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Forums Voltra Discussion Io, The Blind Oracle: Tarot

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 17:57:04 )

Although it was not the most flashy attraction in the carnival grounds, the humble tent of Io the Oracle never failed to draw a crowd past its dark veils. Wispy strands of incense smoke and the comforting warmth of burning candles were the first to greet the curious bunch, but their excited mumbles fell into a sudden hush as the owner made his debut.

Flowing robes draped over the young man as he nodded calmly, gesturing for everyone to sit with him, “My name is Io, and I know who each of you are, and why you are here…” As he spoke, he pulled out a deck of tarot cards from his large sleeve, spreading them across the table before him, “It varies between you… Some seek answers, some seek entertainment. One of you is here because you took a wrong turn on your way to concessions and are too embarrassed to leave now,” he smiled faintly, holding his hand towards the exit, “We won’t keep you here longer, it’s alright.”

As the patron scurried out, Io returned his attention to the crowd before him, “What I offer you here is no mere reading. Instead, I would like to teach you about divination, and help you find your own destiny, free of charge…” Reaching out, he ran the tips of his fingers over the crystal ball before him, “Of course, I also offer personal readings for a small fee, if that is what you desire. But that is for another time. Let us begin, shall we?”


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 17:57:54 )
Io the Oracle is offering a free lesson in divination to all patrons of Cirque ad Infinitum

Return to the thread daily, there will be a new style of reading!
There is no competition, no challenge, merely a request for an open mind.
And be sure to join the conversation! Participating in the thread will earn you a prize.
If you want a personal scrying from Io, visit his tent on the Event Page.

There is no prize to doing this anymore, this is left here for users to have fun with it however. :)
All participants will be granted a free Oracle EI grant.
Additional copies will be available in Joyful Jamboree for purchase with Tickets


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 17:58:26 )

Shuffling his cards in his bandaged hands, Io nodded to the crowd once more, "I know many of you are aware of tarot cards, but today we will be taking a small look into how they work..." He spread 22 cards across the table, allowing the visitors to peer down at their faces, "This is the Major Arcana. For simplicity's sake, we will only be focused on them. As well, we would usually draw multiple cards, but let's start with one for now. You are, however, encouraged to draw again should you so desire."

Scooping them carefully into his hands once more, he shuffled the cards, before suddenly stopping as if something were on his mind. After a moment of pause, he lifted his head towards the crowd, "Tomorrow... You need not come here, there will be no reading. Instead, we'll be having a special show in celebration of the Reaping Ritual. You're all invited to join us, Trick and Treat have been eager for the exchange." He smiled weakly, "It will be a show to remember..."

He placed the cards face down onto the table, "For now, let's see what the cards have to say..."

• Randomly generate a number from 0 to 43
• Your number will determine your card, and its position
• Try to have a question in mind as you draw your card
• You're encouraged to return to draw another, if you so choose.

0-1: The Fool (0 Upright, 1 Reversed)
2-3: The Magician (2 Upright, 3 Reversed)
4-5: The High Priestess (4 Upright, 5 Reversed)
6-7: The Empress (6 Upright, 7 Reversed)
8-9: The Emperor (8 Upright, 9 Reversed)
10-11: The Hierophant (10 Upright, 11 Reversed)
12-13: The Lovers (12 Upright, 13 Reversed)
14-15: The Chariot (14 Upright, 15 Reversed)
16-17: Strength (16 Upright, 17 Reversed)
18-19: The Hermit (18 Upright, 19 Reversed)
20-21: Wheel of Fortune (20 Upright, 21 Reversed)
22-23: Justice (22 Upright, 23 Reversed)
24-25: The Hanged Man ( 24 Upright, 25 Reversed)
26-27: Death (26 Upright, 27 Reversed)
28-29: Temperance (28 Upright, 29 Reversed)
30-31: The Devil (30 Upright, 31 Reversed)
32-33: The Tower (32 Upright, 33 Reversed)
34-35: The Star (34 Upright, 35 Reversed)
36-37: The Moon (36 Upright, 37 Reversed)
38-39: The Sun (38 Upright, 39 Reversed)
40-41: Judgement (40 Upright, 41 Reversed)
42-43: The World (42 Upright, 43 Reversed)


Upright: New Beginnings, Spontaneity, Innocence, Free Spirited
Reversed: Holding Back, Recklessness, Risk-Taking

Upright: Manifestation, Resourcefulness, Power, Inspired Action
Reversed: Manipulation, Poor Planning, Untapped Talents

Upright: Intuition, Sacred Knowledge, The Subconscious Mind
Reversed: Secrets, Disconnect from Intuition, Withdrawal, Silence

Upright: Beauty, Nature, Nurturing, Abundance
Reversed: Creative Block, Dependence on Others

