemed to pick up on it since she just shook her head slightly and walked over to a table that was a few feet away.
“Come here, you need to eat.” She stated. “Riley’s been starving you.” As soon as she said that, I suddenly became aware of how empty my stomach was. I had no idea how long it had been since I’d last eaten anything, but I was willing to bet it had been far longer than it should have been.
“You’re still a mute, but I’m looking to get that fixed soon.” She added. I just got to my feet and made my way over to her, a puzzled expression on my face.
“Oh, right, my name is Amy, short for Amethyst.” She told me. “And I’m a witch.” As if I hadn’t been able to figure that out. Of course she was a witch, she only wore the hat and did magic things like witches did. If I had my voice, I realized I would have asked if she could fly broomsticks like the stereotypical witches did.
“Anyway, eat. Don’t worry, I’m here to help.” She told me before walking off to sit on a chair a bit away. I didn’t even look at what I was grabbing, but I piled a plate high with food and followed her, all the while not noticing that I didn’t have much on. It was all leather, what I was wearing, and it was skin tight. I didn’t like it, but I wasn’t about speak up regarding it - not that I could, of course.
I sat down across from Amy and, rather quickly, devoured what I’d grabbed. She just watched, a bit of a shocked expression on her face before she shook her head slightly.
“Rebecca, I know why Riley’s been after you for so long.” She started. As soon as she said that, my head snapped up and I just looked at her. Was I finally going to get the answers that I so craved? The answers that I felt I deserved?
“You’re one in a million, actually.” She continued. “You’re a rare one. Sirens normally cannot leave the sea, which makes sense since one could argue they are a type of sea creature. You though… you aren’t related to any. The water calls your name, but you can actually choose to ignore it.”
I didn’t know where she was going with all this, but she was curious, definitely did want to hear. So, I just sat there, my attention focused on her completely as I locked this away in my mind, did all I could to make sure I didn’t forget it.
“Siren’s, by default, can only maintain their control of their victim when they are singing, or at the very least humming, a tune. You don’t need to. You can do it by just tal—” She went to continue, but suddenly found she couldn’t breathe a pair of hands suddenly wrapped themselves around her throat. I was shocked, I had no idea what it was that was happening, and I certainly didn’t know what I could do to help.
“Lavendar will fix you—-!” Was the last thing that Amy managed to cry out as she got a breath of air before she was gone. She’d vanished and left nothing behind but her hat. The owner of the hands reached down and picked it up before grinning.
“Oh, this will do nicely. She can run, but she can’t hide.” He said. His voice was soft, innocent, but suitably creepy with the dark connotations of his words. I didn’t know what to think of it, or even how to react, and quickly scrambled to my feet before backing away from him.
He looked in my direction and just grinned, his yellow eyes not hiding how psychotic I’m sure he was at all. I just scrambled back more, hoping to avoid any altercation with him, but I realized that I would be rather hard-pressed to do that.
‘Dammit! The hell can I do here!?’ I wondered as I backed into the table that had all the food on it. He didn’t approach me, which I thought was odd, just stayed half hidden in the shadows there. I didn’t have time to question it before grabbing a steak knife that was there, and being ready to defend myself.
I had no idea what I was doing though, and I’m rather sure it was obvious as the yellow-eyes male just looked at me, and seemed to be laughing inwardly at me. I had no idea what to think, and was realizing how common that was getting, nor did I know how I should react. I knew I had to get out of there, but I didn’t know where the door was, and I was too scared to take my eyes off him.
“You know, with my help you cou—” I cut the voice off there. I wasn’t interested in listening to whatever it was that it could say, or what it could offer. I knew that I wouldn’t be willing to do it, whatever it was, so I just shut it up there. I could hear the laughter from it for a moment, and as the shadowed figure approached, I felt my determination to keep that voice silent slipping.
The figure seemed to be just that, nothing more than shadows. It had a face that looked normal, aside from the yellow or golden eyes and normal flesh toned hands, but the rest of him either wasn’t there, at all, or it was a shadow. Solid black and I realized it would most likely be banished with a light source.
I quickly looked around and spot a small lantern that was lit on the far end of the table. Without thinking about it, I quickly reached for it. In the time that it took for me to turn and reach, for my fingers to wrap around the handle, it took the same amount of time for the shadowed figures hands to grab my red hair and hang my head back. I didn’t know what to do. As he yanked me back, he pulled me away from the lantern, my fingers losing grasp of it as I was pulled.
He wrapped a shadowed arm around around me, and it felt as if the shadows went in me. I couldn’t breathe, and it almost felt as if something, probably the shadows, had hold of my heart. It wasn’t long before I heard the voice again, telling me that it could help me get free of this predicament, and that the shadowed being would kill me without hesitation. I was hesitant, extremely, until it promised no backlash, no strings attached, no nothing. Just a test drive, it said.
So I agreed.
The glee that I could feel from the darkness was overpowering, and I found myself unable to breathe because of both the shadowed being, and the darkness. It didn’t take long at all before I could feel some locks slipping out of place, the binds I’d placed around the darkness starting to loosen. I couldn’t keep track of it, and moments later, I let out a scream as my entire body seemed to acquire a black glow. It didn’t last long though, before the glow was absorbed into my skin.
“You can keep me as long as you wish. No strings attached, as I said. This is just a test drive.” It assured me. It’s voice felt far more comforting, and less haunting now than it had before though. I didn’t know why, exactly, but I didn’t care at the moment.
“Let me go.” I stated calmly. When the shadow didn’t cooperate, I just brought my hand up to his, grabbed it, and put as much force as I could into breaking the fingers. It wasn’t as hard as I had honestly believed it would be, and I felt them snap and pop under the pressure shockingly easily. He quickly withdrew his hand after that, whimpering slightly. I couldn’t help but take pride in that, some part of me was appalled that I was, but the bulk of me didn’t seem to care.
I approached the whimpering shadow and growled slightly as I grabbed his hair.
“Who the hell are you?” I asked, my tone overly demanding. The shadow was silent for a moment before I repeated my question, harsher the second time though.
“Lucas.” He answered, his tone hesitant. “I’m a shadow demon.” He added, seeming to know that was the next question I would ask. I just acquired a puzzled expression when he told me that though, I’d never heard of a ‘shadow demon’ before. Before I could ask him to elaborate, he was, it was almost as if he knew what I was going to ask.
“I… I can meld with shadows, make it that my body is nothing more than a collection of them.” He told me. “I literally cannot exist in pure darkness, either.”
“That… really has to suck.” I commented. He just nodded meekly.
“How old are you?” I asked, curious. My tone was softer now, since as I was there, I noticed that he didn’t look to be any older than fourteen.
“…. Twelve.” He answered me, honestly. I was surprised, I half expected him to claim he was older, even if he wasn’t. I sighed slightly, I didn’t want to have him stuck here. Even though I didn’t know know him all that well, if at all, I felt bad for him. He seemed like nothing more than s scared child. The fact that he was there, and still a minor, made me hate Riley more.
“Why are you here, Lucas?” I asked. My voice was almost hesitant, but I still asked, I still wanted to know. Why was a child there? Was it by choice, or was it because he had no choice in the matter?
“I… I was promised that if I … if I helped, then my family would be saved.” He told me. I just sighed. That wasn’t fair, he was a nothing more than a child. Before I could say anything, he continued.
“Riley… he promised that my family would be safe, that they wouldn’t be prosecuted because we’re different, because we aren’t human like everyone else.” He added quietly. Instantly, I knew that I had more reason to not trust Riley. I have no idea what it was that I would ask, exactly, or even what it was that he could tell me, but I had to find out if there was anything.
“Lucas, I know you probably don’t want to answer to me, but I need to know. What is it that you know of Riley, of what he’s doing.” I told him, my tone stern, but had a bit of hesitation to it. I knew that there was a good chance that he wouldn’t know all I wanted to find out, but he should at least be able to help point me in the right direction.
He looked to me, hesitation in his face before sighing.
“Why…. Why should I? I don’t… I can’t risk Riley finding out! I can’t risk him torturing my parents!” He exclaimed, fear in his voice and tears in his eyes. I couldn’t help but sympathize with him, he was here against his will, working for Riley. It wasn’t much different than when I was brought in the first time, after all. I hadn’t been willing, and I hadn’t wanted to be there. Sadly, I had to escape again, but I had no idea how I could, at least, not without any information.
“Lucas, I’m planning on stopping Riley.” I told him simply. “I want to stop him from causing any more problems for anyone else.” When I said that, it seemed I caught his attention, as he just looked at me. I could almost see him trying to weigh the possibilities, weigh his options. I didn’t know what to think, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to make it seem like I was trying to force him. He had to choose if he wanted to join me, help me, of his own volition. He had to make that choice.
After a moment, he looked away from me and sighed slightly.
“We’re in below the University hospital.” He told me. I just smiled slightly as I laid my hand on his shoulder, wondering if he would continue or not. I was, of course, hoping he would but just the fact that he gave me the location was more than enough to help, I was sure.
The University hospital was insanely large, and I didn’t even know that there was a lower region to it. I thought it was all above ground, at least from what I’d seen, but it did make sense that there was a basement region to it. If that was where I was though, then it was making me wonder who Riley was. What role did he fill in society? Was he someone to be trusted, or was he someone that was known to have ulterior motives? I had no way to know at the moment, but I swore I would find out.
“Riley had said that … that you were one of the top students at the University, too.” I heard Lucas say. I looked towards him, a puzzled expression on my face.
“I… what? What do you mean?” I asked, my confusion evident. I’d never been in school, well aside from Elementary and High-school that is. I didn’t know what he was talking about, and all I could think was that he had me mistaken for someone else.
Lucas just looked to me, puzzled as I was for a moment.
“Are you not Rebecca Knight?” He asked. I nodded. That was my name, yes.
“Did you not graduate high-school about eight months before you were first grabbed by Riley?” He asked. Again, I nodded. That was true, as far as I knew. Of course, what he was saying was making me question my own memories. What did I know? Did something happen to make it that I didn’t know something?
“Then you are the woman that Riley had abducted from the campus.” He stated. “He said that you were in his History class.” I didn’t have any recollection of that, but he didn’t say anything before sighing. It was as if he could see it in my face, that I didn’t know what was going on.
“Rebecca, I can prove it.” He said. “Come with me.” He added after a moment as he held a hand out to me. I looked at it for a moment before looking back to him and nodding, making it apparent that I was willing to accept his offer. He didn’t say anything before grasping my hand. The next thing I knew, I was becoming like him, nothing more than a shadow. His face vanished first, before his hands, and then it stretched to me.
It wasn’t unpleasant, exactly, but it definitely felt odd. I felt numb, every piece of me, as if I didn’t have feeling to most places of my body. It was a bit unnerving, but not uncomfortable, which made it odd. Before I could get used to it, or seem to think more on it, he was dragging me along. I had no idea what was going on, not really, and quickly I fell into step behind him. I had no idea how far I we were going, or even how we were getting there, exactly, but we were going, and going fast. It didn’t take all that long before we arrived wherever we were meant to be, and I felt some rather excruciating pain as my nerves seemed to cover my entire body. As it faded, surprisingly quickly, I noticed that my body was back to normal. It was surprising, definitely an experience I didn’t want to repeat any time soon.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Lucas said as I dropped to my knees, hardly able to think through the pain. It faded and I sighed slightly when I could and just looked to him.
“I know, it’s rough for people who aren’t used to it.” He added as he helped me to my feet. Once I was up I looked around, curious about the room we were in.
It was rather large, and almost completely empty. There was nothing more than just a desk, a chair, and a small little table that had something engraved on the surface. I was, notably, curious and made my way over to it. As I neared, it seemed as if it glowed a bit, which just confused me.
“Don’t get too close to that!” Lucas exclaimed as he jumped in my way. I just looked at him, curious and definitely wanting to know why.
“It… It’s just…” He started before sighing slightly and pushing me away from the table.
“That table… the carving will steal who you are.” He told me. I looked at him, shock in my features. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, but I knew that I couldn’t argue it, since I did realize that unbelievable things like that could happen. The world that I’d recently been thrust into, or maybe not ‘recently’ since it was a few years ago, allowed me to know that things like that was rather possible. It was getting to the point that I didn’t know what wasn’t real, what wasn’t possible.
“Don’t question it, Rebecca, just believe me. It’s not a pleasant experience, I’ve seen someone fall victim to it before.” He added. I just nodded, not wanting to experience something like that, since it didn’t sound fun, before looking around again. I didn’t know what we were doing in that room. Lucas seemed to pick up on my unspoken question, of how I wanted to know why we were there, or even where we were, and made his way over to the desk.
“We’re in what is, essentially, Riley’s office.” He told me as he started to dig around in the drawers. Before I could consider saying anything, he continued.
“He comes here every few days to de-stress, and to see what he can find out about people. It’s how he found you in the first place.” He continued. “He tracked you down as a child, following reports of how you were checked over several times to find out what it was about you that had so many people wishing to do as you said. It was definitely and oddity, especially when it was a child.” As he spoke, I tuned him out a bit, I didn’t know what to say about it, how could I? What was it that one could say to something like that?
He continued talking, and I found myself tuning him out a bit as I thought. I kept trying to pull up my history, my past, but found that I was having a harder and harder time with it. It almost seemed as if my memories were on a chalkboard, and they were quickly being erased. I didn’t know what to think about that, and I didn’t know how to recover what was apparently being lost. At this rate, I didn’t know if I’d remember anything about me by the end of this, whatever the end would be…
“Are you even listening to me, Rebecca?” Lucas asked. I looked to him, a vacant expression in my eyes as as I shook my head.
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.” I told him honestly. He just sighed and shook his head slightly.
“Seems what Riley has planned for you has already started.” He said with a small sigh before making his way over to me. I didn’t say anything, just looked at him as he pushed me down to the ground.
“I just have to find what it is that he has on you, that is doing this.” He said as he started to feel over my entire body. I, of course, smacked his hands away as they reached my breasts.
“Hey!” I exclaimed as I scrambled to my feet and backed up. “The hell do you think you’re doing!?” I had my hands over my chest as I backed up, anger in my features.
“I was just looking you over! Rebecca, you have to trust me. Riley’s had something planted on you, and if I don’t find it, then you will be lost. It won’t take long, either!” He told me, the emotion in his voice made it hard for me to deny that he was most likely telling the truth, but I still didn’t believe him. Suddenly, I remembered what the witch, Amy, had said. Lavender would fix … something. She never got a chance to finish the statement earlier, and honestly? I wanted to know what it was that she had been talking about.
“Whatever, Lucas, do you know of anywhere that there would be any lavender?” I asked suddenly. He looked at me, a bit of a puzzled expression on his face.
“That witch, Amy, was saying that it would help with… something.” She said. When I said that though, Lucas seemed to pale, and rather noticeably at that.
“What!? No! You can’t believe her! She was hired by Riley, was hired to get you to trust her, so that you would do as she suggested. All she was aiming for, was to have it that you did what Riley wanted!” He exclaimed. As he said that though, I just took a step back, my eyes hardening.
“Really? And how do I know that’s not what you’re doing?” I asked calmly. My tone wasn’t accusatory, but it wasn’t kind, either.
“Rebecca.. You have to trust me.” He said, his voice quiet as he sounded about ready to cry. I just shook my head.
“How do I know that what you’re saying, or doing, isn’t what you claim that Amy was doing?” I asked, my distrust evident in my voice. Lucas didn’t say anything, just sighed slightly. He didn’t know what to say to me. It was easy to see, too. His silence, and his hesitation, spoke volumes. It almost looked as if I had caught him, but at the same time, some part of me was saying that I was accusing him of things that weren’t true, that he was actually being honest. I didn’t know what to think, and I heard the voice within me laughing. I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to just shut it up, but I couldn’t, I would have to acknowledge it first… and I didn’t want to do that. Not again. I didn’t want it to be attempting to claim me again, so I wasn’t going to acknowledge it this time. I was going to try, and see if that helped.
The voice in the back of my head kept laughing, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t ignore it, and it knew that. It fell silent, leaving me in peace for the moment. It wasn’t long before I realized that Lucas had left. I looked around, shocked that he’d left, but not sure if I cared or not.
“Where…?” I wondered as I looked around. I was looking under the desk, curious as to whether or not he had hidden under there or something, when I heard the door slam shut. I jumped and looked up, and towards the door. What I saw there, made my blood run cold.
“Oh, Rebecca, why do you insist on being so difficult with me?” Riley asked, his gray eyes looking more metallic as they seemed to draw me into them. I felt as if I was losing my footing, and that was not something I wanted to have happened. I didn’t want to succumb to him again, and it seemed the darkness I kept deep in the recesses of my body seemed to know that as it came to the front.
“Rebecca, I can help keep you yourself” It said. It’s voice was more melodious than normal, was more seductive. I couldn’t deny it and just nodded, a resounding yes echoing through my head. It just laughed, rather darkly, before I felt an overwhelming power flood through me. I could barely think, and some small part of me felt like I was losing myself, losing what it was that made me, me. Riley seemed to notice that, for he just started laughing. It was just as dark as the laughter from the darkness within me. I barely had the wherewithal to notice it, but a small part of me did, and that small part tried to come to the front.
I stepped forward, towards Riley, and grabbed his throat. The effects of his touch did nothing to me, which just made me laugh. Riley’s face lost all colour, and I just grinned.
