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Forums Mini Shops ★☆ KARMA CITY ⇢⇢ Art Shop. [Closed]

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 06:30:43 )

@Hachi: See, that's why I do space like things with my paints.
Just dot the page. Lol.
Literally. I dot it all to blend it, apply it, blend some more, etc. XDD
Dots are your frieeeeeend flor cloudy looks, anyway. LOL.
comically enough, I can't do pointilism to save my frikken life because omfg I do NOT have the patience for that

I've got Artist's Loft brushes too! Gotta replace them though. They're cheap, and the glue IS vanishing > > (I can remove the ferrul completely from one of them. oooops. > >)

But yeah. I like the Loft stuffs.
And oil pastels? I've never really played with those myself. I have Artist's Loft Chalk Pastels atm... that I've barely used... because I don't do much with my clay atm. Ooooops. Lol.
I'm just as bad as you. I have sketchbooks that I've barely touched, that were like $25CAD a pop, from when I was in highschool. XD It's gotten to the poin that I'm just 'ehhhhhh, it's a piece of my history. No point mixing that up'. Soooo they sit. And collect dust. LOL.

I also have a set of Watercolours (That I frikken HATE) that I pretty much don't use, either. XD
And loads of Pencil crayons I don't touch. LOL.
(Seriously. I rely on my prisma's. I barely touch any of the others. XDD > > )

And then there's my sculpey, which is rarely touched too.
So I can totally relate. Actually, I think most artistic people can, for that matter.
It seems to be a common trait of artists. XD

Wall fo text again. Lol.
Art is... one thing I can talk a lot about.

Sorry Not sorry XD

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 06:50:40 )
@Amber Lynne: Haha I really want to try some spacey watercolor! Your videos were very inspiring.
I feel you, I did a pointillism project for class once (using those oil pastels actually) and it was TORTURE

Ah should I be worried about these brushes? I feel like I've probably just not given them much use to see anything
I like oil pastels a lot! They're fun to smudge and blend with your fingers (messy tho, again)

Fffff I love prismacolor pencils! I feel like they were my best art supply purchase. I don't own anything else other than Crayola haha

Too true haha. I've never filled an entire sketchbook. I feel like I draw on loose paper half the time idk why I do this
Michaels is my wallet's worst enemy. Every time I go there I feel like I end up with a bunch more stuff than I initially intended to buy.

Wall of text is cool
Sometimes I feel like my writing is too verbose (only my writing, I barely talk in real life ha) especially on chill forum sites like this whoops
It's nice to see other people write walls haha


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 06:58:56 )

@Hachi: It's really easy. Watch a bunch on youtube to get an idea as to what you're doing (Or.... go check out my skillshare course //coughcough) and just... try.~<3
Tis all I doooo
Or did. Rather. I still watch on Youtube, but I at least know a method that works for me, lol.

and omfg.
Props to you for actually DOING the damned dots. XD
I couldn't. I'd die. Or just not finish it because omfg that is torture.
(I've tried before.... didn't... didn't get far. I love how it looks, but I totally can't do it myself. LOL)

Nahhhhh, the Loft brushes should be good! Mine have gotten a LOT of use in the year I've had.
and I haven't left them in the water overnight, thus weakening the glue, nopoe, not at all > >

I'll have to give Oil pastels a shot one day. I wanna try oil paints though.
And Gouache.... and Tempera....
> >

Michaels is awesome, but... expensive. I can get stuff cheaper at a local art shop here in the city I'm in, lol.
And Michael's hasn't updated with the bloody times to have online prices and ordering for Canada. Like come up, get wit the times dammit
But I can totally relate to the crying wallet. Lol.
I rarely go there (or any art shop) for 2 reasons.
1: I'm a bit away from them. I have to take busses 'cause I don' have my license or the money for a car anyway and busses suck.
2: I'm a broke bitch. Lol. I ain't got the fudns to go and get art stuffs.
So my wallet cries constantly.
especially since I desperately need to replace my prisma's LOL

Also, I've heard that Faber Castell's Poly Chromos, while frikken expensive, are beautiful to use.
I wanna try the Derwent pencil crayons one day too.
But I've got enough for the moment. Most that I don't even use... oops

And hah.
Some people here can be really chatty.
Others not so much, but iut's always good when people aren't jumped down your throat for long posts. ^ ^;;
(And I'm pretty quiet in person, unless I know you, as well. So totally relate on that front. XD I'm the odd one in the corner, just ignore me.)

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 13:45:30 )
@Amber Lynne: Haha will do. I think watercolor is kind of hard for me because it's so unpredictable as a medium. It takes a lot of getting used to, and... letting go haha

OOPS I've definitely left brushes in water overnight many many times... I'll stop doing that...

