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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 04:17:52 )
Allen sat very still as Kaneko patched him like a true nurse, quietly listening to her humming. He found it very soothing. He hadn't even noticed she had put the ointment on him. Once she was finished, he slowly got up followed her to the coffee table. Even though he wasn't wearing a shirt, it kind of felt nice for the moment. He lightly placed a hand on the back of her chair and his nose crinkled some. "This bullet smells like magic.." He murmured quietly. And blood. His blood. But he could also smell magic. "I'm surprised it didn't do more damage." Allen sighed quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 04:29:27 )
"It smells like magic?" Kaneko repeated and sniffed it again. Was that what magic smelled like? How strange. "So this man that father sent must have known you would be here and he came prepared. Perhaps it didn't do more because it's so small and because me missed? I don't know, but I'm glad it didn't do much to you." She answered softly, setting it back down on the plate. "I wonder how it was even made and it has like a small little indent at the tip of it. Strange." Kaneko noted. She looked at Allen and blushed, seeing him so close. The gun, maybe she should have brought it with her so that no one else could get it, but there was no way she was stepping out there. Not after what had happened. She shuddered at the reminder. At least he was okay. "I should umm...g-get you a clean shirt." she said quietly, standing to her feet. "You just take a seat and relax okay?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 04:46:01 )
Allen frowned some as he listened to her words. Maybe that was it.. He missed. The size of the bullet was irrelevant really. "It's possible, but most hunters always carry at least one weapon with them no matter where they go." The smell burned his nose some, but he didn't move from where he was standing. He felt the chair move slightly as Kaneko slowly stood, and spoke about getting him a clean shirt. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, gently. "That man was carrying an anti-vampire gun. They are weapons forged in a magic specifically made to kill us." Allen said calmly, only wanting her to know this information. He wouldn't keep her in the dark like her father did. Slowly, he made his way to the chair and sat down.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 05:07:17 )
Kaneko frowned, "But when my father shot you...he didn't have a magic bullet gun.." She commented quietly. How had this guy even gotten this weapon? Who made it for him and how many more were out there. She quickly made her way to his room and picked up a clean button up shirt then walked back and carefully helped him put it on. "There we go." She whispered, and knelt down beside him as she realized something. "Allen...we aren't safe here either are we?" She asked him and rubbed her eyes. Why couldn't they just leave them alone? She buried her face in her hands and felt a lump in her throat. She didn't want to cry though. All of this work, all of the running and hiding was for nothing. They knew where she was, and her father would probably send someone after them again.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 05:38:59 )
Allen shook his head. "Not all hunters have an anti-vampire gun. Some of them just have normal weapons." He explained as he listened to her scurry off into the room. When she came back, he sat up some so she could help him put his shirt on and paused when she spoke. He could hear it in her voice.. Allen made a promise to her he couldn't have kept from the very beginning. Allen slowly leaned forward and gently placed a hand over her hands, and lightly pulled her into his lap where he wrapped his arms around her, in trying comfort her. "No one knows we actually live here.. We were down closer to the lake when he found us."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 06:11:36 )
Kaneko looked at him, surprised by his actions. He was wounded and yet he was comforting her. "It's my fault you're hurt...a-and.." She fought back a sob. "I k-know but what if...t-they find us h-here? What if t-they see us on our way out? Or..if they f-follow us back here?" She asked, trying to calm down and steady her breathing. What if he lost control and killed again? She knew he didn't do it on purpose though, but if someone had seen him kill that man they would have told someone and tried to kill him or hire someone to kill him. Don't you dare cry now Kaneko. Keep calm. Crying won't solve anything.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:23:23 )
Allen continued to hold her, and lightly rubbed her back soothingly. "I'm sorry.. Kaneko.. I know I'm reckless and acting on my own to protect you, but I realize now how selfish I've been.. Even if they find us, I won't ask you to hide it run away." He murmured quietly, holding her against him. "We can't worry about that now, or we'll be afraid for the rest of our lives. We can't live in fear.. I know it's easier said than done, but they'd never truly be safe. Never. Unless he and every other vampire vanished.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:46:34 )
Kaneko shook her head, it wasn't his fault. He was just looking out for her. He was just doing what he could to keep her safe even if it meant he'd get hurt. "I care about you...very much Allen. I don't want...I'm just scared that maybe one day they'll hurt you too much, and I won't be able t-to help you get better again. And I'll lose you..and I don't want that." Her voice was quiet, just above a whisper really. "You are too important to me." she added. Don't live in fear. Yes it was easier said than done. To not live in fear would mean to keep your guard down right? Kaneko wrapped one arm around his neck gently and rested her forehead against his lightly, her free hand gently running through his hair. "I love you." She whispered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:21:07 )
Allen took a slow shaky breath as he held her, and listened to her words. "Know this, being weary of those around you does not make you afraid." He said quietly. He really was dear to her.. She even ran away with him. He loved her enough to give his life for her, but he wouldn't say it. She was likely to respond very negatively and strongly to that thought. What came next though, even made his unbeating heart skip a beat. She.. Allen focused his eyes on her dark ones, even if he couldn't see her. "Kaneko.." He murmured softly. "May I kiss you?" Allen asked softly, his own cold cheeks warming a bit.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:41:26 )
Kaneko listened to what he had to say and nodded, "Okay." She answered. She believed him. It was true. Being careful didn't mean you were scared. It meant that you were being careful. Stranger Danger she thought. The golden rule to live by in life. He was all she had now, and she wasn't going to let anyone or anything take him from her. Maybe she was being selfish and clingy. Maybe she was being suffocating but in her eyes, she was just protecting that which was important to her. Just as he protected her, she would protect him. Whatever it took. She had actually said it, finally she told him how she felt after all this time. She felt a little bad that it had taken her so long to say it, but she just wanted to be sure. Love was a big thing and she didn't want to throw the word out there unless it was genuine. Her eyes looked at his milky white eyes and she felt herself blush at his question. "Yes you may, Allen." Kaneko answered, a smile on her lips.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:58:02 )

