While poking around Reddit I found this sub. It's all stories involving unnerving experiences with other people. I figured why not have our very own thread on Voltra where we can share said experiences as well.
The only thing that I ask is that you put trigger warnings and use spoilers if a story contains explicit material.
Here is one of my experiences:
It was a hot summer night and I had my window open as I slept. Around 1 AM I woke suddenly but was still half-asleep. My bed was on the other side of my room from the window. I could see my blinds swaying back and forth, but not like they did from wind. It seemed erratic and I suddenly felt terrified.
There were burglaries happening throughout my neighborhood during this summer. Most recently the house across from mine in the front had been broken into.
I sat up slowly then reached over and turned on the light on my dresser. I waited for a moment, feeling tense and uncertain. Then slowly climbed out of bed and approached the window. When I pulled back my blinds I found my screen had been pulled back and the outside window too. But the inside couldn't be as I have a little bar at the bottom to prevent it from opening too wide.
I knew I hadn't done that as it would have been careless and dangerous with all of the burglaries going on. I'm convinced I woke up as someone was trying to enter my room and scared them off when I turned my light on. I still can't sleep with my window open during the summer.
Let's never meet again burglar.
Forums Serious Talk Let's Never Meet - Voltra Edition

- That sounds really scary :o I don't think if sleep with my window open again after that!
I think I've been quite lucky because I haven't had many experiences like this. Or any, now that I try and think about it. I must be lucky.
currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

*The next day at Nyreen's place*
Hey, Nyreen! Watcha up to today?
"Oh, not much. Just screwing all my windows shut and having an alarm system installed."
Hey, Nyreen! Watcha up to today?
"Oh, not much. Just screwing all my windows shut and having an alarm system installed."

Only one comes immediately to mind.
Lemme see if I can write this the same way it felt.
A few years back, in a gaming community on facebook- the admin of a pokemon group who lived an hour away from me asked me on a date.
Now, we were online 'friends' but definetly not close. Not for any reason other than it just wasnt more than memes and battling. The members shipped us. I wasnt blushy about it at all but was like eh fuck it Ill meet ya.
The only things I knew about him was his propic was gorgeous. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) He talked often about being a proud home owner to a large beautiful property. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) And he works in "IT".
And we both like anime, manga, and videogames.
I didnt have high hopes because in the group any debates or intellectual topics that came up he immediately sided with me, like a white knight and would make the DISCUSSION awkward with his antics towards the disagreeing party. I had asked several times to not act protectively. I am a big girl. He was a ad hominem nightmare and like that trait alone is a major major turnoff. So I went in thinking "friends" not date, and I clarified that.
I showed up 20 minutes early to the meet up point, yeah I was dawled up. He chose a nice restaraunt. When i texted him he was like "Great Im at the table already." He beat me. Huh. So I give his name and get escourted.
The man I am faced with is not the man in the photo. At all. But I keep my comments to myself, looks dont matter with friends.
It was from nerdy male model esque to obese and much older.
I didnt even get to talk much lol I said hi how are you and the restvwas his life story between heavy breathing.
The big house he owns...is split between 8 people. They make "youtube videos" in a mini mansion. Hes wouldnt tell me the youtuber he just noted his friend is the semi famous one not him. But the house is in HIS name not the famous friend and when it comes time for baby making hell kickem out.
Claimed he used to be a big drug dealer but is a reformed man who had tons of money but gave it to charity.
He isnt 26 as he always said, hes 36.
Hes starting an IT company and "Its going to be big. "
Then he ranted about members of the group. Several members which are perfectly fine he is just absurdly sensitive and takes any slight slight jab as "they are my enemy" to which I FINALLY cut in to give him my polite thoughts on. I was honest, thorough but not harsh.
To which after he just responded (something like) "you know youre f****** smart right? You and me arent like the rest of them. Hell youre on a differwnt level than even me and not to brag but thats saying a lot." (Yikes fam. )
And then some i coherent tangent went on about the universe and "an intellectuals place in it" hes getting e x c i t e d and sweaty and shaking and im just wide eyed watching him anger himself about how hard it is to be gifted but poor. I feel ya bud but chill.
