It's still six years ago, but six months have past since the last page. The writing is now in braille, although it seems to be a struggle for Io still.
September 21
They want me to write again. It’s still hard, but I’ll try.
Even after all this time, it still hurts. I don’t like people seeing me like this.
September 22
He laughs in my head. His home.
September 25
Everyone tries to include me. Like it used to be. I’m not who I used to be.
I miss them too, but I hope they give up. I hope they leave and be safe. I’m tainted now. It’s too dangerous.
He wants to know what I’m writing. He can’t read braille. He only has my sight.
He stole it. He tricked me.
September 30
Lin refuses to leave me. I did this to keep him safe. What if I end up hurting him?
Lin is trying to convince me that we’ll leave here together. All of us. Finally start our carnival for real. Travel the realms. But what good would I be to them in this state?
I don’t trust Veles. He keeps taunting me. I’ll learn how to silence him.
You see Io sitting in bed, his face bandaged up, struggling to write.
Prepare for another clue...