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Forums Cirque ad Infinitum Encore: Until We Meet Again

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 01:57:53 )

Meanwhile at the fairgrounds, the Reaping Ritual having never been performed disrupted the balance of things and opened a rift to the Nether realm. The Guardians had been spending days fighting off a relentless onslaught of demons while also avoiding the massive murder of crows still flying about, picking and pecking at all remnants of food. Being a bird himself, Spark had taken an immense liking to them.

The Guardians were successful in staving off their enemies from wreaking havoc on the rest of Voltra, but without any hope to its end. Until the day Veles was defeated. From the abyss of the ether, a starburst of clustered souls went to each crow infesting the fairgrounds, and a blinding light swept the area. “My friends!” Spark cried out devastated but as the light settled, he had a rare moment of clarity: the audience had returned! Albeit in strange locations since every single body of a soul had been transmogrified into a wandering black bird.

“Help!” A man cried out from the high beams, and with him several other people hanging on for dear life. Static and Frizz rushed up to them. “Wait, how'd you guys get up here?!” Spark squawked as he helped them down, his moment of clarity lost.

And in the midst of recovered souls, there were two noticeable figures back and ready to do a ritual. Trick and Treat, knowing time was of the essence, met at the stage and nodded to each other. “Trick, we must complete the ceremony or that rift will never close.” Treat dusted herself off before pulling the gift back out from her cloak.

Trick held up a hand and the gift he was to give her appeared in a burst of greenish flame. "Yes, Trick concurs. He is overjoyed to see you safe, Treat, but now we must finish what we began."

The exchange was carried out with a single focused onlooker. The young man who had shouted that their effects were good. He had been a bird rummaging through a food stall and was still rummaging as a person, cheering as the rift sealed shut above.

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 01:59:03 )
The souls of Cirque ad Infinitum and one Smolkie McMoy shot back into their bodies after Veles' realm collapsed. The pages of Io's spell to teleport them into the astral plane turned to dust, remnants lost to the wind.
“Io!” Lin was the first one back to his feet despite his weakened condition. He looked down at his hands but Io's soul was gone. His heart skipped a beat.

“The orb my boy, the orb I say!” Smolkie pointed to a floating light some feet away. Lin, Ran, and Smolkie stumbled and charged after it, surprisingly back to where Lin had confronted you. Io’s body lay there peacefully with Velvet, Vyc, and Vontell watching over it. They raised their heads up happily, giving a slight cheer to see everyone back and okay. The orb made its way to flicker over Io before melting itself back into him, and just as it did... Io let out a moan, coming to consciousness.

“Buttershnuckles, you’re back!” Lin leapt to hold the oracle and Ran to his side as well. "Bwuh?" Io was overwhelmed by the sudden stimulation and could only manage to let out a few sounds that fumbled out of him with the joyful manhandling.
“The boy needs some space to breathe I say! Give him room, give him room!” Ran and Lin reeled back just a bit, but Io sat up fully then with a shake of his head. "No, it's okay. I worried you all a great deal, and still you came for me. You saved me. For the first time in six years, I can see clearly..." Io turned to each of them as a rare expression showed on his lips. A genuine smile. Faint, but powerful. "Thank you."

There was a burst of cheer at the words and action which made Io cock his head in confusion. “Did it we all, together!” Berinhard laughed heartily with Arika letting loose a few tears.

“Not gonna join em’ gramps?” Constance nudged Smolkie. “This is their time right now. Wait, young miss! Why aren’t you over there?!” He tried to give her a slight push forward and she smacked his hand away.
“Do I look like the huggy type? He’s safe. That’s enough for me.” Constance stretched before plopping down with a yawn. Smolkie looked on at the happy family reunited and laughing once again.

“I hate to cut to the chase but…is everything…good now?” Vyc asked hesitantly, and it gave Velvet the confidence to chime in.
“Hope so. Personally, I’d be a much happier girl if we didn’t have to dodge any more mirrors or get choked out, you know?"”

Lin scratched his cheek in shame and Constance let out a boisterous laugh causing Arika to try and smack her. “This Doctor here! Very strong man. Pretty sure he was one to be defeating Veles!” Berinhard placed a hearty hand on Smolkie’s shoulder startling him, and Io rose his face up in Smolkie’s direction despite not being able to see him.

“You were the one?” Io’s question lacked any intent and was more so an auto response to the news. Smolkie scratched his face nervously while giving a chuckle. “My, I’m pretty sure it was all our teamwork together that beat Veles! Alone to do it? I couldn’t have.”

