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Forums Games Let's Players

Voltie — He/They Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 03:33:39 )
I wasn't sure if this belonged in Games or Entertainment, so I took a wild guess.

Is anyone else a fan of Let's Plays? If so, who is your favorite Let's Player?

Are you perhaps a fan of the chill, calm Markiplier?
Or maybe you enjoy the bubbly, up-bead personality of Jacksepticeye?
Perhaps you're even a fan of Pewdiepie?

Personally, my all-time favorite Let's Player is PixlPit, aka Robin.

He happens to be the (AMAZING) editor of Jacksepticeye's videos, but outside of that he is both a wonderful animator (he's made several 3D animations, check them out!), a great story-teller, and an all around down-to-earth but very sassy guy!

I love watching him play games because he makes them into a story, instead of just rushing through them. For example, he has a playthrough of Skyrim, but instead of focusing on the main quests he's instead made a whole story about his character! It's very, very fun to watch. :3

Anyone else a fan of some awesome Let's Players? Let me know!

no pewdiepie

Donator — pancake Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 03:35:53 )
I don't watch them anymore, but I adore Mark and Jack. They're the only one's I really, truly enjoy watching.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 04:05:24 )
Let me start off with- I am addicted to Youtube lol. The main Lper's I don't watch are the 3 you listed, otherwise I watch alot of:
The entire Yogscast Crew
Captain Sparklez
*Alot of people quit youtube, like my old favorite L0rdVega.
And for SpeedRuns / Glitch Runs I enjoy:
Swordless Link

The list could go on, but those are the people I tend to watch most often.

Donator — they / he Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 04:17:50 )
I mainly watch Markiplier and JackSepticEye these days, though I still enjoy Cry and GameGrumps. I definitely need to check out Robin's channel, but so far all I've seen of him gaming is the co-op's with Jack.
Oh and on occasion I'll also watch CrankGameplays aka Ethan, though not very often (not including things he does with Mark of course)
Always @ me

Voltie — He/They Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 22:36:42 )
Oh man, I used to watch Cry all of the time! O: I haven't been recently because it seems like he switched over to mostly streaming, which I'm glad because it seems to work better for him.

Donator — ~love~ Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/26 23:36:04 )
I never really got into Let's PLayers whenever I tried to watch them I.... wanted to play the game myself and closed the window LOL
But I did like that one series, touch the skyrim? HOLORD now that was gold

awesome art by okios <33

Voltie — He/They Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 03:03:49 )
I would love to play the games as well, but we don't have a computer that can run much more than Stardew Valley and the only consoles we have are old... so I get to enjoy the games still! :D

Voltie — They/Them Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 04:37:17 )
I only watch GamingMermaid xD
Zetsu's Corner
Pastel Squad!

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 18:55:36 )
I'm a huge fan of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I also really enjoy Game Grumps. Those three are probably the main inspiration for doing youtube. I have two channels. One is a Gaming channel with my friend Robbie. The other is a Musical Theater channel that I just started. I talk about shows I like and play and sing songs from them. BickerBrothersGaming is the Gaming channel...obviously. And my theater channel is SeansMusicalShowcase. :vanora_glasses:
My awesome Art

Donator — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 01:09:19 )
I usually watch the NLSS crew's stuff, John Wolfe, and Sinow. And I'll watch Jacksepticeye for his longer series like Night in the Woods or Walking Dead.

Donator — Monster Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 04:09:36 )
My favourite Let's Play channel without a double is Cow Chop. they are a division of Rooster Teeth that are a pinch on the Rancher side. I also watch their individual channels; but James / Uberhaxornova is bar none my favourite. :vanora_heart:

I also like the Game Grumps, even was lucky enough to watch them live with my partner when they came to Canada! I watched Markiplier a lot when he was doing FNAF; but not so much anymore sadly. Jack I watch on occasion too, and I will never stop watching Pewdiepie even though half of his content isn't even lets plays anymore.

Donator — Pokemon Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 05:26:19 )
I used to Let's Play and watch Let's Players but as I've gotten just doesn't appeal to me.
Like, I love to play videogames and I love to talk, so that is no issue for me. I just can't really sit through videos like that anymore

art by: blinkini (idk why i never put this here 3 years ago)

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:51:56 )
I'm a big fan of Let's Plays, since I rarely have the time or money to spend on games myself. (It's a lot easier to watch videos over your break at university than it is to lug around a tv and console, after all.)
The Runaway Guys and Tom Fawkes are the biggest ones that I watch most of what they put out. I'll watch ProtonJon's streams when they're uploaded to YouTube, but I don't tend to like the other Guys' solo stuff - although Chuggaa's Coliseum LP was how I got into them in the first place.
I'll watch Game Grumps and Markiplier more sporadically, if they're playing something that I think might be interesting, but I'll pass up a fair bit of their content.
Recently, I've discovered PBG's Hardcore series, so that's been an interesting watch.
One that I do follow, and would be much remiss to mention, is a much (much) smaller channel, LaZodiac. She does a lot of Zelda LPs, but also miscellaneous other ones (Super Mario Sunshine is my personal favorite), Patreon requests, and weekly "Taste Of"s, where she showcases introductory snippets of games. She interacts a lot with her viewers via threads linked in the descriptions, so that's always nice. Check her out!

Please ping when responding to me, to make sure I see your reply!

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 09:16:55 )
I watch a lot of gaming-related channels but most of them aren't specifically LPs. Game Grumps is my favorite LP channel for sure. SuperMega has become a close 2nd favorite though. Sometimes I watch Super Beard Bros as well.

Voltie — _xe@insta Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 11:00:41 )

I loved PewDiePie when he played Amnesia. XD And some running race game.

I've seen a few of Markiplier videos and chill or calm was not my impression of him lol.

I've been watching only John Wolfe (HarshlyCritical) at the moment. Mainly the one shot horrors because I love scary! Even though the games he plays are usually bad I like his commentary style. :'D
He gives legit criticisms and reviews.

Voltie — He/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 00:41:50 )
For me, the fun of watching them is that I'll never be able to play the games they play. I can't afford the wide variety of systems out there, but I want to enjoy the stories and beauty of all of these games. (Plus, it's nice to know if I'd like it before I do spend the money.)

Please guys, no Pewdiepie. You can like him all you want but I will ask you to reconsider.
Gender Fluid (He/they) | Asexual | Married | Jewish
Art Shop

Donator — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 01:03:51 )
@x: Eyyy another John Wolfe fan. I'm watching him right now. :vanora_sun:

Ping me!


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 01:04:47 )
The only one I've ever watched is Cryaotic, and I became a little bit obsessed with his content to the point where I watched all of his videos. Overtime, of course. He has sort of vanished from Youtube, though, and has started streaming. He seems to really enjoy it more, as you've said, but he does still occasionally upload Telltale playthroughs or story-heavy games like Rakuen.

I'm -really- hoping he streams or records Persona 5 because it would be so amazing to watch him play. To my knowledge, his next game was going to be Nier: Automata, and then Persona 5... but I'm unsure when those series will start. XD

I'm just glad he's having a good time because he seemed to really fall out of Youtube or video content in general.

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