I want to try oil paint too! I have a set that someone gave me as a gift but no canvas to put it on haha
I've used tempera a lot, but I think my favorite kind of paint so far is acrylic. (It's very forgiving for mistakes)

Michaels is very expensive. But I think the most satisfying thing about going to Michaels is walking out having scored an amazing deal on something using one of their weekly coupons haha
50% off on one regular priced item? 5 INK PENS FOR $3? I'm sold. uhh I never go there without a coupon oops
It's neat that you have some small art shops (somewhat) near you! The only one that I've ever been to was in a city that I was visiting (way too far to drive haha). I loved the atmosphere. It was a cozy shop that sat in the upstairs of a small building; it felt more like a little art studio rather than a shop.

Oh man, what do you do when you have a set of colored pencils and you're only running out of some colors? Like not enough to rebuy the set?? I end up buying the colors individually but it feels so much more expensive idk

Oh my god $2.85 for a single Faber Castell Polychromos im going to die
I wish I could like... rent a set
Just to tryyyy

falls asleep, wakes up, posts, goes back to sleep rip


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 20:15:27 )

@Hachi: If you're not used to watercolours, yeah, totally an unpredicatable medium. But one you learn how to put the RIGHT amount of water down before applying your colour, fi you're going that way, it becomes a lot easier to mana. XD
And space stuff doesn't really show mistakes anyway.
Plus you can keep working the watercolour to blend it out a bit, lol.

I'm not fond of acrylics myself. I'm actually not sure why, either, for that matter. But oh well?
Maybe I just gotta try something other than dollarstore paints. > >

I have a 25% off the entire purchase coupon. I'm saving it for when I can finally go and get my replacement prisma set. Lol.
150 on Amazon for that set I'm after, so if I can make the actual price in Michaels the same, all the better. I'd rather not order them, personally, but that's me.

And yeah.... poly's inidividual are murder, I swear.
At least I can get prisma's inidividually for about $2 CAD a piece. While yes, that is more expensive than ordering the 150 set off of Amazon for the same number (seriouslyt... Amazon, ~150 for 150. Gimme lol) Sadly, it's the only way I can do it. DX
Because they are available, so why not? XDD And they aren't stupidly priced, not really.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 02:19:55 )
@Amber Lynne: I'm sure it'll come with practice, but I find it so difficult to tell how much water I've put on.
I love the look of watercolors though, so I'd really like to learn. Just need to start, someday haha

I don't own any acrylic paints (since I only used them in class) but I doubt they were the expensive kind (public school art programs have hardly any budget after all). Idk I think I like them because they're very simple and intuitive to use! The only downside is that if you get them on your clothes they never ever come off not that I learned that the hard way /cough

Yeahh I like buying individual prismas in colors that my set doesn't come with! I only have the 48 set so I went out and bought some more shades of blue and gray and I really love them.


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 02:25:19 )

@Hachi: Practice really is what makes that work.
You just gotta dive in!

Seriously, try something space-y. It's how I'm learning, so I'd totall reccommend that to others!

And Oils are, as far as I know, the most expensive on average.
I can find 4 oz bottles of cheap acrylic paint for 1.25. XD

I don't even know what my set of prisma's were to begin with. Seriously.
I got it over a decade ago, and just keep supplementing more pencils to it. LOL

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 23:56:45 )

@Hachi: So, I know you replied to me, but your ping got lost somewhere and guess who is too lazy to go check to see what page it's on?
It's me

Anyway, I think I remember the gist of it, so I'm just going to say, I'm glad you were able to get through the mess that was Jordan's story, lmao.
I really need to get his story sorted out, though. Can't remember if I mentioned it, but it is being rewritten. o:
The one question I've been trying to answer recently is: what is the accomplishment he's most proud of?

Anyway, so you only have those two characters? I think you said that they didn't have much of a story, though, so my question is did you come up with the design first, and then make the back story/come up with details? Or were they never supposed to have a story? Or is it something else entirely? lol

pls don't

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 19:12:51 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@hachi: Oh wow. Your art is super gorgeous! I know I can order now but, I definitely plan on ordering some stuff from you (hopefully) in the near future...but um, I have a few questions to ask you.

