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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 19:59:26 )
Allen quietly listened to her, and did as requested when she got the thermometer. It felt weird sitting between his fangs, but it was only for a short time. Did vampires even get sick, without the infection of poison or something? It had to be the affects of ignoring his eyes. Right? That was the only thing that made since. He quietly listened as she spoke, and slowly sat up after she uncovered him. Allen carefully took the offered tea and quietly thanked her, before blowing on the warm liquid and taking a sip. The mint hitting him made him shiver some but it was a nice feeling. "Well nurse Boa, I trust you'll take good care of me today." He teased lightly, not able to help his small smile as he took a sip from his tea.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 20:28:15 )
Kaneko laughed lightheartedly at his tease. She left him to enjoy his tea and left to fill a large bowl with some warm water. She grabbed a cloth and then walked slowly back to the room so she wouldn't spill any water. The bowl was set on the side table and she dropped the cloth into the warm water. "Well, I will always take good care of you Allen. I trust you will be a good patient yes?" she asked, picking the wet cloth from the water and wringing the excess water out. Kaneko carefully ran the damp cloth along his forehead. A warm bath was said to help, so this is what she came up with. "Is the tea good?" She asked him quietly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 22:05:33 )
Allen smiled once more and sipped his tea while she away. He tried to be, whenever she had to tend to him for one reason or another. He wasn't sure what to do though.. Allen blinked when he felt the warm damp rag across his forehead, but quickly relaxed as he thought about Kaneko mentioning going and getting a bowl of warm water. "Would it be easier if I laid down?" He asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 22:36:36 )
Laid down, yes it probably would be. Kaneko carefully took his cup and set it off to the side. "Perhaps." She whispered. A fever at this time, how had he even gotten sick in the first place? Had they been out in the town for too long? She had made sure they dressed warm though, it didn't make any sense. "Would you like anything to eat right now?" She asked him, carefully wiping his face with the warm and damp rag, then she gently wiped down his neck and frowned. She had never seen anyone with a fever as bad as this one. "You can lie down now if you'd like." She told him. Kaneko dipped the rag into the warm water again. Again she wrung out the excess water and folded it up to place it on his forehead.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 22:50:29 )
Allen easily handed over his cup when she took it, and lightly shook his head when she asked if he wanted anything to eat. He didn't really feel like eating.. Not food anyway..and he refused to drink from her a second time. He was lucky to let go the first time, and he wasn't feeling like this. He'd never been sick like this.. Wait! Yes he had. The first time he couldn't make his remedy because he had just started making it and didn't think to stock up on the ingredients. Three days of misery. Thus the reason he had always stocked up in the future. He hadn't found anyone that sold herbs those.. Not here. He would get better in a few days so long as he didn't push himself. Hopefully. When she said he could lay down, he did just that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 23:46:33 )
It was awfully troubling seeing Allen this ill and she wished there was more that she could do, but there wasn't. A fever was it's own thing. Medicine didn't really help. All she could do was continue to watch over him and make sure he slowly got better. A fever didn't last forever, but if it got higher or lasted too long, she would have to take him to the hospital in town. "I'm sorry you're ill Allen.." Kaneko murmured. The damp rag was carefully placed on his forehead. "You just need to rest now, sir Allen." It didn't surprise her that he wasn't hungry. He was sick, no one wanted to eat when they were sick, but he'd need to eat eventually. "Alright, but you need to eat at some point of the day. Even if it's something small. I can make you some soup later on. Or oatmeal if you'd prefer."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 00:48:41 )
Allen shook his head when she spoke and slowly raised a hand over his eyes, and closed them. "It's my own fault.. I should've thought to visit the old shop before we left our old town.. " He murmured quietly, biting back an annoyed huff. Yes, he was annoyed with himself. Allen gently placed a hand over here briefly and offered her a small smile. "Oatmeal sounds better than soup." He said. Right.. Rest. Hopefully they could left alone while he felt like this.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 01:15:10 )