Lin nodded with a grin, “It’s true. Don't think we could have done it without him.”

Constance made a gagging sound. “Jeez, I hate humble people. Just say it and quit acting all goody goody about it.”

Arika swung for Constance every time she opened her mouth to say something bad, and a secret contest began between them to see who would outlast the other. “We're fi-finally free! Our family is safe, and Veles is go-gone. Now's the time to be ha-happy!” Ran did a spin on her heel full circle and pumped a fist to the sky triumphantly to which everyone agreed.

Vontell pulled a large bag out from behind the log he was seated and began pulling boxes of food out, arranging them gently. “I thought you all might be hungry when you returned victoriously and so we stocked up on some nourishment for your safe return.”

Velvet clapped her hands together in relief, "Oh, that's right! We can finally eat now that they're back."

Suddenly, a large hungered growl came from Io's stomach causing him to blush at the volume. Lin chuckled and Ran cover her mouth with a giggle as everyone started to eat.

“HEY! LET’S PLAY A GAME!” Constance shouted with a mouthful of pizza.

“Light hearted game good for calming the nerves! Like food helping the stomach!” Berinhard reached for another slice of pizza.

“First good thing you’ve ssaid since coming back, dear.” Arika gave a playful Grin which Constance waved off.

“I have just the idea for a game actually. I say - please, would you let me start?” Smolkie beamed his trademark nerdy smile and everyone joined in with their own, shouting approval.

Npc Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:04:47 )

Congratulations, Io is okay and everyone is back to their appropriate dimension.
It's been a rough week for everyone, now that family is happily reunited it is time
for a nice light hearted no-stakes game.

After all rounds are completed, a bonus pose will be unlocked.

Let's play hangman! Smolkie goes first. Click his name below!


Then post your screen shot here to begin the next round!


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:06:29 )
After a night of fun and games, the celebration culminated in a photo of them all together...

Then, everyone made their way back to the city. Vyc, Velvet and Vontell gave a thorough testimony to all that had went down which came as an emotional shock to the Guardians. Accommodations were made for Cirque ad Infinitum and Smolkie to get a good night's rest at a hotel as saviors of Voltra. As the new day rose and everyone awoke with a sigh of relief that it wasn’t all just a dream... but Ran didn't rest well.

“Little butterfly, eyes look dark! Why is that?” Berinhard bent forward looking at Ran with concern who blushed in embarrassment.

“Connie sno-snores, Berrie. Loudly.” Constance walked out looking refreshed.

“You should get that checked out, Connie,” Lin suggested with a weary smile as he too could hear her through the walls.

“Yeah? And Io needs his eyes checked. Minda ya’ business.” Arika appeared at Constance' back, looming over her. “Such a naughty girl,” she chastised the clown with a lack of s's which meant she was serious. "Do I need to give you a more thorough spanking?"
Constance whirled to face her and put up her dukes, “IT’S A MEDICAL CONDITION!”

Arika gave a sigh before Lin's voice attracted their attention. “Cornpuff? What’s wrong?” He asked looking at Io who was frozen in place, lips in a thin line.

“Io...? Wh-wh-what is it? What's wrong?” Ran walked over and reached out in concern, but his sudden voice caught her by surprise.

"Berinhard," he addressed the Strongman specifically. "I need you to take me somewhere, quickly."

The Strongman gave a blink but also a big grin, "Berinhard always here and ready for family, little moon!" He closed in on Io and lifted him up onto his shoulders.

Lin could recognize that intensity anywhere. Io would experience it when he had a vision of great importance. "What'd you see, little fawn?" He gently pried.

"Death," was all the Oracle could muster.

In the dead of night, Smolkie found himself scrolling down a familiar sidewalk. The Cirque ad Infinitum poster he had handed off to two children a week ago was poorly taped back in place on a nearby post. He curved into a brick alley way across the street from the hospital. Leaning his back to the wall and allowing himself to sink down, he pulled out his pocket watch. Flicking it open to look at the photo of he and his wife, he heard a demon's voice rasp tauntingly in his ear.

“I can bring her back, you know. If you release me, I’ll show you how! It's very easy.” Smolkie laughed and removed his hat so to wipe the sweat from his glistened bald head. “I do say, for a demon that can’t even win in his own dimension, you have quite the sense of humor to think you could do the impossible. Or that rather, I’d fall for such a ploy.” He could feel within him Veles seething with rage.
“So what if you outsmarted me? The watch is just a toy and like Io, you are naturally gifted with that disgusting magic in your veins. Good for you! Here's a cookie. But you didn’t think everything through, old man.” The hands on Smolkie’s watch ticked forward and he kept his eyes on the passage of time that felt slower now more than ever. Veles continued to berate him.