Upright: Authority, Establishment, Structure, Fatherly Figure
Reversed: Domination, Excessive Control, Lack of Discipline, Inflexibility

Upright: Spiritual Wisdom, Religious Beliefs, Conformity, Tradition, Institutions
Reversed: Personal Beliefs, Freedom, Challenging the Status Quo

Upright: Love, Harmony, Relationships, Values, Alignment, Choices
Reversed: Self-Love, Disharmony, Imbalance, Misalignment of Values

Upright: Control, Willpower, Success, Determination, Action
Reversed: Self-Discipline, Lack of Direction, Opposition

Upright: Strength, Courage, Persuasion, Influence, Compassion
Reversed: Inner Strength, Self-Doubt, Low Energy, Raw Emotion

Upright: Soul Searching, Introspection, Being Alone, Inner Guidance
Reversed: Isolation, Loneliness, Withdrawal

Upright: Good Luck, Karma, Life Cycles, Destiny, A Turning Point
Reversed: Bad Luck, Resistance to Change, Breaking Cycles

Upright: Justice, Fairness, Truth, Cause and Effect, Law
Reversed: Unfairness, Lack of Accountability, Dishonesty

Upright: Pause, Surrender, Letting Go, New Perspectives
Reversed: Delays, Resistance, Stalling, Indecision

Upright: Endings, Change, Transformation, Transition
Reversed: Resistance to Change, Personal Transformation, Inner Purging

Upright: Balance, Moderation, Patience, Purpose
Reversed: Imbalance, Excess, Self-Healing, Re-Alignment

Upright: Shadow Self, Attachment, Addiction, Sexuality
Reversed: Releasing Limiting Beliefs, Dark Thoughts, Detachment

Upright: Sudden Change, Upheaval, Chaos, Revelation, Awakening
Reversed: Personal Transformation, Fear of Change, Averting Disaster

Upright: Hope, Faith, Purpose, Renewal, Spirituality
Reversed: Lack of Faith, Despair, Self-Trust, Disconnection

Upright: Illusion, Fear, Anxiety, Subconscious, Intuition
Reversed: Release of Fear, Repressed Emotion, Inner Confusion

Upright: Positivity, Fun, Warmth, Success, Vitality
Reversed: Inner Child, Feeling Down, Over Optimism

Upright: Judgement, Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution
Reversed: Self-Doubt, Inner Critic, Ignoring the Call

Upright: Completion, Integration, Accomplishment, Travel
Reversed: Seeking Personal Closure, Short-Cuts, Delays

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 18:03:28 )


“We are the children of the stars…” Io speaks softly, holding his hands together, “We are born of their very dust, beneath their watchful gaze. They advise us, they guide us… But do you know how to hear their calling voices?”

Io pulls back for a moment, before gracefully unfurling a giant star map across his table, “Let us begin by identifying who your guardians are, and what it means to be their child. We will also explore what they say is in store for you next month.”

THE OBSCURE STARLING (January 20 - February 16)
You should no longer carry the burden of this troubled relationship alone. If they are not reciprocating the energy, stand your ground or move on to your next life chapter without them. You are allowed to have boundaries, but be sure to respect theirs as well. Changes are coming, control them. You have felt it's time for a change in your career, you are correct. Take on new, greater responsibility.

Known to be very strict and like to take control. Can come across as ‘bossy’. Values responsibility, duty, and trustworthiness in others. Has high expectations and standards of others. Has a very strong presence. Very loyal and thoughtful towards those close. Dedicates self fully to everything, and does nothing half-assed. Wants to give only the best.

The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

When night descends upon the realm, stars come out to play. Day dawns and darkness falls. It is a cycle that has been taken for granted since time immemorial. Why does it happen? Some would argue that the Starlings take flight when the sun sets to bring the curtain of night. Not one but many. All life rests beneath the wings of these celestial birds for all life returns as a star among its wing.

THE SNOWFELL RAVEN (February 16 - March 11)
Prudently form a bond with somebody of power, this connection will serve you well in your journey into next month. The autumn wind will sweep you onto your feet with a sense of renewed energy, take advantage of it before it is gone. You have been afraid to express yourself fully, hold it in no longer. Your individuality and uniqueness will open a new door of opportunity. Do not hesitate to enter it.

Intelligent, natural born problem solver. Has an eye for nice things. Creative thinker. Likes to keep a distance and can become uncomfortable when discussing personal topics. Can be viewed as avoidant. Values logic and can sometimes be seen as too rational. Insightful and intuitive. Progressive. Very transparent in relationships.

The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin, The Soothsaying Fox

The Albino Raven made its home where snow fell. It would often watch as humans toiled against one another in the lands below. They would fight and argue, and bandits would lay waste to their efforts. When asked why he was watching them, the Snowfell Raven replied thus: "When they have worn themselves down to the last man, there will be no more destruction. Our nests can rise in peace, and our patience will be rewarded by the riches left in their wake."