-Would you be willing to draw couples at all? (For a fair payment of course.)
- Would you be okay with drawing canon x oc couples (a canon character from a franchise with an oc)
- Would you accept items as payment, or partial payment.
- Is it okay to return more than once? I love your art and most likely will want more than one piece.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 02:38:54 )
Fffff I'm terrible at replying oh my god im sorry

@okios: I'M SORRY I'M TAKING FOREVER AHHHHH I kind of scrapped my original idea and redrew the whole thing uhhh
I have another question and it's sort of... specific? but what are your favorite food ingredients in the game (or if you prefer, what are Fred/Siela's favorite food ingredients)? Not dishes pls (unless it's like... bread??) Basically stuff that doesn't have to go in a plate/bowl (so no fried rice or curry or spaghetti etc.)
Or I can just pick random
Sorry this is a weird question it'll make sense later I swear unless I scrap this idea too

@Amber Lynne: Hi I'm returning to this conversation from 5,000 years ago
The space watercolors do look fun to try! I'll probably start with those.
It seems like your prismas have lasted a long time!! Hmm I feel like I might have had mine for close to a decade too (but also I don't think I've used them very much...) I'm kind of particular about my art supplies so I keep my prismas in the original box (in... rainbow order...) but sometimes I forget that other people don't do that haha

@Apollo Im Burning: It wasn't a mess, haha. Are you rewriting the whole thing? Or just pieces of it?
That's an interesting (and difficult) question to answer! Do you build your characters mostly by answering questions like this one?
Hmm I don't really design characters for the purpose of making characters I guess - it's more like... I draw something just to draw something and then the design sticks (or doesn't, which is usually what happens), so I keep drawing them. And then I scrape together a makeshift backstory just for the sake of turning them into actual characters rip
These characters have been with me for a long time though, I guess I've mostly stuck with them for that reason? If I looked hard enough, I could probably find the very first (very cringey) drawing of them that I made haha (god that was like 10 years ago)

@Lithinel: Thank you for the nice compliments ahhh The short answer to all your questions is yes. haha (long answers below)
-Couples are fine!
-Canon x OC couples are fine too. If I'm unfamiliar with the franchise, I'll have to ask you to provide exact references for the canon character. (Google is too vast and I'm too lazy to research properly...)
-Any kind of payment works. I'm not really picky about which items you pay with. (I don't really want any more commons though haha) At some point (a few days? this weekend??) I'll go through the item museum to make a proper wishlist and post it on the front page, but even then I'll still accept items that aren't on that list.
-You can order as many times as you'd like. I'd be honored!


Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:01:26 )
what in great wall of china...

@hachi: "redraw the whole thing" uHM wOt. why?!
They don't have one. (Some of the other characters do, but not these two. I'm so sad...μ_u)
My favorite ingredient is the Garuda Egg!! because it's relatively easy to get and is used to make Garuda Omelette (which gives a good chunk of EXP for the least amount of effort imo).
ok but if you do, can i have the scraps too #thirstyaf

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:01:26 )
@okios: Wait what would a Garuda egg look like
I just realized that none of the ingredients are actually illustrated in the game
But I need like... a lot of food items
Do you have... more favorites... rip

I'm burning the scraps as we speak sorry bye


Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:56:41 )
@hachi: uhh good question. idk like a chicken's but bigger?? with spots because the Garuda looks like an eagle tbh.
-chicken egg. (the secret is out. i just leveled them up on mostly omelets LOL)
-king crab
-dragon egg
-dragon meat
-beef tung
-sea urchin
-platinum tuna
-SALT (bc i can't live w/o it)
-and onion solely for its


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 13:23:35 )
There's a lot of eggs in here okios (thanks for the game tips)

All right, that's a lot of material to work with, thanks! I really hope I don't regret this later oof

That onion is a big mood tho


Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:31:53 )

thank you for drawing all that extra stuff 😭 i can't believe you're redrawing. that's...twic3 as much work. i feel like i have to double my payment now??

it's the mood of this ship

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 04:27:09 )
pls don't double your payment looking at that number would probably kill me
Really it's fine haha
It's not like I scrapped it while it was in its final stages or anything

I'll make the onion the centerpiece!!!


Voltie — sewer rat Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 05:40:22 )
whew ok i don't have to sell my kidney just yet

omg that kind of subtlety is genius! looking forward to it!

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/1 23:00:45 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@Hachi: You're very welcome. And you most certainly deserve the compliments too. :)

Thanks for answering all my questions too. I'm delighted to hear that the answer to everything is yes. I hope to order sometime in the near future once your shop opens back up. And now I have an idea of what I want my first order to be. :)


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 06:53:28 )
@okios: /crawls out of the depths of hell
It's... done...... you have the patience of a thousand monks thank you
Uhh I kinda gave up on the background halfway through sorry I hope you weren't expecting a lot

Click for download link because this thing is enormous (why did I do that...)

@Amber Lynne: Just letting you know that I'll be starting on your request uhh soon... after I recover...

★ A slot is now open ★
★ I also updated the front page with a list of items I'm interested in (not sure if my art is worth any of it tho) but I'll still accept other items as payment. ★

Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 07:10:00 )

@Hachi: Lol. No rush, darlin'~<3
Admittedly, I haven't even really done much regarding yours aside from posing > >
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

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