After waking up today from what was technically a nighmare, I thought it was a good idea for a thread.
- Do you often have nightmares? Or is it more rarely?
- Do the dreams repeat or have a common theme?
- Can you remember early nightmares from your childhood? How do they compare to ones you have now?
Forums Serious Talk Nightmares.
Közi / September 14th, 2018.
It wasn’t even scary. At least, not screaming-scary. Just... horror. Personal, conceptual horror occuring over time. Going to work every day as usual, watchin the slow, and then rapid degradation of my body in front of me. Or should I say not watching, as it was my eyes that failed me. Slowly, only half aware of coworkers growing more concerned, I didn’t notice. Then... well. Then it was bad. Then I woke up, covered in sweat, my eyes burning. I wonder if I was fretting, as my cat hasn’t left me alone since. x______x;;
It wasn’t even scary. At least, not screaming-scary. Just... horror. Personal, conceptual horror occuring over time. Going to work every day as usual, watchin the slow, and then rapid degradation of my body in front of me. Or should I say not watching, as it was my eyes that failed me. Slowly, only half aware of coworkers growing more concerned, I didn’t notice. Then... well. Then it was bad. Then I woke up, covered in sweat, my eyes burning. I wonder if I was fretting, as my cat hasn’t left me alone since. x______x;;
Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)
The earliest dream I can remember:
It was a dark abyss all around, everything within sight was shrouded by a foggy mist.
Stacks of giant letter blocks (the childs toy) towered all around me.
I was alone and afraid. Looking for my mother.
Just this morning I had a dream about being trapped inside tunnels under a pool with a big shark in it. I made the shark mad so I couldn't come out or it would eat me.
I'm not often scared in my dreams though. I've realized that I often have dreams that would be scary if they actually happened, but in my dreams I often fight off the enemies that come after me. Guess watching all that anime has made my dream self think he knows karate.
It was a dark abyss all around, everything within sight was shrouded by a foggy mist.
Stacks of giant letter blocks (the childs toy) towered all around me.
I was alone and afraid. Looking for my mother.
Just this morning I had a dream about being trapped inside tunnels under a pool with a big shark in it. I made the shark mad so I couldn't come out or it would eat me.
I'm not often scared in my dreams though. I've realized that I often have dreams that would be scary if they actually happened, but in my dreams I often fight off the enemies that come after me. Guess watching all that anime has made my dream self think he knows karate.

- Do you often have nightmares? Or is it more rarely?
Thankfully I don't really have nightmares anymore. Back when I was younger I had them a lot but then it stopped. If I have one now it is rare. Doesn't mean I don't have dreams anymore that can make me a bit unconfortable. But that feeling doesn't last for more then 5 min after I woke up.
- Do the dreams repeat or have a common theme?
No some dreams even sound ridiculous. I mean running away from a gaint piece of cheese because it want's to roll over you?
That dream from September 14th that you discribed. I had a horror dream a couple of years back. I woke up with my bed soaking wet and me soaking wet. It was the most awfull dream I had ever.
@kiwi: Oh man, yeah. Sleep paralysis bloooows.
There was a period of time a few years ago where I was getting sleep paralysis consistently.
I couldn't even open my eyes, but maybe that's for the better since I didn't have to see any dark figures standing over me.
I would try and try to move and make noise and wake myself up.
One time, my mom heard me whimpering in my sleep and woke me up. That was such a relief when it happened, but I wasn't so lucky the other times.
There was a period of time a few years ago where I was getting sleep paralysis consistently.
I couldn't even open my eyes, but maybe that's for the better since I didn't have to see any dark figures standing over me.
I would try and try to move and make noise and wake myself up.
One time, my mom heard me whimpering in my sleep and woke me up. That was such a relief when it happened, but I wasn't so lucky the other times.