He insists in paying. I ALWAYS pay for myself. Thats a comfort thing. Friends, dates, etc I either pay for myself or the whole thing. Call it a quirk I get anxiety otherwise. He was like "I guess thats my first sign youre never gonna see me again?"
And i was like "? We have the group "
And he got pissed
And sorry I give no fucks lol so I was super lax like
"Unless theres some kinda event probably not? I havent hung with anyone in the group except for Brian.(my ACTUAL irl friend)"
And then he started shit talking my friend lol? Calling him a fake intellectual. (I sternly defended Brian) Then started asking me what Brian looked like. (Brian only ever had anime profile pics.) To which I was like
YA spittin' on me
YA slammin' my friend
YA ragin' out over nothing
YA needa' breathe and not ruin a good day.
And he was like "WELL aRIel I had a shitty day this was a waste of my time."
I just shrugged, 'youre entitled to your feelings'. He slammed his car door I started walking away and he drove up next to me "Sorry. Can we do this again? Can we start over. Ill take you out for ice cream."
"Thanks for saying sorry but no. Im tired."
*he manually rolls window shut while scowling*
*drives off*
*tires make that noise when you hit the gas too hard.*
*he gets a red light just several feet away from me lmao*
Im walking about to reach where his car is and he rolllllls down the windiw again.
"By the way sweet heart YOURE BANNED."
*gets honked at for not seeing the green*
*I never see him again.*
The bachelor admin of a 10,000 member pokemon facebook group folks.
@Rallaa: lol when i live on my own I'll likely have a big dog and will avoid living on the first floor unless there's a fenced in yard. And will likely set up alarms tbh or at least motion detecting lights. Call it paranoid buuut I plan to live farther into the city so ye.
call me grem

wew lad, that was a ride, Millet.
❥ wooooaaaahhhhhhh Millet that was crazy omg.

@Millet: O.O holy shit yo. What a fucking manchild.

I do have one story, and I've been debating with how much of the truth I'm going to put into it. The story gets very dark, and kind of explicit. But fuck it, I'm going to go into the very awful corners of Ama's acquaintances. If you have a problem with disturbing topics, seriously do not read what I'm about to put in the spoilers. Quenching your curiosity will not be worth it.
Let me preface this with: I'm into bdsm, specifically I'm into dd/lg scenarios.
The gentleman I'm about to be discussing will be referred to as Army, the nickname I gave him years ago because he shares a name with my ex. So I had to separate them with nicknames. Anyway. This gentleman, Army, has been known to me since high school. We hung out roughly in the same groups, and his brother dated a friend of mine. Now all throughout high school I'll be honest, he had always made me incredibly uncomfortable. He was one of those super intensely serious people that just set the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Army was cute, not really in the typical way. That's not what made me uncomfortable about him though. At the time though it didn't really matter, I was in a very committed relationship. In fact I was already engaged (I was with that guy for 7 years before we called it quits). Not long after breaking up with my fiance Army messages me that he'd like to hook up. Now I've never really been into the idea of casual sex, or at least high school Ama was never into the idea. Recently broken up college Ama though? She decided to give it a try, what's the worst that could happen? Right?
(This is a very long story, I'm sorry.)
Army is actually in the Army, so he wanted to get some while he was home on leave. After we did the do, he went back to base and that was it for a little while. Then he starts hinting towards wanting a relationship, I wasn't into the idea. I'd just gotten out of a seven year long engagement. Didn't feel the need to jump back into anything serious, I finally wanted to explore and expand a little. So I just kept pretending like I didn't really understand the hints. Besides that he once made the claim that he wanted to involve his gun in sex play. And honestly the fact he scared me was what drew me into him, and that kind of made me uncomfortable with myself. He gets kind of mad with me for not getting it, and we lose contact for a few years.
After a few years of doing the solo thing, and getting pretty comfortable with who I am as a person. I finally entire into another relationship. That lasted for about a year, and was with a guy I'd been friends with since I was in middle school. It wasn't a relationship that was meant to last however.
