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Forums Role Playing Elric and Rave OOC

Voltie — He/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/10 14:01:14 )
This is an OOC only us two can use so please if you are not Quoth the Raven or Blair Elric please do not post here, please and thank you. ^_^

My character

Name: Vladimir Proval Le Blanc goes by Vlad
Age: 112
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 178
Race: Vampire
Sexuality: gay
Marital status: Married
Bio: Vlad is a born vampire from Russia his family have been police, in some form or fashion, over the years so naturally he followed in the Proval family business. The only difference is that he helps only with non human/supernatural cases or where supernatural beings have been involved in. He is married to Jacque Le Blanc and they have been married for 47 years now.

Very minor character/won’t have a full role just when he comes up, so here is basic info
Name: Jacque Le Blanc
Age: 102
Height: 6ft
Bio: Jacque is a French turned vampire who is a ‘housewife’ for Vlad. Jacque was forced to be turned on his 21st birthday which resulted in just one of his eyes going red. Seeing as he is not dead and still has a heartbeat and can be in the sun he is called a half made vampire. But that doesn’t stop his husband from loving him.

Voltie — He/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/10 14:06:18 )
First Case: Murder

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:00:49 )


Name: Jordan Serafin
Age: 28
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Hair Color: Black
Race: Mixed (Asian/White)
Nationality: American

About: Personality-wise, he's somewhat lofty. It’s not that he’s arrogant, but he feels a sort of disconnect from people.

He is a practicing witch and has a keen interest in toxicology.

Also, he hates the rain.


Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/11 02:01:29 )

@Blair Elric: I have a couple of characters that are close to Jordan, so I'm considering having them either mentioned or appear briefly from time to time, if that is alright with you. If so, I'll update my previous post as I make their character profiles.

Question: What country should we place our characters in, considering their different nationalities?


Voltie — He/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/11 03:35:27 )
@Quoth the Raven: Well I get a bit crazy when making OCs and well....I just had to put Vlad's hubby up there XD LOL
He may pop in from time to time so just wanted to show what he looked like.

Hmm America if fine by me, I don't really care to be honest. XD

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 21:12:27 )

@Blair Elric: Alright. How far ahead do you want to plan this out, by the way? It is in my nature to have most, if not everything, planned out before I start writing, which results in me never writing, heh. I sort of want to just take the plunge and start straight away to resist the temptation of planning every minute detail, if I'm being honest.


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/11 23:52:53 )
Well we can just do the basics, a murder of a female werewolf, then we can go from there and each of us adds in the details. ^_^
And yeah I always plan out as well. XD lol Just a lot of times it's all in my head. lol

So who do you want to start the rp? I don't mind either way.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/12 00:16:22 )

@Blair Elric: I'd prefer if you would start it, please.


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/12 13:08:38 )
@Quoth the Raven: And here it is. Sorry about the late reply, I went to bed a bit early due to a headache.
And here is the rp, don't feel like you have to post as much as I do. My opening posts are always a bit long. ^_~ lol

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/13 22:46:03 )

@Blair Elric: I'm about to post my reply, but for future reference, would you prefer to be pinged (either here or in the rp thread) or will you just periodically check to see if it's updated?

At any rate, I just wanted to say how akin to pulling teeth the writing process has been so far. I did not expect to find it this difficult, if I'm being honest. I just hope it comes easier with time.
(For the record, I'm dissatisfied with what I've posted, but I'd never be finished if I had it my way, so here we are.)


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/14 01:32:46 )
@Quoth the Raven: Oh yeah sure! can do that. ^_^ I used to do that on a diff site but I know that not everyone likes that, I actually do and it's cool you do too. ^_^
Oh that's fine, and sorry for the late reply, today was a bit busy for me.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/15 03:47:49 )

@Blair Elric: Thanks, I appreciate it.
Also, I figured I might as well let you know now that it's looking like my replies will be slow to come; I apologize if that's inconvenient. I should still be posting within four days, but still, if something does come up that would delay me further, I will make sure to let you know.


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/15 14:18:51 )
@Quoth the Raven: Thank you for letting me know. ^_^ And it's fine, I've been kinda busy here as well.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/15 22:15:03 )

@Blair Elric: I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but I feel that the involvement of our characters earlier in the case might work better than the point that they started at in the roleplay. Having them investigate the crime from the very beginning (or as close to it as possible) would open up more options, in my opinion.

What I inferred from your post was that an autopsy was already performed, which also implies that the crime scene itself has also been investigated. I would assume that her house would have been searched as well, so what I suppose I'm getting at is this: why would we search it again?


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/16 03:04:35 )
@Quoth the Raven: Well they are getting it at the beginning, just only the autopsy as been done. Once it was found out none of the other wolves wanted to touch the case. So we can say that nothing further was done.
But if you want then I can edit and you can start things off,but remember that detectives are normally called in after the fact. It's police and CSIs that do the first preliminary things. Which means just basic things were done, removing the body and photos taken of the place. Our guys would have to go in and really do the real work.
But if you want we can change things and just make them cops and not detectives I guess that is fine.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/16 15:54:45 )

@Blair Elric: Do you mind if we put our rp on hold momentarily so I can ask a few questions? I might have jumped into the deep end over here.
(Just so you know, I do like the premise of the story, I just want to make sure I understand the world's structure.)


Voltie — He/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/16 18:06:47 )
@Quoth the Raven: Well I don't know if I actually want to stay on this site much longer. I'm really thinking long and hard about quitting this site.
And it's not too hard to really understand the rp, I mean they are going about solving cases,, much like what you see on TV like CSI, only they are not CSI guys.
But really I have just fallen out of the idea too much. I mean I would much rather rp then spend days trying to explain things, I'm a mom of two young boys and don't have all the time in the world. Plus I tend to get stressed out a bit too easy.

So yeah sorry about all this, guess I was just jumping the gun and getting too excited about things. I've had nothing but pure fucked up luck trying to find another RP partner, I keep getting people just up and leaving and not saying a word or ones who just can't be active enough an give up and leave(this has happened on other sites as well) And I guess I just never will find another. I've had 6 role plays fall through in the past 2 months alone. I'm getting just too upset about it and yeah it's been rough.

But yeah I think I'm just going to end this and leave this site for good and mean soon Saph will be coming back and I'll be there more than here plus one other site was well. Sorry bout all this and really I've just lost the will to keep this rp going and lost all my ideas for it.
Back from the land of anime

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/17 01:18:02 )

@Blair Elric: A pity we couldn't make it work, but alright then.


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