The next thing I knew, I was standing in a room with Lucas. He was cowering against the wall as I stood there, seemingly uncaring. I could feel something wet and warm on my hands, on my body, and when I looked down, I noticed the that leather I was wearing was stained with blood. I had no idea what to make of that, and certainly didn’t think I would like to know what had happened. Still, my mind drifted, wondering what had happened.
Had I killed someone, had someone attacked me? Lucas was cowering away from me, I had to have attacked someone, but had I done it in front of him? Had I honestly threatened him? Of course I had… he wouldn’t be scared otherwise, would he?
“Be… Becky…?” He asked. His voice was hesitant, almost too hesitant to bare and I sighed before nodding.
“Lucas, it’s me. I… what happened?” I asked. When I did, he seemed to relax a bit before slowly coming over to me.
“You… You tore Amy apart…” When he said those words I froze, my face lost all colour, and I looked around. I didn’t know why I hadn’t actually looked around yet, but when I did, I couldn’t believe what I saw. The floor was covered in blood, and I could see Amy’s hat in the middle of a puddle. I made my way over to it and just picked it up, trying not to grimace at the crimson life that dripped off of it. I didn’t want to think of how it was hers, and certainly didn’t want to notice that it was still warm… but I did.
As soon as I noticed the temperature, I looked around, looking for her. I had to find Amy, had to see if she was still alive, had to know if I literally ‘tore her apart’ as Lucas had said I did. I didn’t see her easily. The room was dark, and there was barely enough light filtering through the filthy windows to see Lucas’ figure in the shadows or the blood on the floor. I looked to him, about to ask where Amy was, when he pointed behind me.
I whirled around, wondering if she was there, or rather if I would be able to see her, and didn’t see anything in the shadows. He walked forward and laid a hand on my back, between my shoulderblades, and suddenly, I was able to see what was hidden in shadows. It was something that would definitely be handy, and I found myself hoping that I hadn’t destroyed the trust and friendship that had been budding between us.
I was quickly pulled from those thoughts though, as I saw the form of Amy against the wall. She honestly, at first glance, looked to be dead, but I did see her chest rising and falling slightly. She was still alive, and I didn’t know how, nor did I know how long she would be, but I had to do all I could to save her.
I ran over to the witch and dropped to my knees by her. I didn’t care that she shied away from me, or tried to, at first.
“Lucas! I need some material, and fast!” I called out to the shadow demon behind me. I was met with silence from him as I wished that there was some light there, or that Lucas would lend me his abilities to see in shadows again. I was feeling around Amy’s body, trying to find what was the open wound causing all this blood, but I couldn’t. It was too dark, and my hands felt a bit numb, or rather just couldn’t feel anything different. I had no idea what it was that had happened, what it was that I had done to her, and I started to panic as Lucas approached.
“Here.” He said as he handed me some cloth. What he handed me felt like towels, and that just made me grin slightly. I knew that they could soak up a lot of blood, and help to pad something rather well, so it really was the best that he could find. I also noticed that what he handed me was oddly clean, it smelled so fresh that I forgot where I was for a moment.
I was silent as I worked, and Lucas kept his hand on my back, allowing me to see what I was doing better. I tried not to think of what had happened to Amy, what I had done to her, but I knew. The more I worked, the more I remembered what had happened.
I’d come into the room, livid, claiming that she wasn’t someone I could trust, and lashed out. I tried, first, to force her into a trance with my siren capabilities, but I quickly found out that I couldn’t as a pendant she had around her neck seemed to glow every time I tried. The voice in the back of my head told me what it was, it was something that nullified anything that would attempt to control her, any effects of that sort. So I decided to get physical with her.
First, I pulled her close and returned the favour with the kiss she gave me the first time we met. I don’t know what compelled me to do that, but I did. As I pulled away from her, and went to throw her against the wall, I noticed that her expression started to look a bit lifeless, almost as if I had stolen some of her soul. The darkness within me told me that I hadn’t, that she was just faking it to get me to leave her be, let her live, and I believed it. A rapier made of shadows formed in my hands as I just looked to the witch.
She was the one whose custody I woke up in after Riley grabbed me, and I was starting to believe that she’d done far more than I wished to know to me, and with me, then. I had no way to know whether or not that was the truth, but I was believing it. The voice in the back of my head was telling me to, and more and more I found myself succumbing to it, believing what it told me.
I approached her, shadow-sword in hand and stood over her as she shied away from me against the wall. A small part of me couldn’t believe what I was going to do, and certainly tried to stop me, but the darkness, the dark part of my being shoved it aside. I just let it be quelled and proceeded with what I honestly believed would kill her.
It didn’t, as I was now learning. I’d awoken due to the panic at attacking Lucas. The small part of me that still remained during that had forced itself to the front as the darkness receded again. I cared for him, surprisingly enough. I didn’t know if I could trust him or not, but I did care.
Now, the question remained, and I found myself seriously wondering it as I worked on Amy, what happened to Riley, and how was I here now?
“Rebecca… Are… are you alright?” Lucas asked from beside me. I looked over to him and nodded before sighing slightly.
“I think so, Lucas.” I told him honestly. I wasn’t completely sure, but I did think I was alright - for the moment at least. I didn’t know if I could relapse into that state again, and I didn’t know what had brought it about. At least, not at first. As soon as I heard the voice laughing quietly again, I knew.
It was because I gave in, gave it permission again. I was becoming its pet, a puppet, more and more, and it was lasting longer.
“I … I hope you will be… Rebecca, I really do think you’ll be the one to save us.” He said moments before Amy coughed. I sat her up more, hoping to help her breathing since she was at an awkward angle. She tried to push me away, but when she realized that I was trying to help, she stopped.
“I’m sorry Amy…” I said quietly as I finished wrapping the split skin on her head. I didn’t know what all I had done, but I knew enough to know that there was some serious damage. Once that was done, I looked to Lucas.
“Lucas. You said we’re beneath the University. Is there any way out?” I asked him. He looked at me with a puzzled expression for a moment.
“I… I’m not sure. Riley’s the only one that I know of that goes from here to the surface and back again regularly, but he took off.” He answered. Instantly I was growling. He’d survived, and ran. Dammit, I was honestly hoping that I’d finished him off, as I’d nearly finished Amy off. He cut my growl short though as he continued speaking.
“But… it may be possible. There is what seems like an elevator shaft deeper in the complex… I could possibly get us up there with my shadows.” He told me. I nodded before looking to the unconscious witch in my arms.
“Forget about me, Lucas. Take Amy to a hospital. Get her fixed.” I said. He just looked at me, shock in his features. It was almost as if he knew what I was thinking, knew that I was planning on scouring the building for Riley. I had to find him, and I certainly had to pay him back for all he’d done to me in the past.
“What!? No! Rebecca, I can’t!” Lucas exclaimed, I just sighed. I tried to ignore the tears I could hear in his voice as I took a breathe to explain this. I wasn’t going to tell him what I was planning though, I knew he wouldn’t like that, not with how he reacted there. I had to plan my words carefully, and try not to make it obvious what I was thinking. I didn’t know how perceptive he was, so that made it unknowingly difficult for me.
“Lucas, can you take both of us at once?” I asked. It was a simple question, one that made him freeze for a moment and seem to think. After another second or two, he shook his head. “I didn’t think so. You need to take Amy first, since she’s the one in critical condition.”
He seemed to accept that, but didn’t look away from me.
“I … Will you be there when I come back for you?” He asked. I sighed, again, and just nodded. I vowed to myself that I would be, that I would be there for him to pick up, but there was a small part of me that didn’t know if I would be able to keep that promise.
“I will be, I promise.” I told him, even though I didn’t want to. I had to keep him believing I would though, otherwise he would never get Amy to safety.
He seemed to appeased with that, and got to his feet.
“Come on, we need to get her out of here.” He said. “I can’t carry her, sadly that has to fall on you.” I just nodded and carefully got to my feet before lifting Amy up. She was notably lighter than one would have thought. She stood at about five feet nine inches if I were to guess, and looked like she would weigh a fair bit. She was well defined in regards to muscles, but not ridiculously so, and I knew that muscle weighed more than fat, so I was surprised.
“Lead the way, Lucas.” Was all I said once I was on my feet with Amy in my arms. He nodded and we left the room. I resisted the urge to look back at it and just closed the door with my foot.
We walked in silence for longer than I could mentally keep track. There were so many halls we turned down, and so few doors or lights, that I seriously wondered where we were going. I didn’t question it though, since I found myself honestly trusting him, more than I thought I would. I guess it had something to do with the fact that he seemed honestly scared of me that made me start to question his innocence, and start to see that it was there.
We reached a hall that had no doors, and no lights, and walked down it. I was on edge due to the darkness around us, and the voice within me started laughing. It was almost as if it was mocking me, and I tried to ignore it, but found that task to be increasingly difficult. I called out to Lucas, wondering where he was, and received silence in response. I could barely even hear my own breathing, and seriously started to wonder if I’d stepped into another dimension or something. We entered a hall that was about ten feet across… so why did it suddenly feel as if I was standing in the middle of nowhere, with nothing around?
All the hair on my body started to feel like it was standing on end as I continued walking, hoping to find someone, anyone, that could help. The darkness was starting to suffocate me, and I felt as if I was going to collapse. I knew I couldn’t though, for that would give the darkness within me a chance to come out again, and I did not want that. Amy was already in critical condition, I couldn’t take advantage of that.
I just kept walking, and didn’t know how long it was, before I felt someones hand on my shoulder. I jumped and let out a small scream before I heard Lucas’ voice.
“Hey, Rebecca, relax. It’s just me.” He said. I let out a breath of relief when I heard him, calming down rather considerably. “Come on, we don’t have much farther.” He said before seeming to activate whatever ability it was of his that allowed me to see what hid in the shadows. I could see the faint outline of what was around, and was relieved when I saw that there was a wall only a couple feet to either side of me. It was something that I never thought I would appreciate, I wasn’t claustrophobic, but I certainly wasn’t one to love small spaces either.
Lucas led me through the hall, and turned the corner at the end of it to show that there was a door, with a couple of people seeming to be standing guard. Obviously they were there to make sure that no one other than those that were approved were allowed to be there. I looked to Lucas and nodded before stepping back around the corner, away from them, and setting Amy down again. I rolled my shoulders, cracking them, and looked to Lucas again.
“Lucas, I’ll be back.” I told him. He looked about to argue for a moment before shutting up. If I were to guess, he realized that I needed to do this, that I needed to finally test out my Siren abilities. He nodded and sat down next to where I had set Amy.
“Plug your ears.” I told him before making my way to the corner and sighing slightly. Now was the moment of truth, the time for me to find out if the claim of me being a siren was real… or if it was just a dream.
I didn’t hesitate before starting to hum a simple tune. I was making it up on the spot, and I knew that it had managed to get their attention as I heard their footsteps. I stepped around the corner and continued.
“Who’s there!?” One of them called out, and I just sighed internally as I realized that he sounded like a teen, barely even an adult. I just continued for a moment before shifting to singing as one of the two lit a lantern, allowing me to see them.
As I approached, one of them, the one that didn’t light the lantern, brought what looked to be a rifle of some sorts up and took aim at me.
“Don’t come any closer! I’ll shoot!” He called. I just rolled my eyes.
“No you won’t.” I stated, my voice far more sultry than I was used to. I didn’t react to it as I neared him, my steps not faltering. As I neared, I could see the determination and dedication to guarding the door in the eyes of the one holding the lantern seem to fade completely.
“Adam! Dammit! You were supposed to keep that damned pendant on” The other one exclaimed. Adam just looked to me, an almost wistful or dreamy expression on his face as I kept getting closer. I didn’t say anything more, just kept humming a random tune, until I was able to lightly grasp Adam’s jaw.
“What will you do for me?” I asked. Adam just met my eyes, and I could see them losing some of the life that was there. I was effectively making him my puppet, I could see it.
“Anything.” He answered, his voice as wistful and dreamy as his face looked.
“Anything? Would you kill your friend for me?” I asked. I didn’t want to, but there was nothing I could do here, I had to get it so that they would allow me to go past, and it seemed as if the other one had something on him that would negate what I could do.
“I would… without hesitation.” He answered, his voice betraying how he was losing even more of himself to me. I couldn’t help but smirk with this, I was taking pride in it, even if I didn’t know why exactly I was.
“Tell your friend why you don’t have the pendant you are supposed to have. I’m curious.” I ordered softly. He nodded and turned to his friend.
“Jacob, I don’t have the pendant because I gave it to my girlfriend, to protect her.” Adam told his friend.
“What!?” Jacob exclaimed, obviously not happy in the least, and having a hard time believing it.
“Why would you do something so fucking stupid as that!? We were charged with watching this post, and we are supposed to keep the pendants on us to prevent anything like this happening!” He continued. I just laughed slightly.
“Adam, kill him.” I said simply, almost flippantly. I sounded as if I didn’t care for human life. I did, but I couldn’t let that bother me now, I couldn’t let that get in the way of what I had to do.
Adam grabbed the rifle he had next to him and took aim at Jacob, someone I assumed was his friend. I didn’t say anything as I watched him cock the gun, moments before he fired it. Jacob dodged a fatal hit, instead it hit him in the shoulder, rending his left arm useless. I didn’t like how this was going to play out, really didn’t like how I had to have friends attempt to kill each other, but I couldn’t help it. It was something that I needed to do, if I wanted to survive.
“Adam!” Jacob cried out, pain in his voice before he managed to try and shove that aside as he aimed the rifle he had on his friend. I could see the pain in his face, and not just the physical pain from the gunshot, but the emotional pain of having to kill his friend. I hated it, but I didn’t step in the way.
Adam just stepped forward, grabbed the barrel of the rifle, and tore it out of Jacob’s grasp before taking aim with his own again. He didn’t say anything before the sound of the gunshot echoed through the darkness, and Jacob fell to the floor, his head bleeding from where the bullet had gone straight through. Adam had shot him at point blank range.
I was shocked, and almost appalled that he’d done so. When he turned to look at me, he still had that empty dreamy look.
“I did well, right?” He asked. “I did as you asked.”
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts before looking to him.
“You did, Adam. You did very well.” I told him, even though I hated it.
“Now, you need to come with me, grab the lantern and leave the gun.” I ordered. He nodded and obliged immediately before following me back to where I left Lucas and Amy. Lucas was pacing when I returned, and when he saw me, he nearly jumped into my arms. He stopped midstep though as he saw Adam.
“Rebecca!” He exclaimed, the cry meant to be a warning. I just waved him off.
“Look at him closely. He’s mine for now.” I stated but didn’t say anything more regarding that. Lucas looked Adam over before nodding.
“Adam, grab her.” I ordered as I took the lantern from him. He nodded and quickly bent over to pick Amy up. As he did so, and the pendant around her neck fell a bit, I saw some pain in his face, and I knew right then and there that Amy was his girlfriend, the one he gave the pendant to. I felt a pang in my heart as I realized it and just sighed.
“Come on, we need to get out of here.” I said before heading off, with the lantern in hand, down the hall to the door. Lucas and Adam were following me, I could hear their footsteps. As we neared the door, I looked to Adam.
“Can you open this?” I asked. He nodded. “Give me her and do so.” He didn’t hesitate before handing the unconscious form of Amy to me and making his way to the door. Lucas just watched, shocked and amazed that I was able to control him. I hated it, but at the same time, I loved it. Perhaps I would have to do this more often…
We couldn’t see what he was doing before the door opened, and light was let into the hall. The door opened to what looked to be a rather large elevator shaft, but had no elevator. It wasn’t even the door to an elevator.
I set Amy down as Lucas stepped in and looked around.
“I don’t know if I can do this… I can’t carry her.” He told me abruptly. I froze and looked to him before sighing.
“Adam, grab her, and follow Lucas. Do whatever he says.” I ordered. Adam looked at me for a moment, completely silent before nodding and picking Amy up. I looked to Lucas.
“Lucas, you have to do this. I’ll be here when you return.” I told him. It was a lie, I knew that, but I had to maintain it. I had to keep him confident that I would be fine. I could tell that he was hesitant, but he nodded and grabbed Amy’s hand. After a moment, they melded with the few shadows that were in the room, and were scaling the walls.
I just sighed before turning back to the door, and closing it. I didn’t know what the darkness of the complex I was in would hold, but I knew that I had to find out. I would do it alone, too, to prevent any damage to anyone else. I’d already done enough to Amy, and I scared Lucas. I couldn’t handle that.
As I stepped out, and before the door closed, I bent over and grabbed the rifle that Jacob had used, along with the small satchel he had on his belt. As I grabbed it, it was easy to tell that it was filled with ammo, and a few other things. I couldn’t believe how much was crammed into that, but that was answered as I opened it.
I reached my hand in, and couldn’t help but gasp. It had no bottom. It seemed as if the satchel had been charmed or something to be able to house whatever, and however much, the owner wished. That would most definitely come in handy.
I was set, or as set as I could be, and I knew I had to do this. Without hesitating, I headed off, daring the shadows to eat me, and daring the darkness withing me to come to the surface again. I was a woman with a purpose, and nothing would get in my way. Or so I believed.
I was wrong, I was so terribly wrong, and as I walked, it almost felt as if I was walking right into a trap, as if this had all been planned. As I heard the voice in my head laughing at me, I couldn’t help the chill that ran down my spine a few times.
The last thing I remember from that night, was stepping into the shadows, and feeling them overtake me. The darkness within was feasting on my weakness, on how I was scared, and how I had succumbed to it previously. Before I was lost within them, I saw a pair of gray eyes seeming to glow a few feet away from me. I knew who they belonged to, and I tried to take aim with the rifle I’d picked up, but couldn’t. All I could do, was allow one last fleeting thought echo through my head before it all emptied and I didn’t know anything other than what the darkness wanted me to know.

