Hello, hello babes! That goes for all of you reading this, in case you were wondering. I know this may come as a shock being it's not the usual time for a Surge, but hey! If it gets me closer to you, than I'm all for shaking my tail feathers up to Voltra Tower and broadcasting any announcement the higher-ups need me to voice!
Anniversary Block Party Concluded!
Well folks, our First Anniversary celebration is sadly at an end, but I sure hope it was a blast for you. I guess for those of you who played my game and got blown up, that is pretty literal! You won't hold it against me, will you?
Next time I promise to go easy on the explosives, and hard on the prizes!
Meanwhile, our boy Vontell brought the good vibes to an all-time high with having you folks share loving messages with each other, anonymously. And wow, some had me tearing up good!
If that wasn't enough, a raffle was part of the shindig, and below I have the lucky winners for your viewing pleasure!
Rallaa: 2,000 Volts!
okios: 2,000 Volts!
Unicorn: Autumn Orb!
Sunny: Autumn Orb!
Jazz: 5,000 Volts!
Fai: 5,000 Volts!
Dipper: September '18 Crate!
Mousy: 10,000 Volts!
Milkdaddy: Unlock an extra color for Leo, Vontell's capybara!
Shark: The RARE set from this month's crate!
MoodyBats: ANY rare set from the present orbs for sale!
okios: 2,000 Volts!
Unicorn: Autumn Orb!
Sunny: Autumn Orb!
Jazz: 5,000 Volts!
Fai: 5,000 Volts!
Dipper: September '18 Crate!
Mousy: 10,000 Volts!
Milkdaddy: Unlock an extra color for Leo, Vontell's capybara!
Shark: The RARE set from this month's crate!
MoodyBats: ANY rare set from the present orbs for sale!
Now if you hard-working participants want more of the fantastic items put out during this event,
remember everything is for sale at Joyful Jamboree for volts!
All the cool stuff relating to the anniversary will stick around through [ 9/15 ],
so be sure to snag any exclusive items before that day's gone faster than a fresh batch of Vivienne's baked goods!

Be sure to check out the newest available Goodie Bag while you're there!
It features some tasty delights to hold, but if you want to "use it," that is great too!
All you have to do is click the bag, look at the selection of things in it, and click what you want out of it. Easy as one, two, three, and gives you the power of choice which, to me, is really something special!
Introducing Bundles!
So with all this talk around event items, have you ever wondered what it would be like to buy them all at once? Just imagine getting a box of goodies delivered to your door, unwrapping it, and out pops all the good stuff relating to a particular event! Sounds fun, right?

Look no further than the Anniversary Block Party '18 Bundle! Available in shops for just 3,000 volts, this bundle packs a full set of the current event items minus the cost of one! Wait, is that right? Yeah, yeah it is! All the EIs would cost you 3,500 volts, so you're getting one for free! Whew, I'm not the fastest bird when it comes to math, but I know you Volties got my back in that category.
Let us know if you like bundles becoming a thing because I am fairly sure we'll be seeing more of them!
Lastly, this celebration could not have been possible without the incredible work of our Voltra Staff. We hope you enjoyed this mini event to celebrate 1 year of Voltra!
NPC Inspired Items - Ghost
Surprise Party Set - Fozzy w/ recoloring by Elithiya
Goodie Bag - Fozzy
Bundle - Fozzy
Uploading - Elithiya
Event Banner - Ghost
Event Celebration Emojis - Ghost
Daily Grant - Hazer
Bundles - Hazer
Daily Grant Blurbs - Dowan
Event Threads - Dowan and Millet
Staff Update
The team at Voltra has been getting some incredible new talent lately, and the train has shown no signs of stopping!
I want to shine a light on our newest writer, Deaa! This girl has got some credentials, let me tell you, and can almost make an idol like me blush. Who am I kidding? My cheeks are burning right now surrounded by all the potential in Voltra, and the raw power she brings to the team!
But that is not all! There is a new Item Technician in the house, and his name is Dipper! Some of you may know him as the master of code cracking, or the lovable guy after my own heart. Either way, this gentle bundle of positive energy will surely help the team a lot!
Please give them both a really warm welcome, you got me?
Coming Soon!
Common Surge [9/15]
Sept Community Discussion [TBA]
Another Surge, another farewell. Luckily the 15th is not too far away, babes, and that means we'll meet a good bit sooner than later.
As always, this is your host Spark signing out, but wishing you a grand spanking weekend!