Allen felt a smile tug on his own lips as he heard the words. Gently, Allen moved his hands to cup her cheeks and lightly pressed his cold lips to her warm lips. The words he thought he would never hear. She loved him. Being alone for so long, and then meeting a sweet, caring girl like herself. A girl he easily came to love and long for.. He had to be the happiest vampire alive. After a few moment, he slowly broke the kids and pulled back just enough to then place his forehead lovingly against hers.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 20:30:12 )
((Hahaha Huzzah! We made it happen. :von-celebrate: ))

Saying it the first time was always tough because there was always the fear of rejection but here they were now. They had a home of their own. A place away from everyone else where they could just enjoy each other's company and they could go to the town if they ever needed anything or just wanted to look around. It was perfect in a way. This was what they had wanted for the longest time, and now they had it. Kaneko's hear skipped a beat when his cold lips met hers. She never thought that she'd one day kiss a vampire. She never thought she'd meet one or run away with one. It was a very good thing her father wasn't here and had no control over her anymore. He really was different from the others. Vampires were always meant to be scary, evil, killers. Heartless. But Allen was none of those things. He wasn't a killer...even though he had just killed a man not even thirty minutes ago. No, he wasn't a killer. That man had said something that triggered Allen. That, was what she had to be wary of. What if she said something to trigger Allen and he tried to- No, she would not even entertain that thought. The kiss ended and her forehead rested against his. Her fingers lightly toying with his hair. She was in total bliss right now. Nothing could ruin this moment for her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 21:22:23 )
((finally! HA Haha! :vanora_icon: ))

Allen honestly couldn't even begin to think what was going through her head right now. He could barely gather his own thoughts. One thing was certain, he did love this girl in his lap. Now, if only he knew what to do next. His thoughts wondered back to the man from earlier, and began to think. He couldn't just leave the body there..could he? After Kaneko went to sleep, maybe he'd go out and bury him? Even if he didn't deserve it. The other animals didn't deserve being exposed to a rotting corpse in time, or whatever happened to the body. Then again, he could just put him in the lake and be done with it. No, wait.. The fish and other sea life didn't deserve that. What to do? Either way, this moment was far more important. Allen lightly poked her nose with his own and then kissed her forehead. "I love you, Kaneko, and I'll keep saying it." He promised.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 22:01:03 )
(( There we go, finally managed to get a picture for you of them.))

They needed some more fire wood. She could get some more but to be honest she was too comfortable right here like this. Her mind was a jumbled mess, all these emotions whirling around inside her. Was this what love felt like? Did her mother feel like this at some point with her father? Did they ever just sit like this and enjoy each other's company? She couldn't picture it. Her father wasn't very affectionate. Just over protective. Well, he was affectionate when she was younger. He'd always be in such a good mood, he was playful and then one day he just stopped. It was like something happened that made him change who he was and she would never know what that was. Where did they go from here? One day at a time, baby steps to see just where this would go. For now, she would enjoy every day that she had with him because eventually she knew it would come to an end. Kaneko giggled at his affections and relaxed further in his arms. "And I you, Allen. I hope you don't get annoyed from hearing it so much." she chuckled. Ah this was nice, but she knew eventually they would need to eat too.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 06:27:27 )
((btw, I love the Sims look! :D you did awesome ))

Allen smiled when she giggled and closed his eyes. "I assure you, that won't happen." He said gently. Allen wouldn't ever be annoyed with her, no matter how many she said it. He rested against back of the chair, with Kaneko still in his arms. Very soon he was drifting off to sleep, not worn out and simply at peace, mostly. His hold on her wasn't too tight, so if she wanted or needed to get free she could He just wanted to stay like this a while longer.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 07:12:50 )
((Thank-you! I tried my best.))