Army pops back into my life. Within a few minutes of my FB status changing to 'single', he messages me. Instantly he gets into sex talk and about how much he wants to have a FWB arrangement with me. Something to do whenever he was in town. I was in a dark place thanks to the break up, and my bipolar disorder. So I agree to the arrangement. We start sexting for the most part, since he lived a pretty long distance away. This is where things start to get disturbing and where telling you I'm into dd/lg was not a waste.
He starts talking about having sex with children, and being very aggressive into the idea of being my daddy. Except he didn't want to be my 'daddy', he wanted me to join him in reality. I'm skipping some stuff because this is overly long. Basically he shows me some uh...illegal things. He actually does use his gun in sex play. And tells me that if I ever report him, or if anyone ever reports him. He'd escape prison and kill that person. I have been trying to report him secretly ever since. Though I don't know enough information for something like Crime Stoppers to work, and I really really don't want to talk to the police about how I know certain things.
That is Ama's story, and she has been working hard to keep from ever meeting with Army again.
The gentleman I'm about to be discussing will be referred to as Army, the nickname I gave him years ago because he shares a name with my ex. So I had to separate them with nicknames. Anyway. This gentleman, Army, has been known to me since high school. We hung out roughly in the same groups, and his brother dated a friend of mine. Now all throughout high school I'll be honest, he had always made me incredibly uncomfortable. He was one of those super intensely serious people that just set the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Army was cute, not really in the typical way. That's not what made me uncomfortable about him though. At the time though it didn't really matter, I was in a very committed relationship. In fact I was already engaged (I was with that guy for 7 years before we called it quits). Not long after breaking up with my fiance Army messages me that he'd like to hook up. Now I've never really been into the idea of casual sex, or at least high school Ama was never into the idea. Recently broken up college Ama though? She decided to give it a try, what's the worst that could happen? Right?
(This is a very long story, I'm sorry.)
Army is actually in the Army, so he wanted to get some while he was home on leave. After we did the do, he went back to base and that was it for a little while. Then he starts hinting towards wanting a relationship, I wasn't into the idea. I'd just gotten out of a seven year long engagement. Didn't feel the need to jump back into anything serious, I finally wanted to explore and expand a little. So I just kept pretending like I didn't really understand the hints. Besides that he once made the claim that he wanted to involve his gun in sex play. And honestly the fact he scared me was what drew me into him, and that kind of made me uncomfortable with myself. He gets kind of mad with me for not getting it, and we lose contact for a few years.
After a few years of doing the solo thing, and getting pretty comfortable with who I am as a person. I finally entire into another relationship. That lasted for about a year, and was with a guy I'd been friends with since I was in middle school. It wasn't a relationship that was meant to last however.
Army pops back into my life. Within a few minutes of my FB status changing to 'single', he messages me. Instantly he gets into sex talk and about how much he wants to have a FWB arrangement with me. Something to do whenever he was in town. I was in a dark place thanks to the break up, and my bipolar disorder. So I agree to the arrangement. We start sexting for the most part, since he lived a pretty long distance away. This is where things start to get disturbing and where telling you I'm into dd/lg was not a waste.
He starts talking about having sex with children, and being very aggressive into the idea of being my daddy. Except he didn't want to be my 'daddy', he wanted me to join him in reality. I'm skipping some stuff because this is overly long. Basically he shows me some uh...illegal things. He actually does use his gun in sex play. And tells me that if I ever report him, or if anyone ever reports him. He'd escape prison and kill that person. I have been trying to report him secretly ever since. Though I don't know enough information for something like Crime Stoppers to work, and I really really don't want to talk to the police about how I know certain things.
That is Ama's story, and she has been working hard to keep from ever meeting with Army again.
I wish we could like or comment on each other's posts as we read them, but I guess I'll just make a big ol post with my thoughts on each since I'm late to the party?
@nyreen: Yikes that's spooky though. I always slept with some kind of jam in my doors and windows, especially when on the ground floor. I'm on the third floor now so I can sleep with my windows open but my deadbolt doesn't work and I'm always vaguely paranoid someoen's going to break down the door or pick the tiny little lock and come screw with me.
@millet: HOly shit, you actually met a cuck in real life.
