How often do you see that on avi sites? =D
Bribe me
I have no set price. I have no idea what these would be worth.
Just keep the contents in the next spoiler in mind!
► I prefer OC's over Avi's! I will paint avis, but the bribe may need to be higher
► I am better with females over males, but I am willing to paint males as well.
► I may not accept your offer, and please don't be offended if I say no. My painting capabilities are not the best.
► I will take some time. These are not the quickest things to do!
► Timelapses are available! Seriously. If you want me to record it, ask! Bribe me well to guarantee it =D
► Most of the trades will be going to my main [ Lady Luna ] Instead of through here.

Here's the form!
[b]Username[/b] ►
[b]Subject[/b] ► (Link to the image/s please! Not a spoiler. Not an anything other than a clickable link. Thank you)
[b]Gender[/b] ► What gender am I painting?
[b]Offer[/b] ► What are you offering?
[b]Notes[/b] ► Any special things to note?
[b]YT?[/b] ► Want a Youtube Vid?
[b]Subject[/b] ► (Link to the image/s please! Not a spoiler. Not an anything other than a clickable link. Thank you)
[b]Gender[/b] ► What gender am I painting?
[b]Offer[/b] ► What are you offering?
[b]Notes[/b] ► Any special things to note?
[b]YT?[/b] ► Want a Youtube Vid?
► Volts
► Ohms
► Orbs
► Orb Items
► Commons
► Set items
► Crates
► Event Items
Any questions I am asked, I will be posting them in here! =)
► None yet.
Here are my slots!
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