“Why THIS seal? You know that it can’t hold up forever. All it takes is a sliver of weakness and your entire body's mine! I can make you strangle the very boy you love so dearly- lifeless, into just another betrayal by you to him.” Veles words didn't bother Smolkie in the slightest which infuriated the demon.

“If I may be so conceited, I consider myself a very smart man. I realized rather quickly that Io’s spell would not be enough…if I didn’t take you within me. You would have just kept us all there for eternity tormenting us. With all the power you absorbed, none of us could have beaten you in your own realm. That I knew.”

Veles cackled, “True story. And here we are.” Smolkie placed his hat back on, tilting it forward so to cover his own eyes. “Yes, yes indeed! Here we are. Everyone’s souls were saved, Io can finally live happily with his family and most importantly, heal. The mission was a success.” The ticks of his pocket watch sounded a bit louder perhaps due to his own focus on the sound.

Veles scoffed, “And now I wait, since this spell is just a ticking time bomb and I’ll be free to drag you all back to my domain alllll over again.” Smolkie held the watch tighter before giving out the biggest laugh he ever shared. “You are correct, Veles. Correct about one thing in particular. This is indeed a ticking time bomb." In that moment, the demon understood. And felt true fear.

“Wait... no, you can't be serious?! Why would a human-”

The watch ticked a final time.

“Excuse me, sir! Where is the nearest hospital?” Lin asked a random civilian who looked up at the pale boy on Berinhard's shoulders. “Oh my, he doesn’t look too good. It’s just two more blocks down left!”
Constance groaned. “It ain’t for him." The troupe darted as fast as they could down the alley way. “Hospital and alley way of brick! Must be the spot there!”

Berinhard with Io, Lin by their side, and Arika were the first to reach the destination. Just as Constance and Ran were about to turn to look, Arika shoved them both back and away. “Hey! Watch it!” Constance protested but the strained look on Arika’s face sapped every drop of wit Constance had in her. Arika looked to both girls desperately. “Don’t look.” Ran’s eyes widened at the implications. Berinhard knelt down to let Io down gently, and the Oracle stepped forward with a stagger before Lin took his hand to steady him. The Ringmaster grit his teeth, and the Oracle's heart sank. Io knelt down slowly reached a hand out to touch the soft fabric of Smolkie's jacket. He traced his hand down his arm before the cold metal of the pocket watch triggered a magical flash of memories to reach the entire troupe's eyes.

If you are seeing this, Cirque ad Infinitum, then my life has come to a happy end! Do not be sad, I say, for now I go to my beloved wife wherever she may be. She would have loved each and every one of you, you know! Even you, Constance, in all your troublemaking! Incredibly endearing, she would have called it. Of that I am sure.

Io, I know there might be one question eating away at you, and my boy? I had always hoped to adopt you to carry on my legacy. I saw in you the burst of an exorcist's power, and I wanted nothing more than to give you a home where you could be safe. A family to call your own, hm?

Fate had other plans, however! Approved of you I was, but denied of Lin, and I saw how close you two had grown - oh, indeed I did! Two peas of a pod, you were. No way was I ever intending on separating you, and soon? You had a family to call your own. It may not have been with me, but that is of no consequence!

And here comes the elephant in the room, I'm sure. Smolkie, why did you do it? Because I've grown to love not one, but all of you, and I knew, knew Veles could not be defeated so simply! No, me and Iris have fought our share of demons, let me tell you, and this one was particularly nasty. There was only one way, I say, and that was to seal him within my very soul just long enough that his demise was assured!

Unfortunately, as was mine. Again I ask you, good sirs and madams of Cirque ad Infinitum, not to cry on my behalf! Smile, because Guardians know Io needs it. Live on, you wonderful children, and be happy as the family you deserve to be. The darkness is gone, and it's time, finally time for you to frolic in the light.

Be happy, be safe, and know Dr. Smolkie McMoy will always be watching over you.

Tears welled up in all of their eyes, even Constance letting out a pained gasp as she, Ran and Arika collapsed into each other for an embrace. Berinhard placed a thick hand on Io's shoulder as Lin held Io close. “Was…good man! Loved you he did…” The Strongman choked on his words. “He was a better man than I always thought him to be…” Lin put on a brave face, and the Oracle? He clung to Lin's sleeve, unsure still how to process emotion. What felt like water dripped from his chin, but it wasn't raining. . .