@another movie addict: holy shit, you'rs is legit fucked up. At least most of these "let's not meet" stories have some closure and the teller is safe from the person they're telling the story about, but that's really scary. I've dabbled dd/lg so no shame there, but holy shit wanting to involve guns and actual kids like holy shit. THat's not a daddy, that's a creep. I really don't know what to tell you as far as reporting him in a safe way; it might be worth researching the best way to go through with it, I don't know.
I have a story too but it's not as wild as those already shared.
I'm a transgender guy, pre-T, and I don't always pass. From behind I'm pretty convincing, but I"m rocking some EE cups on the front and a binder just doesn't do the trick. I used to live in a bigger town where there was a lot of conflict with left/right politics (there was some small rioting on Hitler's birthday this year, Nazis trying to start shit downtown and antifa trying to shut them down; my story is maybe a month or two before then). I was living with an inlaw in a pretty good neighborhood with a popular path that goes along the river. I walked it most days, headphones in and without too much worry. I carried pepper spray and a pocket knife most days just in case, since that's how I was raised.
I never had any trouble except one of the last days I walked there. These three guys roll by on their bikes; no big deal there, it's a wide concrete path and bikes are very common. However, they're dressed all in black and have a very uniform sense to them. They're riding slow, casual, in that languid ways guys do when they're looking for a victim, looking to start shit. I am not psyched, but they're speeding away from me and will be out of sight soon. I keep walking.
Then the one in the middle looks back over his shoulder at me. Constantly. He talks to the other two (or was it three? Cant' remember) and they start looking at me. Maybe a hundred feet down the path they stop. They spread out. They have blocked my path, the entire path; they've even turned their bikes sideways so they can cover the entire wide path. There is no mistake: they have purposefully put themselves between me and my destination.
Oh fuck.
This path is very popular but at this precise moment it is deserted. Just me and this trio of creeps. They are watching me, they are waiting. My adrenaline spikes and I pause at the side of the road and pretend to fuck with my Spotify playlist, but I'm watching them through my sunglasses. They're talking to each other but, too far away to hear even with my music turned off, but their eyes never leave me.
There's nowhere to go. I could crash down the slope into the river - in the winter time - or I could try to cut across the lawn to the trees on the other side, hope their bikes are slow in the wet grass and soft earth. Behind me is another path into a neighborhood, but even if they didn't catch up to me - i am overweight and i do not run - what the hell would I do? Hide in some random person's yard?
We stand there for what feels like many minutes, staring at each other. It's blatant now, no pretending. I'm not looking at my phone anymore. I have a small knife and some spray but what good will it do against three muscular guys on bikes?
FInally, behold my saviors -- I hear an elderly couple power walking behind me. I do what any sane person would do and I fall in step behind them. They proceed down the path, jabbering at each other, not making any note of the obvious road block ahead of them, or the guy who's now following very close and purposefully behind them, nipping at their heels. I hate this town - even though I've moved away I still hate how dull the people there are.
We're getting really close, me and the power walkers. The bikes have not moved. One of them has his hand in his hoodie pocket - who knows what he was holding, but I could see his clenched fist in the fabric. We're close enough now that I'm thinking, "Did I fuck up? Are these guys seriously going to jump me in front of these old people? For real right now? Come on."
I really think I made a mistake, but then more bikers and power walkers appear on the other side of the path, behind the bikes, a whole group heading my way. The waiting bikers have to move out of the way, there's no other choice. They glare at me - one of them shouts something that's carried away by the babble of the normal people on the path. They bike down the road, turn the corner, out of sight. Unfortunately the path turns into my neighborhood and becomes my street, and by the time I get back to my place it's just me on my own. I got home without incident, but jesus christ. Closest I've come to actually getting my ass kicked, I think.
So, I-can't-say-you're-nazis-trying-to-beat-my-queer-ass-but-I'm-pretty-sure-ya-are fellas, let's not meet.
@nyreen: Yikes that's spooky though. I always slept with some kind of jam in my doors and windows, especially when on the ground floor. I'm on the third floor now so I can sleep with my windows open but my deadbolt doesn't work and I'm always vaguely paranoid someoen's going to break down the door or pick the tiny little lock and come screw with me.
@millet: HOly shit, you actually met a cuck in real life.