Everything was dark. I couldn’t see even an inch in front of my face, and I certainly couldn’t see the tip of my nose. It was … odd, to say the least. Where was I that made it all so dark? What the hell had happened? I tried to look around, my arms reaching out ahead of and around me as I stepped carefully, hoping to find something, anything, to grab hold of. I was certain that once I found something, I would have an idea as to where I was, or at least what my predicament was. Everywhere I felt though, there was nothing. I couldn’t even feel solid ground beneath my feet, for that matter. After a few seconds though, I felt something. I had no idea what it was, but it felt smooth, and cold.
“… what?” I asked the darkness around me. I didn’t get an answer, at least nothing that would help. All I received in response was the echoing laughter that I had grown used to hearing. It was the laughter that I’d been hearing for years, the laughter that came from the darkness that I’d taken inside me. Instantly, my hair was standing on end. I couldn’t stand the laughter, never had been able to. What made it worse though, was how it sounded like it was coming from around me. It wasn’t coming from within any longer, and I didn’t know why that was. Part of me didn’t want to know why, but the other part of me knew that I had to know, knew that I had to fix this, had to get free from it.
I seriously questioned my success though.
“Let me out!” I cried into the darkness, and the laughter. I’d grabbed what I realized were bars in front of me, even though I couldn’t see them. I could feel them, feel the cold and smooth metal that crafted them. When I made my demand though, I was just met with silence for a moment before I saw a pair of red eyes seeming to glow in the distance. Unconsciously, I took a few steps back, only to hit more bars. By now I was piecing together that I was in some sort of cage, I was captured again… but where? Where the hell was I that made it feel as if I was floating? Where was I that made it that I couldn’t see anything ahead of me due to the sheer density of the shadows around me?
“Rebecca, you’re nothing now.” A voice echoed around me. Almost instantly I was able to identify who it was - or at least what it was. It was the voice from my head, from the darkness I’d taken in so long ago. How it was outside of my head, as it appeared to be, was lost on me. I had no idea what it was that had happened, or what was to happen even.
“What!? The hell do you mean by that!?” I demanded an answer, but the laughter just returned as the dark eyes vanished. I had no idea what to think.
“Tell me, what is the last thing you remember?” I was asked. I looked around, unable to find the voice, but it wasn’t long before I realized that it was behind me now. I whirled around to face it, not knowing if it was a good idea or not, but believing that I should keep him, her… it in my sights at all times. Well, as best as I could, that is.
I froze as I tried to wrack my brain, tried to figure out the answer to that question. What was the last thing I could remember…? I stood there, trying to figure it out for longer than I’m sure I should have had to think, before looking towards the red eyes in the distance. I wanted to know who it was, what it was, but I couldn’t see anything other than the slight glow from the eyes. Every time I saw it, saw the glow, my hair stood on end and I felt like someone just walked over my grave. I couldn’t stand it, I had to look away… but I couldn’t.
“I… Walking into the darkness after sending Lucas off with Amy and Adam.” I answered after a moment. It was the last thing I could remember, there wasn’t anything else. The voice just chuckled slightly.
“Why? What happened?” I asked, my voice betraying the fear I had. Again, the voice laughed at me. I couldn’t believe this, why was it laughing? What made it so victorious this time…?
“Rebecca, you’re mind is mine now.” It stated simply and I could see a rather wicked and creepy grin forming just below the eyes. Somehow, it was darker than the black around it, and outlined in red. In the long run, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, a book I had loved as a child.
I stumbled back a few paces, effectively freaked out. I knew I had to get out of there, as it seemed that the darkness, whatever it was that I had taken in, had taken over somehow. I couldn’t figure out how, though. I’d kept it locked away well enough, or so I’d believed, but apparently I hadn’t.
“By the way, the date is August 21.” I heard. My head snapped up when it said that. “You’ve been in here for seven months now.” It added.
No… I can’t have been… can I? I can’t have abandoned Lucas, Adam and Amy, I can’t have abandoned my quest to stop Riley. I can’t have! There’s no way I would have done that willingly, no way. If what he said was the truth, then I knew that I had to step up and do what I needed to. I needed to get free, I had to get out of here, I had to finish what I’d started.
The voice started laughing again as I was looking around, hoping to find something, anything, that could help me out. I didn’t care if it was something to actually help me get out of that cage, or even some sort of information regarding what it was that had happened over the past seven months. Or hell, even something that proved, or disproved, that I’d been there for so long. How was I supposed to believe that?
The voice seemed to realize my dilemma and just continued laughing, almost as if it knew that I would never manage to find something that would help me out of there. I didn’t give up though, I just continued looking as the laughter got quieter and the presence faded. I had no idea what to think, what to do, or anything. I just knew that I had to get out of there…
I looked around, and cursed how it was black, how I couldn’t see anything. After about a minute though, although it could have been far longer, I had no way to tell the time in there, I realized something. The blackness was nothing more than a mist of sorts, and I was willing to bed that it would be possible to brush it away, or blow it away. I didn’t know how I could manage that, but at least I had realized that it would be possible… right? As long as I had that possibility, I knew all hope wasn’t lost.
Even if it was, I wanted to hold onto that, hold onto what was possibly the only thing that could keep me sane right now. All I knew, was that I had to get out of there, that I had to find a way out. If I could get rid of the darkness around me, I would be able to see where I was, right?
So I held onto that, refused to let it go, as I started to see if I could find something, anything, that could help. I don’t know how long I was looking through the mist, and constantly feeling bars that were in my way, before I heard, and felt, the presence return. It’s laughter was quite easy to identify, and I found that I was torn on what I thought of it’s return. On one hand, I was grateful, for then I wouldn’t alone, on the other hand, I couldn’t stand the fact that it was back. What could I do now? I had to be careful, make sure it didn’t pick up on what I was doing — or rather, what I was trying to do. I knew that it would be easier said than done though, since it seemed to know what I was thinking, even before I knew.
It looked over to me, the red eyes making my skin crawl for a minute before I saw the grin again.
“Oh, Rebecca, are you trying to plan an escape?” It asked. “Trust me, that won’t happen.” I wouldn’t believe it. I just had to figure out how to get out of there, how to get free. It was then that I noticed something, something odd. When it was focusing on me, talking to me, something in the air seemed to change. One way to say it, would be that it got easier to breathe. I don’t know why, or whether or not it was something that I needed to remember, but I stored it in the back of my mind regardless.
I kept quizzing it on what was going on, questions that he never answered. No. Every single time it either distracted me and took me off that course, or it just ignored it. There were a handful of times where he attacked me in response as well, but I didn’t stop. I kept at it. I don’t know how long I was at it, how many days and nights, before I finally got an answer from it.
It wasn’t happy when it answered me, when I asked the question for the umpteenth time. I wasn’t going to pay any attention to that though, I realized that it’s patience growing thin would most likely mean lots of problems for me, but what did I care at the moment? I was locked away somewhere, never needed to eat anything, drink anything, or even sleep.
“Rebecca, just shut up!” It snapped at me. It wasn’t hard to tell that it was at the end of the rope. What the length of said rope was though, I had no idea. There was no way for me to know, but I was guessing that it was pretty long, considering the fact that it seemed that Id’ been there fore awhile, yet only now it was snapping on me. When it did so though, I had to suppress a grin. I’d felt a change in the air around me, and it almost seemed as if the bars in front of me had faltered a bit in their solidity. It was odd, didn’t help me out much in regards to figuring out where I was, but it did give me an idea as to how to get out of there.
All I had to do, was piss the voice off. I wasn’t sure how to get the results that I was after, but I did know that if someone’s patience was pressed enough, there was a high chance of the person getting pissed off. So… that’s what I was going to do.
“Who are you?” I asked, changing the topic for once. It just looked at me, seemingly shocked that I had asked that. After a minute or two of silence, it answered… well, not really.
“What’s the point in answering that?” It asked. “I’m nothing, yet I’m everything, and it doesn’t matter.”
I just sighed, that was cryptic as everything and didn’t help me out. It seemed that maybe it realized that if it gave me a straight-forward answer, that I would have something to possible manage to get out of here.
“Just answer the damned question for me, will you?” I half snapped. It just clicked the tongue I didn’t know it had and fell silent. I growled to myself, cursing how I had pushed it, and wondering what I could do now. I was pushing its limits, pushing its patience. I knew that, I knew I had to continue… but how? It seemed it knew when to stop and go away for now, meaning it had control over its temper. So… how? What buttons was I to push?
“Ok, fine. Can you tell me what’s going on, at least?” I asked, hoping that I could get some sort of information. I was, of course, not holding my breath though. I didn’t think it would answer that question, but I was surprised.
It sighed slightly before looking at me again.
“All right, I can grant you that, at least.” It said before grinning. It was an expression that promised something horrible was about to happen, or that he was going to be giving some rather sordid details.
“You have been locked in here for seven months, give or take a couple of days, and in that time you have been Riley’s play-thing.” He told me. “I haven’t even been the one to take control of your body. No, Riley had managed to get to you. Of course, he wouldn’t have been able to, had I not helped.” I had to stop it there. What did it mean about Riley? About it helping? I, of course, asked as much. It just looked to me, an almost shocked expression in it’s eyes before grinning.
“Oh, you’re completely ignorant to it all, aren’t you?” It asked. “Riley is a demon, but I’m sure you already figured that much out, didn’t you?” It didn’t give me a chance to answer that question before it continued. What was it that I could say anyway? I hadn’t been sure of Riley being a demon, but I did have my suspicions. It continued before I could say anything, though.
“He could control people with just a touch. He was one that was very touchy as a child, and when he reached his teenage years, he realized that he could get anyone to do anything he wanted. He, of course, abused it just so he could refine his ability. Well, abilities, but you only need to know about the one for now.” It told me. I was stunned. That did explain a lot about Riley though, how he had been able to steal hours from me at a time with just a simple meeting, a simple touch.
The voice continued speaking, but I found that I was having a hard time following it now. I don’t know why I couldn’t, but it seemed to just go over my head. Every word was lost on me, as I just continued to try and wrap my mind around what I’d just been told about Riley. Why that was proving to be more difficult that I would have expected, I still don’t know. I almost don’t care to know, either.
“So, he wanted to bring you in, because he knew that you would be able to house me.” It finished, which made me snap my head towards him.
“Excuse me?” I asked. I had no idea what I’d been told prior to that statement, but that one statement had been enough to bring my attention back to it. More than enough.
It looked at me and seemed to sigh slightly, almost as if it was irritated with me. I took some pride in that, since I had a feeling that possibly that would be a good thing for me, but I didn’t let it show - I couldn’t let it show. At the same time though, I wanted to, I wanted to know if I was on the right track or not. I could find out, if I were to let on what I thought. I could judge its reactions…
Almost as soon as that thought entered my mind, I banished it though. I didn’t want to be going on the wrong track for this, but I didn’t want to risk being right and having it know. Neither would do me any good, and there was no way to find out which was right. So, I was going to do all I could do. I was going to go with my gut instinct. If that led me astray, so be it, I would cross that bridge if I came to it.
It, again, looked at me. This time though, it seemed to have a knowing expression on its face, one that promised trouble to me, too. I didn’t know why, and I was too scared to ask. I was honestly too afraid of what the answer may have been. It seemed to realize that though, and decided to play on that fear.
“What’s wrong, Rebecca?” it asked me, it’s voice sounding as if it cared. I could tell though, that beneath the surface it didn’t. It just wanted to get to me. That wasn’t anything new, of course, but I couldn’t let it win. The longer I was silent after it asked though, the more of an aura it got of success.
“Oh, I know. You’re terrified here, aren’t you? You have no idea where you are, what you’re doing, how the hell you’re alive… hell, you don’t know if you are alive for that matter. Do you?” It asked tauntingly. I just glared in it’s direction, or rather, the direction of the glowing eyes. I didn’t want to answer any of that, of course not. I didn’t want to give it any entrance into whatever was going through my head.
It seemed though, that I didn’t need to.
“Oh Rebecca, I already know the answers.” It stated, rather calmly. “You’re piss-yourself-terrified. You can do nothing more than wish to know where you are, and you’ve got several things running through your head regarding that. You also can’t figure out why you’re not dead, or if you already are. Right?” It asked. I just looked away, which I guess was a perfect answer since it resulted in a rather dark laugh from the voice again. I didn’t say anything, just growled slightly as I reached out to grab it.
I tried, and failed the first time, but I didn’t quit. I just kept grabbing for whatever I could find, whatever it was that was possibly out there. Ideally, I wanted to be able to grab whatever was speaking to me, and bash that things face against the damn bars. When I finally managed to grab something though, I froze for a second, a second that it picked up on and switched who was holding who. The next thing I knew, I had been pulled through the bars, and was pinned to the misty floor that I couldn’t see.
I tried to scream out, but I found that I couldn’t. There was a band of the black mist around me wrapping itself around my throat, cutting off all audio. Why the silence? Did it feel threatened by my voice? Was it actually possible for me to overpower it? Perhaps if I had more strength to my voice, had trained it more, but as it stood now I didn’t think I had the capabilities. I’d barely had a chance to train what I could do, and had only ever utilized it once.
As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I froze. What had happened to Adam, Lucas, and Amy? I wanted to know, I had to know. That desire to get free, to find out what had happened, gave me a boost in strength an stamina. I had a reason to be free now, and dammit, I would get out.
I managed to catch the voice off guard, whatever it was, and shoved it off of me. I didn’t know what I was against at the moment, but I didn’t care. I just knew that I had to get out of there, and I really didn’t think knowing what it was would do me any good. As it landed on its back, it just laughed at me.
“You really think you stand a chance against me, Rebecca?” It asked, it’s voice taunting me, floating over and around me. I just closed my eyes and listened, tried to block the voice out and listen for footsteps. If I could locate where it was, instead of where the voice was being projected to, I would at least stand a small chance at beating it. It didn’t take long though, before I realized how fruitless an endeavor that was. With there being no floor, in essence, it was impossible to pick up on the footsteps that I was so straining to hear. As soon as I realized that, I felt something hit my back with enough force that I couldn’t feel anything from the impact point down.
I fell to my hands and knees, pain echoing through me for a moment as I looked over my shoulder. I didn’t see him though, he was already gone, gone somewhere else to attack me. His laughter kept echoing around me, seemingly louder with every second. It didn’t take long, only about fifteen seconds, before it was all I could hear. I didn’t like it, and I knew I had to shut that voice up. I had to find it, find out what it was, and shut it up if it was the last thing I did.
I brought my hands up to my throat as I sat back on my heels and felt up at my neck. As I moved my fingers around, I felt the coils of mist, or shadow, or whatever they were, fading. It was almost as if my hands were breaking them apart, which made sense. All that was in here seemed to be shadows or mist, and they break apart easily.
I was grateful for that as I managed to get rid of the shadows around my throat. I needed my voice if I were to get out of there, I was sure. Once the collar was gone, I just looked around, wondering where the voice that was haunting me had gone. I didn’t see it, not that I expected to, and just sighed before closing my eyes again. I hadn’t done this much, and didn’t know if I would be able to do any good now, but I started humming again. It was a simple tune that my mother used to play for me as a baby, and I have no idea how I can still remember it. I was hoping that it would stop the figure so that I could finally do something to get out of there.
I was left alone for a few minutes, and after I realized that I was alone, or at least thought that it was a really good chance of it, I got to my feet. I didn’t stop humming as I looked around. Everywhere was black, dark. I couldn’t make heads or tails of much of anything; even the glowing red eyes weren’t visible. That didn’t sit well with me, but before I could even think about how bad it seemed, I felt shadows coiling around me. Instantly, my humming stopped. I couldn’t continue as a small scream escaped my lips.
I heard the laughter continuing as it seemed everything else around me was getting muted. I couldn’t breathe, and it was getting notably harder to think. I could feel myself slipping, although I didn’t know what I was slipping off of, or into, the voice’s laughter was just getting louder. At the same time though, I thought I heard another voice, someone calling my name, someone that seemed kinder, more like that cared. I didn’t have the strength to try and pull myself towards the new voice, or even to try and truly listen in.
Everything went black seconds later.

