My character

Name: Vladimir Proval Le Blanc goes by Vlad
Age: 112
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 178
Race: Vampire
Sexuality: gay
Marital status: Married
Bio: Vlad is a born vampire from Russia his family have been police, in some form or fashion, over the years so naturally he followed in the Proval family business. The only difference is that he helps only with non human/supernatural cases or where supernatural beings have been involved in. He is married to Jacque Le Blanc and they have been married for 47 years now.

Very minor character/won’t have a full role just when he comes up, so here is basic info
Name: Jacque Le Blanc
Age: 102
Height: 6ft
Bio: Jacque is a French turned vampire who is a ‘housewife’ for Vlad. Jacque was forced to be turned on his 21st birthday which resulted in just one of his eyes going red. Seeing as he is not dead and still has a heartbeat and can be in the sun he is called a half made vampire. But that doesn’t stop his husband from loving him.