@another movie addict: holy shit, you'rs is legit fucked up. At least most of these "let's not meet" stories have some closure and the teller is safe from the person they're telling the story about, but that's really scary. I've dabbled dd/lg so no shame there, but holy shit wanting to involve guns and actual kids like holy shit. THat's not a daddy, that's a creep. I really don't know what to tell you as far as reporting him in a safe way; it might be worth researching the best way to go through with it, I don't know.
I have a story too but it's not as wild as those already shared.
I'm a transgender guy, pre-T, and I don't always pass. From behind I'm pretty convincing, but I"m rocking some EE cups on the front and a binder just doesn't do the trick. I used to live in a bigger town where there was a lot of conflict with left/right politics (there was some small rioting on Hitler's birthday this year, Nazis trying to start shit downtown and antifa trying to shut them down; my story is maybe a month or two before then). I was living with an inlaw in a pretty good neighborhood with a popular path that goes along the river. I walked it most days, headphones in and without too much worry. I carried pepper spray and a pocket knife most days just in case, since that's how I was raised.
I never had any trouble except one of the last days I walked there. These three guys roll by on their bikes; no big deal there, it's a wide concrete path and bikes are very common. However, they're dressed all in black and have a very uniform sense to them. They're riding slow, casual, in that languid ways guys do when they're looking for a victim, looking to start shit. I am not psyched, but they're speeding away from me and will be out of sight soon. I keep walking.
Then the one in the middle looks back over his shoulder at me. Constantly. He talks to the other two (or was it three? Cant' remember) and they start looking at me. Maybe a hundred feet down the path they stop. They spread out. They have blocked my path, the entire path; they've even turned their bikes sideways so they can cover the entire wide path. There is no mistake: they have purposefully put themselves between me and my destination.
Oh fuck.
This path is very popular but at this precise moment it is deserted. Just me and this trio of creeps. They are watching me, they are waiting. My adrenaline spikes and I pause at the side of the road and pretend to fuck with my Spotify playlist, but I'm watching them through my sunglasses. They're talking to each other but, too far away to hear even with my music turned off, but their eyes never leave me.
There's nowhere to go. I could crash down the slope into the river - in the winter time - or I could try to cut across the lawn to the trees on the other side, hope their bikes are slow in the wet grass and soft earth. Behind me is another path into a neighborhood, but even if they didn't catch up to me - i am overweight and i do not run - what the hell would I do? Hide in some random person's yard?
We stand there for what feels like many minutes, staring at each other. It's blatant now, no pretending. I'm not looking at my phone anymore. I have a small knife and some spray but what good will it do against three muscular guys on bikes?
FInally, behold my saviors -- I hear an elderly couple power walking behind me. I do what any sane person would do and I fall in step behind them. They proceed down the path, jabbering at each other, not making any note of the obvious road block ahead of them, or the guy who's now following very close and purposefully behind them, nipping at their heels. I hate this town - even though I've moved away I still hate how dull the people there are.
We're getting really close, me and the power walkers. The bikes have not moved. One of them has his hand in his hoodie pocket - who knows what he was holding, but I could see his clenched fist in the fabric. We're close enough now that I'm thinking, "Did I fuck up? Are these guys seriously going to jump me in front of these old people? For real right now? Come on."
I really think I made a mistake, but then more bikers and power walkers appear on the other side of the path, behind the bikes, a whole group heading my way. The waiting bikers have to move out of the way, there's no other choice. They glare at me - one of them shouts something that's carried away by the babble of the normal people on the path. They bike down the road, turn the corner, out of sight. Unfortunately the path turns into my neighborhood and becomes my street, and by the time I get back to my place it's just me on my own. I got home without incident, but jesus christ. Closest I've come to actually getting my ass kicked, I think.
So, I-can't-say-you're-nazis-trying-to-beat-my-queer-ass-but-I'm-pretty-sure-ya-are fellas, let's not meet.
previously keef with a k

I know exactly the kind of intensity you mean Ama. Would not just a report to your local police ve enough though? He SHOWED you these things right?

@keef: You my dear are one lucky dude.
