Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 18:40:48 )
Does anyone else play? I've been playing for about four years now. Honestly, my group of friend's biggest achievement is being able to meet every single Thursday to play for about four hours. It's such a wonder how we were able to coordinate six people's schedules so well.
The current campaign I am in is set in the world of the Fable games and I guess loosely follows the plot lines of the game (I've never played Fable so it's all new to me). My character is a 51 year old human fighter, named Taras Caldwell. He uses the samurai fighting style and has a bit of a tragic story. Sixteen years ago his wife died in childbirth and they lost the child. During the course of the campaign the dungeon master killed off Taras's living son. Taras has a bit of a drinking problem due to his loneliness and sadness about the fate of his family, and often after quests will drink until he passes out drunk. He also has a habit of indiscriminately kicking every treasure chest the party comes across. He tends to act as the team dad because all of his party members are much younger than he is.
Do you guys play D&D? Share your favorite characters and any great stories you have from your campaigns!
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 20:05:47 )
I play with some people I met online.
They were just a group of random people at first, but I'd consider them friends now.
We've been playing together about 7-8 months now I think.
I'd dabbled with different forms of DnD before that, but this is the first group I've been in that I could actually call "playing DnD"
We play 5th Edition, and I highly recommend it for newbies. Much simpler to get into.
We started off with playing the Lost Mines of Phandelver pre-written adventure, and the DM slipped in his own custom NPC, which lead into his homebrew world after we finished the written adventure.
I'm also playing another game with the same group, but another person is DMing. It's like a Spelljammer game. (DnD in space, with technology)
My two main character are Arne Takala, and Daja Tyse.
Arne is my character in the standard DnD game. He started as a human barbarian from a tribe of nomadic people that valued strength above all else. He was an unconventional barbarian because the DM allowed me to use dex instead of strength for my barbarian abilities.
After we finished the pre-written adventure the DM said we could change our character (with his approval), if we were unhappy with anything.
I felt like I didn't have many options with Arne, so I wanted to switch out of barbarian.
I had been playing him pretty religiously, and during the pre-written adventure we had found a weapon that had ties to a god he worshiped.
So I ran with that and switched him to a Sun Soul Monk, who worshiped a god of light.
It was easy to work into the story too. He had received visions from his god, and was 'filled with the light' of his god.
So he gave up his inner rage to embrace the light.
Tyse is a Goblin Arcane Trickster Rogue.
In the future-space-world the different races aren't looked down upon as much, and goblins are a bit less savage.
Tyse was left as an orphan at a large library/religious organization.
He was raised to be a keeper of the large library.
He turned out to be smarter than the average goblin and learned quickly, but he had an insatiable curiosity, and loved to rummage through things. Especially the things he was told not to.
No cabinets, closets, drawers, or trunks were safe from Tyse's ransacking.
Eventually he got into something he really was not meant to, and he was taken into custody.
But he was a slippery little bastard and made an escape.
After that he got into the world of crime, using his skills to 'find things' for clients.
His name is made from smashing my real names together in a way that sounded nice and goblin like.
And the idea for Tyse came from a friend who once joked about having 'cabinet goblins' because she had a bad habit of leaving cabinets open.
I do the same thing, so that's where Tyse came from.
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 02:31:00 )
@Rallaa: Arne sounds like a fun character! In my last campaign I was a barbarian too. I've never done any dual classing or changing of classes though. I tend to stick to fighter, barbarian, and my favorite is paladin. I'm more of a run in and smash everything kind of player lol
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 02:32:01 )
@xirin: yeah it sucks when you can't get a group together! It was hard in the beginning for us too but eventually everyone kind of worked D&D into their weekly routines.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 03:16:25 )
@iggy: You should try cleric. With some domains you can still do the smashy pretty well, and you get more spell casting than a paladin.
What edition do you play?
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 04:38:58 )
@xirin: You could maybe look online to find some more people in your area that are also interested.