Naturally they surrounded things near and dear to me. My little sister being harmed, my cat getting dismembered, fiance dead in a car accident, rape, drowning, teeth decaying is a cliche but often in my dreams. It was terrible.
When I was slightly younger though, I did have an episodic nightmare that continued itself like a movie, and to this day it just puzzles me. To some extent it's hard to call it a nightmare as nothing bad happened to me in the dream and I knew of no one that was harmed/blank faces. But the atmosphere was horrifying. I called it the Autumn dreams, because this episodic series of nightmares occurred only during the season of Autumn, and came back for 3 years.
I can't remember each one individually, only the aggregate of what they were.
First, I was in a room. Dark hardwood floors. A single window that only grey could be seen out of.
The closet door was open and the area itself completely empty and devoid of any furniture.
When I opened the door to search, a green haze filled in. I covered my face believing it to be toxic.
As I went down the hall random dead bodies, with no faces would just be limp. They seemed like, a few days
old rather than anything fresh. Skin practically melting from decay but without any discoloration.
My movement in this green hazed house was very floaty. Each room I searched had more dead bodies than the last.
The room with the most dead bodies- being the kitchen. the entire floor was just layers of dead bodies. I remember being confused
why I was there and the only one alive. It felt like nothing else but me existed.
I exited the house and outside was pitch black. Only the ground the house was on existed.
A empty school bus with visible wear and tear from time.
And a very, very large tree in full Autumn blaze of red orange and yellow leaves.
A slight wind causing them to slowly fall down.
The Tree had a- crawl hole. It was the only other place I could go since there is no ground anywhere else.
I crawl in and go down a flight of disheveled and murky stone stairs.
I see a opening deep down below. It feels wet but theres a draft and some light, so I
pull on the stone to dry and un-wedge it and make more space for me to climb through.
I get my body half through the oepning and am stuck at first but a feeling of dread filled me and
i kept jerking my body to release.
Now, I was in a very large building. Maybe you could consider it a mansion? But again, mostly empty.
The room I'm in has tombs lined up that are probably 300ft tall or something crazy. None stick out to me
Except the one on my imediate left that has a giant stone rose sealed on it as well.
There's lots of fall leaves , an open window that shows sunlight but this place gave me the heebie jeebies.
I walked into the next connective room and there floor was a chessboard. and a giant chess piece statue
on the otherside, except instead of it being a traditional "king" piece, it was a demon. It spooked me but did not move.
I had to turn my back to it to enter the next room which was a desert. There were walls but the room was huge and genuinely just sand. Not
Quicksand, normal desert sand and it buffeted my face. I could see at the far end another chess piece of demonic features but was way too
lazy to make that walk through such a noisy and unappealing room so turned back to the room I was in before with the King Demon.
Then I progressed to the next room. Which was a giant empty pool. It was completely over run with vines. Gargoyle statues pointing down at the pool.
I forwahtever reason went to clear out the vines but then I heard screechy hissing that spooked me and I climbed right the fuck outta that pool abd put my hands up like "Ok, ok not doing that".
There was no other doors, so I climbed out the broken window in this room to the yard.
More ginormous graves but these ones laid down flat rather than rising out of the floor.
and there was a well, also over run with vines. I spent a long time trying to remove the heavy well cover
and stubbornly continued despite the screeching returning when I tried and scaring me.
I got it half off, it was just too damn heavy. and when I looked in it was just a forever going well of blackness.
No way in fuck was I gonna jump in that. To prevent insult to injury I used what was left of my strength to put the lid back on. lol
the yard was enclosed in a tall stone wall. it was day time I couldn't ee the actual sun due to clouds but it was obvioulsy light out.
I went back inside, aiming to go back to the rock entrance and get back to the area where the bus was but as I passed the demon king his piece started
moving forward to me. Not super fast but fast enough that I knew it was stalking me and I tried to run but I couldn't I could only manage a fast walk- as
if a magical force was compelling me to stop.
I did manage to get out of the room back to the tall grave room but the demonking piece still remained watching my back from that room as it slowly backed off. THIS TIME in the tall grave room, that rose I mentioned earlier was glowing. I felt I had to, like I hadn o choice get that rose. So I ran up and touched it , tried pulling it off. THe lid of the grave became ajar so that I could see the face of whatever the fuck she was. I say she because it was clearly a dead woman but she didn't look scary. She looked sad and well preserved. I verbally asked her if I could take the rose and suddenly the rose became dislodged, and i and the rose were falling to the gorund. It looked like the rose was gonna impale and crush me but right before impact it transformed into just a dull red haze that enveloped me and I guess came into me? It felt nice not bad like it protected me? IDK. Dreams don't make sense.
I went back into the room of the dmeon king piece and it was back in its original position and unmoving. I noticed a door now behind the piece and confidently took strides to go through that door. Just as I did that hte piece backed itself up and trapped me in that room. The room was dark but the red light thingy helped illuminate it.
I was ina very mishapen library of sorts. each book titled random things like "Jeremy's back door map" or "Carla's test choices." some random trinkets strewn about on the shelves as well. I could hear the arguing whispers of two men. I was happy to see other talking breathing peeps until I realized they weren't humans. they were ...idek. not animal/human hyprids but a unique clothed creature all on their own. When they spotted me they began to chase me (the intent felt murderous like I had been somewhere I should never have been.) Thankfully the library was so weird and discomobulated (like a alice and wonderland thing) that it was easy for me to lose them. I stayed still a very long itme waiting for them to give up but thye just forever paced the aisles looking for me.
I escaped through a random door I found that brought me to a study that looked normal again.
The study felt very ominous though. and the big window showed it was night. When I looked down the window
I could see the school bus I saw from the first dream. Which didn't make sense to my head because I accessed this area by going underground.
But it felt obvious whoever or whatever runs this place, was responsible for all the deaths in that house.
I left the study and kept wondering the halls until I saw a sickly human lady on the couch. Her face mostly covered by hair. I tried talking to her but
she just didn't respond. I tried touching her, she didn't respond. She was breathing and aware of me I could tell. But. nothing. I gave up, noticed a teddy bear near by, and I placed it by her saying something stupid and arrogantly heroic like "I'll come back for you I promise." and as I got a bit of a distance away the nutty bitch through the bear at me but as it came at me it expanded to being a big teddy bear and it knocked me down, and I could see her climbing the giant ass bear with a grin trying to get to me. I successfully escape because she gets stuck between the bear and the ceiling. thats what you get bitch.
I run through a random door and am brought back to the room with the giant empty pool and over grown vines and I just sit in a corner and cry.
A small yellow light starts to shine randomly, my red light reacts by radiating back-
but thats it that was the last of that series of dream. It occurred between 2009-(but a couple year gap between two of them)2015 throughout about
6 dreams ish? It had genuinely horrified me because when I woke up from them I would always have a bad panic attack and I couldn't figure out why
"That dream is back" . It's not a replay dream, it's just a strange ass movie that continued. Me being all alone in a mansion of something menacing and me consistently staying barely out of reach. Just a pure adrenaline dream.
The only dreams that I remember from my childhood are the recurring nightmares. I don't have them anymore, but they used to occur so often that I would stay awake in bed for hours because I didn't want to have those dreams again. In one of them, I was lost in a dark maze-like berry patch, and the sky was filled with a black vortex. Whenever I had that dream, I felt like I was in a panic - like I was running from something or desperately trying to get out... The other dream had arguably more disturbing imagery, including my house full of bullet holes and family members with dismembered limbs.
After that, the nightmares I had were always strangely violent - involving either me being killed or me killing other people with faces that I actually recognize. (I'm not a violent person at all. I also have nothing against those people who appeared in my dream. I barely even associate with them.)
But lately, I find that most of my dreams are extremely realistic. They're realistic to the point where, when I'm having the dream and I'm nearing the end of it, I feel like I have control over myself in the dream - whether I'm still dreaming at that point or half-awake, I can't tell. But I feel very conscious of it. Some of the dreams are so real that when I wake up, I have to spend 5 minutes convincing myself that those things didn't actually happen.
After that, the nightmares I had were always strangely violent - involving either me being killed or me killing other people with faces that I actually recognize. (I'm not a violent person at all. I also have nothing against those people who appeared in my dream. I barely even associate with them.)
But lately, I find that most of my dreams are extremely realistic. They're realistic to the point where, when I'm having the dream and I'm nearing the end of it, I feel like I have control over myself in the dream - whether I'm still dreaming at that point or half-awake, I can't tell. But I feel very conscious of it. Some of the dreams are so real that when I wake up, I have to spend 5 minutes convincing myself that those things didn't actually happen.