@Millet: I've tried going through my own police department anonymously, but it didn't result in anything. The problem is he doesn't live here. He's stationed in N. Carolina at the moment. So somehow I need to alert the people there. He has honest to god kiddie stuff on his hard drive and computer and phone. I have seen the evidence. Just can't figure out how to report the douche.

We’ll carry on

@Tuijp: Thank you for the information.

Millet, spilling the tea:
Only one comes immediately to mind.
Lemme see if I can write this the same way it felt.
A few years back, in a gaming community on facebook- the admin of a pokemon group who lived an hour away from me asked me on a date.
Now, we were online 'friends' but definetly not close. Not for any reason other than it just wasnt more than memes and battling. The members shipped us. I wasnt blushy about it at all but was like eh fuck it Ill meet ya.
The only things I knew about him was his propic was gorgeous. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) He talked often about being a proud home owner to a large beautiful property. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) And he works in "IT".
And we both like anime, manga, and videogames.
I didnt have high hopes because in the group any debates or intellectual topics that came up he immediately sided with me, like a white knight and would make the DISCUSSION awkward with his antics towards the disagreeing party. I had asked several times to not act protectively. I am a big girl. He was a ad hominem nightmare and like that trait alone is a major major turnoff. So I went in thinking "friends" not date, and I clarified that.
I showed up 20 minutes early to the meet up point, yeah I was dawled up. He chose a nice restaraunt. When i texted him he was like "Great Im at the table already." He beat me. Huh. So I give his name and get escourted.
The man I am faced with is not the man in the photo. At all. But I keep my comments to myself, looks dont matter with friends.
It was from nerdy male model esque to obese and much older.
I didnt even get to talk much lol I said hi how are you and the restvwas his life story between heavy breathing.
The big house he owns...is split between 8 people. They make "youtube videos" in a mini mansion. Hes wouldnt tell me the youtuber he just noted his friend is the semi famous one not him. But the house is in HIS name not the famous friend and when it comes time for baby making hell kickem out.
Claimed he used to be a big drug dealer but is a reformed man who had tons of money but gave it to charity.
He isnt 26 as he always said, hes 36.
Hes starting an IT company and "Its going to be big. "
Then he ranted about members of the group. Several members which are perfectly fine he is just absurdly sensitive and takes any slight slight jab as "they are my enemy" to which I FINALLY cut in to give him my polite thoughts on. I was honest, thorough but not harsh.
To which after he just responded (something like) "you know youre f****** smart right? You and me arent like the rest of them. Hell youre on a differwnt level than even me and not to brag but thats saying a lot." (Yikes fam. )
And then some i coherent tangent went on about the universe and "an intellectuals place in it" hes getting e x c i t e d and sweaty and shaking and im just wide eyed watching him anger himself about how hard it is to be gifted but poor. I feel ya bud but chill.
He insists in paying. I ALWAYS pay for myself. Thats a comfort thing. Friends, dates, etc I either pay for myself or the whole thing. Call it a quirk I get anxiety otherwise. He was like "I guess thats my first sign youre never gonna see me again?"
And i was like "? We have the group "
And he got pissed
And sorry I give no fucks lol so I was super lax like
"Unless theres some kinda event probably not? I havent hung with anyone in the group except for Brian.(my ACTUAL irl friend)"
And then he started shit talking my friend lol? Calling him a fake intellectual. (I sternly defended Brian) Then started asking me what Brian looked like. (Brian only ever had anime profile pics.) To which I was like
YA spittin' on me
YA slammin' my friend
YA ragin' out over nothing
YA needa' breathe and not ruin a good day.
And he was like "WELL aRIel I had a shitty day this was a waste of my time."
I just shrugged, 'youre entitled to your feelings'. He slammed his car door I started walking away and he drove up next to me "Sorry. Can we do this again? Can we start over. Ill take you out for ice cream."
"Thanks for saying sorry but no. Im tired."
*he manually rolls window shut while scowling*
*drives off*
*tires make that noise when you hit the gas too hard.*
*he gets a red light just several feet away from me lmao*
Im walking about to reach where his car is and he rolllllls down the windiw again.
"By the way sweet heart YOURE BANNED."
*gets honked at for not seeing the green*
*I never see him again.*
The bachelor admin of a 10,000 member pokemon facebook group folks.

