A large tire shot out of the dense fog and spun right towards the unsuspecting group. Fortunately for them, a hero was waylaid by recent events. A figure dashed in front of them, feet pressed firmly against the ground. They held a long wooden stick in one hand which they used to swing at the tire, and the two forces clashed in a squealing contest of might.
Hero was knocked back an inch, but retained their footing and ultimately prevailed. They blasted the tire upwards and out of sight. They released a shaky breath afterwards and turned to the group, "Hello friends! Are you all alright?"
They looked at each other and then back at the strangely-clad individual with the paper bag over their head. "Thank you so much," Vivienne spoke up first with a smile.
Vyctor gave a shrug, "Don't know who you are, but that woulda hurt. Thanks a lot, bud."
"Is good save," Vreg nods before Eugene pops out of his hair and squeaks hastily into his ear. "Oh, Eugene thanks bag head too!"
"Oh!" Smolkie's eyes lit up in sudden realization, "Might you be the Hero fellow who won Berinhard's Ring of Might? They say a masked fighter was victorious, and you did just save our lives quite heroically!"
"Aww, shucks..." If the paper bag could blush, it would be fierce as a tomato. "But ahh, heheh... I haven't saved us quite yet, you see, for there's an itsy bitsy liiittle problem."
Velvet pointed behind Hero while still tending to Vivienne. "You mean him?"
Berinhard the Strongman emerged from the fog to tower over Hero. "How could tiny ant be resisting my attacks, hm?" His voice was booming and while familiar, held an unnerving quality to it. His body was also terribly disfigured. Thick arms were now monstrous in size and supported a rippling torso with disgustingly bulbous legs dangling from a tiny gut. He slammed a massive fist into the ground and shouted, "Must be thinking yourselves better than the Strongman, but non! Berinhard is the powerful one here, the only one who can be changing things!"
Hero stepped forward and swung the stick to get a better grip. "You aren't the Strongman I came to fight," they began. "The Berinhard I know from stories would never think strength is the only thing that matters. In fact, you yourself taught me that."
Berinhard narrowed his gaze and there seemed to be a flicker of light there, but it was replaced just as quick with a deep red. His facial hair snaked over his face as if it were alive, sentient. Luscious strands slid up his temple to frame his eyes which glowed an unnatural crimson.
"Talk big for the worm that will be squished," he spat. "Weak sayings. Useless beliefs. Power is the only victor in this, the Ring of Fright!" Berinhard pumped his fists together in quick leaps that shook the earth.
"He - he has clearly been enthralled by the darkness! We must free him, I say, but without first weakening him... there will be no way for me to exorcize whatever evil has seized him," the Hypnotist shook his head. "Please, you must hold him off while I prepare the spell so he may be recovered!"
Vontell glanced back at him with a smile, "You need not even ask! I shall be your stalwart shield."
"Will help too!" Vreg took a stand alongside Von, but his legs were clearly shaking. Eugene, on the other hand, leapt from his hair and squared up by boxing in place.
"There's a good man," Vyc gave the rat king a slap to the back before cracking his knuckles. "This kinda thing's more my speed. Let's go!"
Hero joined their ranks with a chuckle, "Looks like I'm not alone this time! Good to know there's heroes in Voltra too."
The Strongman laughed an ugly sound that bellowed out of him, "Come then, worms! Will be smashing you all to bits and pay tribute to Him with your dust!" The crows circling overhead cawed as he reared back a fist and attacked!