“BERIN!” An inhuman screech ripped across the fairgrounds, stopping everyone in their tracks.
The group turned to see what used to be Arika. The bottom half of her body was a long bright green tail, much like that of a snake. A mess of snakes sat where her beautiful curls once did, and her eyes glowed an unnaturally bright green.
The half-woman, half-snake monstrosity scrambled over to the sleeping body, falling to her hands and shaking. Her snakes reeled around, baring their fangs at the crowd intruding behind them.
Smolkie pulled Valentina back from the scene, putting space between them and the monster.
“Ma miel, please, no!”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the rest of the group, lasting a moment when Smolkie stepped forward to speak. Before he could get out one word, Arika let out a loud, long hiss that darkened the area around them, twisting the nature of the very space itself.
She held a hand to Berinhard’s face as she spoke.
“Everyone… Everyone thinks snakess are disgusting, lowly creatures…” She twisted her head around on her neck, glaring at the group. A long snake-like tongue flicked out of her mouth with her words. “But I assure you, the true vile creaturess are people.” The rest of her body turned with her head. “People like you!”
The Volties and Smolkie all took a step back as she started to circle Vontell.
“You all will suffer for thiss…” She lowered her head with a snarl, ”You sshall pay tribute to Him and He will help Berin! Your livess are forfeit!”
She charged them, the snakes on her head hissing and snapping. The group took off running on instinct, all in different directions.
“No, stay together!” Smolkie shouted after the group, but they were already gone. He ran to find a hiding place for himself.
As they concealed themselves in their respective hiding places, all they heard around them were echos of Arika cackling and hissing through the distorted circus grounds.
Smolkie crouched behind a dumpster, shouting to the group, “Everyone—we need to get back together—we need to trap her!” He glanced behind only to realize she found him. “Oh no…”