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Forums Cirque ad Infinitum Cirque ad Infinitum: F.A.Q

Npc Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 02:27:00 )
The crisp leaves of fall swirl an elegant dance in the wind before settling down to the pavement,
making their last rustles until the next gust sweeps them away all over again. You excitedly reach out for one
of the fire hued leaves, stashing it in your bag to reflect on later...or maybe you'll forget about it entirely.
As you continue your journey to whichever residence in Voltra you set out to, along the way you notice a fine but peculiarly dressed man
gazing at a brochure stapled to an electric post as he strokes his beard.

"Ah, it would seem my guess was indeed correct! Thank goodness I got a head start and made it
to Voltra before they did. This time I CAN'T miss the show!

Joining you in your curiosity, two young boys rush up in a hurry.
Their faces sticky with sugar residue but smiles nonetheless charming.
"Hey mister, is tha' the flyer for da circus?!"
"Oh garsh, I hope I HOPE it is!"

Unaware he had company, the man quickly turns around mildly startled but then beams a
friendly and disarming smile towards you and the boys.
"Why yes, yes indeed it is! I've already had my look over it so I'll be going now!
Perhaps I'll see you all there? Farewell to thee, look both ways before crossing the street.

Revealing his bald head, he respectfully tipped his hat to you with a short bow and walked away
whistling a peppy ditty.

" us but ah...
You crouch to meet both boys eye level warmly. "Yes, what is it?"
"We ain't tall enough ta read da sign!
"Sowwy. Please get it fo' us?
"Sure!" You reach up and pull the brochure off the post, trying not to tear the paper too much.
The boys snagged it and began flipping through it with excitement, and then..frustration
as they squint their eyes and scratched their tousled heads.
"Um...well...we can't read. Do ya think tha' you could read it to us?" -
Their sweetness enamors you and you lead them to sit on the edge
of the sidewalk to sit side by side with you.
"Certainly. I am curious myself so let's read over this together!"
You start from the cover. "I can't wait ta see the pwetty ladies!"


Npc Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 02:30:14 )

A caravan of talent and magic travels throughout the realms spreading wonder and amazement to all major cities.
The famous troupe sextuplet now make its way to the electrifying land of Voltra.
Welcoming you to join and be mystified by the show's infinite possibilities.

The fantastical talent you will see perform!
The Ringmaster in all of his cunning glory, the lead of the show: Lin!
A blind fortune teller who can see right through you and into your heart: Io!
Part Illusionist, part clown and grand marketing brains of the group: Constance!
He has a big heart, big mustache and BIGGER muscles the strongman: Berinhard!
She's all bite and no bark, the snake charmer with her beauty off the SCALES: Arika!
Last and certainly not least, our ever so flexible aerial arts master -the sky dancer: Ran!

From October 26th through the 9th of November, you can can experience the magic yourself!
EVERY day, there will be games to play and prizes to be won! The first round of games will start
daily @1:00pm Voltra time, and have a rerun for other time zones at @8:00pm Voltra time.
This event will make history of all performances, as the sacred Reaping Ritual will be held on stage
October 31st! This will be the event of the century, I would be devastated if I had to miss it!
Warning: This events lore is not suitable for children under 13 years old or those who are very easily disturbed.
How do I earn event currency?
If you look to your upper left hand side of the screen, you will see your typical
Volts and Ohms but additionally also a striped ticket. That ticket is
the event currency! As the event runs, you can earn tickets through posting as follows:
10-11 Tickets in the event forum per post
1-2 Tickets for the game forum per post
and 2-3 Tickets in all other forums per post

Where do I get my fortune read?
Io the blind oracle offers short, fortune cookie type premonitions for a small ticket price
that can be navigated to via the sign on the homepage, or you can click Io's tent on the Landing Page
If you were hoping for a more thorough fortune, you can get in line to read your daily astrology,
palm reading and by far more by clicking: Io, the Blind Oracle

What if I miss a day and didn't get the item grant?
Fear not, a young man whose um...customer service doesn't quite meet our standards,
but none the less he is effective- works at this wonderful shop called the Joyful Jamboree
He's a bit away from the tent but all items granted can be purchased there via tickets!