"I should have thought of it too..." She said quietly. This town didn't have those herbs he needed and she had been wanting to plant them, but she needed to find them first. "My poor, sweet Allen is sick." She cooed, kissing his cheek and just holding his hand in hers. "Poor dear. I'll make you your oatmeal soon. For now, I want you to rest. I will drink my tea and check on the garden, then I will make sure we have enough firewood and then I'll wrap up your presents." She chimed, running her thumb over his knuckles. "Will you be alright while I step outside to tend to the garden and the firewood?" Kaneko asked him.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 02:07:48 )
Allen couldn't help smiling at her comforting words. He nodded lightly when she mentioned resting, then ask if he'd be alright while she tended to the garden. Hang on.. Did she say presents? So that was why it felt different from any other day. Something special was going to happen soon. "I'll be alright." He said, kissing her cheek when she was close enough. If anything, he'd doze off for a bit.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 03:00:35 )
Kaneko ran her fingers through his hair gently. "Alright then. I promise I won't be long. Once I'm done outside, I'll come check on you and if you want then, I can make you your oatmeal then before I do anything else." She said, feeling her cheeks flush with color when he kissed her cheek. Was this what love felt like? Who knew? "Rest well Allen." She said before picking up her cup of tea and walking out of the room. He needed to rest, and they needed to wait. The tea was supposed to help reduce it as well, so hopefully he'd feel better soon. sipping her tea, she filled the watering can with water then stepped outside and carefully watered the plants with some warm water. Her dark eyes glanced around, she didn't see anything or anyone though. It's okay, they were safe. "You're all growing beautifully. I can't want to see how much more you grow." She said softly to the plants as she watered them. When she was done, she set the watering can inside again and finished up her tea. Kaneko set her empty tea cup down in the sink then stepped out again to collect more firewood.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 04:03:08 )
@boss rimi: I totally give xOx trying to follow that thread is making my head hurt more than it already did ;~;

Allen quietly listened to her footsteps as she got up and left the room. He was happy, despite his he felt. He'd rest like a good little sick vampire and wait for her to come check on him. Oatmeal did sound good right now, but so did sleep. So he let himself fade away as sleep claimed him. A cat nap. He'd take a cat nap while she was out and then enjoy some oatmeal. That sounded nice. It wasn't long before he dozed off.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 04:43:22 )
((Lmfao Yeah I was just lurking and got tired of it so left to watch youtube. xD Try to get some sleep. ))

Kaneko busied herself in collecting some wood for the fireplace. They weren't too low but she liked to stock up that way in case of a storm they would have enough to survive the cold. The firewood was heavy though, so she had to go in and out of the house a few times before she gathered more than enough firewood which she meticulously stacked in a neat pile up in one of the corners of the house. She walked to the kitchen and washed her hands then dried them off and made sure the door was locked before making her way to their bedroom to check on Allen. When she got there, she smiled, seeing he was sleeping. That was fine, it gave her time to get his oatmeal prepared. Quickly, she left to the kitchen to do just that and of course she made sure to add some sugar and cinnamon to the oatmeal for better taste.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 22:09:53 )
Allen slept peacefully while Kaneko gathered the firewood. He didn't have any dreams, or nightmares, it was just a black dreamless sleep. Well, until did start dreaming. It didn't feel like a dream though.. It felt more like a memory. A distant memory he had forgotten a short time after being turned. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes sat at a round table next to a man with short brown hair, with a very small boy sitting in his lap. Their faces blurred and their voices silenced. The scene faded and changed to one where it was just the woman, and a boy. A very frail boy laying in a bed. Their faces still blurred and voice mute. He woke when the boy made an attempt to jump out of a window, and sat up. His breathing quickened for a moment before calming down. The rag fell off his forehead and into his lap, his fever remained unchanged. Did he live around here at a younger age? Was that why he was bothered? He wanted to remember, but couldn't.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 00:39:53 )