Kaneko couldn't be happier, she was smiling like a big goof sitting here on his lap like this. Oh but she was happy, as she always was when she was with him. He was her everything. He represented so much for her. Things that she never had for the longest time. Safety, happiness, affection, familiarity. She had been safe at home yes, but she was always left alone so she never really felt safe. She wasn't happy, her father never allowed her to be. Affection was something she stopped getting so long ago and familiarity as well. She knew her father, recognized him, but she didn't know who he had become. She had lost her father long before he had been arrested. And she had lost her mother long before that as well. Maybe they weren't going to be safe as long as hunters existed, but she would fight back. Allen was the person she loved and she was going to do whatever it took to protect him. Whatever it took.

---Timeskip to month later---

Christmas time was a few days away and even though there was not real point in decorating, Kaneko couldn't help it. She had woken up early and decorated the entire house with a few things they had bought weeks prior. Her humming as usual was the only music that filled the house. No big tree because that would take forever to set up in here but they had a small one and yes, she got Allen a gift or two. It had been hard to pick something out because he wouldn't be able to see it but she wanted to surprise him anyway. Was there any mistletoe hanging around? Maybe there was. Now Kaneko had made some peppermint tea and was making her way back to their room to have it there for when Allen woke up.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 07:29:18 )
(( ^~^ yay, time-skip!))

Allen woke to the sound of feet shuffling around and Kaneko's beautiful humming and slowly opened his milky eyes. His eyes had started bothering him a while ago, since he was out of his special herbs and ha dnt found a way to get them here, and he hasn't told Kaneko. He was acting like his usual self, despite the discomfort and pain. He didn't show it. He was still healing from the gunshot as well, but it had mostly gone away. It was basically the size of a cat scratch now. Today though, despite the cold, he was burning up. Possibly running a fever, which he didn't think possible.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 07:54:49 )
((Yeah, and to my favorite time of year! ^ u ^ ))

"Good morning Allen. I hope you slept well. I made us some peppermint tea. I thought it would be fitting for the season. Well, I wasn't sure if I should make this one or cinnamon tea but I like this one much more." Kaneko admitted, setting the tea cups down on the bedside table. "I'll work on breakfast right now, I just wanted to check up on you. You doing okay? Do you need anything? Hungry? Thirsty? If you don't want to drink tea t-that's okay." She said quietly and brushed some hair away from her face. He seemed fine and the last time she had checked his wound it was pretty small. There was no blood, so it was healing up very nicely.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 17:09:55 )
((whoo~ :3 ))

Allen slowly moved his head in the direction of her voice and offered her a small smile. "Morning, love." He greeted softly. Peppermint tea.. Is that what he smelled? Season? He knew it was winter already, but why did it seem like her words held a second meaning? He was awfully quiet as she spoke about checking on him and asking if he was alright or if he was hungry, or thirsty. Some tea sounded nice, but he couldn't find his words at the moment. Whether it was due to how he was feeling, or because he had just woken up, was unclear. "I feel like a furnace.." He murmured quietly after he felt her brush some hair from his face. If he had a fever, breaking it in this weather wouldn't be easy.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 18:53:17 )
Kaneko's smile vanished when he told her how he felt. "A furnace?" She repeated and lightly rested her hand on his forehead. "You're burning up!" She gasped and quickly scrambled off to get the thermometer. "Let's see what your temperature is." She said, mostly to herself. "Open up." She said and when he did, Kaneko gently stuck the thermometer underneath his tongue. "Close." She instructed. Then she pressed the button and waited until it beeped. When it did, she just pulled it out and looked at the small screen. "102.3" She said quietly and sighed. That wasn't good. "Okay, well it looks like we're staying in tonight and it looks like you're stuck with nurse Boa today." She said to him, turning the thermometer off and wiping it down with a disinfectant wipe. "Alright, no blankets I'm afraid." Kaneko said and pushed the blanket off of his body. "One second. I'm going to get some warm water and a cloth. But here, drink some tea. It will help." She said, handing him his cup of tea.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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