THE FORSAKEN ERMINE (March 11 - April 18)
Inside has been your true self, in a state of internal rest. They will awaken this coming month, marking a new era in your life. Take this opportunity for change within your hands. Discover who you are, what you need, and speak it loud to the world. You are not acting selfishly to think of yourself this once. It's time to end your self doubt if you wish to prosper. This is the dawn of independence.

Sensitive and vulnerable. They have a very big heart that can also be very easily broken. Known to be very dependent, even clingy, to those close. Very trusting and forgiving. Can be very wise and understanding. Often gets lost in daydreams and fantasies, head in the clouds. Hopelessly romantic and gives their all in a relationship.

The Obscure Starling, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Cursed Grimalkin, The Soothsaying Fox

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

The white stoat was set down and told to wait, and so it did. Seconds turned to minutes and then to hours, but it knew no concept of time. It just knew it had to be good, had to sit and wait. The sun shone, the rain poured, the snow raged, and still it waited. The Forsaken Ermine was so weak by the time it was retrieved, but to its new master went its complete trust, and so was life renewed.

THE FERAL STALLION (April 18 - May 13)
This will be a turbulent time in your relationships with others. Passions will run hot in your interactions, both in affection and abhoration. Be wary not to let it blind you. It is important, now more than ever, to reflect on your connections to others, and what they mean to you. What are you willing to give, and what do you expect to receive? You will then know what to do.

Strong willed. Passionate. Direct and honest. Hot heated and prone to outbursts under pressure. React to most slights with anger. Puts self and own needs above others in most decisions. Bad liars and usually have pure intentions. Stubborn, but can relent when confronted by patience and logic. Open to new perspectives under the right circumstances. Often seek reassurance.

The Snowfell Raven, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Soothsaying Fox, The Wandering Hare

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin

The water horse would appear to those who peered within the lake, content to drag beholders down into the abyss. They would stand by the shore and gaze down at their reflection, but tranquility would not last. The Feral Stallion would emerge in a splash and take the observer, young or old, deep deep beneath the blue. They would always visit the lake to drown, but the kelpie wouldn't let them, and they found new life on the other side of the lake within the moor.

THE ETERNAL WOLF (May 13 - June 21)
A great raging fire is being lit within you, but be wary not to let it burn you. Despite your better judgement, you will be spurred on to lash out in an attempt to protect yourself. But not all interactions are a confrontation, remove yourself before you inflict pain onto yourself and others. Instead, use this burning flame to pursue unknown initiatives, especially in the realm of romance.

Extremely loyal. Determined. Keeps close to family and friends. Seeks comfort, security, and familiarity. Resistant to change and stubborn. Often reacts unfavourably to the unexpected. Likes to have control and is a natural born leader. Practical. Strongly values commitment. Takes good care of own ‘pack’.

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Soothsaying Fox, The Wandering Hare

The Eternal Wolf would not relent to those who sought to usurp its word. It warned its tribe to stay away from the bridge to the promised land, but they did not listen. They knew it clung to past beliefs, and nothing bad would happen if they went of their own accord. They headed for greener pastures, but the way collapsed as they were passing, and the Eternal Wolf gave its life to save the tribe.

THE MOURNING SIREN (June 21 - July 20)
The great suffering you have endured recently will soon subside, but it will require an initiative from you. Your life needs an upheaval, as the daily routine you have been following is failing you. This is a strong moment for self-reflection. We are both aware that you haven't been feeling well, act on it. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual, it is time to consider your well-being first.

Has extreme highs and lows, and is known for passion. Does not like conflict or trouble, so tends to be passive. “Goes with the flow”. Tends to let others lead. Has a difficult time voicing emotions. Known to be strong lovers and dedicate fully to a relationship. Great conversationalists, and known to be very honest. Natural curiosity and seeks knowledge. Seeks excitement and fulfillment.

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin

The Mourning Siren sang each day until the humans grew tired of it. They sent a ship to exterminate it, but it did not raise a hand against them. It sang until its dying breath in their arms and when silence fell, something far worse emerged from the deep. The hunters did not return, and neither did the humans live long without the Mourning Siren's song.

THE TWICE-HISSED CAT (July 20 - August 10)
It is time to end the blame you have been laying onto yourself. You are not responsible for all that goes wrong, and you are not to blame for the feelings of others. You will continue to self-isolate and feel that great loneliness if you are unable to realize this. No, instead, you will find a new sense of inner strength this coming month, and learn how to properly support yourself.

Defensive and private. Only opens up to trusted people. Moody and internal. Very emotionally honest when close to somebody, and has a very gentle soft side that they keep protected with their outer shell. Naturally caring and heartfelt. Enjoys commitment.

