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Forums General Chit-Chat An annoying coworker just quit

Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 06:45:34 )

So I just found out that this one reallllyyy annoying coworker I'm often scheduled with just quit recently.
I feel like a major weight has been lifted and I can finally do my job without having to deal with his crap.
He was a very in your face kind of person so he was very annoying.
I literally felt the need to mentally prepare myself every time I worked with him because hes just mentally exhausting. What sucked was that he always requested to work with me because I never complain when I work.
If things didn't go his way he acted up like a child, and would blame other people.

Omg then he'd pull you aside at work if you don't do something the way he wanted you to. (He will literally do this during busy hours too)
He was also basically unmanageable. My managers had the hardest time dealing with his attitude.
He was good with customers which was why my boss kept him. His ignorance got the better of him one day, and he got this one really bad customer complaint. Other customers complained about him before, but I guess this last one just pushed my boss to give my coworker a talk. After the talk my coworker just quit.

I also remember this one time when my Manager decided to give other people more hours to balance the amount of hours everyone got and my coworker FREAKED out. He went as far as to start drama with my managers then bring it to the boss. He caused my managers and boss to stay up all night to talk about the schedule change and they even had this meeting at the restaurant at 6am the next day because he was still throwing a fit.

The more I'm typing out my memories, the more I realize that i have too many dumb stories involving him.
Another time, he lost his phone when his sister came to drop something off at work. He accidentally leaves his phone on top her car as she drives off. He starts getting frantic and he keeps bugging me to call/text his sister a specific message. He was literally yelling at me as I was trying to serve customers (Hes a loud person in general). So while trying to keep my customers comfortable, I also had to tend to his needs .

ugh what was reeeeaalllly annoying about him though was that hes so judgmental about people. He will openly tease your insecurities and joke about it despite how you feel. My workplace is chill and everyone loves to be sarcastic/joke to one another but my coworker will get offended right off the bat even though his comments are more on the rude side. Like the moment a joke is about him he gets all defensive and hostile towards you.
Ok rant over lol.

I know for a fact we all have experienced annoying/odd coworkers, I'd love to hear your stories ~
Depending on how I feel after work tomorrow I may pick some people for freebies


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 08:37:08 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I hope I remember tomorrow to come back to this, cuz I have a few. Any story from when I worked at an adolescent psychward is automatically a "wtf" scenario.

Like of all the "story times" I could tell in my life, like more than half come from when I worked there lmao

Tis back to bed for me tho. Night


Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 11:23:57 )
I had a coworker with the intelligence of a twelve year old (no joke, I think she might have had some seriously un-diagnosed fetal alcohol syndrome, and her parents didn't care about her.) move in to my house to live with another roommate of mine. THAT was an ordeal, oh man....
It sucks that we have to spend the better parts of our days with people we don't absolutely love. Thanks a lot, capitalism.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 14:05:07 )
We’ll carry on

I have Jewish blood from my mother’s side of the family and, one time I worked in a green house, I worked together with a gypsy (he called himself that). We got along just fine.
Another guy working there was a Nazi (and yea he also called himself that and he was proud of it).
Working there was not all that great, let me say it like that. The chief was afraid of the Nazi, so he could do or say whatever he wanted.

Also working there, was a guy who wasn’t 100% there. During break he would often just sit and stare at you.
His car wasn’t road worthy (but he didn’t care that he didn’t have a car insurance because he didn’t have a license either).

One time, we heard him coming. It sounded like something was dragging along with the car.
And there was something dragging along: the exhaust pipe.

During the lunch break (he came in during morning break) he went out ‘to fix it’.
The Nazi and me later checked together because he was done in 10 minutes. He put it back on with tape and cable ties.
That Nazi and me didn’t agree on a lit of things (basically the only thing we had in common were a few bands we liked), but we agreed that that car was dangerous for everyone on the road, so we called the police on him right when he drove off.
He got arrested for driving without a license, insurance (you need to have that here), not paying tax for the car and because the car was anything but road worthy.

Once a year, there was a party in the tiny town where we were working and it was 4 days long. The Saturday when it started, the company we worked for always had a barbecue.
On Friday, we always had a few drinks after work and the Nazi and me would have friendly debates (not sarcastic here, they were friendly).
One year, at a barbecue, we were eating and drinking, we had a few debates inside. We went for a smoke together outside and continued the debate. Then all of a sudden everyone else ran out.
One of the other coworkers had thrown up. Not just on the floor in front of her, but also over herself, the table in front of her, where she walked to the toilet and, last of all, the toilet itself.
I never ran away from a barbecue faster.


Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 05:29:31 )


@Glume: wow omg I cant even imagine living with such a coworker. You are a trooper lol.

@Tuijp: Ahhh sounds like you have quite interesting people around you~ And omg that BBQ just sounds like an office episode xD.

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Ah geeze I hate when coworkers cant separate personal life and work life. On the bright side you will just look better as a worker. It sucks having to carry your team in term of workload like that :<.


Art Thread | Garage Sale

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 08:22:16 )

I don't have any odd co-worker stories, mainly cause I've never worked a job where I had co-workers XD

Currently I am a nanny/babysitter.
I guess I could tell stories about the person i work for. :vanora_sweat:
she's nice but there is things she does sometimes that just gets on my nerves.
Like one thing that bugs me is the way she treats their two chihuahuas,
to her they are just pets not family, but to me pets are supposed to be family.
So when she thinks about getting 'rid' of one cause the pup has chewed something or peed on something,
this irks me. like one has to go through the effort of training their pets.
once you adopt a pet, you have a responsibility to care for them.
ya can't be callous towards them or neglectful.

(Avatar Closet)

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 12:01:19 )
We&rsquo;ll carry on

@Alexis: almost every day working there felt like an episode of a sitcom.
From a chief who wanted to act like everyone‘s father, a racist who was pretty open minded after a few drinks, 2 coworkers who secretly had a relationship but everyone knew (she 30-ish, he 18), a fat lady who always had cookies and chocolate when needed, a stoner and your friendly neighbourhood punk (aka me)


Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 15:00:08 )
@Alexis: I'm so not. I put my foot down a lot but got ignored or made to feel like I was a bad person for not wanting my personal life circulated through the store by an employee... I was a manager at the time so it extra didn't look good. BUT WHEN IT ALL BLEW UP IN THEIR FACES... I didn't even say I told you so.... I guess I'll take points for that.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 17:54:13 )
Millet, spilling the tea:



@Glume: wow omg I cant even imagine living with such a coworker. You are a trooper lol.

@Tuijp: Ahhh sounds like you have quite interesting people around you~ And omg that BBQ just sounds like an office episode xD.

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Ah geeze I hate when coworkers cant separate personal life and work life. On the bright side you will just look better as a worker. It sucks having to carry your team in term of workload like that :&lt;.


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