“Rebecca!” The voice was faint, I could barely hear it, just as I barely felt something smacking me across the face.
“Rebecca! Dammit! Did I end up killing her!?” I didn’t recognize the voice, at all, and wondered briefly if I should be on my guard. I couldn’t move at the moment though, so it didn’t really matter.
“I doubt it, I can see her breathing.” Someone else said calmly, although there was concern in their voice too. I heard a sigh, but it was faint, before it seemed everything faded for a moment.
“Amy, try waking her, it might work.” I heard the first voice said again. I didn’t hear anything after that for a few minutes and what I heard next made my blood cold. It was Amy, that much I knew, and she was saying something. It sounded like a spell of some sort. I didn’t get a chance to think about it, to try and figure out what it was before I felt a rather sudden, and powerful, shock zip through me. It, oddly enough, didn’t hurt - but that’s not to say it was pleasant either. After a moment, a opened my eyes and carefully went to sit up. Instantly there were hands on my shoulders, holding me down. They were gentle though, which I hadn’t expected.
“Hey, you ok, Rebecca?” The one holding me down asked. After a moment I recognized him. It was Adam.
“I… I think so?” I asked before pushing his hands away and sitting up. I looked around, and saw that I was in a bloodied room. It was lit by small little orbs of light that were floating around arbitrarily, and I couldn’t help but marvel at them.
“Wh…” I started to ask ‘what are the lights’, but I was stopped by Lucas approaching from the other side of the room.
“Rebecca, are you alright? Are you going to attack us again?” He asked, and I could hear the pain in his voice at having to ask that in the first place. Obviously I’d done something to him, to them. I had no idea what I’d done, but I was willing to bet that it was that blasted voice that was in my head. Before I could curse it out though, I sighed, stopping myself; in the long run, there was no reason to. I knew that no matter what I said about it, all it would end up doing is either driving myself insane, or it would give it the upper hand… again.
“I… what? No. No… I won’t.” I answered slowly, knowing that the way I was answering was giving the impression that I didn’t know what the right answer was. I wanted them to trust me, needed them to trust me if I was going to finish what I had started. Although… I was starting to question what that was, exactly. What was I doing before I ended up here? Before I ended up in that dark misty place, even.
Amy made her way over and knelt down in front of me, silent as she just locked her eyes on mine. I couldn’t look away, and it didn’t take long before I felt as if I was paralyzed, with Amy pulling the strings. I almost felt as if I would do anything she wanted, as if she controlled my body, but not my mind.
“Rebecca, what’s the last thing you remember?” She asked me, not looking away, or releasing me from the grasp that she apparently had on me.
“Darkness… mist… I don’t know where I was… I just… I could hear that damned voice I have in the back of my head, constantly. It was driving me insane.” I answered honestly, grateful that I could still talk, at the very least. I guess she wasn’t trying to control that.
Amy sighed slightly before looking to Lucas and nodding. “I think she’s alright.” She told him. I couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by that, since I was sure that there was something. I didn’t ask though, since it did seem as if I was on thin ice around them, which I found a shame. They were people that I had come to care about, after all.
“Her eyes are back to their normal shade, not that weird red any longer as well.” She added. Instantly, I was looking to her, whatever magic she’d weaved onto me broken.
“What do you mean by that, Amy?” I asked, my tone making it apparent that I demanded an answer, that I wouldn’t back down until I got one. I didn’t know why I was so pushy for it, exactly, but I wouldn’t deny that I wanted to know. I did, and I couldn’t help but be reminded by the glowing red eyes that I’d seen in the darkness around me… Did it… was I… Was I under it’s control? Was it controlling my body for awhile?
They looked to me, and it was Adam that answered after sighing a bit. It was almost as if he could tell that I wouldn’t like the answer, and was trying to figure out the best way to say it, so as to avoid a possible explosion in regards to my temper. I had no idea how to read that, exactly, but I also didn’t dwell on it too much, I didn’t have time to after all.
“Well…” Adam started before explaining what I had feared. My eyes had acquired a red glow, and I, over all, had acquired an aura of pure insanity. It seemed as if it was as I feared… the voice, the darkness I took in before, it had come forth and taken control without my consent. Before I had been able to say anything regarding it, or even think of anything, Lucas had continued speaking.
“Rebecca… you went outright insane.” He told me. I didn’t know what to think about that, found it hard to believe, but at the same time didn’t.
“You didn’t care about friend, or foe - the only person you cared about was Riley. You were at war with yourself about him; you wanted to kill him, you wanted to love him.” He added. I shook my head and brought a hand up to the side of it. I had no idea what to think of that, and almost couldn’t wrap my head around it, at all. It wasn’t me at that time — was it? There really was no way for me to know for certain, but the laughter I could hear in the back of my mind, from the darkness within me, all but confirmed it for me.
“I… I’m sorry…” I said quietly, looking away.
“It’s alright, as long as you’re you again.” Amy said. I just breathed a sigh of relief, and chose to ignore the fact that her voice made it sound like she didn’t fully trust me. I couldn’t blame her though.
I felt Adam shift next to me, moments before I heard Amy curse under her breath. For a moment, I found myself wondering if Adam was still under my control, and I hoped that he wasn’t - I didn’t dare ask though.
“Shit! Lucas, Riley’s sent his goons down to here. We have to get out of here, and fast.” She said, her fear of being caught evident in her voice. I looked up and towards the door before getting to my feet. Immediately, Lucas and Adam were trying to stop me, but I brushed them off.
“It’s probably something to do with me, right?” I asked, and received silence in response. That was enough for me to know that yes, it was because of me. I didn’t know what it was exactly, but I knew it was me - I didn’t even know how I knew it was me, exactly. It was just an easy conclusion to come to, I thought.
“Rebecca—” Lucas started before Amy smacked him.
“Do it, Rebecca. You’re the reason we’re here, after all.” The witch snapped. I sighed and, despite the fact that Lucas at least didn’t want me to do it, I went to the door and left the room. I looked around, wondering where anyone was, but not exactly wishing to find anyone. After a couple of seconds, I heard their footsteps coming towards me, and sighed slightly. I didn’t know what to think here, and I was counting the minutes until they found me. I looked around at the walls around me and sighed, again (it seemed that was becoming ridiculously common lately). The walls were dark, as I wasn’t surprised, and the hall was surprisingly bright. There was a light every few feet on both sides of the five foot wide hall. I was sure that was meant to calm someone down, since there were no shadows that people could hide in, but it just made it harder to calm down or relax. There was blood splattered against the walls, and I didn’t want to think of what it was that could have caused them — how it could have been me that did it.
I started to walk towards them, not sure of what it was that I was doing, exactly, and sighed slightly when I saw them down the hall. I had nothing in mind, no plan, and really was going off of whatever happened. I didn’t know what would happen, and I found myself praying for things to go my way - which in itself was odd since I wasn’t religious in the slightest.
‘Yeah… Can’t be religious, considering what I am. Aren’t I considered an demon of sorts or something?’ I mused as I walked, and one of them spot me. I saw them nudge one of the others, and I could count how many were coming. There were, in total, seven men coming towards me, their ages looking to range from fifteen, all the way up to thirty-something. I couldn’t help but curse Riley out with that, I knew how he was getting minors to ‘work’ for him. There was only one way he could, after all. He was abusing what he could do. That demon had to have been controlling him.
“There she is!” I heard one exclaim, fear in his voice. I just rolled my eyes as I stopped walking. I didn’t know what to think of how they were scared, and it was easy to tell, I just knew that I had to try my damndest to avoid hurting any of them any more than I had to. If any came at me, I would defend myself - but I didn’t want to hurt anyone.
“Look, I don’t want a fight.” I said as I raised my hands, and kept my voice level. I didn’t want to do anything that could set off their alarms yet - and by that I meant that I didn’t want to use my Siren voice to control them yet. Hell, if I could avoid it, I wouldn’t do it at all.
“Bullshit!” One of the older men there snarled. I sighed, but didn’t move. I stayed where I was with my hands up and level with my face.
“I don’t mean trouble, I just want to get the hell out of here. I swear.” I said. I didn’t need to hear the response to know that they, largely, didn’t believe me. The fact that there were growls, combined with a few guns aimed at me were more than enough proof.
I couldn’t move fast enough when I heard the first gunshot - it caught me in the side. The burning pain where the bullet scraped my skin was impossible to ignore, and I couldn’t prevent the small scream that escaped my lips. I hadn’t expected them to have guns, I truly hadn’t. I had believed that Riley would only ‘employ’ those that weren’t human, weren’t normal. Since they were using guns, it really made me wonder.
I tried to get to my feet, but the pain in my side was far too much. I had never been one that was any good at shoving pain aside, I had never been able to ignore it. Growing up, I’d been picked on and harassed because it, because I had always been perceived as a ‘wuss’ or a ‘pussy’. It didn’t take long before I cried out in pain again and just gave up trying to get to my feet. Without thinking of it, and with the tears running down my face, I started to hum again. It was the same tune that I could remember that I had hummed with Adam. It calmed me, helped to ease the pain in my side - not enough for me to be able to get to my feet though, but enough that I wasn’t bawling any longer.
With a hand at my side, over the wound, I just leaned against the wall behind me where I sat, closed my eyes, and continued humming. I figured that if I was to die, but I might as well die humming a melody that reminded me of home, reminded me of my mother.
“Dammit! Emery, why don’t you have your damned pendant!?” I heard suddenly, which jolted me from my humming. I looked over, and just looked almost stupidly towards the group. I almost couldn’t believe what it was that was going on - it seemed as if one of the men that were there, had fallen victim to me. As I realized that, a grin spread across my face.
‘Maybe today won’t be my last, then.’ I thought as I started to hum again, hoping to grab more. I wasn’t holding my breath though, and I did realize that it was likely that the one I had grabbed, Emery, would be killed quickly. All I could do, was hope that his reflexes allowed him to take out some of those that he was with. I could barely get to my feet at the moment, the sheer pain from where the bullet had grazed me was preventing that, and I was left by the wall to wait.
It didn’t take long before I heard a fight, I didn’t see it right away for I had closed my eyes again. When I heard the beginnings of the scuffle though, I had to look back towards the group. What I saw shocked me.
Three of the group had been shot and were on the floor - at least one of them was dead - while the one I’d managed to grasp was fighting another. I didn’t know why he was, since I hadn’t actually told him to… perhaps it was his survival instinct? I wasn’t about to dwell on it though, I didn’t really have the time to.
There were others on the floor as well. It looked like Emery had managed to take out most of the group, which shocked me. I don’t know how someone would be able to, especially considering he looked to be one of the younger men there. He’d managed to take out most of those he was with, and when he looked over to me for a moment I could see that it was his own choice. I hadn’t grabbed him, his eyes were completely clear, unlike how Adam’s had been before.
‘What…?’ I wondered as he made his way over, seemingly ignoring those that were still on their feet. I didn’t know why he was ignoring them, and I wanted cry out to him, tell him that someone was following him. I couldn’t though, the pain from my side made every word I tried to say to come out as a cry of pain. When he noticed that, not that it took long, he quickened his pace.