Kaneko loved the aroma filling the air. When it was done, she poured it into a bowl and carefully set that bowl down on a tray along with a spoon. She made her way over to the bedroom and stared at Allen who was sitting up. "Allen? You look troubled. Is something wrong?" She asked and shook her head. "Foolish question I know. You're sick and in pain aren't you?" Kaneko frowned and reluctantly approached the bed. "I brought the oatmeal but...I doubt you're in the mood to eat. Would you prefer to talk instead? Or I could read to you if you'd like. W-whatever you want Allen." She said and balanced the tray on one hand while picking up the rag off his lap. She wondered if the tea had even helped any. What if he never got better? That was silly, he had to get better. One didn't stay sick forever regardless of what you were.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 01:58:53 )
Allen raised his head when he heard Kaneko's voice, then lowered his head some. That was a doubled bladed question, wasn't it? He wondered quietly. When he felt the bed shift under her weight, he shook his head. "I could eat." He murmured quietly, figuring he should at least try to eat something. "Talking sounds nice too." He said, lifting his head some. Could he do both? Nah.. "Maybe we can talk, after I eat?" He voiced curiously.The oatmeal smelled pretty good, and he didn't want it getting cold.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 02:25:07 )
Kaneko nodded, "Okay." She said softly and carefully placed the tray on his lap so that the hot bowl wouldn't burn him. Hopefully he'd feel a little better after eating. Part of her feared though that it would only make him feel worse. "Eat as much as you can. You don't have to eat it all, Allen." She said, reaching over and playing with his hair. She wished that there was more she could do for him. She knew herbal teas were good for a fever. He had to stay hydrated and eat. He couldn't eat foods that were too sweet though, so she tried to keep that in mind. However, she did add some sugar to his oatmeal so that it wouldn't be bland.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 03:30:22 )
Allen offered her a small smile as she spoke, and shifted slightly when she placed the tray on his lap. He shifted slowly until he was sitting cross-legged, and closed his eyes when he felt fingers in his hair. Nothing bad, closing his eyes was just a habit of his even though he wasn't wearing the bandages anymore. Allen picked up his spoon and began to eat his oatmeal, blowing in it of course as to not burn himself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 04:45:18 )
Kaneko felt tired, even though she hadn't really done much. She should have made herself some breakfast but she forgot to do so. It could wait until later. Besides, she wasn't too hungry right now and maybe it was due to her worrying about Allen. "I hope I didn't make it too bland or too sweet." She said to him. It was surprising to see a vampire with a fever. She didn't think that they could get sick, she thought they were invincible to all illnesses. Clearly she had a lot to learn. She remembered what the older vampire had told her. She had a lot to learn about vampires, and he was going to show her but all she learned that day was that vampires were very dangerous. And frightening. Her eyes looked at Allen for a while before she focused on the bedroom door and thought deeply.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 05:23:57 )
He shook his head lightly and glanced at her. "It's the perfect blend, actually." He said to her casually . It was no lie either. After eating maybe a decent amount of his oatmeal, Allen paused and raised his head some. He could sense her uneasiness and grew slightly concerned. "Kaneko, you don't have to be afraid to ask me anything. Alright? I can't help but think something is troubling you.." He said quietly. Allen really hope she knew that.. If he had the answers, he would share them with her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 06:08:34 )
Hearing Allen's words caused a tightening in her chest. Of course something was troubling her. Ever since the encounter with that man, with his old master, Kaneko couldn't help but be frightened. His old master was dead, the hunter too was dead; but she knew that there would be more. Maybe another vampire would find them. Maybe Allen would snap and hurt her, maybe another hunter would try to kill him. How could she tell him all this though? "I guess I'm just really worried about everything that's happened up until now. And...well you're sick right now. I don't want to imagine what would happen if someone were to find us right now." Allen was in no condition to fight, he was weak. If someone wanted to turn him against her he'd succumb pretty easily wouldn't he? She didn't know, and she didn't want to ask.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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