The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin, The Soothsaying Fox

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

The Twice-Hissed Cat spent its time alone for everywhere it went, its breath turned the air to death. Wandering into a realm unlike its own, it was met with a silhouette and in its greeting, it thought the entity would perish. But the specter said hello right back and the two would become fast friends once the Twice-Hissed Cat hissed its last.

THE FOREST MONARCH (August 10 - September 16)
No, there is nothing wrong with taking a break from your social life. This is a time for you to retreat to the comfort of home and show yourself self-care. Interestingly, there is also a personal enterprise waiting for you at home, pour your passion into making it a reality. A lost memory from the past will soon emerge, harness it to strengthen yourself in the present.

Natural born leader, loves attention and to be the center of spotlight, but likes to have alone time as well. People are naturally drawn to you. Can be selfish and sometimes not treat others the way they would like to be treated. Highly romantic and are very giving in a relationship. Warm, radiant, and encouraging.

The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin, The Soothsaying Fox

The Forest Monarch ruled the land with a charming smile, and a graceful leap. It was hailed as the most beautiful creature in the forest, and all life sang its praise. But with unending adulation came suspicion, and ultimately... boredom. The crowned stag desired a true friend to break the monotony, to give it the meaningful link it secretly needed. But the crowd was always gathered 'round, cheers blocking out the voices that would actually matter if The Forest Monarch only stopped to listen.

THE FORGOTTEN DRYAD (September 16 - October 30)
Your eyes are searching for bruises on the petal and missing the beauty of the rose bush. It is time to end the severity of your self-discipline and allow yourself a moment of rest and leniency. Your rested eyes will be able to discover a force of positivity and beauty you had previously overlooked. Communication will also prove to be your saviour this month, harness its power.

Very protective and nurturing, evades the wills of others and likes to go on own path. Has a sense of humility. Bad at confrontation, but values communication. Often bottles own feelings for the sake of others. Very attentive and devoted to loved ones. Good at remembering small details.

The Obscure Starling, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Cursed Grimalkin

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Soothsaying Fox, The Wandering Hare

It was said that the tree woman wandered into the forest and never found her way out. Taken by spirits, the elders would warn the children of the village. The boy did not listen, however, and met the Forgotten Dryad when he ventured too far within the green maze. You are safe now, she told him, for society's chains could not reach them anymore. Neither he nor she were slaves to the humans, or the fear they revered.

THE DOMESTIC DRAKE (October 30 - November 23)
Your hard work will finally pay off soon, and you will be rewarded for your patience and dedication. Be proud and take this time to rejuvenate and recover. A connection you have made recently will appear in an unexpected way, but fret not. They will be your support. A resting dream you have had recently will soon become a reality, prepare yourself.

Seeks to live a steady life. Lives to please others, but can be seen as indecisive for it. Often neglects own needs. Known to cancel plans last minute or change mind on a whim. Seeks partnership in relationships. When faced with a problem, would rather tackle it than ignore it. Likes to keep peace. Known to be very charming and are good at smooth talking.

The Snowfell Raven, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Soothsaying Fox, The Wandering Hare

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin

There once was a man who saw fit to rule dragonkind. He showed a Domestic Drake kindness, and the drake, unsure of where he could go in life, threw himself into serving the man well. The only problem was that the drake was scared. Fearful of life and its ups and its downs. When the master fell to men who would take his land, the Domestic Drake charged without thinking, and rid itself of the chains that kept it still with inaction.

THE CURSED GRIMALKIN (November 23 - November 29)
Fate is spurring you into action, heed its call. There will be those who try to hold you back, but now is not the time to listen. Follow your heart's calling and indulge in what your inner passion yearns for. You will find great joy and fulfillment in your endeavors, while also discovering a new sense of personal power. This is a month of growth, healing, and inner change.

Very passionate, in both ups and downs. Known to dwell in negativity and can have a bleak outlook when it comes to society and life. Usually convinced bad things will happen and so they self isolate to protect themselves. Prone to suspicion and sadness. Has a difficult time trusting others. However, once that trust is earned, they are HIGHLY devoted and give their all in relationships, especially romantic. They consider love to be above all else. They dedicate themselves fully to anything that catches their interest. One of a kind, intense, and captivating.

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Soothsaying Fox

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Mourning Siren, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake, The Wandering Hare

The Cursed Grimalkin spent its life tied up in worry and despair. Nothing good ever came to its door, but neither did its door ever open. When it eventually met a lonely end, it was introduced to others like it in the world beyond. Together they understood each other, and life as they knew it was no longer a chore. The Cursed Grimalkin was never truly alone, but merely captivated by its own weakness just as it was captivated by those who would finally stand by its side.

