So I just found out that this one reallllyyy annoying coworker I'm often scheduled with just quit recently.
I feel like a major weight has been lifted and I can finally do my job without having to deal with his crap.
He was a very in your face kind of person so he was very annoying.
I literally felt the need to mentally prepare myself every time I worked with him because hes just mentally exhausting. What sucked was that he always requested to work with me because I never complain when I work.
If things didn't go his way he acted up like a child, and would blame other people.
Omg then he'd pull you aside at work if you don't do something the way he wanted you to. (He will literally do this during busy hours too)
He was also basically unmanageable. My managers had the hardest time dealing with his attitude.
He was good with customers which was why my boss kept him. His ignorance got the better of him one day, and he got this one really bad customer complaint. Other customers complained about him before, but I guess this last one just pushed my boss to give my coworker a talk. After the talk my coworker just quit.
I also remember this one time when my Manager decided to give other people more hours to balance the amount of hours everyone got and my coworker FREAKED out. He went as far as to start drama with my managers then bring it to the boss. He caused my managers and boss to stay up all night to talk about the schedule change and they even had this meeting at the restaurant at 6am the next day because he was still throwing a fit.
The more I'm typing out my memories, the more I realize that i have too many dumb stories involving him.
Another time, he lost his phone when his sister came to drop something off at work. He accidentally leaves his phone on top her car as she drives off. He starts getting frantic and he keeps bugging me to call/text his sister a specific message. He was literally yelling at me as I was trying to serve customers (Hes a loud person in general). So while trying to keep my customers comfortable, I also had to tend to his needs

ugh what was reeeeaalllly annoying about him though was that hes so judgmental about people. He will openly tease your insecurities and joke about it despite how you feel. My workplace is chill and everyone loves to be sarcastic/joke to one another but my coworker will get offended right off the bat even though his comments are more on the rude side. Like the moment a joke is about him he gets all defensive and hostile towards you.
Ok rant over lol.
I know for a fact we all have experienced annoying/odd coworkers, I'd love to hear your stories

Depending on how I feel after work tomorrow I may pick some people for freebies