What Millet said about the Narcolepsy. (Narcoleptics of Voltra unite!) Except I don't have medication
or any nightmares really. I'm an active lucid dreamer, and usually if my dreams go awry I can hero-mode them and save the day. I did have a lot of sleep paralysis/shadow people growing up, and more recently saw a light or light-bending version of said people. Occasionally I have waking hallucinations, but they're usually mundane non-bothersome things. I do have a stable world I always visit in my dreams, though, so I guess that could be considered re-occurring.

I get sleep paralysis a lot :(
currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Hmm i dream a lot but nightmares are a weird thing to me
I do have them from time to time but i often have the option to, well turn the tables in dreams or wake myself up (although if the latter fails, sleep paralysis here i come, RIP)
They share themes sometimes and some dreams fall in the uncanny valley where it's not pleasant but it's not a nightmare, yet, and it's really eerie when that happens.
I can remember some, mostly things involving me being chased by things, and from time to time they return.
But yes most nightmares either involve -> being chased, locked up, being late, trying to run, or punch something, but /surprise/ everything is in slow motion , trying to phone for help but 9/10 times numbers don't make sense in dreams. :')
Also got to love mirrors in dreams, wild cards to either something cool or something horrific.
I do have them from time to time but i often have the option to, well turn the tables in dreams or wake myself up (although if the latter fails, sleep paralysis here i come, RIP)
They share themes sometimes and some dreams fall in the uncanny valley where it's not pleasant but it's not a nightmare, yet, and it's really eerie when that happens.
I can remember some, mostly things involving me being chased by things, and from time to time they return.
But yes most nightmares either involve -> being chased, locked up, being late, trying to run, or punch something, but /surprise/ everything is in slow motion , trying to phone for help but 9/10 times numbers don't make sense in dreams. :')
Also got to love mirrors in dreams, wild cards to either something cool or something horrific.