THE SOOTHSAYING FOX (November 29 - December 17)
You will be faced with a troubling decision regarding a problem you have chosen to ignore. Unfortunately, you no longer have that option. Be brave and confront it, or suffer the consequences of your previous inaction. Show no fear in approaching others for help, you have a strong support system who will be a great asset in your journey this month. Learn to accept love, as well. You are deserving of it.

Tend to self and be very secretive. Wise. Natural dreamers and often find their minds wandering. Highly empathetic and shows a kindness towards others. Does not respond well to authority and has a rebellious spirit. Become very attached to the people close to them, and are prone to jealousy and possessiveness. Very magnetic personality.

The Forsaken Ermine, The Feral Stallion, The Domestic Drake, The Cursed Grimalkin

The Snowfell Raven, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forest Monarch, The Forgotten Dryad, The Wandering Hare

The Soothsaying Fox saw past, present, and future. It gave counsel to close companions, but turned away from others. In truth it could not focus on them for long because in its eyes laid ruin. Seeking shelter within itself, the Soothsaying Fox would consign to solitude for the luxury of its eyes were all they wanted.

THE WANDERING HARE (December 17 - January 20)
Your soul is trying to send a message to you, but it seems it can only reach you in your dreams. Take these moments of physical rest to listen. They will impart the answers you have been searching for. In the waking world, there are people in your life trying to reach out to you. Allow their unanticipated company, as they will offer you valuable support and companionship.

Very quick witted and clever, but tends to keep to self. Creative. Seeks freedom and flexibility. Passion and opinions can fluctuate depending on mood. Can be difficult to pin down. Optimistic and open-minded. Enjoys new experiences and exploring the unknown. Values making memories. Love to be flirty and playful. Very easy to speak to.

The Snowfell Raven, The Feral Stallion, The Forest Monarch, The Domestic Drake

The Obscure Starling, The Forsaken Ermine, The Eternal Wolf, The Twice-Hissed Cat, The Forgotten Dryad, The Cursed Grimalkin

The Wandering Hare made its home in a hut, but the walls grew too close. It was time to move. It bought a house with all that it saved, encountered new people, made friends with neighbors, and excelled at a new job. Life was good but altogether mundane. It met someone, then, and wanted children. The Wandering Hare became a grandparent before long, but even then couldn't be held down.


"The future is a very cosmic and enigmatic force," Io speaks calmly as he sits before his gathering audience once again, "We seek it to prepare ourselves, to comfort ourselves, or in hopes of changing it. Some forms of reading may aid you in this but today, we will be looking into the prophecies that defined us from birth. Unfortunately, these aren't so easily broken."

Io slides back his long sleeves as he holds his hands out to the audience, "If you can, look down to your palm. There are many truths about your life imprinted in it that, unfortunately, I will be unable to help you read today..." He gave the crowd a very faint smile, tugging slightly at the bandages around his eyes, "However, I could give you a lesson in how you could read your own palm... For simplicity's sake, we will be focusing only on your fingers today."

Io pauses, giving a knowing smile, "You may notice, some of these prints contradict each other, yet you possess both. My teaching today is merely a simplified version, as there are many variables when it comes to palm reading.

As such, if you come across this, consider yourself either a complex individual with different layers, or that only a part of the interpretation applies to you. Now, let us begin..."

Governed by: Air
Meaning: You are a nonconformist, choosing to discard the expectations of society in order to live as an individual. You find a sense of comfort in your fixed sense of likes and dislikes, and are unlikely to explore other styles of fashion or experiment with unknown foods. You are prone to nervousness, which may affect your heart or stomach. If this patterns appears on the thumb, you may be a very stubborn person who will not concede during an argument, even if you have been proven wrong. You hold onto secrets well, but you should find an outlet such as writing, art, or a journal, as they will eat away at you.

Governed by: Water
Meaning: A very common pattern, it means you are a child of the moon. You are somebody who handles change well, and are able to show adaptability and versatility under most circumstances. If this pattern reoccurs on your fingers, it shows you have very broad horizons and are an open-minded individual. You are also very responsive to the emotions of others, while also being very open with your own. This may lead you to altruistic endeavors, but be wary. You have a tendency to act as a people-pleaser, which may lead to your own self-sacrifice or attracting others who may want to take advantage of your kindness.

Governed by: Water
Meaning: You are a very indecisive individual, and will spend hours, even days weighing a problem before you can land on a decision. However, this also shows that you are very practically minded, and can be trusted to discover the best solution. Be careful this mindset does not lead you down the path of negativity, as you are very rigid and inflexible once your mind is made up. This can lead to repression, critical opinions, and even resentment. Take care of your mind and health. If you feel behind in life, don't fret, as it is common for those with this print to be late bloomers. You'll get there.