When he finally reached me, he grinned slightly in a way that made it seem like he was going to finish me off. I tensed up slightly, fear starting to override the pain, but when he picked me up, I found myself relaxing a bit.
“Don’t worry, Rebecca, I’m here to help.” He said quietly before hurrying back tot he room that I had woken up in.
“The hell happened to Rebecca!?” I heard Lucas’ voice echo throughout the room before the one that was holding me answered.
“She took a bullet to the side.” He said. “Grazed her. I don’t think it’s too deep, but it is definitely deep enough to cause her some serious pain.” When he said that, I winced. No shit I hurt, I hurt a lot. It was to be expected, wasn’t it?
The next thing I knew though, I was on the floor again, laid down back where I had been when I was woken up it seemed, and Amy was fussing with my shirt around the wound. I didn’t know what she was doing, exactly, but it wasn’t hard to tell that whatever it was, wasn’t good. She cursed, rather vibrantly in a variety of languages before looking back to the one that brought me, looking back to Emery.
“Dammit! Wasn’t Zachary apart of that group? Is he still alive?” She asked with a bit of a snarl.
“I .. Yeah. I think so. Why? Can’t you do anything about this, Amy?” Emery asked after a moment, a curious and puzzled tone to his voice. Amy just sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose slightly before growling - and obviously at his question… or his stupidity. I had no idea while, and I didn’t actually know if I wanted to find out.
Emery fell silent for a moment before sighing and getting to his feet, since he’d ended up kneeling next to me.
“I’ll go see if he’s alive or not.” He said before heading to the door and out, not giving anyone a chance to say or do anything to stop him. What was it that anyone could have done, anyway? It wasn’t hard to figure out that this Zachary person was supposed to be found and help with the damn wound from the bullet… but I knew nothing more than that. Before I could ask anything though, not that I really could, Amy just started pacing.
“Amethyst, Amy, Love, relax.” Adam said as he approached her. I couldn’t help but smile slightly when I saw him approach and wrap his arms around her shoulders. I found it rather sweet, that he was willing to risk the rage of a witch to try and calm her down. I was also pretty sure that he was the only person alive that could do something like that.
I lost track of what was happening between the two of them as Emery returned, with a slightly taller and older looking man. He looked to be in his thirties, easily, but I couldn’t place his exact age. I couldn’t help but admire his appearance though, he honestly looked like he could have easily been a male lingerie model of some sorts.
He was topless, and I could see some remnants of his shirt left at his belt, which revealed a rather amazing torso. It was muscular, but it wasn’t ridiculously so - pretty much what girls generally wanted. Well toned, a good amount of definition, but it wasn’t smack you in the face obvious. As my eyes were trailing up and down his torso for a few seconds longer than I would have admitted to anyone, he made his way over to me and knelt down to my left. It seemed as if he knew what it was that he was wanted for, and if I were to guess, Emery had filled him in on the way back there.
“Riley’s on his way.” Zachary said as he laid one of his slightly oversized hands over my wound. I heard Lucas, this time, curse when he said that.
“Does he know where we are?” He asked. Zachary looked back to Lucas and sighed slightly before nodding as I suddenly felt a really cool feeling where his hand was. The burning pain was being replaced by a rather relaxing and calming cooling sensation - something akin to when it was a blistering hot day and you just jumped into a perfectly cold pool. I couldn’t help but relax rather noticeably when I felt it, which just elicited a small chuckle from him.
“God-DAMMIT!” Lucas exclaimed as Zachary removed his hand.
“Done, you feeling any better?” He asked me, forcing my attention back to him, instead of on the preteen on the other side of the room.
“I… yeah… I am actually. What’d you do?” I asked him, curious.
“Rebecca, he’s a healer.” Amy answered, not giving Zachary a chance, as she approached with Adam in tow.
“He’s one of Riley’s most coveted pets.” She continued, which caused Zachary to look over to her, venom in his eyes.
“Amy… I am not a pet.” He snarled, the venom from his eyes apparent in his voice. I couldn’t help but cringe when I heard it, and it looked like Emery was the same before he laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Zack, chill. She didn’t mean anything by it, I don’t think.” He told him before sighing and looking to Amy as I sat up a bit better.
“Whether I did or not doesn’t mean anything. And for the record, yes. Zack, you are a pet to Riley, everyone that works under him is.” Amy stated calmly. Zachary didn’t have anything to say in response to that. He just froze, looking like he wanted to say something but had no idea what to say.
“As I said. Anyway, all of you, any bright ideas for how the hell to get out of here?” Amy asked as she looked around, seeming to have calmed down rather notably since before. I couldn’t help but be relieved with that. I didn’t think it would be a good idea to have a pissed off witch on our team. It seemed I wasn’t the only one that thought that either, as I could almost feel the relief in the room.
Everyone was silent, looking to be thinking, and I was the first to speak. I had no idea how I knew it, but somehow I did. I wasn’t going to question it though.
“The hall connects at the two ends with several doors on the way.” I started, my voice almost monotone. I didn’t have a chance to puzzle over it though, as I continued talking. “At the east end, there is a door that’s locked - at least it should be - that leads to what is essentially a torture room. At the west is a door that leads to the holding area.”
Their eyes were on me, I could feel them, just as I could feel something almost crawling up my back. When I went to scratch it though, or bat it away, I froze. I wasn’t able to, but I didn’t freak out.
‘Rebecca - you took me in, you’ll never be free of me. Let me prove that to you.’ I heard echo throughout my skull. I paled when I heard that, my breathing catching in my throat.
“Whoa! Becky! Relax. What the hell has you all freaked out?” Lucas asked as he neared. I didn’t say anything before shaking my head and looking at him.
“I… I’m alright.” I said as I got to my feet. “Come on, Riley and his goons will be patrolling these halls soon.”I stated as I made my way to the door.
“If he isn’t already on his way here, that is. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already knows that the group he sent out after me has been cleared out already, and that there are two people that have turned against him.” I added as I grabbed the door handle. I went to turn it, but for some reason, I had a hard time with it. I had no idea why, and my hand started to shake a bit as I stood there, in essence fighting with myself to open the damned door. Thankfully, that didn’t last long and I was able to get the door opened after a few seconds.
“Come on - we’ll head west.” I said before stepping out into the hall, into the suffocating darkness. As soon as I stepped out though, I froze. It was ridiculously bright previously - why was it dark now?
I turned to look behind me, look back into the room that I had just come out of, I found that I couldn’t see even an inch in front of my face. The orbs of light that Amy had floating around in there weren’t visible, and I was starting to get really uneasy. Did Riley know we were there, exactly, did he already know about the group that had been downed? So many questions were running through my head that I barely noticed footsteps around me until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I jumped, and nearly lashed out to hit the one that had grabbed me before I was stopped. Someone grabbed my hand, and before I could react, I heard Lucas’ voice.
“Rebecca, relax - it’s me.” He said. I breathed a sigh of relief as I found that I was able to see again. Well, sorta. It wasn’t perfect, but Lucas was lending his skills to see through the darkness and shadows that surrounded us.
“Thanks, Lucas.” I said after a moment. He just nodded before removing his hand from my shoulder as I saw the others approach.
“Ok, come on, let’s go.” I said. There was a collective ‘yes’ from the others before I nodded and we headed west. I somehow knew how far we would have to go, even if I couldn’t see anything, and I had no idea how I knew. As we walked, I found I wasn’t paying attention to the small conversations that were happening between the others, and was wrapped up in my own thoughts - wrapped up in trying to figure out how the hell it was that I knew where the hell it was that I was going, what direction we needed to go.
It seemed like it didn’t take any time at all, before I noticed we were at the door. I just blinked a bit and shook my head slightly before opening the door. Almost instantly, all of us felt blinded by the sudden burst of light from beyond the door.
I brought my arm up to shield my eyes as I stepped into the room, with the others following me. They all looked around, some shocked, some sickened, some combinations of the two, expressions on their faces.
“You’re shitting me… Riley… he’s seriously…” Adam started with a growl following. I sighed slightly as my eyes adjusted and I looked around. I had no idea what to think - I almost couldn’t think. This wasn’t anything new to me, and I quickly ruled that it was because of the fact that I had been there for months, apparently.
The room was as I had said it would, a holding room of sorts. There were cells lining the walls, and several floors of them. Looking around, I felt as if I was looking around the insides of a prison, and it made my skin crawl. The hell was Riley doing with all these people? Even if they were something else, demons, creatures, whatever, they all looked like humans - and that was reason enough to call them people.
“Come on, we need to get out of here before a ruckus is started because we’re spotted.” Amy said as she started to head off, head down the hall towards what looked to be a door on the far end. The others followed her quickly enough, but I lingered back for a moment; something about the room struck a chord within me, and I couldn’t place why. Why did it seem so familiar to me…? I found myself, rather quickly, lost in my thoughts, questioning that, for a moment before shaking my head and catching up with the others.
My footsteps were loud enough on the floor, that the audio echoed rather well for a moment. It didn’t take long before there were noises of people shifting positions, perhaps to find out what it was that was happening, perhaps to call out, or perhaps just because they wanted to do the same as everyone else. Regardless of the reason, I could feel the eyes of the beings in every cell on me, on all six of us, and I paled.
“We need to get out of here, and fast.” I heard Lucas said from where he was as he looked around, meeting the gazes of a few of the captives. I had to bite back the urge to free any of them, and just nodded in response as Amy reached the door. Damn that girl was quick.
“The door is locked!” She called back to us, which net a curse from Emery that would make a sailor blush moments before he hurried over. I watched his movements, very calculated, precise. If I were to guess, he was a military man, or just an officer of some sort, before being pulled into this hellish job.
As he made his way over, he pulled a revolver from a holster on his belt and motioned for Amy to get back. She hurried away, not wanting to risk being hit with the bullet - whether it be an intentional aim or a stray - and hid behind Adam who just held her as best he could. Emery took aim on the lock before firing. The shot echoed through the room more than my footsteps had and did enough to ensure that we now had the attention of anything and everything in the room. I even heard some mechanical buzzing above us. When I looked up to see what it was, I froze and paled.
It was a camera.
It was recording us.
Instantly I looked to the others and called out to them, they had to know about it, after all.
“Guys! Riley knows we’re here. He has to. There’s a fucking camera recording us!” I called out, urgency in my voice. Amy paled and just buried her face in Adam’s back, which I couldn’t help but be surprised about. She was a witch, and seemed to be a rather powerful one, yet she was cowering behind someone - someone that, for all I knew, could be a human with nothing funky to him.
Before anyone could say anything, before Emery could even try to open the door he attempted to shoot the lock off of, we all heard footsteps. Looking around, it was easy to tell that it wasn’t any of us. What none of us knew, was who we heard.