Only one comes immediately to mind.
Lemme see if I can write this the same way it felt.
A few years back, in a gaming community on facebook- the admin of a pokemon group who lived an hour away from me asked me on a date.
Now, we were online 'friends' but definetly not close. Not for any reason other than it just wasnt more than memes and battling. The members shipped us. I wasnt blushy about it at all but was like eh fuck it Ill meet ya.
The only things I knew about him was his propic was gorgeous. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) He talked often about being a proud home owner to a large beautiful property. (Inb4: oh thats why you met up with him.) And he works in "IT".
And we both like anime, manga, and videogames.
I didnt have high hopes because in the group any debates or intellectual topics that came up he immediately sided with me, like a white knight and would make the DISCUSSION awkward with his antics towards the disagreeing party. I had asked several times to not act protectively. I am a big girl. He was a ad hominem nightmare and like that trait alone is a major major turnoff. So I went in thinking "friends" not date, and I clarified that.
I showed up 20 minutes early to the meet up point, yeah I was dawled up. He chose a nice restaraunt. When i texted him he was like "Great Im at the table already." He beat me. Huh. So I give his name and get escourted.
The man I am faced with is not the man in the photo. At all. But I keep my comments to myself, looks dont matter with friends.
It was from nerdy male model esque to obese and much older.
I didnt even get to talk much lol I said hi how are you and the restvwas his life story between heavy breathing.
The big house he owns...is split between 8 people. They make "youtube videos" in a mini mansion. Hes wouldnt tell me the youtuber he just noted his friend is the semi famous one not him. But the house is in HIS name not the famous friend and when it comes time for baby making hell kickem out.
Claimed he used to be a big drug dealer but is a reformed man who had tons of money but gave it to charity.
He isnt 26 as he always said, hes 36.
Hes starting an IT company and "Its going to be big. "
Then he ranted about members of the group. Several members which are perfectly fine he is just absurdly sensitive and takes any slight slight jab as "they are my enemy" to which I FINALLY cut in to give him my polite thoughts on. I was honest, thorough but not harsh.
To which after he just responded (something like) "you know youre f****** smart right? You and me arent like the rest of them. Hell youre on a differwnt level than even me and not to brag but thats saying a lot." (Yikes fam. )
And then some i coherent tangent went on about the universe and "an intellectuals place in it" hes getting e x c i t e d and sweaty and shaking and im just wide eyed watching him anger himself about how hard it is to be gifted but poor. I feel ya bud but chill.
He insists in paying. I ALWAYS pay for myself. Thats a comfort thing. Friends, dates, etc I either pay for myself or the whole thing. Call it a quirk I get anxiety otherwise. He was like "I guess thats my first sign youre never gonna see me again?"
And i was like "? We have the group "
And he got pissed
And sorry I give no fucks lol so I was super lax like
"Unless theres some kinda event probably not? I havent hung with anyone in the group except for Brian.(my ACTUAL irl friend)"
And then he started shit talking my friend lol? Calling him a fake intellectual. (I sternly defended Brian) Then started asking me what Brian looked like. (Brian only ever had anime profile pics.) To which I was like
YA spittin' on me
YA slammin' my friend
YA ragin' out over nothing
YA needa' breathe and not ruin a good day.
And he was like "WELL aRIel I had a shitty day this was a waste of my time."
I just shrugged, 'youre entitled to your feelings'. He slammed his car door I started walking away and he drove up next to me "Sorry. Can we do this again? Can we start over. Ill take you out for ice cream."
"Thanks for saying sorry but no. Im tired."
*he manually rolls window shut while scowling*
*drives off*
*tires make that noise when you hit the gas too hard.*
*he gets a red light just several feet away from me lmao*
Im walking about to reach where his car is and he rolllllls down the windiw again.
"By the way sweet heart YOURE BANNED."
*gets honked at for not seeing the green*
*I never see him again.*
The bachelor admin of a 10,000 member pokemon facebook group folks.
This was both creepy and hilarious. If I had have sat down with someone that looked NOTHING like their picture I would have been terrified right then and there. A kind of 'oh shit I am going to be killed' moment. You handled yourself very well though. I must say.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.