Governed by: Earth
Meaning: You have a very loyal heart, and dedicate yourself fully to those you love. Your family and community feel a strong sense of security when around you, and you are capable of great things in order to help others. You exhibit a sense of practicality and prefer to take on a hands on approach to problems. You are very resilient and steadfast, which may lead to an aversion to change or skepticism. You should spend more time in nature, as it will help revitalize you. Be wary, however, of stomach or blood diseases, as they are attracted to this pattern. You should also stop holding onto your emotions alone.

Governed by: Fire
Meaning: This pattern is the most rare of all, usually only showing on the index finger. You have an artistic soul, idealistic in all things, yet sensitive to stimuli. You also show many impulsive behaviors, which may either lead to adventure or danger. You have a very sensitive heart and do not handle emotions well, as they may give way to instability or a nervous disorder. Seek out peaceful surroundings to soothe your high-strung nature. If you are feeling restless or directionless, it is because you are holding onto an intense energy that needs a release. Follow your passions, they will lead you to success and happiness.

Governed by: Water and Air
Meaning: This is a very rare print, and those who bear it possess a powerful degree of perception and intuition. You have been blessed with a naturally strong sense of luck, and its appearance on the Sun Finger (your 'ring' finger) offers protection against accidental death. You are prone to being lost in your daydreams, which may cause you to miss out on the joys or demands of the waking world. You also have a slightly secretive nature, which may make it difficult for you to connect to others or express yourself. Find an alternative outlet, as you have something in you that should be heard.


"Whether given or chosen, our names hold great meaning. They are what we govern our lives under, are referred to by those we love, and use to identify who we are as a self. You may already know that your name has another meaning... But today we will be delving deeper than that. Today, we will see what meaning the letters of your name build. Choose whichever name holds most meaning for you, your own, a nickname, a pseudonym... They all have significance, as long as they are a name you hold dear and wish to live by."

Io opens a large book as he nods for everyone to gather, "Each letter of that name holds a meaning. The more that letter occurs in your name, the more influence and power it holds."

A: Use the fire in your heart to help overcome your naturally shy and wary tendencies, and pursue any activities you feel drawn to. Trust in your instincts, and follow your passions. Although you will be tempted to quit at the roadblocks in life, your inner fortitude will help you overcome any obstacle. You will be rewarded with success and fulfillment for your dedication. You also have a naturally volatile nature, so be sure to avoid situations that may flare your anxiety or temperament. It may cause harm to yourself or those you love if kept unchecked. When faced will illness or personal struggle, you will find a quick recovery.

B: You were born a natural leader, but to reap the benefits of this trait you will need to be careful to practice honesty, integrity, and thoughtfulness. Others look to you, but be wary of your actions, as you are prone to show carelessness in your words or stubbornness when faced with difficulty. However, this stubbornness may also lead you to overcome the obstacles in your life, as you are a powerful problem-solver and highly adaptable. Practice mindfulness in situations of charity, as you are very giving and others seek to take advantage of that. If your heart tugs you toward artistic pursuits, follow the calling.

C: Ignore the call of your intuition in all situations you encounter in life. You have a naturally impulsive nature which leads you to act without thinking, and this will continue to draw you into the trap of danger. Do not ignore the words of your common sense, you will find greater success in all things when you take the time to listen. You are highly intelligent, trust in your ability to thoughtfully solve problems. You are a person of deep understanding, especially when it comes to humanity, both on a personal and a societal level. However, this may lead you to be drawn into situations you shouldn't involve yourself in, or prolonged conversation.

D: There is a power that brews within you that affords you a brave nature, but it may also lead you to trouble. Even if you do not fear them, avoid fights or physical confrontation. Others look to you for your wise judgement, and you are excellent at weighing priorities. Show patience in all things. The future holds great success for you, let nothing discourage you or sabotage your efforts, even if your heart tells you otherwise. The voices that speak to you of personal doubt or inferiority only mean to hold you back, do not give into the temptation. Also be wary of your naturally blunt tone and attitude, it may also get you into trouble or unintentionally cause pain to another.

E: You are your own worst enemy, so special care must be taken lest you sabotage your own ambition and happiness in this life. You are very secretive and shy, but this could cause strife within your personal relationships. To strengthen or establish a healthy relationship with friends or family, avoid selfish pursuits of money and fame. The love you receive will be stronger than any financial gain. This does not mean you cannot also have a successful career, but be mindful, follow your intelligence and harness your creative nature. A focus on the journey over the destination will be your path to fulfillment. Never stop moving.

F: Your strong sense of justice will benefit you, especially in your social life. However, be wary of your superstitious beliefs, as they may lead you to your own defeat. Your pride can also get in the way of your success, if you allow yourself to become conceited. However, your intelligence will carry you far. Join a team and follow direction given to you, you will find personal fulfillment.

G: Your pessimistic attitude is causing you problems in your social life, and people are worried about you. Personal space and time alone will benefit you, but be careful not to isolate yourself. This will cause you great suffering and personal harm. Pursue interests and hobbies that involve you going outside, as well as scientific pursuits, as they will play a role in your life.

