ONCE UPON A TIME: Life gave 10 year old Millet a baby half sister. Dis made Millet happy and not feel lonely but also very scared for lil sis cuzzzzz our family suckssss and shed go through what I went through blah blah I had this internalized #MustProtectMyMunchkin #FightMe
We were(are!) very close. Yeah. Age gap. But still good friends and she was eager to like the things I liked and do the things I did. Which made us closer and super relateable to eachother in both good and bad ways.
@OnePoint: our family sucked so much I had legal custody for over a year (minus weekends) until her mom could get back on her feet and it was honestly one of the happiest years of my life. For my sis too.
Our closeness was super solid. I reestablished a good relationship with her mom since her mom could accept "Hi my name is Ariel, and I came from my dad but I am NOT my dad pls stop projecting that on meeeeee"
Jill would call me or I her like 5 days a week on average. We'd play videogames despite becoming long distance. And it was always that way.
[size=20]Until August when she started high school.
Im lucky to get a full sentence outta her once every other week now. Orz
I get it I get it. Shes a growing teen. This is a new experience. More homework, more school activities. "Shes growing into herself" I know, I know, I know. I dont wanna press and make anything about me when its her well being and happiness. Its just for literally most her life I was the ONLY person she could talk to comfortably, openly and safely. She always struggled to make friends and I was that way at her age too and now she finally has an established friend group thats tight knit. Im happy for her! She needs kids HER AGE that are going through the same things AT THE SAME TIME. Thats a great thing.
Its all just a bit of a contrast for me how quickly it went from "My sister is a big part of my week and would tell me everything and anything" to quite the opposite.
I accept this, Ill be fine. Shell be fine. Theres things teens gotta work through. I knew itd eventually happen...guess I didnt expect to take it so hard (rationally and logically I get it 100%. Emotionally Im like waaaaaah come baaaaack)
Shell pop back in her own time. Shes just on a thrill of new experiences. I presume. Orz
Ok theres my rant about my unhealthy big sister mindset lol
I am perfectly fine.