The footsteps were loud, almost thundering, as they approached.
“Shit… I think it’s multiple people” I heard Amy curse slightly. “We need to hide.” She was met with general consensus, since we all agreed. We did need to hide, none of us wanted to be caught by Riley. The only thing that no one knew the answer of, was where we could hide. We were trapped and there was nothing that we could do. At least, we couldn’t do anything about it until Adam called out, getting the attention of us.
I looked around, having a hard time finding him since he’d walked off from the group. After a moment, I found him, off to the side, in the far corner. I couldn’t help but puzzle why he was over there, but the footsteps combined with him ushering for us to follow - and quickly - made it that I couldn’t actually wonder about it for the moment. When we reached there, he ushered us into a small little alcove that was there.
There was, of course, some hesitation from the others before I made my way into the alcove. As I entered, despite the attempts to stop me, since no one knew if Adam could honestly be trusted - well, aside from Amy. I ignored every attempt to stop me, and was honestly surprised when I walked through a small darkened area into a rather large room. It was easily large enough to hold all six of us, with no problems. I could help but step closer to the middle and do a full 360 degree spin to look around.
“Holy… shit.” I said quietly before making my way back towards where the others were still bickering from what I could hear. I sighed slightly as I approached, as I was in the shadows, moments before the door ahead of me shut quietly.
“What…?” I wondered as I approached. I was stopped though.
“Rebecca, Riley’s men are out there.” Lucas said quietly. “Come on, we have to keep moving.” I didn’t know what to say, and I think I was too stunned to actually say anything at the moment. I couldn’t help but wonder though, were him and I the only two that were still free?
“Come on Zack, let’s go.” He said, and I breathed a bit of a breath of relief. At least there was one other - not that I particularly liked that it was just one other.
“We’ll save the others later, don’t worry.” I heard from Lucas as he started to gently push me back into the large room that I had just come from. I didn’t offer any resistance until we’d stepped into the dim room.
“What happened?” I asked. Lucas just looked at me incredulously, almost as if he couldn’t believe I had just asked that, while Zachary sighed.
“That damned camera - those footsteps were Riley’s men. We all knew that though.” He said. I looked at him curiously. That hadn’t really told me anything.
“One of those that had been sent, I had been hoping wouldn’t be. He has always been one of the larger threats amongst those that were under Riley.” He told him. Before I could say anything, though, he continued.
“He uses blood as a weapon - can even summon it from within a body.” He told me. “I don’t think he was ordered to kill anyone, but I don’t know. If he wanted to, well…” He trailed off a bit as my complexion paled.
“You see why I couldn’t let you get back out there?” Lucas asked. “We have to continue on, Rebecca. I’m sure they’ll be fine, they have Amy.” He added. I nodded, even though it was obvious that I hadn’t wanted to, and agreed to continue on. We had to, after all, it was a matter of time before Riley found out where we were.
Zachary had already started to walk ahead, and Lucas sighed when he noticed that before motioning for me to hurry and follow. I didn’t hesitate for long, just long enough to look back towards where the door was, before I jogged to catch up to them.
“—we can do.” Zachary was saying something to Lucas as I caught up. He didn’t even seem to notice me, which I didn’t think was all that bad, may be a good thing even. Lucas looked at me and nodded, letting me know that he knew, at least, that I was there, that I’d caught up.
“You’ve been here longer than I, is there no way that we can manage to help them out?” Lucas asked, his voice almost pleading. I couldn’t help but be curious when I heard that - why did he sound so desperate? In the past half a year that I’d been there, been locked away in my own head, what had happened? I didn’t want to ask though, so I just hoped that I would be filled in eventually. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Zachary sighed.
“Possibly, but I don’t know… not at the moment, at least.” He said. “There’s no way to get there at the moment, not without going around the long way, I’m sure.” Lucas’ face brightened a bit when he heard that, but that faded when Zachary continued.
“It doesn’t matter at any rate, solely because of the fact that there is nothing we can do right now. If we double back, Riley and his goons will be waiting for us, if we linger here, Riley will catch us.” He added with a sigh. Lucas’ face fell when he heard that, but Zachary either didn’t notice, or didn’t seem to care.
“I’ll save them later - I have to. It’s because of me that all of you are here, isn’t it?” I asked. The other two looked to me, shock in their eyes. It was almost as if they couldn’t believe what it was that I was saying.
“What do you mean? With how you’re at the root of all this, why don’t we just give you up for them? That, I’m pretty sure, Riley will agree to.” Zachary snarled. I took an unconscious step back, I didn’t like how he sounded. How could I? I’d never liked anger, what it could do to people. Before I could say, or do, anything though, Lucas had already spoken up.
“Hey! Zachary, if you’re against helping us stop Riley, then get lost.” He snapped. “Just because Rebecca fell into his trap does not mean that she’s the one to blame here!” Zachary didn’t say anything though, maybe he didn’t know what to say. I had no idea, and I certainly wasn’t about to ask.
“To be honest, I do agree with you. I am at the root of all this, I know I am. But even more so, Riley is - and whatever that damned darkness I took in is. They are the ones to blame, not me.” I stated, keeping my voice level - both in an emotional sense and a magical sense. I didn’t need to grab him with my abilities, after all. “I know that one could easily argue I’m the cause of this last bit, but at the same time - I can’t help but say that no… I’m not. That I’m not the reason for all of this.” Both Lucas and Zachary were silent though, it kinda seemed as if they didn’t know what to say. Lucas, I could tell from his face, was shocked that I had admitted it, that I could say that. Zachary on the other hand, was completely unreadable. There was no way that I could tell what was going through his head, no matter how hard I were to try.
He growled slightly before just turning away from me and continuing on. Lucas just breathed a sigh of relief and looked to me.
“Come on, seems that won his approval for now.” Lucas told me. I nodded before just hurrying, along with Lucas, to catch up. Neither of us wanted to be left behind, after all.
The three of us walked in silence for awhile. Neither Lucas nor I knew what to say, and Zachary looked to be trying to bite his temper back still. I couldn’t help but commend him, silently, for being able to bite it back enough that he wasn’t blowing up in my face. At least there was that, right? Even with the fact that it was obvious that he wasn’t happy with me, I still trusted him to not lead me to my death - I still trusted Lucas to keep me safe enough.
‘How do you know they aren’t working together?’ The voice in the back of my mind asked quietly, calmly. Instantly, I froze, panic in my eyes. I didn’t want to hear that voice, didn’t want the reminder that it was there - but there it was, talking to me, taunting me.
‘Come on, give in and I can silence him and his hatred of you for good.’ It continued. I shook my head, rather violently, before just continuing on. I was grateful though, that Lucas didn’t seem to notice my momentary freeze, I didn’t want to have to tell him that… No. I refused to go there. I didn’t think he, and most definitely not Zachary, would appreciate it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to want to lock me up, or beat me up, if they knew that I still heard it, that it was still there.
I did my best to ignore it, and thankfully did manage to succeed. The other two never noticed that I was fighting that battle in my head, or if they did, they didn’t question it. I was relieved, but that relief soon vanished as we stepped into the another room.
We’d been walking for awhile, I have no idea how long considering the fact that I was kinda wrapped up in my mental battle, but I do know that we walked through a few different rooms and halls. When we stopped though, I paled. What I could see wasn’t good - it looked like this was some sort of torture chamber, and I certainly didn’t want to go near any of the mechanisms that were strewn about. Before I could question why we were there though, Lucas beat me to it.
“Zachary, why are we here? I thought you said that —” He started before he was silenced. Zachary’s fist came flying at him with such speed and strength that there was no way that the child could have dodged it. As he crashed to the floor, Zachary turned to face me, hatred in his eyes… eyes that had a bit of a metallic sheen to them. A sheen that I knew one obtained when one was under Riley’s control.
I cursed rather vividly under my breath when I saw that. I knew that I couldn’t beat him, he outweighed me by a rather notable amount. I was only five foot six, he easily stood six feet and he looked to weight at least one hundred pounds more than I did - with it being purely muscle. He wasn’t a small man, not by any stretch of the term, while I’m a small woman.
He closed the distance between the two of us and grabbed my throat. As soon as he did, I noticed that he didn’t have something to protect him against control, it did make sense. If he had something - the grasp that Riley had on him would break almost instantly. I just had to find something, and find it fast. Zachary was advancing on me fast, and I knew that I had no hope for survival if I didn’t find something to counter-act what Riley had done to him.
As I was backing up though, I tripped over Lucas and landed solidly enough on the floor that my breath was knocked out of me. As I laid there on my back, trying to regain the ability to breathe, I noticed something around the unconscious boys neck - it was one of the pendants. With a small cheer, I grabbed it, forgetting my breathing difficulties for the moment since this was more important, and quickly got to my feet.
“Zachary! If you’re so set on killing me, let me have one last wish.” I asked him as I stood there. My voice wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t hard to hear how I couldn’t breathe, but at least it was easy enough to understand. Zachary looked to be thinking for a moment before nodding.
“Alright, one wish. What is it you want?” He asked me. My hand closed around the pendant, and I felt a certain clarity throughout me. I couldn’t tell you what it was that was happening, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it. I just stepped towards him and grabbed his hand before he could take a step back.
“I wish for nothing more than for you to wear this.” I told him as I laid the pendant in his hand. “I know that Riley has grabbed you - which doesn’t surprise me. I just wish to know if your hatred for me is born from that - or truly born from your own thoughts.” I stepped back after I finished, letting him hold the pendant himself.
His hand tightened around it as he brought both up to his head, a look of something akin to pain on his face moments before he stumbled back and looked like he wanted to scream. I couldn’t bear watching this, so I just went to Lucas and tried to see if I could wake him up. I wasn’t able to though, not before Zachary made his way over to the two of us. When I looked up at him, I saw that his eyes were clear, devoid of the metallic sheen that they’d had previously. I couldn’t help but breathe a breath of relief when I saw that. I had been right - Riley had been controlling him.
The only question now though, was how much Riley knew. Did he have a connection with those he was controlling that allowed him to see and hear what the victim was saying? If that was the case - then the chances were he knew exactly where we were. The more that I thought about it, I realized that we could have been led here by Riley acting through Zachary. I was hardly able to follow that train of thought before I heard some rather precise footsteps approaching. Footsteps that were quickly followed by applause.
“I knew that I would have to come out here at some point.” Riley’s voice echoed from a platform that was up above us. “I never expected it to be so soon though. Rebecca, you certainly are smarter than I gave you credit for.” As I looked up and met his eyes, I froze. Something about him froze every piece of me, my mind, my body… what was going on?
He flipped a switch and the platform he was on lowered. As he came down, I felt myself freeze even more, which I couldn’t understand. What was it that was doing this to me? Zachary just growled as he got in between the two of us, in between Riley and me.
I don’t know what happened, since I lost control of the darkness inside of me, but the next thing I knew I was standing by Riley, holding him up by the throat over a pit that was being dug. It looked like it would be more cells or something like in the room that we’d been in before, but there was no way for me to know. I didn’t care, either. I just wanted to kill this fucker and go on with my life as best I could - of course, I didn’t know how my life would be with what I had trapped within.
“Why me, Riley? What makes me so special?” I asked, my voice nothing more than a hiss as my grip loosened on his throat a bit. I knew that if I were to let go, he’d fall, and there was a possibility of death. I didn’t know how likely it was, since that all depended on how deep this pit went, but I was willing to take the chance, most definitely. It seemed that Riley was able to pick up on that as well, and just grinned.
“Oh, Rebecca, how perfect of a pet you are. You’re doing exactly what I want you to do.” He told me, his voice cut off a bit by the hand around his throat. I froze when he said that, and didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind me until I felt something pierce through my shoulder.
“Rebecca!” It was Amy’s voice, and she’d fired … something … at me. What it was, I didn’t know, but it made my entire body start to go completely numb moments before Riley fell, and I collapsed. Zachary had been the one to catch me, but it didn’t take long before I blacked out, not getting the answers I wanted, I deserved.
When I came to again, I was on Emery’s back as he carried me. It seemed as if there was a party rotation. Zachary and Lucas weren’t around, nor was Adam for that matter, but I was with Emery and Amy. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened, but I could tell that I’d lost control again, that the darkness within had come forth - all I was praying was that I hadn’t seriously harmed either of them. I stayed silent though, not that it was hard. I barely had the strength to stay awake, nevermind move or speak.
It was about an hour later, if I were to guess, before we stopped in a small room. It looked similar to the room I’d woken up in before, where Amy had lit the room with her orbs of magic. The same orbs, actually, that she was starting to place in the room again.
“I… what… what are those?” I asked carefully. Instantly, Amy froze and looked back towards me, shock in her features.
“You’re awake?” She asked as Emery set me down. I nodded, barely but I did.
“Yeah… I am… What happened?” I asked, looking between the two.
“You spazzed out and attacked Lucas.” She told me, a bit of a snarl on her face, and in her voice, before it calmed. “I managed to stop you though, before you took Riley’s head off.” I looked to her when she said that, surprised that she would have stopped that - as far as I knew, she was with me in stopping Riley. She seemed to see my questioning look and sighed.
“You want answers, right? We’re going to need him alive to get those answers.” She told me simply. “And honestly? I want answers too.”
“What? Why?” Emery asked. “What questions do you have that you need answers to?” Amy just sighed when he asked that, and shook her head.
“I… don’t want to get into it.” She answered. Her voice was short, pained… it wasn’t hard to tell that she was hiding something, but Emery sighed and didn’t press it. If the witch didn’t scare me, I would have pressed it. I didn’t though, I decided to do the smart thing and just remain silent - of course, I wanted to know. And I swore I would find out. Later. When it didn’t seem to be such a touchy subject.
“Rebecca, are you good to walk?” Amy asked suddenly. I nodded and carefully got to my feet. I didn’t say anything though as she looked me up and down.
“Emery, keep near her in case she falls.” She half ordered. Emery nodded and just stepped up to me. Her wrapped an arm around my shoulder so as to offer support me if I needed it. I didn’t fight him off though, if anything I welcomed it. I didn’t feel like I could stay on my feet all that well at the moment, but was too scared to outright admit it.
Amy just nodded and extinguished the orbs, the lights, before having one hover above her hand to act as a light source as we walked. Once that was done, and could see that we were good to go, she nodded and just motioned for us to follow. As she reached the door though, she stopped, sighed, and turned to face Emery and I.
“Riley has my little brother.” She told us, answering the question from earlier that Emery asked. Apparently she thought it should be answered now, as opposed to later.
“He… That’s why I was working for him for awhile, trying to pay back the debt that my mother owes to get my brother back.” She continued.
“Amy… Does Adam know?” Emery asked. Amy just looked to him, her tears barely visible in the flickering light from her hand.
“He.. He does. That’s why he agreed to work for Riley. He wants nothing but to see me happy.” She answered. When she said that, I could stop myself from asking the question I was wondering.
“What is it about Adam that’s different? I know, kinda off topic here, but Riley seems like someone that won’t accept just anyone.” I asked. Amy looked to me with a bit of a shocked expression, almost as if she couldn’t believe that I had just asked that, before just sighing.
“Before I answer that, I should give you some information that I have.” She paused a moment, took a breath, and continued.
“That creature you have inside of you, that insanity, is what some could argue the devil.” She said, she would have continued had I not stopped her right there.
“You can’t be serious!” I exclaimed. There was no way that I had something like the devil, some sort of deity, living inside me at the moment. I couldn’t believe that. Amy just looked to me, rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Hey, if you don’t want to hear it, I won’t tell you.” She said, her voice almost cold. I sighed slightly, and she just continued. It seemed as if she could pick up on my remorse.
“Anyway, one could argue that it’s the devil, but in the long run, it isn’t. It isn’t even a demon, by the fantastical definition.” She said. I wanted to ask what it was then, but I didn’t think she would take kindly to me interrupting her again.
“I’ve been around the block more than a handful of times, I know what that is. Before I tell you though, you have to know what’s going on.” She told me, which just made me even more confused.
“It has the ability to manipulate, and outright control, a person - more so than what you can do, or what Emery can do." When she said that, I looked towards Emery, surprised. He just shrugged before mouthing ‘I’ll tell you later’ as Amy continued.
“It can change a person, completely and utterly, with little effort. It just needs to be allowed control once.” She added. I paled when she said that, even though I was sure it wasn’t visible in that light.
“The thing is, it can only do that with certain people - there are so few in the world that can handle it. So few whose bodies will not implode on themselves after a few hours. It has to be someone that has a controlling aspect, like you, and they have to have a rather strong presence.” She told me. That made sense, really.
“Also… the biggest requirement is the fact that they have to have a predisposition to the darker side of life. How much of your childhood do you remember?”
I looked at her quizzically, not sure what she would need to know the answer to that for, but I would answer. As I opened my mouth to do so, I realized that there wasn’t much there - I remembered being in the hospital a lot as a child, but not all that much else. Well, there were bits and pieces scattered throughout, but that was about it. It was rather disconcerting to be honest. I’d never realized that before, either.
“Not much, I’m guessing. I’ve read your files, hell, I was the one that pointed Riley to you. You don’t have much in regards to memories because you were one of those that one could argue was considered a fallen angel.” She explained.
“A child is supposed to be innocent, pure. When one strays down the wrong road, well… It’s been said that they are like fallen Angels.” I nodded. That made sense to me, it really did. I hated the whole religion thing, but I couldn’t argue some of the logic that stemmed from it.
“Now, you see why Riley wanted you so badly?” She asked. I nodded, as did Emery as he looked to me. I looked over to him and sighed. His expression made it seem like he didn’t know who I was, not that it was something hard to believe, but there was also quite a bit of respect there. It was odd, why would he respect me? I’d, apparently, been a terror as a child, and I apparently had something that could make me go outright apeshit insane.
“Now, that darkness you took in… it’s a collection of the souls of all those that were like you - fallen angels.” Amy told me. I choked on air when she told me that. How the hell were you supposed to react to someone saying that. Seriously. How could one react? “Which is why it’s so effective in taking over.”
“That… holy fuck. Had I known that, I never would have —” I started, but Amy cut me off by raising a hand.
“Yes, you would have. It would have called to you. When it claims a soul, the body becomes a shell, a husk, which is exactly what Riley is and has been for years now.” She told me. I felt myself starting to shake, mostly from fear. Granted, it was also because I didn’t know how to process all that I was being told.
“Before that had happened, and when Riley was still housing that collection, he had taken my brother. He promised to return him once my mothers debts were paid in full. She agreed, but that was mostly out of desperation to keep her son safe. I started working for Riley in an attempt to pay off my mothers debt. He agreed, obviously, and it’s been going pretty well. The only thing is, it’s been years - I haven’t received an update about the status of the debt, or an update regarding my brother, in quite awhile. I’m worried about him, to say the least.”
I just nodded. It did make sense, after all. She was here to save her brother, and Adam was here to help her out. Of course, I still didn’t know what Adam was, but I wasn’t going to question it again right now. I didn’t need to, it seemed, as Amy continued.
“Now, about Adam.” She started. “He’s like you, a fallen angel. Riley had agreed to him working for him because of his ability to change his form-” She started. I cut her off though.
“Wait.. He’s a shapeshifter?” I asked, surprise in my tone. I’d always believed that they were just creatures that were made up - that they weren’t real. Amy just laughed slightly before shaking her head.
“No no. He’s not a shapeshifter. It would probably be better if he was though.” She told me. I just raised an eyebrow and looked at her quizzically. Before I could ask what she meant by that, she continued speaking.
“He’s a we—” She started before being cut off. Her voice was cut off as her body went rigid. There seemed to be something wrong with her, but no one could pin point what it was exactly as the light fell from her hands and hit the floor. As it hit, it shattered, plunging the three of us into complete darkness as Emery made his way over to her, concern in his movements.
“Amy!” He exclaimed quietly, concern in his voice moments before there was a rather haunting laughter that filled the room.

