@Hachi: See, that's why I do space like things with my paints.
Just dot the page. Lol.
Literally. I dot it all to blend it, apply it, blend some more, etc. XDD
Dots are your frieeeeeend flor cloudy looks, anyway. LOL.
comically enough, I can't do pointilism to save my frikken life because omfg I do NOT have the patience for that
I've got Artist's Loft brushes too! Gotta replace them though. They're cheap, and the glue IS vanishing > > (I can remove the ferrul completely from one of them. oooops. > >)
But yeah. I like the Loft stuffs.
And oil pastels? I've never really played with those myself. I have Artist's Loft Chalk Pastels atm... that I've barely used... because I don't do much with my clay atm. Ooooops. Lol.
I'm just as bad as you. I have sketchbooks that I've barely touched, that were like $25CAD a pop, from when I was in highschool. XD It's gotten to the poin that I'm just 'ehhhhhh, it's a piece of my history. No point mixing that up'. Soooo they sit. And collect dust. LOL.
I also have a set of Watercolours (That I frikken HATE) that I pretty much don't use, either. XD
And loads of Pencil crayons I don't touch. LOL.
(Seriously. I rely on my prisma's. I barely touch any of the others. XDD > > )
And then there's my sculpey, which is rarely touched too.
So I can totally relate. Actually, I think most artistic people can, for that matter.
It seems to be a common trait of artists. XD
Wall fo text again. Lol.
Art is... one thing I can talk a lot about.
Sorry Not sorry XD