Vontell waves a hand and under his fingertips, bright energy materializes. It takes the form of a spear which he snatches from the air and uses to strike Berinhard with blinding speed. It inflicts
69 damage!
Hero catches Berinhard's glare towards Vreg and brings their stick close to their chest. "Hear me, O Forgotten Lords! Bestow upon my friends and I your protection so we may smite this evil down!"
The party takes half damage this round!
Vyctor lets out a determined cry as a wave of icy energy lashes out from his form. Charging forward, he winds up an arm in a windmill motion and launches it forward to smash his fist into Berinhard's torso. A tornado of ice spins from his hand to blast the Strongman backwards for
106 damage!
Vregory whistles and the rats that were called by Eugene swarm off. After a moment, they return with a huge bag of garbage that Vreg heaves over his shoulder in both hands to jump and slam down against the Strongman for
1 damage... plus the 66 damage of the bag breaking and all the garbage spilling over him for a total of 67 damage!
The party has dealt a total of
242 damage this round!
Berinhard snatches Vreg by the ankle before he can fall back and swings him three times before releasing to have the rat king crash against a nearby attraction for
16 damage!
Berinhard slams his chest with both hands and lets out a deafening roar that inflicts
8 damage to each member of the party... including Vreg, unfortunately.
All damage by Berinhard was halved due to
Hero's Hear the Champ.