What Millet said about the Narcolepsy. (Narcoleptics of Voltra unite!) Except I don't have medication
or any nightmares really. I'm an active lucid dreamer, and usually if my dreams go awry I can hero-mode them and save the day. I did have a lot of sleep paralysis/shadow people growing up, and more recently saw a light or light-bending version of said people. Occasionally I have waking hallucinations, but they're usually mundane non-bothersome things. I do have a stable world I always visit in my dreams, though, so I guess that could be considered re-occurring.

Youre not lucky to have narcolepsy, but damn youre lucky to Lucid dream your segments! I mean, its also kinda bad because lucid dreaming is even less restful than just dreaming, but at least having the ability to make your dreams yours frequently is amazing. Ive had maybe 4 lucid dreams my entire life and even then I couldnt "hold it" for very long before falling back in!

@kiwi: Yeah, and I remember still being super tired when I was able to snap myself out of the sleep paralysis for a bit,
I'd think "okay, it's over now" and try to go back to sleep, but I'd just go straight back into sleep paralysis.
Another dream I remember from a long time ago,
I was in a school gymnasium. The kind that is like an extra building with a high ceiling and those high side windows to let light in.
It was night and a full moon was out, shining a pale blue light to illuminate the gym floor.
I was sitting in the bleachers watching two people have a Yugioh duel.
One of the duelists was rocking a powerful monster deck, the other had lots of traps and defenses to stalemate his opponent.
The trap user had strange cards that summoned plates of food on the battlefield.
They looked absolutely delicious and were meant to entice his opponent into stopping the duel to eat from them.
I was super hungry and was enticed myself, so stepped onto the battlefield and picked up a plate, starting to eat from it.
After taking a couple bites from the food, I saw a huge cockroach crawl it's way out from under the food.
I wretched and tried to puke the food back up, but instead of the food, I threw up a clump of roaches.
As I continued to wretch, the roaches began to crawl from my mouth, enveloping me.
My point of view went into third person as I saw myself being enveloped in a carpet of roaches.
Thousands of them streaming from my throat and mouth, getting faster as the camera pulled back to reveal my whole body.
I watched myself become fully enveloped, as I flailed about, trying to cough them up and swat them off.
I woke up sweaty after I had been enveloped and they were starting to stream onto the floor.
I'd think "okay, it's over now" and try to go back to sleep, but I'd just go straight back into sleep paralysis.
Another dream I remember from a long time ago,
I was in a school gymnasium. The kind that is like an extra building with a high ceiling and those high side windows to let light in.
It was night and a full moon was out, shining a pale blue light to illuminate the gym floor.
I was sitting in the bleachers watching two people have a Yugioh duel.
One of the duelists was rocking a powerful monster deck, the other had lots of traps and defenses to stalemate his opponent.
The trap user had strange cards that summoned plates of food on the battlefield.
They looked absolutely delicious and were meant to entice his opponent into stopping the duel to eat from them.
I was super hungry and was enticed myself, so stepped onto the battlefield and picked up a plate, starting to eat from it.
After taking a couple bites from the food, I saw a huge cockroach crawl it's way out from under the food.
I wretched and tried to puke the food back up, but instead of the food, I threw up a clump of roaches.
As I continued to wretch, the roaches began to crawl from my mouth, enveloping me.
My point of view went into third person as I saw myself being enveloped in a carpet of roaches.
Thousands of them streaming from my throat and mouth, getting faster as the camera pulled back to reveal my whole body.
I watched myself become fully enveloped, as I flailed about, trying to cough them up and swat them off.
I woke up sweaty after I had been enveloped and they were starting to stream onto the floor.
@Millet: Back when I was a teen, I thought a lot of my sleep related experiences were paranormal in nature, so after research I decided to train myself to be lucid. (Thanks, weird paranormal people, for actually having some valid knowledge!) Now its pretty much all I can do because the feeling of sleep is so familiar to me. I don't always consciously know I'm dreaming, but I usually always know I can change my situation somehow. I'm also sometimes aware of myself in-dream and out of dream simultaneously... like if I pass out at a get-together, I can usually recall a lot of the conversation, just some parts get a little mixed up and goofy! I've also had full conversations, and even texted (un)successfully in my sleep. Others won't realize I'm sleeping until I say something completely unrelated to the topic at hand...
Speaking of topics at hand, I might be rambling away from that here. Sorry! I did just wake up :viosweat:
Speaking of topics at hand, I might be rambling away from that here. Sorry! I did just wake up :viosweat:
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.