There are a decent few people who post on r/lfg with threads like "looking for players in *such and such* city or area"
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 12:37:10 )
@Rallaa: lol well my thing is I'm not big on the spellcasting classes. I prefer little to no magic for myself. A paladin is the most magic I think I want lol. I have played spellcasting classes before though. Druid, bard, and wizard. My wizard was fun, but I think it was mostly because of his personality than the magic part. Also I kind of obliterated 3/5 of my party at the end of that campaign lol
Donator — she/they
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 09:48:19 )
I'm a Chaotic Neutral Volcanic (PINK!) Dwarven Fungus-worshiping-Druid. My beard keeps burning off, so I chia-pet that situation when I'm feeling less confident. I have eaten three men whole and alive (They totally deserved it, honest!). My weapon of choice is a large branch labled "Askin' stick". I have an electric wiener dog named Zazz. I can grow mythril, its no big deal. I travel with: A perpetually chipper young human thief who is obsessed with fire even though she has horribly scarred herself as a result (she also has a tiny pet dragon. Danger zone!) ; A staunchly serious occasionally cross-dressing Elven Paladin who recently lost favor with his god Sekhmet, and is brooding about it hardcore (bonus secret family lineage!); and a Dark-Elven Hard-Drinkin' war veteran (My husband! <3 ) that has strong PTSD and can fly into a flashback at any moment, and he can also command blood. An angel who talks like yogi bear recently re-re-attached his leg and removed all his scars, my hubbys character is pretty upset about that. Besides our own personal Gods, we are avatars of Avandra... because we have nothing better to do and she kinda tricked us (in my characters opinion anyway), which comes with some great perks but leads to a majority of our "oops we can never come back to this city again" quests. My Dwarf recently got possessed with EVIL of some sort or another and occasionally has an uncontrollable urge to prey on the weak. Oops again...
— Princess
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 13:14:23 )
@iggy: Yes being able to meet every week for four years is an insane achievement! I am so proud of you!! I have been trying to find a group for years and finally found one. We have been playing DnD every Saturday for about 5 months now and its so AWESOME!! I love it so much! Best game ever invented!!
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 15:17:07 )
@Glume: lmao that sounds like a crazy funny campaign. All the members in my group are human as per the setting in our campaign. Currently in my party there's Taras (me) who is the alcoholic sad dad, Enoch who is a hardcore cleric devoted to his god and good and frequently gets annoyed with the group but is also like Taras's best friend, Martin who is a mastermind rogue with a penchant for insulting our enemies and eating baby chicks alive...we're not sure what his deal his he's just strange. He has also hired two mercenies to accompany us for a year and they're names are Butter (who is evil) and Sugar (who is good). Then there's Morgan who is a rough and trouble young fighter and just wants to exterminate all balverines from existance. And Corrin, another rogue who honestly doesn't have much of a personality because the one role-playing her hasn't really put in the effort or doesn't know how to (even though shes been playing for a couple years). Morgan and Corrin are kind of a couple but not officially?
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 17:35:04 )
@Saeyra: I'm so glad I got into it! I had been wanting to play for years before I started but no one seemed interested or wanted to but thankfully my group got into it!
— Princess
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 19:55:13 )
@iggy: Haha yeah it is a commitment most people are not willing to make. They prefer games that last 30 mins to a couple of hours. Its alot easier to schedule those. DnD requires 4 to 6 hours at least. I knew quite a few users on here that are into DnD but unfortunately most of them went inactive I think. Hopefully they come back so we can all nerd out together.
Donator — sheep
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 20:07:32 )
@Saeyra: I would think it would be more convenient to play one night a week with a longer play time. Thirty minutes is not enough time to get anything done! Especially in my group!
Ahh you guys are so lucky having found groups :D I've never played D&D (unless you count some video games) before and am currently searching for a group :)
Really hoping for a RL one over the R20 rout but I may end up having too as NO ONE PLAYS AROUND HERE T_T