The room was enveloped in darkness and Emery rushed over to Amy, leaving me to wonder what the hell had happened. My nerves were still a bit wonky from whatever shed done to me before, I couldn’t actually move properly yet - but it was notably better than it had been before she’d started talking. I could hear Emery trying to get a response out of Amy, just I could hear that he was failing - have no success with it. It seemed that she was completely unresponsive to anything around her at the moment.
I looked around, concern in my features - not that one could actually see it in this light - hoping to find something, anything, regarding what had happened to Amy. I couldn’t see anything, the room was too dark. The only light that was there, was the small glow, that was fading too quickly to be of any use, that remained from the orb that Amy had dropped. I couldn’t help but curse when I noticed that, and was about to start moving around to see if I could find anything before I stopped. I heard something, but I didn’t know what it was, moments before there was a faint flash. A split second later, something came firing at me, and I somehow managed to dodge it … mostly. It hit my wrist, and I found that everything below it was completely numb now. I couldn’t feel my wrist or hand, nevermind move it. Before letting my panic set in though, I took a deep breath, hoping to calm down.
As I was trying to relax a bit, I noticed something in the distance. If I were to guess, it was on the other side of the room, probably against the wall. There was a small flash of red - it looked like a couple of small Christmas lights in regards to size, and easily drew my eyes to them. They weren’t obnoxiously bright, but they were hard to miss in the darkness. As soon as I looked over though, they vanished and I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d truly seen them at all. At least, until I felt something against my back.
“Rebecca - move a muscle, and your nerves will be fried.” I heard quietly as someone grabbed my shoulder and leaned in close. I froze, I didn’t want to test their threat. I did not want to find out that they were serious. “Don’t call out, either.” When I was told that, I went to cry out to Emery, but found I couldn’t. I couldn’t feel half of my body either - the same half that was attached to the wrist that had been hit before.
I felt some pressure in the small of my back, where whomever it was that was behind me had placed their hand, since I could now pinpoint it as such. I had no idea what to think of it, and found rather quickly that I couldn’t do anything. I was going numb, felt like I was a doll - I couldn’t move anything, could barely even feel anything for that matter. At the same time though, it almost felt as if my nerves were on fire. I tried to scream out, but quickly found I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything.
“There. Rebecca, that’s much better.” The voice said quietly, making sure that I was the only one that would be able to hear it. I knew it wasn’t the darkness I had taken in, it sounded like it was coming from outside of me, and I could still feel that within me… so who…? I couldn’t figure out, and it didn’t take long before I felt myself collapse. I don’t know how I was able to pick up on that, but I did. Perhaps it was because I felt the air rushing by me? I don’t know, even to this day I still don’t know.
The caught me and laid a hand atop my head, but not exactly gently.
“Now you just need to sleep, Rebecca.” They said moments before my world went red and black, pain echoing throughout every piece of me. I screamed out, loud, when it started. It didn’t last long though, before I was out.
Almost instantly though, once I was out, I was thrust back into the darkness that I had been in before, back in the cage. I couldn’t believe I was back there, and I couldn’t believe that this happened again. Why was I there? Before, it made sense that it was because of the fact that the voice, or whatever, was controlling my body… but now? No, that can’t be what was happening. Could it? I didn’t have time to question it too much though, before I heard the laughter again.
That haunting laughter that sent chills running up and down my spine constantly. I carefully turned around, moving a full 360 degrees. I had to find the voice, again. I had to, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get out of there again.
“Oh, Rebecca~” It called in an almost singsong voice. I looked around, fear creeping into my senses more than I would care to admit. I didn’t know what it was that I was to do, exactly. In that cage I was trapped, I couldn’t get out unless… could I taunt it to pull me out again? It was thanks to that, that I had been able to get out of there before, I think. Of course, there was no way for me to know. All I knew at the moment, was that I had to get out there, no matter what it took.
Okay, within reason - I had to get out of there, but I didn’t want to sacrifice who I was. In the long run, that would do no good at all - and I knew that. What I needed, was to get out of there, yes, but I had to figure out how to do it. If I could just switch places with that which I was playing host for. Wait… was that even possible? There was no way for me to know until I tried, I guess. So I set to work trying to figure out a way to get out of there, and get the darkness in.
“Rebecca. Quit playing around. Come here.” I heard from a few feet to the left and ahead of me. I knew it was on the other side of the bars, but that was all I knew. What was I to do? I didn’t really want to do as it was demanding, but I also knew that I didn’t have much of a choice while I was trapped in there… did I? I hesitantly made my way over to where the voice wanted me to be, but didn’t say anything and stepped back from the bars in front of me a bit. I didn’t want to have it that it could do anything drastic to me, of course.
Well, that was a lie. I wanted it to grab me again, get me the hell out of here, but at the same time, I didn’t. I was terrified of what it could do to me. I had been in the beginning, and that fear had only grown with what Amy had told me. What the hell could I do with this thing, against this thing? Or hell… what could I expect to do? It knew my thoughts before I did, I was sure. It lived in my head, after all…
Or maybe it lived all throughout my body. To be honest, I didn’t know, I never actually tried to find out. I didn’t think I could bleed it out - but the chances were that I could manage to manipulate my body in such a way (and my mind too, of course) that I could manage to deal some rather severe damage to it at the same time. Of course, this was all hypothetical at the moment. I had no means to try and test it at the moment.
But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t try.
I looked towards the glowing red eyes a few feet ahead of me and just met its gaze. I didn’t flinch, didn’t wince, nothing. I just stayed there, and met it. I was hoping that perhaps I could knock it down a peg or two that way, knock it’s confidence out a bit. I wasn’t holding my breath though, that darkness was far too unpredictable to be able to do that. At least, for the moment. Silently, and making sure I protected my thoughts from it, not that I knew how to, I vowed to find out how it worked. I wanted to get into its head, much like it had gotten into mine. Perhaps it would give me the answers I craved.
After about two minutes, it stepped back from me the aura around it seeming to be a bit disconcerted. It seemed that it didn’t know what to make of that little show. I’d never met it like that, had usually just cowered from it, as far as I could recall - but then again, my memories of all this were extremely hazy - so this was probably odd. I didn’t care though, the more ‘odd’ things I did, the better, I thought. The more I made it question me, the better it would be - for it would mean that I would be less likely to actually end up falling victim to it.
I honestly believed that the more I seemed ‘odd’ or what-have-you, the more likely it would be that it would just let me go. I was wrong, as I learned later. This darkness can, and will, never let someone go. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I’ll get into that later. For now, I’m just going to say that this encounter was really bland. Nothing really happened, it didn’t even pull me out of the cage like it had before, so I spent the better part of my time there trying to figure out how to get it to. I needed out of there if I was to get free, right? So I believed that I needed to do that. Nothing I tried though, worked.
I didn’t even reach out towards me again, which was quite a disappointment. I’d been planning on grabbing its hand… shadows… limb? And just pulling it into here with me to see what happened - but it never gave me the chance. I cursed it, and rather violently, silently but didn’t actually say anything. It seemed to know what was going on, as it seemed like something akin to a smirk appeared beneath its eyes.
To be honest, I felt like I was talking to the Chesire cat from Alice in Wonderland. It was just … I couldn’t truly wrap my mind around it. I mean how could I? I was trapped inside my own head - and I know how cracked out that sounds - and I couldn’t get out. I had to get out too, but I had no idea how.
As I was there, trying to figure it out, I didn’t move. It wasn’t until the darkness suddenly started to tighten around me, forcing my fear, my panic at being caught by it again, to spark up. My breathing hitched bad enough that I could barely breathe, and I could feel my heart beating far faster than it should have been. If I were to guess, my complexion was shot as well - but it just continued to tighten around me. What was it that I could do? There wasn’t anything as far as I knew, and all I did was back away from it, hoping to be able to get out of its reach.
As I backed up though, I didn’t notice immediately that there was nothing behind me. It took until the red glow from its eyes was nothing more than a pin prick in the distance that I realized it. I was… out? Or maybe it was just a huge cage. I didn’t really think that it was that large - but there was no way for me to know. At the same time, I realized that I could know, and that I did know.
It was my head after all, my brain, my thoughts, my mind. As soon as I realized that, I heard someone’s voice calling out to me. I couldn’t pinpoint it, for it sounded like it was severely muted. I had no idea what to make of it, but I somehow knew that I needed to focus on it. I had to, I believed that it was my key out of there, and I had to get out.
I looked around, but all I saw around me was black, the darkness from where the glowing eyes were. The mist from around there wasn’t here now though, at the very least. I had to be getting farther and farther away from it. It didn’t make sense if I wasn’t.
I turned away from the receding red spots and just started to run. I had to get away, and I was convinced that it was this direction to get away. It had to be wrong? I was going in the opposite direction.
My footsteps echoed around me almost hauntingly. I couldn’t understand why there was such a haunting quality around there - it was my own mind … wasn’t it? There really was no way for me to know, so I wasn’t going to dwell on it. As far as I knew, yes - I was trapped in my own head and needed to get out before that damn darkness did; before it went and started doing bad stuff again. I know, that was a very child-like way to say it, but I don’t know what it does. All I know, is that it’s bad. Very very bad.
The last thing I thought while trapped there, was that I couldn’t believe how trapped I was. It was my own head, after all, how could I be trapped?
It was almost as if my mind reacted. A door formed in front of me, and aside from myself tripping on the way out, for I couldn’t understand fully how it had happened, I made my way to the door, opened it and stepped out. What I stepped into though, wasn’t what I had expected in the least.
I was in a room, it was plain and looked like a bedroom that some elderly person would have. It was, as I said, plain with it’s white walls, neat double bed with the metal frame and the white comforter and pillows, the carpet beneath me was lacking any real ‘life’ to it as well - it was a dull beige. The only thing that stood out, was the sheer level of blood in the room.
I looked around, having a hard time focusing on anything as I did so. What made it worse, was the fact that it seemed as if everything was static-y, that I was looking at a very poorly tuned TV of some sort. I shook my head, trying to get my vision to clear a bit, lose the static that I could see, but it just made it worse. It was then that I noticed I couldn’t move. I hadn’t even been able to shake my head. I didn’t know why, and I felt panic starting to rise within me, but there was nothing that I could do.
“Now, Rebecca. You know what I want to do to you?” I heard Riley’s voice behind me, and I felt my mentality almost freeze. He scared the ever loving daylights out of me, but at the same time, I knew that I had to stop him. I felt the terror at him being there, obviously having caught me, building within my body, but I also felt my determination growing, building. Of course, I didn’t know if it would be enough for me to break out of whatever Riley had done to me, and make it that I could actually fight him back if need be.
“Now now, I know. You’re fighting me, you’re fighting the hold I have on you.” He said, his tone cocky. “But, you have to realize, that there is no way for you to win this. If you give in to the darkness within you, then you’ll lose. If you don’t give in, you’re stuck as my puppet, and you lose.” I growled as he said that. I knew he was right, and I didn’t dare give into what the darkness within wanted. I couldn’t do that, not if I wanted to get out of this alive.
“Now, tell me. Where are the others you were traveling through this compound with?” He asked, a growl to his voice. I honestly thought he was about ready to backhand me, and even despite that I was going to stay silent… but I found my lips moving of their own accord. It was almost as if I had no control over myself, what I did.
“Last I saw them, they were —” I couldn’t believe this. I was giving away the location of them, at least the last location that I knew, that I didn’t even remember. What had I ended up missing while I was locked away? What pieces of this puzzle were lost on me? I didn’t get a chance to try and figure it out before I found Riley in front of me, holding my chin so that I was looking at him.
“Your voice is so bland, so lacking. Perfect, there’s no way that you’ll be able to use it against me.” He said with a rather satisfied smirk. “A siren needs emotion in her voice in order to connect with their target, to control them.” He added. Mentally, I cursed. I may not have known much about what I was, but I did know that.
He stepped back and looked to me, a small grin on his face before looking like he was about to say something. He wasn’t able to though as his face contorted in anger and I suddenly felt feeling, control, return to my body.
“The hell…!?” I wondered as I stumbled forward a bit. I didn’t know what it was that happened, but I wasn’t going to complain. Not for the moment. It seemed I was being granted a second chance at this. How? I had no idea. Why? That was something else I didn’t know. I also didn’t know what it was that would stop Riley from getting me again - until I felt some weight on my collar bone. I brought my hand up to it, to where the weight was, and I felt the cool metal of the pendant that Zachary had been given to break Riley’s control on him. With a grin, I looked to Riley, anger in her eyes, along with determination.
“Riley, what do you want with me?” I asked him, outright. I figured that I could at least try and get an answer from him. He just laughed though. When I was seriously starting to wonder if he would answer me, he stopped laughing and looked at me, met my gaze.
“Rebecca, you’re one of the best. You have taken it in, and haven’t fully succumbed to it yet - if anything, you’re starting to control it.” He told me. “Or, perhaps, it’s starting to truly control you. Only time will tell.” He rolled his shoulders slightly, almost as if there was a kink of some sort in them.
“Just answer the damned question Riley. And I mean in a clearer sense. What do you want with me?” I snarled, more anger and viciousness in my voice than even I was used to. Sure, I’d been pissed off in the past, but never like this. I honestly felt as if I was ready to just rip his heart out, and I didn’t know why. Was it because of the darkness inside of me? Was it the influence from that, that was causing me to act like this? Or was it just the fact of what he’d done to me in the past that was doing this? I had no idea, and I wasn’t going to try and sweat it right now. I’d worry about it later - when I had less to worry about.
“What is with all the blood in here?” I asked, changing the topic suddenly as I realized he wasn’t going to be cooperative and answer me. He seemed taken aback at the question, but answered that at least.
“The blood? Oh, it’s from that one puppet of mine - Emery.” He answered, a rather sick satisfaction to his voice. “Oh, I had fun with him. He was useful, but hey, he worked to lure you here quite well too.” He added. I had to resist the urge to lunge for him. I knew that wouldn’t end in anything pretty, and it took all I had to not try and kill him. I knew I would fail after all.
He just grinned at me, and I knew that he knew I was trying my hardest to hold myself back, to prevent myself from tackling him. He knew that he could win, and that he would win if I were to try. I could tell though, that there had to have been some sort of opening, some sort of weakness… something I could do. There had to be. This couldn’t be an all win for him. It couldn’t be perfect… was it?
“I waited to find you for so long, Rebecca. You’re the perfect Fallen for this.” He continued. I looked at him with a bit of a puzzled expression, along with untrustworthy, as I starting to lightly play with the pendant around my neck. I didn’t know how it got there, but I did have a suspicion. There was only one person that I knew of, that could have done it - Lucas.
I resisted the urge to look around, to see if he was there. I didn’t want Riley to pick up on it, so I stayed put, stayed focused on him and tried to not think about the fact that the others could be there.
“You were just such a r—” He started. I didn’t give him a chance to finish whatever thought was going through his head though. I pinned him to the floor, having been able to knock him down due to the sheer surprise at me doing that, and felt him grasp my throat a moment later.
“Rebecca… you are a fucking nuisance.” He snarled as his grasp tightened. I didn’t even know what I was going to do once I had him down, but while I was there, I was able to snag the dagger he had on his belt. I quickly brought it up and slashed at his arm. As the blood flowed free, he half screamed out in pain and threw me against the wall. I hit it hard, and had stars dancing in my vision for a moment as I, barely, saw Riley get to his feet and glare at me.
“You…” He snarled as he wrapped his arm with a piece of his shirt. I just met his gaze, my fear of him, of this situation, fading as the sheer stupid determination took its place. I wasn’t going to let him win this. No. There had to be a way that I could win this, that I could, at the very least, put one hell of a crimp in his plans… there had to be.
“Why am I so bloody special to you?” I asked with a snarl, my dizziness evident in my voice. I didn’t care though, just knew that I had to get an answer - maybe that would give me the information that I needed.
As he growled, and started to answer me though, I froze as what he said before came flooding to the front of my mind.
“Rebecca, you’re one of the best. You have taken it in, and haven’t fully succumbed to it yet - if anything, you’re starting to control it.” He told me. “Or, perhaps, it’s starting to truly control you. Only time will tell.”
The way he said it, made it sound like I was a rarity… perhaps… if I were to not be here, not have taken the darkness in, this wouldn’t be a problem. Right? Of course, there was only one way that I could think of to ‘fix’ this.
I looked at the dagger in my hand before meeting his gaze, hoping he wasn’t picking up on what I was thinking, what I was planning on doing. I didn’t give him a chance to, in the long run, before I brought the dagger up and plunged it into my chest. I didn’t feel the pain, if anything I felt relieved, free. The voice in the back of my mind screamed out in the pain that I wasn’t feeling, and I could feel it getting fainter, quieter. It was almost as if it was getting father away. I didn’t know what to think about this, other than the fact that I won. I stopped Riley from having the darkness this time. It would last for however long it was until another host came along.
I leaned against the wall, something akin to a proud smirk on my face as Lucas materialized out of the shadows and ran over while Riley screamed in anger. The darkness was fading, I had won. The last thing I saw was Lucas running over to me. The last thing that I heard, was him begging me to be alright before everything went black.

