Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 15:46:55 )
@vengeance: Morning! or is it afternoon where you are? I'm unsure honestly ;A;
@star2000shadow: Honestly I gave up and just buy mens coats. They always have one that fits me or is bigger, that way I know I'll have one that keeps me warm.
@macsen191: Yea, I always buy the ones I like first because I never know if I can actually get all of them because of how I post xD
Hun, I've looked in mens coat. they dont' ahve my size here in mens coats ether. there for i had to buy it online. 'shrugs'
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 15:54:01 )
@star2000shadow: That's crazy! Our walmart keeps coats in mens stocked because in the winter most men work outside so it means more money for them if they keep it stocked.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 16:36:04 )
@star2000shadow: That's crazy! Our walmart keeps coats in mens stocked because in the winter most men work outside so it means more money for them if they keep it stocked.
I am a size Six X in womens, if not larger, so im praying their six X coats are the same as their pants. because that means I'll have a los eneough coat. if'll still be bigger then my out of date coat that doesnt' even close over the tummy anyways. our walmart goes up to Three Xl period. adn then its the 'smaller size' of three XL.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 18:05:02 )
@star2000shadow: I hate buying clothes at walmart. They rarely have anything in my size I like, and if you do find something and don't get there right when they put the stuff out it's gone. Plus they stopped carrying my fav brand which is JMS, so now between and is where I do all my shopping now. Sometimes I'll find a good deal on Amazon, but I prefer womanwithin as they have more avaliable sizes.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 18:23:09 )
@macsen191: taht's where i got my coat t hat im waiting on, and i got it while it was on sale so instead of a hundred some dollars it was 45 plus shipping and handling and tax wh ich brought it up to 63.25 but with a coad it broguht allt hat down to 55 dollars and some change which left me with eight bugs to play with which iw as quite happy to do so. 'happy wiggle' not that i got much of anythign did a donation to a avi site and that was that ha.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 20:06:28 )
@vengeance: something derped on my tablet and so I couldn't draw until I figure out what the heck went wrong.... it's moving around but wont click on anything or draw or anything...
@star2000shadow: Oh no! I hate how stores do that ;A; I know ours goes up to like 5x sometimes but it's rare. Its usually 4x and lower. Then shopping online poses the same problem on hoping its the right size and isn't running smaller ;A;
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 20:45:40 )
star2000shadow: Oh no! I hate how stores do that ;A; I know ours goes up to like 5x sometimes but it's rare. Its usually 4x and lower. Then shopping online poses the same problem on hoping its the right size and isn't running smaller ;A;
Yeah i know..I'm praying this is the right size, if it doesn't fit and i had to wait t his long, and pay as much as i did, I'm a be GRUMPY.
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/16 22:33:35 )
@star2000shadow: I's ok... been having cold symptoms and that sucks but for the most part I'm good. Also jelly beans are such a strange candy. I've never had any that didn't tast like what they said they were. It's like they just turn the food or whatever into a lil candy bean.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 09:24:38 )
@star2000shadow: I's ok... been having cold symptoms and that sucks but for the most part I'm good. Also jelly beans are such a strange candy. I've never had any that didn't tast like what they said they were. It's like they just turn the food or whatever into a lil candy bean.
\i know right its so cool. i loved their 'cold stone icecreame' candies their awesome..
Donator — She/Her
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/17 23:25:20 )
@KayBit: Mmmm my husband made me angry right off the bat, but that's just married life. Otherwise, all is well currently.
@star2000shadow: I don't get them too often but when I do I usually buy a mixed bag of them ;u;
if they'd been on sale i probably would of bought a big mixed bag. but ti was only the little oens on sale so i got one of buttered popcone and coldstone icecreamparlor mix. both where fantastic.