H: Give in to your love of the arts. Music, art, and literature will bring you great happiness in life. You will find that you have many talents, but choosing to focus on one will be your path to success and even fame. Avoid negative thoughts and criticism of others, as that energy will return to you. Be humble, bragging will not benefit you.

I: Love is a complicated area in your life, and the pursuit of it will be riddled with difficulty. You are very clever, but that wit may land you into deeper trouble if you are not careful. Follow the voice of your heart, as you will find success in your passion and inspiration. You are an idealist, own this, do not let anyone try to convince you of any other outlook.

J: You have a great gift to share with the world and a strong intuition. Follow your creative passions and try to control them, as they bring you wealth and a stronger sense of self-esteem. Consider altruistic occupations and pursuits, helping others will help you.

K: You put up walls to keep your sense of independence and safety secured, but this can lead to personal harm if taken to an extreme. Your instincts are strong and can lead you in the right path, but the voices of others can easily drown them out and lead you astray. Live discreet and balanced, and don’t give in to your own desires for power.

L: You have an interest in the supernatural, and would excel in theological discussions. You have a strong intuition, and when presented with a mystery you have an inclination to solve it. Be wary of using others, as it will come back to haunt you. Let go of feelings of hatred and jealousy, as they prevent you from achieving success and happiness.

M: Be wary of forming bad habits, you have problems with limiting yourself with pleasures. That said, do not deny yourself personal comforts, as they hold an importance in your well-being. Think twice before embarking on risky endeavors, especially when it includes your personal finances. Also, I would suggest you stop being so morbid.

N: Show confidence in your choices, as your indecisive nature is holding you back. Control your irritable, impulsive side, as it is causing you troubles in your relationships. Your deep seeded fear is also interfering with your potential, preventing you from pursuing your natural talents and interests.

O: Be a devoted friend and lover, your loyalty will be rewarded with well earned happiness. Do not let your eyes or heart stray for cheap flirtation, it will only lead to pain and disappointment for all involved. Beware of being too demanding, as a selfish and stubborn mindset will be your downfall. Try to be more active, your lifestyle isn’t healthy enough.

P: You were born to pursue an artistic lifestyle. Engage yourself in your chosen talent, whether it be music, writing, or art, you will find great success in a career. Try to concentrate on the one that calls to you strongest, your focused energy will be rewarded in acclaim and finances. On the downside, you suffer with a weakened common sense. Try to be mindful of it.

Q: You are known to be clever and quick-witted, and would benefit in either a scientific career or focusing on business and industry. You have a natural optimism and a strong love for those around you, leading you to be very giving. Be careful not to be hurt by it. Your ideas are prone for high risk, so consult a trusted companion before following through.

R: You have a way with words, and know how to persuade others. This may lead you to a lucrative career in business, politics, and other practical careers. Be mindful, however, as your naturally secretive and evasive nature may cause people to assume you are scheming. Embark on an adventure, you will discover something important.

S: While you are gifted, you also stretch yourself out too thin by trying to pursue too many talents at once. This is undervaluing your work. Try to focus yourself on one, and you will find greater success. Your strength is in your uniqueness and individuality, but this also leads to your own downfall, as you have a very scattered and disordered energy. Try to better organize yourself. And stop being afraid to reach out for advice.

T: Your nerves and restless spirit are preventing you from achieving the success your brilliant imagination can bring you. If you are feeling bored, seek companionship and a new change of scenery. You are very unique, and are fascinated in the unusual, unknown, and fantastical. These interests will assist you in an artistic career. You are a fast learner, and would benefit from studying history.

U: Yes, you are right to take pride in your achievements, but a boastful attitude will cause your own downfall. Do not let your ego get in the way of your success. Your creativity is something to be sought after. Honesty and integrity will help your reputation. Try to let go of your perfectionist attitude.

V: You have a strong sense of melancholia and introspection with no outlet, I would suggest pursuing an art such as writing or music. I know socializing is difficult, but engaging in others will benefit you. If you feel drawn to science or mathematics, follow this passion, and you will find success. Do not let your personal values cause strife in your relationships.

W: You’re very funny and have a way with your words, if you have ever considered pursuing comedy, you would find success. You’re highly original, but coupled with your impulsive nature, this could cause you future distress. You have a very strong, sympathetic heart. Others notice as well. If money calls to you, enter a field of business or science. You will find financial success and personal fulfillment.

X: Merchandise your artistic talents, others are interested in supporting it. There is a niche for you yet to be fully discovered, take on hobbies until you find what calls to you. Writing can prove to be worthwhile. Be careful about airing your vulnerabilities publicly. However, you could find great fame if you are willing to pursue making public appearances.