What are these 'dark poses' in the event items?
Something very dark is effecting the troupe, and it appears to be reflecting in their items as well!
When you brave souls face off against the troupe members, you will unlock their bonus 'dark poses', found in the items you already own!
Of course, you can also buy more at the Joyful Jamboree.

Hmm, I noticed some things not working quite right/looks glitchy with all the new event stuff.
Your eyes are much appreciated! If you have any concerns from that variety, we hear Voltra has a developer named
Hazer who likely could assist you! He has a thread dedicated entirely to that sort of thing and can be found
by clicking here:

Why does the site look different, and can I change it back?
The sites theme has been changed for all users when this event released and hit a check mark.
These themes overtake all users themes to show them the event is running/changing.
However, we do not want to force users to use our themes if they do not want too, so you can change them back here.

I have another question or concern that wasn't answered here..
Thankfully Voltra is riddled with staff members that would be willing to assist you!
Just scroll down to the bottom of the page on the forums tab to see who is online,
pick whichever colorful name meets your fancy and either @PING: them in the forums or
shoot them a private message. Voltra also has a discord server which may provide
a faster response. If you haven't joined that yet, clicketh here]:

Wait, wait! Where is the tent anyway?
Ah you wouldn't want to be tardy! You can teleport over to the tent and
Ringmaster Lin by clicking here: Cirque ad Infinitum. Hurry or else you will miss the show!!


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 22:42:28 )

I love the theme color for this event!


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 22:53:35 )

I was so excited when I saw the background change colors! Yay event!


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 22:59:14 )
I love all the forum graphics!! The new npcs are so cute! > w<
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 00:43:19 )

i love the new layout and site look and its just awesome..

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 01:05:41 )
For those of you that like to read, I truly hope you enjoy the lore/story.

Voltie — He/Him/His Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 01:22:06 )
Woohoo! The circus theme makes me damn excited!
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
It has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 06:51:17 )

For those of you that like to read, I truly hope you enjoy the lore/story.
let me to read. I just haven't had the chance to yet. Been super busy today. But plan to.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 07:26:23 )
@shadami: I mean throughout the entire event, ;)

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 07:27:52 )

I just finished all the sticks so far!!! Love it. :3 looking forward to reading more .

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 12:55:34 )

The second I signed into Voltra this morning, I literally said "whooooaahhhh~!" out loud! This event looks absolutely magical and I am super hyped for it!! Thank you for everything all the staff has done to make this possible!! <333

Find my illustrations here:

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 13:49:18 )
phew, finally I got time to read trough this, sounds like fun 8D

Voltie — they/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 11:44:11 )
Oh wow! This looks cool. The design/theme for the event period is great too. Some of my favorite colors~

Voltie — Nayu Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 17:57:55 )
I love the theme. It’s actually easier on the eyes.
Ping me for attention. I tend to wander.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 13:58:06 )
I just gotta say, you guys again did AMAZING fantastic jobs on your EI's..i LOVE them all so far.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 14:03:08 )
Wow, what a creative event! Aaahhh!! :DDD Great work, everyone! <3

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:58:10 )
Wowwww!! I love the colors and designs for this event. And I'm looking forward to reading everything. :)

Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:07:42 )
Trying to catch up and I have some questions about this.

What if I miss a day and didn't get the item grant?
"...he's a bit away from the tent but all items granted can be purchased there via tickets!"

So are the items that are in the event shop Grant items that were previously granted on other days?
If so, how many days will there be grants? And does that mean that more items will be added to the event shop over the event time?
And lastly, where do we go to participate in the grants? Is that the participation in Lo's Blind Oracle thread?

Thank you for such an amazing event.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:04:41 )
@Pisces: Hello! I'd be happy to answer any of your questions. C;
All previous granted items are in the Joyful Jamboree event shop now. They were put in the shop in the order they were released.
To receive a participation grant, you need only post in the event threads with Act in their title. Posting and/or just playing the activity in that thread will count you as a participant and earn you a free grant (event item).
For example, if you participate in Berinhard's Ring of Might today, you'll receive a Strongman event item.
In short, the granted items are just our way of making sure everyone can have at least a full set of event items by the end if they can post at least once everyday rather than have to farm event currency for a full set.
I hope that made sense for you!

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