The page is also from six years ago.
February 22
I don’t know what to write. This just happened and I’m still not sure how to process it. I had the worse dream yet tonight… I saw the orphanage burning. This time everyone was trapped inside. Lin, Arika, Berin, Connie, Ran… I had to wait outside and watch them suffer, scream and plead for help. When I tried to approach, the fires would only burn hotter. I knew it wasn’t a dream. I was seeing the inevitable. But when? How could I stop it? What could I do?
When I woke up… The man was in my room. Veles. I still can’t make out his face. He was sitting on my dresser and smiled, and I felt afraid. His words are sticking in my mind, so I’ll write them down:
“Don’t be afraid, little Io. I’ve been watching you for so long and you didn’t worry then. Tell me, are those dreams scaring you? I bet they are. And as they should. You can’t protect them forever. You don’t have that power. I could, however, offer you a solution to all your woes. I could grant you the gift to protect them forever, but I’ll need something in exchange. Would you like to make a deal?”
Even if I am afraid, I didn’t trust him. So I told him no. He only grinned and said he’d be back to ask again.
I opened my eyes again. Was it just another dream? I have a bad feeling.
I need to check for fire hazards today, and make sure Connie hasn’t been up to any trouble. Just to be safe.
You see Io curled up in his bed, chatting to a casual Veles. The strange man never once drops his smile.
Prepare for another clue...