Y: You are very courageous, which leads you to be a fighter, whether that be mentally, physically, or both. You stand by your decisions steadfast, but be careful not to attract trouble for yourself. Your tendency to engage in quarrels leaves you open to hurt. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others when you feel lost.

Z: You are not an easy person to convince. You have a difficult time showing respect to others, yet feel as if you deserve it. While you should avoid bragging, don’t be afraid to stand out, as making your presence known will bring you great success in whatever business you pursue. You have a strong sense for appraising situations.


"You have something weighing on your mind. I've decided today to teach you a way to divine the answer..." Reaching into his flowing coat, Io produced a velvet drawstring bag that rattled as it moved. After loosening the string, he tipped it forward, causing three ornate dice to spill across his table.

"This practice is called astragalomancy, or dice divination. In ancient times, we would be using the knuckle bones of livestock..." The young oracle smiled reassuringly, producing a piece of chalk between his fingers, "Luckily, these days we can easily buy dice as a substitute..."

Leaning over the table, Io carefully drew a perfect circle on the surface of his table, an impressive feat for a man who could not see, "We will try to toss these within the limits of this circle. If they fall outside of it, they present an entirely different meaning. Shall we begin?"

• Roll three 7-sided dice using the post action.
• Only proceed with including the dice in your fortune if it lands from 1-6.
• If a die lands on 7, that means your die has fallen outside of the circle and has a separate meaning.
• Add all dice that have landed in the circle together for your fortune.
• If you have both dice in and out of the circle, they are two separate fortunes.

1: There will be difficulties within your family.
2: You are right to look twice. Things are not as they appear.
3: Your circumstances will soon change for the better.
4: Prepare for disappointment. There may be an argument or unpleasant news.
5: You will soon be met by a pleasant surprise. Your plans are going to come true.
6: You will experience some form of loss. Expect a favour asked of you, as well.
7: Somebody may be speaking ill of you. You will face difficulty, but it will end well.
8: Tread carefully at this time. Acting in haste will end in regret and distress.
9: You will experience an increase in luck, especially in regards to romance and gambling.
10: This is a time for new beginnings. A promotion or new job will find you, and you will come into some money.
11: There will be an illness, but it will be short-lived. A parting will cause you sorrow.
12: An important message is coming your way. You will receive a sum of money soon.
13: You are experiencing a dark situation. It will come to pass, but you must change your path.
14: Seek your friends' advice. You also have an unexpected admirer, with a potential for new love.
15: Your suspicions about them are valid. Follow your intuition. Avoid the problems of others and new projects this week.
16: Embark on a short trip. You will find the relief you needed.
17: You need to change your plans. Consult another person, whether friend or stranger. Their advice will help.
18: Your wish will come true, and you will be greeted with success. You have been blessed.

1 Dice: There will be difficulties waiting for you. Prepare for an upset.
2 Dice: There is a strong chance you will fall into an argument.
3 Dice: You will be blessed with extraordinary luck. Expect a wish to come true.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 19:45:17 )
this is super amazing!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 19:48:54 )
Io wants to give me the trashiest fortunes, I swear to Spark.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 19:51:14 )
My wish is your command~

I'm two days off the Soothsaying Fox, rip XD


For a price, at least~
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."

Ping me for a response.

"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 19:54:22 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

the obscure starling is so beautiful ; A; omgggg I love it

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:07:32 )
The Hare is different on the star map and the explanations.
One is Marked Hare, and the other is Wandering Hare.
Anyway, I'm the Hare.

I'm your resident skeptic for today.
Don't believe in this stuff, but it's amusing for a moment of time.

@io: That was a cute little performance with the 'lost patron looking for the concessions.'
So, how about some more cold readings? :viosmirk:
Wardrobe/Art Collection

Art by kiwi

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:13:06 )
Interesting setup in here very nice, I wish that I had the wolf or the fox.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:21:51 )
@Civilian of Voltra: ME TOO!!
T^T the cat is never part of anything
when it is
it's not me

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:42:35 )
Ooo the forest monarch!! Neat

Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:43:00 )
Niice~ Mine’s is the eternal wolf~ * u*

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:43:04 )
Those are all really neat ;o;
That wolf though!


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:43:35 )
@rallaa: You're free to hold your skepticism, my intent isn't to change your mind.

As long as you are amused in some form, I would say I'm doing my job well.

He smiles faintly.

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:45:46 )
Hmm Forest Monarch eh? *strokes beard* I dig it! sounds about right too RIP

Me? selfish? pfff never |D

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:48:19 )
Niice~ Mine’s is the eternal wolf~ * u*


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:48:53 )
Oh McVoltra had a Oracle
(ee) I (ee) I-O

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:50:40 )
I am the Wandering Hare :D

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:51:23 )
''Changes are coming, control them.''
Oh boi, here we go.
Where are my starlings at :')
Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.