She was amazing. I know, that sounds kinda creepy and stalker-ish coming from me, a fifteen year old. But I don’t care. She was amazing. She’d done so much in her life, from what little I was apart of, that I don’t think I can ever forget her.
I think I had started to fall for her too, since it hit me harder than I thought it would when she did what she did. At the very least, she couldn’t play host to the darkness any longer, nor was she at risk for succumbing to it. She also didn’t have to worry about Riley, since he’d run off again.
From what I knew, this had happened before, with the last host that Riley had found actually, and he was pissed that it had happened again. It was enough to make him question whether what he was doing or not was actually a good thing, or if it was something that was driving those that he picked out insane. Both were possible, I suppose, but I was sure that it wasn’t a good thing.
“Lucas?” I heard behind me. With a small sigh I waved, not even bothering to look. I knew by the voice that it was Amy. She never did find her brother, and with how Riley was gone now, there was no way for her to. She had almost given up on hunting him out, or at least wasn’t trying to hard. She wanted to find him, but she wasn’t out risking her life to do so.
Her and Adam were doing pretty well overall. The past three years had done their relationship, and their lives, good. Amy was working in a daycare, since she apparently loved children (something I don’t think I could ever get used to or fully understand) and Adam was in school to become a teacher. Both of them loved it, and were looking forward to the future - especially since Amy was pregnant now. She’s due in just a couple months, actually.
Zachary is another one that took off. Last I heard though, he was working in the medical field - makes sense considering how he could heal people. No one knows how he can do it, exactly, but we know he can. It’s possible that he rewound time in the body, perhaps, or he just used everything around the wound to fix it. No one knows, and I don’t think that’ll ever change.
I’m doing all right as well. I haven’t slept much, and I’ve become rather seclusive. I don’t see the others often, even though I live with Amy and Adam. I’ve become a bit on the obsessed side to be honest.
Amy sat down across from me and laid her hand on mine. I didn’t meet her eyes, I couldn’t. I still felt an immense amount of guilt regarding how I didn’t get in the way to stop Rebecca’s suicide, but also because of the fact that I don’t do anything to help her and Adam out with the bills at home. Both of them keep telling me it’s alright, but I just… I don’t know. I feel guilty about it, very guilty. I guess that’s part of the reason why I’ve gotten to be so obsessed.
You’re probably wondering why I’m so obsessed now. Well… I want to find Rebecca. I know, that’s insane, right? She’s dead, right?
I don’t know.
After the darkness had left her, and it was easy enough to tell due to the air in the room getting almost impossible to breathe afterwards, I ended up in a fight with Riley. I think he was looking at me as the nearest thing to vent on, but I ended up rather beaten up. After a few hours, when I finally managed to wake up again, I looked over to where Rebecca had been, and saw that she wasn’t there. Her body was gone, and there was a note. It said that she was sorry, but … I don’t know. Maybe it was Rebecca that wrote it, and maybe she’s fine, but I have to know… I have to. I found myself falling for her, and falling hard. I have to know if she’s alright.
Amy’s been talking, but I haven’t been listening. Chances are it was stupid pointless shit that I’m not interested in hearing anyway. Of course, there’s no way I can verify that. Eventually, she just sighs, shakes her head, leaves some money for me to refresh my drink, gets to her feet and leave. There’s nothing I can do, not really, after all. I’m not about to stop her, and I certainly don’t want to.
After she’s gone, I’m there for about two hours thinking, looking over my notes, when I hear another voice behind me. This time though, I freeze when I hear it. It’s familiar, it tugs at my heart… is it…? No. It can’t be. Can it?
“Hey Lucas. How’ve you been?” The voice asks as the owner slides into the seat in front of me. I’m just silent, frozen. I can’t thinking, I can’t even breathe for nearly a full minute before I manage to spit out her name, my shock, relief, and love, all evident in the one word.

Looooooota text.
Sorry for the brain bleedingly poor writing. XD
As I said, no editing has ever gone into this. ... so... yeah.
I like the concept. The girl in the ward that's run by someone who really isn't good, but it really needs to be revisited and fleshed out more, LOL

Also.. I'm gonna go die now. Lol.
This is embarrasingly bad, I think .XD

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 01:41:02 )

@Lady Luna: This will probably take me a while to get through, but regardless, thank you for sharing it with me despite how you feel about it.


Looking for RP Partners

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 01:51:28 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

@Quoth the Raven: Take your time.
You asked, if I had've denied, I wouldn't have much to show. Most of what I right is too violent for here. XD

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/9 18:01:56 )

@Quoth the Raven: Ah don't worry too much about it. Even with your fave writers not every book/story/poem is a homerun, sometimes you just feel "eh..its alright." Same thing with movies or music really. So yeah I understand you having mostly favorite books instead of writers.

I remember when I first discovered I liked classical literature. It was after reading Les Miserables. I felt like my heart was cut a thousand times, and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. I have been wanting to read The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the same author but I am... chicken. If its not as good as Les Miserables I will be disappointed and if it is just as good...well hello death by a thousand cuts XD

Always ping me please.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.