A few days passed until the troupe was set to leave Voltra. Legal authorities loaded the casket into their vehicle and signaled to Lin that they are ready when they are. “I thank you all for your infinite assistance in our egregious affairs.” He said to the team of Shop keepers who made their way to see them off.

“If you don’t mind my asking, where are you takin'…him?”
Vyc felt guilty for prying.

“Our little Oracle was able to do the describing of a vision. Of specific grave located in cemetery near the Sunflower Orphanage. That is where Mrs. McMoy rests…together…they should be.” Berinhard wraps his arm around Arika and pulls the hair from out of her face.

“Ah, that is most beautiful. I hope to one day visit,” Vontell shakes Berinhard’s hand, and his is almost completely enveloped.

“And where will you all go? I hope you come back to visit…” Vivi gave a warm smile to Ran who gave the peace symbol in return. “Sooner than you th-think! Voltra truly is am-amazing!”

Vyc walked over to frazzle up Constance’s hair. “I’d tell ya to stay out of trouble. But I don’t think it’s possible with this one traveling with you.” Constance quickly raised her head underneath his hand and bit Vyc’s finger. “Yeowch!” She whipped her head the opposite way. “Hmph! Well I’d tell you to stay out of trouble, but since I am trouble, I regret to inform you that we’re coming back.” Lin turned to her pouting. “Connie! We haven’t fully decided on that yet!”

Vanora leapt forward. “But oh, I really hope so! You guys were quite popular while here. Especially you, Io! Someday I want you to read my fortune, okay?” Io faltered but nodded his head. “I will.” He turned away from her and back to the caravan

“We are off. We will see you ssoon I’m sure.” Arika gave a wink to the group before following Io.

“Ba-bye! Tha-thank you Voltra!” Ran waved happily before loading herself in.

“Again, friends, we shall be doing the meeting!” Berinhard bowed deep before following Ran.
“Okay, show's over. Ya’ll can go home and forget us now.” Constance lifted her suitcase above her head.
“Not gonna happen girly. please be safe, everyone!” Velvet gave a wry smile to her and Constance just rolled her eyes before climbing in.

Lin gave a deep breath in. “I’ll be sure to inform you all somehow when we arrive and things are taken care of with Dr.McMoy.” Spark bustled through the group. “Hey man, I didn’t get to know you very well... but from the bottom of my heart, know that you and the rest of the troupe can come back and title yourselves Volties whenever you want!”

Lin smiled brightly. “I appreciate that offer. We’ll think about it. Despite everything or maybe because of everything, Voltra holds a special place in our hearts." Lin stepped up onto a wooden crate yet to be loaded into the caravan and dipped down to give a mighty bow.

“We hope you enjoyed the SHOW of the CENTURY!"
Everyone cheered out and clapped. He hopped back down, gave a wave with his back turned and like that, they were off to tie loose ends. As a family reunited.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:16:33 )
oooh this sounds fun!

And bonus pose :vivi-celebrate:

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:17:58 )


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:19:22 )
Mdom so quick. :D

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:19:40 )


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:24:52 )

Smolkie removes his hat and bows.
"Ah, you have bested me. Perhaps I would have come up with a better word if I wasn't so hungry!" He dips out to peruse the foods Vontell collected and begins to gorge as if it was his last supper. Lin sat up and used the handle of his whip to draw his round. Click his name below to solve! Screen shot when successful.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:25:55 )
Also, ]Buttershnuckles


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:26:54 )


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:29:12 )

"It's your turn, plum blossom!" Lin extended his hand to Io, who let him fluidly raise him up. Io thought for a moment but then crouched down and drew his layout with a stick. He nodded his head and looked up at you with a smile.
Click his name below to solve, and screen shot when successful!


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:30:56 )
plum blossom

I'm dying over here

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:30:57 )

I'm always almost killing the hangman xD

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:31:29 )
I did kill mine this time. lol

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:31:48 )
I killed mine too. XD

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:31:48 )

He passed the stick to Ran, whose face flushed being picked by Io. Here you go. his voice was so cute she wanted to melt within herself, until she noticed everyone raising a brow at her delay. Ah! Sorry! Le-let me think...hmm..oh I g-got it!
Click her name below to play, screen shot when successful!


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:33:35 )
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:33:40 )
So is Io still blind, or did he get his eyes back?
Wardrobe/Art Collection

Art by kiwi

Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:34:12 )

A bonus game, how fun.


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